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: <font style="color:#9EC60B;" size="3">●</font> [[Marlon'to Menai]]: One of the residents at The Bistro Fork Inn, Wyra'li was so incredibly curious about his strange sounding legs that he actually managed to drag himself out of bed in order to investigate. Despite Marlon'to's awkwardness in conversation, they became fast friends thanks to their equally playful natures, and Wyra'li has grown fond of their conversations and his company. He wishes he were healthy enough so he could get to know him even better instead of being restrained to that of an inpatient.  
: <font style="color:#9EC60B;" size="3">●</font> [[Marlon'to Menai]]: One of the residents at The Bistro Fork Inn, Wyra'li was so incredibly curious about his strange sounding legs that he actually managed to drag himself out of bed in order to investigate. Despite Marlon'to's awkwardness in conversation, they became fast friends thanks to their equally playful natures, and Wyra'li has grown fond of their conversations and his company. He wishes he were healthy enough so he could get to know him even better instead of being restrained to that of an inpatient.  
: <font style="color:#BEC3BC;" size="3">●</font> [[Deakkov Penritt]]: Wyra'li knows him as Marlon'to's close friend, but can't help but be curious about the hyur since he seems to have never really made an entrance to the Bistro Fork Inn. He's interested in learning more about the curious long legged man.  
: <font style="color:#BEC3BC;" size="3">●</font> [[Deakkov Penritt]]: Wyra'li knows him as Marlon'to's close friend, but can't help but be curious about the hyur since he seems to have never really made an entrance to the Bistro Fork Inn. He's interested in learning more about the curious long legged man.  
: <font style="color:#F02311;" size="3">♥</font> [[Altaeirh Azarael]]: A character from Wyra'li's past, the miqo'te had run into Altaeirh through his previous contracts with other trading companies, and had come to know him quite well since his health prompted him to spend more and more time at the main base of operations. After becoming quick friends, seeing that they could converse for hours with one another, Wyra'li found that he couldn't hide his failing health from the hyur. Altaeirh immediately took note of it and began searching for a cure, and when Wyra'li abandoned the trading company for solitude, Altaeirh gave chase and eventually rediscovered him. Even though he was at first genuinely concerned for Wyra'li's health, the feelings evolved into something more, and Wyra'li, desperate for deeper relationships, found that he couldn't resist the other's charm, especially so near death. However, now that Altaeirh has been making rarer and rarer appearances, Wyra'li's beginning to drop back into old habits, worried that he's unable to trust anyone and that he's made a mistake making himself so vulnerable.  
: <font style="color:#FA70BC;" size="3">♥</font> [[Altaeirh Azarael]]: A character from Wyra'li's past, the miqo'te had run into Altaeirh through his previous contracts with other trading companies, and had come to know him quite well since his health prompted him to spend more and more time at the main base of operations. After becoming quick friends, seeing that they could converse for hours with one another, Wyra'li found that he couldn't hide his failing health from the hyur. Altaeirh immediately took note of it and began searching for a cure, and when Wyra'li abandoned the trading company for solitude, Altaeirh gave chase and eventually rediscovered him. Even though he was at first genuinely concerned for Wyra'li's health, the feelings evolved into something more, and Wyra'li, desperate for deeper relationships, found that he couldn't resist the other's charm, especially so near death. However, now that Altaeirh has been making rarer and rarer appearances, Wyra'li's beginning to drop back into old habits, worried that he's unable to trust anyone and that he's made a mistake making himself so vulnerable.  
: <font style="color:#9EC60B;" size="3">●</font> [[Aran'sae Dia]]: A conjurer come upon by Eir'a, this Hearer came to Wyra'li's aid just in time to spare him from drowning in his own lungs. He is a severe individual, hard to read and yet incredibly genuine. Patience has granted him Wyra'li's respect and the bard can't help but feel comfortable around him. He respects his bluntness when it comes to discussing his condition and Wyra'li is grateful to have the conjurer's visits not only for his aid but for the calm that he brings to Wyra'li's panicking heart.  
: <font style="color:#9EC60B;" size="3">●</font> [[Aran'sae Dia]]: A conjurer come upon by Eir'a, this Hearer came to Wyra'li's aid just in time to spare him from drowning in his own lungs. He is a severe individual, hard to read and yet incredibly genuine. Patience has granted him Wyra'li's respect and the bard can't help but feel comfortable around him. He respects his bluntness when it comes to discussing his condition and Wyra'li is grateful to have the conjurer's visits not only for his aid but for the calm that he brings to Wyra'li's panicking heart.  
: <font style="color:#9EC60B;" size="3">●</font> [[Marlon'to Menai]]: One of the residents at The Bistro Fork Inn, Wyra'li was so incredibly curious about his strange sounding legs that he actually managed to drag himself out of bed in order to investigate. Despite Marlon'to's awkwardness in conversation, they became fast friends thanks to their equally playful natures, and Wyra'li has grown fond of their conversations and his company. He wishes he were healthy enough so he could get to know him even better instead of being restrained to that of an inpatient.  
: <font style="color:#9EC60B;" size="3">●</font> [[Marlon'to Menai]]: One of the residents at The Bistro Fork Inn, Wyra'li was so incredibly curious about his strange sounding legs that he actually managed to drag himself out of bed in order to investigate. Despite Marlon'to's awkwardness in conversation, they became fast friends thanks to their equally playful natures, and Wyra'li has grown fond of their conversations and his company. He wishes he were healthy enough so he could get to know him even better instead of being restrained to that of an inpatient.  

Revision as of 05:03, 22 October 2015

 Wyra'li Polaali
Wyra'liPolaali Smirk.png
"A charming bard with a heart of crystal."
Gender Male
Race Miqo'te
Clan Keeper of the Moon
Citizenship Revenant's Toll
Age 25
Sexuality Homosexual
Occupation Mercenary and Crafter
Height/Weight 5 fulms 6 ilms / 139 ponze
Diety None

This page is always under construction. Last edit: 6/13/2015

Basic Info

For a miqo'te with a crystal buried deep in his chest, Wyra'li Polaali has managed to remain unfathomably jovial. Despite the fact that he's probably carrying the means of his own demise within his sternum, Wyra'li has somehow managed to keep himself up on his feet and traveling the width and breadth of Eorzea, telling jokes and earning laughs wherever he manages to find work and accommodations. After all, he knew naught else but his family trade, loaning himself out to hard work and fair pay for the sake of survival as he moved from one job to another, moving ever farther and farther away from Revenant's Toll, his home. In an effort to sever ties to his family, who had left him for dead the moment they laid their eyes upon him, speared onto a javelin of crystal, he made every effort to make himself scarce. Not only that, but he found it easier to breathe, nonetheless function, the greater the distance he put between himself and areas of great aetheric activity. Unfortunately, though, his travels from one caravan to another has been justifiably suspended thanks to the inevitable growth of the crystal. Unable to bear the thought of his former trading company pitying him or coddling him as he succumbed to the effects of the crystal, Wyra'li fled to the farthest reaches of the Outer La Noscea, fearing that he would end up like those wandering the bowels of Pharos Sirus. Fortunately though, some of the friends that he had made from his journeys were not only good people but great hunters invested in his wellbeing, and they sought him out despite his every intention to evade them. They eventually discovered Wyra'li and began redoubling their efforts to try and find a way to save him from the crystal's growth before it overtook him. Spending months bedridden at the Hermit's Hovel, Wyra'li spent his time learning crafts in boredom as he awaited the aid of his friends. Many cures and solutions were brought forth, but to their grief, they discovered that none would save Wyra'li. It was only when a last ditch effort was made by Altaeirh, using a auracite, that the corruption was finally healed from Wyra'li's crystal and it was put to sleep. The crystal now lies dormant in Wyra'li's chest, and no longer offers the risk of eating him alive from the inside out. However, it is still a source of chronic pain. Since his healing, Wyra'li has been moved to the recently established Bistro Fork Inn, an establishment that he's invested his savings in with the help of Eir'a Holmen in case of his death due to the crystal. Under the supervision of Eir'a, his close friend and caretaker, Wyra'li is currently recovering his strength and building back his muscle after the illness had atrophied most of his body away. Unknown to Wyra'li, however, was the fact that with the sleeping of the corruption in his crystal, was the awakening of the original shard and its curse within him. Connecting him to a mental link where others also afflicted with the curse could not only speak but share all things conceptual and internal, Wyra'li was at first overwhelmed and horrified by the curse. He became terrified of others getting into his head and reading through his memories and emotions, and thus retaliated and accidentally attacked all those present in the Link. Since his original introduction to the Link, he had spent days refuting his ability to connect, and convinced himself of his going insane, before again his panic reached a fever peak and he was accosted by those he was attacking, who approached him in an effort to calm him. It was only after Wyra'li attacked Eir'a in his panic, that he woke up and realized just how possessed by fear that he had become, and finally succumbed to his fate before he could run the risk of hurting anyone else. As well as focusing on his healing now, Wyra'li is struggling to tame his connection to the Link.


Jokes, the good and the bad
Challenges, anything to keep his mind working
Warm flavorful food, particularly meat and curry
Solid food
Laughing, he enjoys it immensely.
Groups, as in having his own place in one.
Having his ears rubbed.


Those lacking humor
Being shirtless
Liquid food


Entertainment, both singing and dancing (when he is healthy and hale)
Crafting, as he is a weaver and leather worker and recently adopted culinarian
Quick thinker and risk taker
Fast on his feet and extremely dexterous
Stubborn, determined, and proud (A holy trinity of extremely compatible yet toxic traits)
Pain tolerance (Look to the holy trinity)
Extremely sensitive to aether
Incredibly lucky or, alternatively, incredibly unlucky
He can speak in sign language

Appearance & Personality

During his zenith, Wyra'li was a strapping young lad with muscle enough to carry cargo and perform a variety of jobs with little struggle. He had thighs that hurt to slap, and a punch that would certainly break some cartilage, but because of his wit to perform with as little energy as possible for more coin, Wyra'li spared himself the bulk that was gathered by his eldest brother, but made just as much as he with half the work. His build, as a result, remained lithe and spry up until his decline in health. Being an efficient worker, Wyra'li learned to love having his hair tied up and out of his face and keeps it up even when he sleeps, leading to funny shapes in the locks of short hair framing his cheeks. Efficiency, however, is always what he caters towards in both his look and his choice in fashion, and he would much rather forgo looking dapper as long as he could be comfortable in what he had to work in, which is why his hair is always tied back. He hardly ever lets it hang down. The turquoise hue of his hair is due to his demure father's genes, though richer in color, and for a long time it had a healthy almost luxurious sheen until his decline in health. With the color shared by his eyes, Wyra'li finds his color palette pleasantly balanced. Of his entire family, Wyra'li resembles his father most, much like his brothers, but he has the lightest skin tone, an overcast grey versus their stormy clouds, a trait that his mother correctly identified as being a sign of poor health. Wyra'li has a piano player's hands, delicate and dexterous, but he's built up calluses on his fingertips and between his fingers thanks to his playing as well as his archery. His ears are tipped with black, but have one obvious spot on them, which is where he claims he likes to be rubbed most, and his tail is both long and feathery as well as well groomed. He is very expressive with his ears and tail, sometimes to the point that it becomes his own detriment because it makes him easy to read.
Despite his past, though, Wyra'li is a merry soul. Cheerful and charismatic, Wyra'li likes to refer first to his charm and wit rather than his tact and gravity. Making people laugh, he believes, is the quickest way to earn their respect, as well as a sure fire way of earning friends in the right places. After all, being a mercenary with no home to call his own, he needs all the support he can get. However, despite the fact that he's friendly and outgoing, an adept and able extrovert, he in no way trusts those that he creates relationships with, not without a severe amount of experiences to prove their honesty and devotion. Thanks to his upbringing, he believes that people are, in the end, only out for themselves, and to that end, he must be as well if he has any hope of surviving. It's what got him this far. The drawback of it is, though, that Wyra'li is a social being who does desperately crave being in a strong committed relationship, it's just that he's unable to reconcile with the fact that he's scared of betrayal. It is the one act that he considers to be the most despicable and unforgivable action in all the world, even more so than others. So while he's able to strip himself clean of his grins and giggles, the more serious side of himself isn't something that he likes to readily convey and probably is his last resort when it comes to communicating. Humor has been his defense for so long, so it's his seriousness that would expose his vulnerability, and his vulnerability is exactly what he's afraid to show. Unfortunately, however, his body isn't able to support his desire to cover himself with defenses and it certainly isn't in the best state for him to continue his unhealthy habit of being suspicious of everyone. Now, more than ever, he is being forced to confront his worst fears and place his highly guarded trust in the hands of those who might be able to save his life. Death is one of his greatest fears, not because that it is an end, but because he sees it as being left behind, that not everything was used in order to prevent that death, and that it was a failure on the behalf of not only himself but of others.

Known Biography

A Childhood Spent in Training
Being the third born son in a rogue family of Keepers in the newly established Revenant's Toll, Wyra'li wasn't given very much attention from his parents. With his mother disappointed in the fact that she hadn't yet gained a daughter, Wyra'li was considered to be a burden onto a father who was already raising two other subservient boys. He grew up desperately seeking the attention and the approval of not only his father, who was soft spoken and gentle, but his mother as well. Seeing that his brothers didn't get much even when they were following orders, Wyra'li focused instead on trying to make them smile, which he was able to succeed with only a few times. The attention that he craved was given instead by his brothers, who had become fond of him, having grown up in similar circumstances. They would depend upon each other for support and entertainment when their parents were off working, and most often had to take care of each other. With the introduction of the long awaited little sister, however, Wyra'li found that what little attention they had before was immediately stripped away in favor of the little girl his parents had always wanted. It was hard to be upset about it, having been raised to understand the importance of women, but Wyra'li couldn't help but be jealous but his envy only stoked his curiosity. The three boys were expected to look after and care for their younger sister, whom they dedicated themselves too entirely in their youth with little complaint. In truth, they adored her, even if they were envious of the attention she got, and she adored them. Wyra'li would use his jokes and charm to entertain her, his brothers would listen and laugh. Through this, he was able to develop a solid bond with his siblings and his sister, and they were inseparable. He grew up thinking that there was nothing that could tear them apart. It would have remained true had it not been for the fact that they all had to grow up one day. Following his brothers into the mercenary business along with his father and mother, Wyra'li found purpose in lending his skills and strength to the merchants of Mor Dhona. Between all of their efforts, his family would make a good living, and their teamwork made Wyra'li feel alive, purposeful, and productive. Every day brought on a new challenge, but he had the confidence of his strong family unit to get through whatever trials they had to face in the growing camp. Such naive beliefs, however, do not go unbroken.
Beneath Bahamut's Belly
Years later, in the ensuing Calamity, the Polaali family would be one of the few that did not flee the oncoming chaos. Despite seeing the great red moon of Dalamund creep ever closer to landfall, they stayed in the midst of it all, finding wealth in panic. Merchants, desperate to move their cargo would pay through the nose to get the kind of help the Polaali family offered, and at the command of the mother, they would not forget to take advantage of every merchant fearful enough to turn over their coin purse in favor of safety. Even still, as the moon grew closer, painting the land of Mor Dhona with shades of red through the night and through the day, Wyra'li would not doubt his family. He had placed his complete trust within them and he knew, even if they were in the most dangerous place to be of all Eorzea, he trusted his family would be there to support one another in the coming fall. This trust would be tested the hour that Dalamund finally began to crack and split overhead. Even as the comets fell upon the earth like a rain, Wyra'li felt no fear in his heart. Aiding panicking merchants, who paid him handsomely for his help escorting them to safety, Wyra'li was passing by the crystalline mass that was left of the original Camp Revenant's Toll's swallowed up aetherite when the very ground beneath him burst with energy, crackling from the mere presence of Bahamut, who had shaken free of his prison. A river of explosions belched free underneath the sweep of Bahamut's path, his flight bringing in a curtain of explosions that littered the earth, and as his path took him over the already ravaged land of Mor Dhona, Wyra'li was unprepared for the ensuing blasts. A nearby explosion knocked Wyra'li off of his feet and into the air mere moments before he would have been able to complete his job and return to the sides of his family, who were running nearby, also guiding panicked merchants to safety in the rain of terror. Spun in the air, Wyra'li was unable to stop himself from falling onto a spire of corrupted crystal from the original site of Camp Revenant's Toll, spearing him through the chest. Somehow, the spire had miraculously missed his internal organs, sparing him from immediate death, but he knew that his mortality would be impossible to escape if he didn't free himself from the crystal. Wyra'li looked to the fleeing backs of his family, expecting them to spin on their heels and rush to his aide as he writhed helplessly on his spire of crystal, when he saw them turn, connect their gaze, and continue running. In that moment, Wyra'li watched helplessly as his brothers and sister, his mother and father, took one look at him through the clouds of ember and smoke and left him for dead. Thankfully for Wyra'li, the pain of having a crystal splitting his chest in twain was no match to the pain of betrayal. Urged on by adrenaline and the desperate need to survive, even as panicked people ran by his prone form, Wyra'li managed to ground his legs on the trembling earth and pull himself up the length of crystal, carefully dislodging himself from its spire. Unfortunately though, it was in that panic of lifting himself from its point, that Wyra'li broke off a chunk of corrupted crystal within his chest. It was perhaps also because of that crystal shard that he didn't entirely bleed to death the moment he stumbled to his knees, crawling onto the path of panicked refugees. A merchant that he had worked for before noticed him on the ground, a large Roegadyn who paused just long enough to hear Wyra'li's begging voice, offering anything in return for aid, and Wyra'li was plucked from certain death and into the Roegadyn's arms. He was carried into Revenant's Toll and into the merchant's bunker, where he then received the life saving procedure that would spare his life, though not without condemning it thanks to the unnoticed crystal shard snugly tucked against his beating heart. Outside, Wyra'li could hear the raging battle, his eyes still flooded with images of flashing red light, the sound of comets pummeling his ears, and the images of his family turning their backs to him as he lay speared onto the crystal. For the duration of the following weeks, he would fall in and out of unconsciousness, locked in a state of shock and heartbreak.
Left Behind
Weeks passed and Wyra'li spent his time healing up underneath the watchful gaze of his employer, and it was in that time that Wyra'li realized that his family had seriously left him for dead. There had been no visits on their part, no attempts to discover him or even find his body, and Wyra'li's entire understanding of the world changed in that short time. He developed a healthy suspicion of others, and determined that blood was as thin as perfume, poignant and short lasting. Too angry to even consider facing his family, Wyra'li condemned them silently and prayed that he never find them again. If they would treat him as if he were already dead, then he would do the same. Raging and upset, Wyra'li could only express his grief by throwing himself to the feet of his savior, a man whom he pledged his servitude to in return for his care. This gave him the opportunity to flee his home, journeying among the land of Eorzea as he helped the Roegadyn peddle his trade near and far throughout the land. He worked underneath him for two years before working off his debt and freeing himself from his employment, and from that point on, swore to be his own man. He worked again as a mercenary for different trade companies and services, lending himself out in the way that he knew how, all the while carrying an intolerable pain in his chest. The further and further away from Revenant's Toll that he got, however, the less it hurt, and he determined to free himself of the past and his family's memories. Assuming that it was the pain of grief that he had felt for those first couple years, it took it's growth in pain as well as the growing hard lump underneath his skin after countless painful aetheric healings and casual teleportation to realize that it wasn't the pain of betrayal that he had been feeling. Five years after his wandering away from Revenant's Toll, while he was underneath the employment of a great trading company, Wyra'li became aware of the true source of ache in his heart: the growing corrupted crystal.
A Heart Made of Crystal
Alerted to the fact that there was something growing beneath his scar, Wyra'li sought the help of the trading company's healers and scholars in order to determine exactly what was ailing him. Several tests were made, Wyra'li subjecting himself to all matters of probes and cautionary yet exploratory efforts, and the truth of the hurt came to light shortly before the crystal itself broke free of his skin. The spear that he had been thrown upon in the wake of the Calamity had lost a large chunk of itself in his very chest, and since then, had been corrupting the aether of his body with each teleportation and spot of healing. With the corrupted crystal not only gathering aetheric energy, but converting his natural aetheric self, Wyra'li's chest was becoming a road map of crystalline growth, snaking around his heart and lungs. Almost immediately, he began trying to find ways to cure the growing crystal, searching with friends that he had made as well as garnering friends through his search. No matter what though, it seemed like every path of research led to a dead end, and with Wyra'li's movements becoming all the more restrained thanks to his declining health, transporting him to those who might aid him, became increasingly difficult. He began dreading that he would end up like those lost souls in the bowels of Pharos Sirius, and that fear alone, anticipating himself to become corrupted to the point that he would lose his sense of self, Wyra'li bowed down to his pride and abandoned his position at the trading company. Not only that, but he feared a pitiable death, hating the thought of being surrounding by a bunch of people who he had grown to care about standing by his side, helpless and unhelpful. Wyra'li took it upon himself to flee to the outskirts of society in order to hide himself from those who might come looking. Finding solitude in the Hermit's Hovel at the edge of Outer La Noscea, Wyra'li finally allowed himself to become bedridden as the crystal began to take more and more of his energy. Fortunately for the teal cat, however, he had made friends with a few that he wouldn't be able to escape. A young Keeper named Eir'a Holmen would stumble upon him, collapsed on the road back from retrieving supplies from Camp Overlook. With his help, he was able to make his way back, but he would also gain an aid who dedicated himself to providing meals. Soon after, other friends would discover him and lend their final desperate aid to his recovery.
The Cost of a Temporary Cure
For months, they searched and attempted several cures and antidotes, but nothing seemed to work. Either the crystal would refuse to react, or it would retaliate, thus shoving Wyra'li ever closer towards the precipice of death. When all seemed at a loss, Wyra'li had begun preparations, giving to Eir'a an order to carry out before his death. Giving him a substantial part of his savings, Wyra'li asked for Eir'a to found and maintain an inn, which they had spoken about before in joking when Eir'a was teaching him how to cook. He knew that Eir'a longed for purpose, and he himself had yearned for doing something worthwhile before his death, and thus they pulled together to establish The Bistro Fork Inn. Thinking that he wouldn't live to see the Inn, Wyra'li agreed to Eir'a being the innkeep and from a distance organized what he could with the time and energy that he had. There seemed to be nothing else to do to aid Wyra'li, and so he counted his minutes, trying to reserve the energy that he had left for holding onto life. Luckily, when all seemed at a loss, Wyra'li was surprised by the sudden and unannounced arrival of Altaeirh, who returned with furrowed brow and a leather bag in his hands. Taking Wyra'li from the Hermit's Hovel, he brought him to a nearby hill, where he used an Auracite that he had found, to draw out the corrupted energy from Wyra'li's crystal, and instead focused it into other crystals nearby, thus emptying his crystal of corruption and saving Wyra'li from death that would have come had the crystal expanded anymore than it had already. With his life saved, Wyra'li was taken again by Altaeirh to the Hermit's Hovel, where he was put to rest and recover now that his body was no longer actively fighting the growing crystal. However, to Wyra'li's shock, it was at that very same moment that Altaeirh said his farewell, breaking off their relationship and throwing Wyra'li into an emotional decline, leaving him to recover on his own. Unknown to Wyra'li, Altaeirh had only good intentions at heart, anticipating his own death, and had broken off with him in order to let him live freely instead of bound to his almost certain demise. Wyra'li, though, had bowed down to his grief, and focused on healing himself even though his heart felt like it had been broken into shards. A few weeks passed, with Wyra'li finally getting enough strength to leave the hovel, but before he could relocate himself to the Bistro Fork Inn, he was met again with Altaeirh, who came, this time, battled and broken, begging forgiveness. Wyra'li, realizing that Altaeirh had lied to him instead of telling him the truth about his dire situation, was too angry to forgive him, and left him where he lay collapsed on the ground after fainting from exhaustion and hurt. Betrayal like Altaeirh's hadn't been felt by Wyra'li since the time his family forsake him on the crystal spire, and so, too enraged to think of forgiving him, Wyra'li spent the following weeks in internal struggle, desperately trying to find a way to understand his lover's actions. No matter how he spun the situation, however, Wyra'li was unable to think of a way to forgive him, and thus, secretly visited one of Altaeirh's forture telling sessions in order to ask the stars of their relationship. Even when coerced to find understanding for both of their sakes, Wyra'li simply couldn't come to terms with the fact that Tae had chosen to lie to him, and revealed his identity in a fit of rage before leaving the session, only to find later that Altaeirh had tracked him down in order to confront him. Admitting that he still had feelings for Altaeirh, Wyra'li angrily expelled his reasoning, but still, even when he had allowed Altaeirh to hold him again, could not find the breadth to absolve him of betraying his trust. While he's able to at least talk with him civilly, Wyra'li is still holding onto his grudges.
Regaining Strength

Still dealing with the trauma of nearly being eaten alive by the crystal with him. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH STILL WRITING.

At this point in time, Wyra'li has lost much of his weight and strength due to the crystal's growth impeding him from maintaining a healthy diet and lifestyle. He awaits a promised cure in the Hermit's Hovel, bedridden and somehow still able to find things to joke about.


  • Wyra'li has a perchance of singing silly songs, often disguised as charming anecdotes. It's very rare for him to be singing ballads. (Think of him as a Tom Lehrer or a Danny Kaye)
  • He has a raspy voice, made all the raspier thanks to his condition.
  • Before his crystal grew out of his skin, Wyra'li had a pale scar where his body had been impaled through by the crystalline spire.
  • If he has a choice in the matter, he wouldn't be caught dead without wearing a shirt. He's very protective of his scars and his crystal, as if spreading the knowledge of them will somehow tarnish his name.
  • Wyra'li's actually a very good businessman. Having been raised so by his mother, he's amassed a large enough bank account that he was able to fund a small dream of his with Eir'a's help. In case of his death, he's put forth a great amount of his wealth in order to support the founding and growth of The Bistro Fork Inn (which he named himself).
  • In his sickbed, Wyra'li's actually become quite the crafter. He's taken up leather working, weaving, and culinary in an effort to feed his boredom.
  • When he's actually able to do archery, he never goes into a battle without his goggles. Relying on them to focus and to protect his eyes from irritants, Wyra'li finds that goggles are one of the most important items he needs in order to do his job.
  • Wyra'li is endlessly amused by mandragoras. They are his favorite of the little beasts.
  • In case of emergencies where he can't speak, Wyra'li has actually adopted his ability to speak sign language (a skill he picked up from working sensitive jobs in which communication needed to happen in absolute silence) to speak when he's having a coughing fit.


Some of these rumors are untrue or are greatly exaggerated. Please feel free to add your own rumors under PC!

◢ Common Rumors (Easily overheard)
"Sings a good song when he's not wheezing away into his sleeve. A raspy voice makes good for his funny tunes, so I suppose there's something good that comes out of that cough."
"Wyra'li Polaali? The mercenary? He's a good hired hand, works hard, gets along well with others, though I haven't seen him about recently. I wonder where he's gone off to?"
"He's passed through here a couple of times with different caravans. Always tips and seems to enjoy his work. A merry soul, that one."
◢ Moderate Rumors (Moderately difficult to overhear)
"I've been seeing less and less of him recently. He used to sit in the bars many a time, singing his diddles and telling his jokes. Last time he came through he had a nasty cough with him. Been serving him more and more water instead of his usual wine. Left blood stains on my napkins, dropped a few of my glasses and ceramics, the whelp. Can't say that I expect him to be coming back. Must be struck with some disease and frankly, if he be carrying, I don't want him back in my establishment."
"He was with a grand trading company the last I saw him pass through. This time, though, he was carried on some large hyur's back, passed out against his shoulder. Nearly thought he was dead if it wasn't for his wheezing. He'd lost some weight and muscle. That can't be good for his line of work. His clothes looked so loose upon him."
"That teal miqo'te? He's a chipper lad. Not sure where he hails from or where he's going. Haven't seen him in some time. The lad and his humor have been missing for a while now when he used to pass through all the time. 'Fraid I don't know where he's gone off to. Can't say that I'm surprised, though. The lad's been wandering for a while, and I'm sure he's doing just that even still. He's probably somewhere. Or dead. Who can say with the world as it is today?"
◢ Rare Rumors (Very difficult or rarely overheard)
"There's something up with that boy more than just that cough. I swear I saw something underneath his shirt, or at least something glowing beneath it. Couldn't get a good look, though, he's always got his hand pressed over his chest when he's dressed that low. Otherwise, he's always dressed in layers. But I will swear to the twelve that there was something glowing beneath there!"
"I've seen it! The boy's just a step away from becoming one of those crystal covered monsters. It would be a mercy to ease him into the aetherflow now rather than later. I'm telling you, there's a crystal growing in him and it'll take him, yet. Mark my words it will kill him or kill what we know as Wyra'li Polaali. He's a dead man walking."

◢ PC Rumors (Rumors from the character's of other players)
"An idiot, but a very charming idiot. I hope he can hang in there... this realm will be a less amusing place without him." -- Marlon'to Menai
"He's rather kind and outgoing, at least, as much as one in his condition can be...but he likes to joke a lot! It's fun--er, though most of his jokes seem to just go over my head. As kind and supporting as he can be though he's very stubborn. He keeps asking for solid meals even after I've told him multiple times such types aren't good for him in his weak state. Yet he always asks...sorry Ser Wyra'li. Not until you're better...which I pray is soon." -- Eir'a Holmen
"He throws a mean right hook for someone so fearful all the time. I sometimes wonder what he must have been like before he became unwell." -- Tiergan Vashir

Current Relations

Sexual Desire Romantic Interest Platonic Love
Good Standing Neutral Poor Standing
Eir'a Holmen: He had met him a few times while traveling through Gridania and while he was working with the last great trading company he was with, but he hadn't really come to know Eir'a Holmen until the flustered cat found him passed out along the the road to Camp Overlook. With his help, he was able to make his way back home, and thanks to the young cat's kindness, he was able to find a friend willing to bring him food and supplies during his ailing hours. Eir'a takes care of him even now, and Wyra'li has grown quite fond of him. He has given a great amount of his acquired wealth thus far in order to found the Bistro Fork Inn, which Eir'a has become the designated host of in Wyra'li's absence. Seeing someone so young get so much done has greatly inspired Wyra'li, and he hopes the best for the lad. Had he the strength, he would defend him from anything.
Marlon'to Menai: One of the residents at The Bistro Fork Inn, Wyra'li was so incredibly curious about his strange sounding legs that he actually managed to drag himself out of bed in order to investigate. Despite Marlon'to's awkwardness in conversation, they became fast friends thanks to their equally playful natures, and Wyra'li has grown fond of their conversations and his company. He wishes he were healthy enough so he could get to know him even better instead of being restrained to that of an inpatient.
Deakkov Penritt: Wyra'li knows him as Marlon'to's close friend, but can't help but be curious about the hyur since he seems to have never really made an entrance to the Bistro Fork Inn. He's interested in learning more about the curious long legged man.
Altaeirh Azarael: A character from Wyra'li's past, the miqo'te had run into Altaeirh through his previous contracts with other trading companies, and had come to know him quite well since his health prompted him to spend more and more time at the main base of operations. After becoming quick friends, seeing that they could converse for hours with one another, Wyra'li found that he couldn't hide his failing health from the hyur. Altaeirh immediately took note of it and began searching for a cure, and when Wyra'li abandoned the trading company for solitude, Altaeirh gave chase and eventually rediscovered him. Even though he was at first genuinely concerned for Wyra'li's health, the feelings evolved into something more, and Wyra'li, desperate for deeper relationships, found that he couldn't resist the other's charm, especially so near death. However, now that Altaeirh has been making rarer and rarer appearances, Wyra'li's beginning to drop back into old habits, worried that he's unable to trust anyone and that he's made a mistake making himself so vulnerable.
Aran'sae Dia: A conjurer come upon by Eir'a, this Hearer came to Wyra'li's aid just in time to spare him from drowning in his own lungs. He is a severe individual, hard to read and yet incredibly genuine. Patience has granted him Wyra'li's respect and the bard can't help but feel comfortable around him. He respects his bluntness when it comes to discussing his condition and Wyra'li is grateful to have the conjurer's visits not only for his aid but for the calm that he brings to Wyra'li's panicking heart.
Marlon'to Menai: One of the residents at The Bistro Fork Inn, Wyra'li was so incredibly curious about his strange sounding legs that he actually managed to drag himself out of bed in order to investigate. Despite Marlon'to's awkwardness in conversation, they became fast friends thanks to their equally playful natures, and Wyra'li has grown fond of their conversations and his company. He wishes he were healthy enough so he could get to know him even better instead of being restrained to that of an inpatient.
S'khai Nunh:
Staelufre Lysmerl:
Tiergan Vashir:



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