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Revision as of 21:34, 30 June 2016

 Josachi Dalamiq
"It is easy to believe we are each waves and forget we are also the ocean."

Gender Male
Race Au Ra
Clan Xaela
Citizenship None, but lives in Gridania
Age 31
Occupation Healer, Elementalist, Adventurer
Alignment Neutral Good
Affiliation The Wyrd Vanguard


Josachi is a more recent refugee than many of his other Au Ra brothers and sisters and has had to quickly adjust to life in a new culture surrounded by strangers. Owing to a unique insight into the nature of the elements and the spirits associated with them, he found a home quickly among the Conjury in Gridania and while many consider his theories and ideas well outside the norm, they can hardly deny the effectiveness of their application. He brings a decidedly Doman style of thinking and magic which many in the Conjury find interesting. Josachi has a reputation as a skilled healer and elementalist and can often be found wandering Gridania or the surrounding area exploring, studying the elementals or training. Recently in an effort to raise some gil and return to some stability, he has taken to adventuring and wandering further abroad.


Josachi is on the short side for a Xaela, but still towers above most others as he stands roughly 6'6" tall. His build isn't bulky or broad shouldered, but he is very muscular and well defined, owing to a life of training and austerity. His skin has a blueish violet hue to it and his scale patches have a lustrous black sheen to them, which match his slightly curved horns. Each dark horn ends in a small cap of carved mythril, a gift given when he came of age. Josachi has an unkempt head of bright blue-black hair, which tends to fall over his almond shaped eyes often. White limbal rings surround the luminescent teal of his eyes, giving him the impression that he's staring at, or through, others. His face is thin, but well proportioned with dark scales running along his jawline and high cheekbones. Josachi's tail is long and narrow with the tip nearly touching the ground as he walks, and covered in the same smooth dark scales as the other patches on his skin.

Clothing and Distinguishing Marks

1.) Clothing and Jewelry When not traveling or dressed for adventuring, Josachi tends toward more the more traditional Doman garb of a loose silk top, tied at the waist, and a loose long skirt or wide pants. He prefers simple colors, gray, black or white. If he wears shoes at all, it would just be a pair of very simple cord and wood sandals. His traveling clothes are sturdy and practical, adapted to the enviroment he plans to travel though. He would wear loose, light fabrics if he travels through the desert or heavier furs if moving up north. Adventuring and mercenary work finds him typically wearing a long black coat, leather gloves and forearm guards, tall boots and leather pants. His adventuring gear is made for ease of movement and ample storage for all of his various potions, books and sundry supplies. Josachi is also never found without a small knife on his person. This is less a weapon and more a tool, but something that was ingrained into him from a young age, so it is always at hand.

He wears simple jewelry, mostly for the enchantments it brings. Silver rings adorn his fingers and a necklace of carved horns and bones sits around his neck. A few linkpearls dangle from small chains looped around his horns where he can readily hear them.

2.) Ritual Scars and Brands Josachi has quite a few small ritual scars and brands, mostly on his forearms, thighs, chest and stomach. Before he was skilled enough to barter more directly with the elemental spirits, they would often times require a geas, a type of ritual promise. Sometimes this would be a ban on eating a certain food, or protecting a certain creature. Often times it was a sacrifice of blood or pain, or making a sigil mark to show his allegiance to that particular spirit. Since growing in power and skill, he no longer needs to make these small sacrifices, and instead can barter directly with the spirits using aether. Still, these marks remain as a reminder of the sacrifices he has given in his search for greater understanding.


Josachi was raised differently than many Xaela, and it reflects in his personality. Not as quick to anger or come to blows as many of his fellows might be, Josachi has a very introspective and thoughtful attitude. He very much takes experiences as they come and does his best to hold himself to an honorable ideal. Still, he is not bereft of Xaela blood, and has no trouble standing up for himself or others if the need arises. He loves a challenge, be it physical or mental, but has a capricious attitude at times when it comes to matters he doesn't consider critical. Josachi does, however, take his healing and elemental studies very serious, although even in that it is hard to contain his joyous nature in discovery and learning. To put it simply, Josachi enjoys life, especially now that he is away from his village completely.

In contrast, Josachi spends much time in meditation and introspective thought. He considers how his actions affect those around him and makes every effort to act in a way that remains positive, a characteristic brought on by his nature as a healer. He understands the need to be selfish in some things, but does his best to give away more than he takes, especially to those he feels are less fortunate, such as other refugees that might be struggling as he did when he arrived. Overall, Josachi is friendly and amiable at best, distant and aloof at worst, and very rarely overly emotional, at least in outward appearances. He tries to project an aura of balance and calm. Beneath the surface though, Xaela blood still flows, and he doesn't shy away from being direct when he wants something, or someone.

To those close to him, he is warm and caring, always with a smile or a jest, but never mean spirited. He never had many real friends growing up, so he holds those close to him very dear now. Even since coming to these new lands, he has been betrayed by those he felt close to him, and knows well not to open up too soon or too much. Once he lets someone in though, its hard for him not to see them in anything but the best light and defend them against anyone who would suggest otherwise.

Josachi is fluent and literate in Eorzean and Garlean, but had little reason to speak either prior to leaving Othard, and therefore has a pronounced Doman accent. He is also familiar, obviously with both the Xaelan and Raen dialects of Doman. His tone tends to be soft and even, which can be a bit off putting coming from a somewhat intimidating looking Xaela. He doesn't use contractions, mainly due to having a very formal "book" knowledge of Eorzean. On the rare occasions he does lose his temper, Josachi has a tenancy to speak in a lower, growly tone.


Water | Josachi has always felt a kinship to this element and its spirit, perhaps a boon from his Tribes closeness to the rivers of Othard. He feels most at peace when near the rivers and streams of Gridania and is often found meditating while sitting on rocks near by, even inside the city itself. It's also the element that most influences his healing abilities through subtle control of the patient's blood.

Companionship | Although possessing of an introspective nature, Josachi is most happy when he can choose to be in the company of others. These don't necessarily even need to be friends, he can spend an evening people watching in the tavern to sate his need to be around others. He enjoys watching the ebb and flow of crowds and while he had never experienced cities as large as those he found in these new lands, he's found he enjoys the bustle of them, as long as he can choose to withdraw when he wishes.

Challenge | Whether it is solving a particularly challenging magical puzzle or fist fighting during a sparing match, Josachi loves being challenged and putting himself up against difficult problems or situations. His recent career as an adventurer has been a boon for him in this aspect, as he is constantly exposing himself to new experiences. Not only that, but if he is not meditating or tending to someone's wounds, more often than not he can be found sparing and working on his martial arts, another throw back to his time back home.

Tea | A simple pleasure, but one he enjoys greatly. He starts and ends every day with tea, often choosing to drink it during the day as well. He certainly doesn't shy away from alcohol, but if given the choice, he would gladly take a strong tea over a strong ale.


Dishonesty | Josachi has no time for liars or those that can not plainly speak their wishes. He is direct himself and expects the same from others.

Cocobos | Chocobos, or "horsebirds" as he calls them, are foreign creatures to him. The care and upkeep of one was foisted on him as a "gift" and only his commitment to his responsibilities and promises has kept him from leaving the smelly bird at a stable and walking away. He might secretly be growing fond of his own bird Khwee, but still does a fair amount of grumbling and grousing when it comes to Chocobos in general.

The Desert | Coming from the cooler climate of the Othard Steppes, the dry heat of the desert makes him extremely uncomfortable. His dark scales drink up the sun's heat and the sand generally makes him unhappy and irritable.

Neediness | Josachi is a healer and an empathetic soul, so he is accustomed to being needed and seeing people in the most dire time of their lives. That said, he has no patience for those unable to stand on their own. Everyone needs support at some time, and he is happy to offer his hand to help, he just would like it back immediately, thank you very much.


Thoughtful | Josachi carefully considers how his actions affect those around him, and himself and is always thinking before he acts.

Empathetic | Even though he himself strives to separate his emotions from his actions, he understands very well how how others feel can effect how they act. It helps him calm the wounded and avoid bothersome situations that might occur when strong feelings are involved. He remains a calm and level head... usually.

Elementalist | Josachi has a unique perspective on the elements and a strong relationship with their spirits. This gives him a greater measure of control over them than other conjures might enjoy. In many ways, the spirits respect him because he respects them. His control of elemental aspected aether is above and beyond his years.

Healer | Josachi has been raised from a very young age to use his talents to heal the sick and injured. It was his function in his village and he was expected to do it until his dying day. He has a solid knowledge of anatomy and traditional healing in addition to being well versed in the manipulation of water aespected aether for healing applications.


Hedonistic | For all his early years in austerity training to commune with the elements, once Josachi was left to his own devices he found he likes wine and women a bit -too- much sometimes. He enjoys being comfortable.

Honorable to a Fault | Josachi doesn't lie, he doesn't cheat and he doesn't steal, even when those activities might spare someone else pain or make his or other's life easier.

Self-Important | Josachi is accustomed to being an important person in his village. As the only healer in the area he had a lot of responsibilities and enjoyed that. Its carried over into him sometimes assuming situations involve him when they might not, or believing people are acting a certain way only because of him.


Recently, Josachi has taken to mining and geology. His interest was first peaked by the work he was doing in trying to stabilize an earth elemental for use, but he has found that by communing with earth spirits he can request their aid in locating gems and minerals that are often times worth gil. It affords him the opportunity to work more closely with spirits he feels less of a connection to and the thrill of discovering something new is always enjoyable to him. Josachi also fishes, a hold over from his time back in Othard. These days he does it only for enjoyment, but he grew up on boats and near the water, so it comes naturally to him.

Josachi also enjoys reading, when he can find the time, especially history of the new cultures he is now encountering. He keeps a small journal on him which he uses to make very rough sketches of any interesting animals, insects or flowers he comes across as he travels, but he is clearly no artist.


Josachi's affinity for the elements and his innate talents as a healer were recognized at an early age. However, like all Xaela he still lead a rough and tumble life. Even though the Dalamiq had settled into a village and given up the nomadic lifestyle of their peers, they were still Xaela. Josachi scrapped with the other boys and girls of the village for sport, fun, and competition. Martial arts was a way to play with the other children and also keep in good physical shape, something he has continued on his own well into his adulthood. Josachi makes a point of keeping his body in as good a shape as his mind, both through constant practice and working out.

His style of fighting consists of a mostly "soft" style, involving redirecting blows into throws or joint locks, coupled with "hard" style elbow strikes, kicks, and punches. Defense comes from circular blocking motions with the upper limbs, followed by either a throw using the opponents momentum or a joint lock followed by a strike. He recently sought out and joined several fighting clubs in hopes of learning from others and practicing against live opponents, rather then his wooden training dummy.

When it comes to a real fight, Josachi much prefers to rely on his elementals and control of elemental aspected aetheric energy. Fire is a ready source of combat ready aether, but he can force the air away from an enemy chocking them, manipulate the water in their blood to slow its flow or spoil in their veins, or cause rocks to jut from the earth and strike his opponents. That is all in addition to the elementals he can summon forth to fight at his side. Josachi has spent a long time in meditation and communion with these spirits and they have a mutual respect for each other. He feeds them his own aetheric energy and allows them to manifest physically in exchange for their services.

The Elementals


Josachi has a very close bond with his Air spirit, and "she" was one of the first to readily allow herself bound to his aetheric signature. Initially she assisted him in his healing tasks, bringing warm, comforting winds of healing along with his own water aspected healing abilities. Recently he has found that she has been pressing him to assist in combat as well, and has shown him that she has developed a fearsome combat form, using sharp gusts of winds to cut through his enemies. This development was likely spurred on by a recent traveling companion... Not that he is complaining. When assisting him with healing the spirit takes on the aspect of a small winged humanoid. In her more martial form she appears more bird like, with sharp talons and a great wingspan.


Josachi struggled mightily with his earth aspected spirit. The nature of the elemental was contrary to his own, and he had a difficult time in focusing his aether to allow the spirit to remain stable for more than a few seconds. This problem was solved with a trip to the Mor Dhona area and a study of the crystals outside the settlement there. Meditating on the nature of these crystals allowed him insight in helping the earth spirit remain manifested and allowed him the use of a sturdy companion spirit. The earth elemental takes on the aspect of these crystals, possessing a form of chunky boulders of the yellowish crystals. Several jagged edges jut from its limbs, giving it dangerous strikes.


Fire aspected aether was a natural choice to use in combat, and Josachi sought out a deeper understanding of fire early in his studies. A blazing, fearsome, demonic looking elemental, Josachi is hesitant to call forth this elemental companion casually. He has a firm control over the spirit, but it is the nature of fire to destroy and Josachi is always aware that you can not force a spirit to act against its nature. The fire spirit constitutes a powerful and dangerous elemental and is used with due respect.


As close as Josachi is to the element of water, he has as of yet been unable to conjure forth a stable water elemental. His most successful attempts have been along the shores of Costa Del Sol, but the spirits are loath to come onto land and always dissipate quickly, not mater how much aetheric energy Josachi pours into them. The matter is one of frustration to him, and a current area of study. It might be his growing frustration that serves as the very thing that blocks his further enlightenment.

Ice and Lightening are pointedly absent from his elemental repertoire. He has spent some time studying these spirits, but considers them the conjunction of other elements (water/wind and fire/wind respectivly,) rather then a separate branch all their own.



Early Years, the Garleans, and Leaving Home

Born to a successful fishing family, Josachi was the middle child, coming after his sister Khulan and before his brother Ajirai. He grew up as most Dalamiq children do, fighting with his peers, learning to fish from his father, and working in whatever role the family held in the village. He was barely into his eighth year when things changed. His younger brother had cut himself badly playing with one of his father's knives, and before the boy could bleed out, Josachi glowed with aetheric energy and sealed the wound right up. Knowing well the rare talent they had in their village the elders decided to take him away from his father, and their fishing business, for training. Josachi spent the next few years traveling, being passed from tribal elder to elder, learning as much as he could about healing and control of aetheric energy. By his twelfth year he was a burgeoning healer and helping the sick and wounded of his tribe and others. That remained his life for much of his early years. Other tribes would make camp near Dalamiq lands and the young healer would be sent out to see if they required his services, in trade for goods of course. During these years he grew more and more distant from his family, as his father hardly considered him a son any longer, and his responsibilities kept him away from both his brother and his sister. In fact, he didn't hear about his sister leaving to join the Borlaaq tribe, bored with the stationary life of the Dalamiq fishing village. She never even sought him out to say goodbye. A few years after that his brother was taken in a fight with the Kharlu Tribe, killed by a thrown spear. Josachi deeply regrets not being there to try to save him, and his death only served to push him further away.

A young man now, Josachi began to see some of the advantages of his constant visits to other tribes. The young women of the visiting tribes were often taken by his decidedly different nature than most of the other Xaela, and a new face was often very welcome. His days were filled with training, both martial and magical, healing any sick or injured, and then spending the evenings carousing as much as able. He was alone as often as not, spending hours and hours along the river banks in meditation, communing with the spirits of the river. Josachi considered himself content, but in truth the days began to bleed together. He did little other than train and heal, with the occasional visit to another tribe.

Thankfully, he was out on one of these tribal visits when the Garleans came. Of course the Dalamiq had heard of the rebellion, but they were so far isolated from politics, they felt it had little to do with them. Even so, the Garleans were uninterested in differentiating between different tribes, and sought to make an example of ALL Au Ra. Word reached the tribe he was visiting and they were quickly hustled away toward the coast. Josachi wanted to return but they explained there was a number of wounded from earlier assaults already at the docks, and they needed him desperately. He made the decision to help the wounded and planned to return back to his village as soon as he could.

The docks were a chaotic mess of wounded and dead Au Ra, various tribal members shouting orders and over filled boats launching. Swept up in the chaos Josachi was pushed onto a boat full of women, children and infirmed. As one of the few available healers he was their only hope of making the long journey. He had no choice in the matter and before he knew it the boat was out to sea. He watched the smoke rise from the shores of Othard as he sailed away, the coast eventually becoming a distant dot on the horizon.

Shipwrecked and Rescued

Aboard a boat made for thirty with at least fifty other Au Ra, Josachi did what he could to ease their suffering. Food was rationed and thankfully Josachi could convert aether to water for them to drink. The group sailed mostly in silence, only the occasional wail of sadness punctuation the night air at sea. They had been sailing for a week and supplies had started to dangerously dwindle when thick black cloud wall was spotted on the horizon. Josachi prayed to the Dusk Mother, but she was busy elsewhere; The storm was on them and fierce. The boat was tossed and pitched across the high waves until eventually, it capsized. All fifty aboard went into the water. Josachi was a strong swimmer, but even he was swept beneath the waves. He was sure that he was going to drowned. Ironic considering his reverence for the very element that seemed to be his killer.

Sputtering and spiting up sea water, Josachi awoke on the beach of a small island. Fate had seen fit to wash him and several other refugees up on the beach. Out of the fifty aboard the boat only a half dozen found their way onto the dry land of the beach. Josachi silently thanked whatever spirits had delivered him and set about doing what he did best, healing the wounded. He summoned fresh water for them to drink and tore thread from their already tattered clothing to make fishing line, carving small pieces of shell into hooks. They were hungry all the time but he managed to keep them just above starving. At night they huddled together under a palm leaf shelter. No one spoke. Misery washed over them like the waves that nearly killed them before, and the days went on with no sign of rescue.

Josachi remained a quiet source of strength during those nights. He provided for them what he could and spent his days much like he always had; He communed with the spirits, fished for their food, and meditated. The others fought and argued, but not Josachi. He was well accustomed to the endless passing of days. He remained distant.

When the merchant ship was spotted on the horizon, the others screamed and shouted. They jumped up and down, waving their arms and cried out. Josachi called forth a spark of fire and made enough smoke using dried palm leaves so the ship would spot them and send out small boats to investigate. The sailors were out of Limsa and took the skinny and near starving refugees onto their boat. They told them of the other refugees that had made landfall and how most seemed to pass through Vesper Bay, which is where they were heading in any case. Finally the all felt some relief, and even Josachi allowed himself the comfort of thinking he might soon return home.

A Refugee and Making Due

The citizens of Vesper Bay were as accommodating as they could be. They fed and clothed the handful of refugees, but told them that they were unfortunately not able to remain as citizens. However, they were very encouraging about Ul'dah, which seemed to be the city all of the other refugees went to, and was very welcoming toward them, so the stories said. Josachi instead tried to find a boat that would take him back to Othard to no avail. The Garleans were patrolling the coasts and there was no real reason for any of the boats to go that far east, especially not for a gilless refugee with little other then the donated clothes on his back. With few other options, Josachi joined a refugee caravan heading toward Ul'dah. He paid for the journey with his healing skills, but more or less kept to himself, quietly shuffling along with the other broken refugees.

Ul'Dah was not the refugee paradise the Au Ra were promised. They were told there was no room for them in the city, and instead sent to dusty camps out on the hot sands surrounding the city. Most of these camps had already been taken over by refugees from Al Migo and they were not very welcoming toward a new group of mouths to feed. Josachi fared a little better than most, using his healing skills to make his way into the city and try to find someone he might know from his village or any sort of friendly face. Ul'Dah was not forthcoming with either.

Ul'dah taught Josachi a lot, and although the lessons were harsh he came out better for it. The desert and the heat made him miserable, as did several more personal mistakes, and as soon as he could manage to gather the gil for supplies he left the city behind. Friendly faces be damned, he was determined to put the sands behind him and took up with whatever small groups could use his talents. After a long journey he finally found his way to Gridania. The forests appealed to him and the Conjury there was interested in his elemental talents. He felt much more at ease here, and even the spirits seemed more accepting of him.

A New Home

Although still a refugee, Gridania was much more accepting of Josachi. He was an able worker and student at the Conjury, and happy to share his knowledge with others. The conjurers there were happy to have his assistance and more than willing to leave the somewhat strange and unintentionally intimidating Xaela to his meditations. He made enough gil helping around the city to afford a steady room at the inn and began to once again feel more established and less like a homeless wanderer. Still, Gridania wasn't his home, no matter how tolerated he was there. At the very least though, it afforded Josachi the opportunity to return to his studies, to return to his training, and to better focus his knowledge of the elements into conjuring and binding actual spirits.


It was during one of his meditation sessions that Josachi met and connected with another Au Ra, a Raen woman named Yash. Yash happened to come across Josachi as she was looking for a place to read as he meditated along the river bank just outside Gridania. The pair spent the better part of the afternoon talking, and agreed to meet again the next day for tea. Several meetings later and the the two decided to head north, traveling together for their respective reasons. In recent nights they have become much closer as friends, having arrived at their destination in Mor Dhona and continued on.

Yash was the one to recommend adventuring work first to Josachi, and he's found it suits him quit well. He's content in her company and the two seem to work very well together, even moving on to join a mercenary company to see how that plays out.


Romantic Attraction Physical Attraction Platonic Love Family Business Deceased Positive Negative Neutral Unsure

Yash ava.png

Yashu'a Amerantal ─ Title (PC)

Physical Attraction.png Business.png Positive.png

SUMMARY: Josachi and Yash have only met recently, but the two quickly bonded as they traveled north together from Gridania. Even though she's a Raen, to Josachi she's a piece of home. The pair seem to get along very well together and are rarely seen traveling apart as of late.
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SUMMARY: Additional information about the character. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque vestibulum tincidunt nunc, at mattis nisl viverra at. Aliquam sit amet hendrerit turpis, quis varius mi. Mauris ultricies at arcu et tincidunt. Etiam venenatis sapien et ex accumsan.
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SUMMARY: Additional information about the character. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque vestibulum tincidunt nunc, at mattis nisl viverra at. Aliquam sit amet hendrerit turpis, quis varius mi. Mauris ultricies at arcu et tincidunt. Etiam venenatis sapien et ex accumsan.
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SUMMARY: Additional information about the character. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque vestibulum tincidunt nunc, at mattis nisl viverra at. Aliquam sit amet hendrerit turpis, quis varius mi. Mauris ultricies at arcu et tincidunt. Etiam venenatis sapien et ex accumsan.
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SUMMARY: Additional information about the character. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque vestibulum tincidunt nunc, at mattis nisl viverra at. Aliquam sit amet hendrerit turpis, quis varius mi. Mauris ultricies at arcu et tincidunt. Etiam venenatis sapien et ex accumsan.
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0 placeholder.png 0 placeholder.png 0 placeholder.png 0 placeholder.png 0 placeholder.png

SUMMARY: Additional information about the character. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque vestibulum tincidunt nunc, at mattis nisl viverra at. Aliquam sit amet hendrerit turpis, quis varius mi. Mauris ultricies at arcu et tincidunt. Etiam venenatis sapien et ex accumsan.
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SUMMARY: Additional information about the character. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque vestibulum tincidunt nunc, at mattis nisl viverra at. Aliquam sit amet hendrerit turpis, quis varius mi. Mauris ultricies at arcu et tincidunt. Etiam venenatis sapien et ex accumsan.
PH 100.png

... ─ Title (NPC/PC)

0 placeholder.png 0 placeholder.png 0 placeholder.png 0 placeholder.png 0 placeholder.png

SUMMARY: Additional information about the character. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque vestibulum tincidunt nunc, at mattis nisl viverra at. Aliquam sit amet hendrerit turpis, quis varius mi. Mauris ultricies at arcu et tincidunt. Etiam venenatis sapien et ex accumsan.


Screen shots of Josachi and friends, or interesting events or scenes


Commissions, gifted artwork, or screen shot manipulations


Looking for a RP healer? A Mentor? Someone with knowledge of spirits for your storyline, personal or guildwide? Are you a Dalamiq that wants some IC contacts from your village? Contact me in game!

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