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Revision as of 13:18, 18 December 2015

Glass-circle.png Overview

Gridania-transparent.png Suen Shyu
Suen portrait.png
'"You said Magitek?"
Gender Female
Race Mi'qote
Clan Keepers of the Moon
Citizenship Gridania
Age 21
Occupation Pilgrim, Adventurer, haphazardly Archaeologist
Place of Birth The Twelweswood
Place of Residence Fallgourd Float
Guardian Thaliak, the Scholar
Nameday 9th Sun of the 1st Astral Moon

Suen the Pilgrim, Clumsy Suen, Left-handed Suen, Suen the Misfit, Awkward Suen, Suen Butterfingers... All nicknames the mousy-looking girl got almost instantaneously handed by her family and kin for the terrible string of bad luck that constantly lurks after her, and her almost otherworldly ability to screw up things in the most dire situations.

Her story is still told occasionally in her family, for its rather peculiar and fuzzy nature is often pointed as an example of all things wrong that Keeper of the Moon offspring should never indulge in. Born in the Twelveswood and enjoying a life in the outskirts of Gridania, and expected to follow the long standing tradition of botanists in her family, she chose instead to grow a certain fondness for everything exotic, new, or just outright spooky, as her propensity to scare her siblings clearly showed.

Her coming of age saw the apparition of two events that were to change her life forever. The first, her family welcoming one of the wandering Keeper males and trying to set her up with him for his stay, just for the poor guest to inexplicably fall off a cliff, leaving him with only half of his senses. And the second when Suen, grounded for her foolish deeds, inconspicuously freeloaded into a garlean magitek armour near the brand new Castrum Oriens, eventually leading her native village to be burned to the ground.

While she got without news from her family for a few years, trying to survive and leading a carefree life on the road, she eventually got word that her family moved to the Orn Wilds in the Farreach. She has yet to pay them a visit, a moment she dreads and procrastinates stubbornly, set about doing a 'pilgrimage' across Eorza.

Often oblivious of everything by nature but her constant paranoia about what she calls 'The Corp', a mysterious organization that according to her would be scheming her downfall, Suen is the perfect example of the scatterbrain individual. Ever absentminded, she cannot concentrate on a large variety of subjects that do not hold her interest, but she can nonetheless at times prove to be cunning and rather smart, a feat she tends to hide, or minimize.

Despite her affliction that appears to jinx everything she does, it never seemed to bother the elementals of the Twelveswood, that wholeheartedly embraced her as she showed strong natural bonds with the wood and the wilderness. She even shows potency for conjuring and elemental magic, which, unfortunately, she tends to practice like everything else: rather randomly.

Suen hates Ala Migho with a passion, as she was deeply ingrained by her family that had to suffer from the Autumn Wars, which saw Ala Migho trying to invade Gridania.

Appearance & Personality

Glass-circle.png Appearance & Personality

Nature & Demeanor

Nature & Demeanor

Demeanor: In spite of her ability to get overexcited at the mention of new horizons, obscure lore, and technology, especially Garlean, Suen is a very calm and quiet individual, sharing the solitary nature of her kin with great zeal. She is often found lost in her thoughts, or outright living in her own world, and it can get pretty difficult to snap her out of her bubble. Otherwise, she is most of the time polite and respectful, to the point of putting herself down in favor of vindicative or inflammatory people. Having been raised in the Twelveswood, in contact with the Gridanian society, she shows very little care for luxuries or mannerisms.

Nature: Suen is overall a good-natured, at times spirited, girl, that enjoys simple things and satisfying her curiosity, while fleeing her responsibilities.

Religion: Suen does not truly follow a religion proper, albeit she certainly shares an affinity for Thaliak, her guardian deity for which she shares a true passion for discovery, as well as Nophica who holds a major significance for most Gridanians. She happened to show more recently a certain curiosity for Oschon, as after all, she now shares his vagrant life. However, this is not to say that she is a true believer in the most literal sense of the word: she is much more fascinated by the most obscure, weird, or spooky lore. And elementals and manifestations of nature being to her like a second skin, it could be argued that they form her true 'religion'.

Notable Features

Notable Features

Common Appearance: Rather small in size and frail in stature, she tends to exhibit a mousy appearance. Her hair is taupe, as well as her eyes, with slight, light amber tones, and her pale complexion is typical of the Keepers of the Moon, albeit without showing some of their blue-ish undertones.

Scars & Markings: None noticeable.

Voice: Suen obviously speaks with a deep Gridanian accent that can also show hints of Mi'qote Keeper tongue. Her voice tends to be somewhat high-pitched, but not crystal clear, rather hoarse. Overall, not the aristocratic type.

Clothing: Suen is often seen wearing simple, ample, yet sturdy clothes cut for travel and woods. Overall, she tends to favor gridanian looks, even if that is far from being a generality.




  • Scary and conspiracy tales
  • Spooky and obscure lore
  • Libraries and books
  • Garlean Magitek
  • Allagan technology
  • Traveling
  • Tree-hugging
  • Her family


  • 'The Corp'
  • Ala-Migho
  • Rotten smells
  • Mirrors
  • Her clumsiness
  • Pumpkins


  • Stuff



It is obvious that while Suen usually does not show prejudices and can appreciate people for who they are - or the face they try to show - it is a whole other story for Ala-mighans. More than she loathe them, she mostly tries to avoid them, maybe out of fear, shame, or just because it reminds her of her own prejudice. It unconsciously fuels her need for scapegoats and culprits for all the woes that ultimately fell upon her head.

While she also can be wary of Garleans, she certainly seems more ambivalent towards them since they subdued the former after all, and produced delicious magitek. She is no fool, however, in spite of appearances, and knows very well of their imperialistic ambitions, in fine not very different from Ala-migho.


Glass-circle.png Abilities



Under her talents for the worst to happen and her utterly clumsy manners, Suen hides a keen and cunning mind that can awaken either at the weirdest times, or when the situation is dire enough to warrant it. When asked about scholarly matters, she actually proves to be a rather easy and pleasant interlocutor, bringing fresh or innovative ideas on the table. Left alone, she remains rather resourceful and can get as crafty as foxes , either to survive, or in pursuit of her goals when fate has not conspired against her. Her pragmatic gridanian upbringing in the woods taught her to do with very little and simple things, and she rarely requires a lot for subsistence, used to take from nature what nature gives. However, she can sometimes get lost on matters of survival in foreign, alien looking lands to her.

Early in her life, she exhibited a strong bond with nature, perhaps listening to elementals, or something else. She was often seen to spend her time directly around, or perched on trees, leading some to call her various names like the 'tree-hugging lass'. It was not really surprising to see her assigned to conjuring circles, but her somewhat random capacity to learn and properly cast spells without collateral damage soon made people rethink twice their decision to let her deal with aetheral powers.

Like most of her kin, she inherited of some of their traits, like better legs and smell, although certainly not in an order of magnitude similar to those shown by the hunters of the family. She often tends to rely heavily on her magical perception rather than her physical senses.

Her sense of loyalty can also be pretty strong for the few that can manage to become friends with her. Her heart is at the right place, but fate made sure that she lost too much of her self confidence to assert her own convictions.



Suen's primary weaknesses naturally include a disastrous luck often leading her otherwise simple and pleasant life into an endless catastrophe and unexpected shifts of situations. From the daily blunders that can include butter fingers or bruises, to the rarer but nonetheless impressive backfires that afflict the few spells she can be called to cast, she is for most persons a walking danger that should be kept away, hurting her relations in the process. A fact that is not helped either by her mi'qote Keeper tendency to follow a solitary life.

Moreover, her good traits and strengths are often totally overshadowed or outplayed by this affliction, where everything good, or paved with good intentions, is often turned into pretty grim or outright dreadful consequences.

She of course displays an obvious obsession for all obscure, spooky and garlean things - some would even call it a kink - which can lead her into pretty upside-down situations.

Totally lacking of self-confidence, she often tends to put herself down most of the time, and prefers heavily to rely on others to take important decisions.

   Martial Prowess
   Magic Affinity



Suen was not especially favored among her kin for her martial or hunting prowess. While not outright weak, she remains a frail individual. Most of the handful of situations where she got in trouble necessitating to resort to combat, she was too scared to do anything else than panicking, which leaded her most of the time to... interesting results, to say the least.

People & Places

Glass-circle.png People & Places
Romantic Attraction Attraction Platonic Love Family Business Deceased Positive Negative Neutral Unsure

Relations (NPC)

Relations (NPC)
Suhyi Shyu ( ) - Mother
Position: Family head.
Sirah'sae Dachei ( ) - Father
Wanderer male of the kin.
Selo Shyu ( ) - Older sister
Suen's sister, 2 years older.

Relations (PC)

Relations (PC)
Placeholder 1' ( ) - placeholder
placeholder: to be filled



Common Rumors
"What is that cute little animal you draw Suen?", "It's a Morbol, mom." 7 year-old Suen and her mother
"The Twelve know why, but the child suddenly decided not to eat meat again and live on vegetables! What got into her this time?" Suhyi Shyu, during her daughter teen whimsical crises
"Mom! I know how we could make those gysahls grow faster!" 11 year-old Suen
"You know mom, you can say whatever you want, but she is way smarter than me.." Selo Shyu
"But... where are you going like that lassie?", "How should I know??" Suen to a concerned inkeeper on her pilgrimage
"You see that lass there? Yes? Now... Look at her left pocket... See? I would bet my wages that's fucking garlean tech! Some kind of key? I dunno.." An observant patriot

Rare Rumors
"How did that stupid mi'qote got into possession of that reaper? I am not really sure how that shit did ever happen to begin with... We stumbled on her, spying on us... Then the decurion slipped on something and all hell got loose. The last thing I saw was her, sitting on the reaper, and i'm not even sure she was more in control than us... Kind of embarrassing, when you think about it." An anonymous garlean evocatus
"And the reaper? What about it?", "It kinda burnt the village for us, actually... Really, we were just there for the show... And no, I don't know how it self destructed." An anonymous garlean triarus inquiring to the same evocatus
"That cursed child, I spit on her name, and hope she dies a terrible death." An anonymous kin of the Shyu family

PC Rumors


Glass-circle.png History


Glass-circle.png Art

OOC Information

Glass-circle.png OOC Information

Hard Limits

Hard Limits
Information about limits

Hooks & RP Favorites

Hooks & RP Favorites
Information about limits

External Links

External Links