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Character is now retired. Thank you all for the good run! If you want to contact me you can find me on my new character, Odile Delacroix at various hours of the day.
| name = Enla Kertuh
| image = enla23.png
| imagewidth = 300
| caption = "One does not need sight, to truly '''see'''."
| title = Blind Healer
| gender = Female
| citizenship = Ul'dah
| race = Miqo'te
| clan = Keeper of the Moon
| stat_1 = Age
| stat_1_value = 28
| stat_2 = Height and Weight
| stat_2_value = 5'1 and 114 ponz.
| stat_3 = Sexuality
| stat_3_value = Predominantly Heterosexual (Monogamous) - (1 - Kinsey Scale)
| stat_4 = Marital Status
| stat_4_value = -
| stat_5 = Namesday
| stat_5_value = 18th Sun of the 4st Astral Moon
| stat_6 = Alignment
| stat_6_value = Neutral Good, straddling the line into True Neutral territory.
| stat_7 = Occupation
| stat_7_value = Traveling performer and acrobat
| stat_8 = Worships
| stat_8_value = Oschon, the Wanderer
==  [[File:FCtiny.png|left|55px]] <div style="padding:10px 15px;  background:#b5a272;  font-size:20px;  color:#ffffff">'''Character'''</div> ==
(Note from the Player: OOC and IC interactions are entirely separate for me. I am not my character and I never will be. As such anything that happens IC, STAYS IC. I will not get into fights with people because of how our characters act, and I will not date anyone simply because our characters might fall in love. It might seem harsh to outright state these things in such a way, and some might wonder the necessity of it, but I want to make this abundantly clear so that no misunderstandings occur. Why? Because they have occurred in the past and I've been burned by it especially hard. With that said, I hope to get along with every player whose characters my own get thrown against. :3)
<div><span style="font-size:14px"><span style="color:#b5a272"><span style="font-family: Arial;  line-height: 16px">
=== '''♦  General''' ===
<span style="font-size:14px"><font color="#b5a272" face="Arial"><span style="line-height: 16px">
=== '''♦  Appearance''' ===
There truly is not much to say about the woman, very little truly marking her apart from the rest of the crowd in any one respect. With a slightly crooked nose -the remnants of a break long since set improperly-, ears that appear far too large for her own head, the very beginnings of laugh lines at the corners of her lip, and a decently average oval shaped face that mark her features as somewhat odd but nothing that would truly draw your eye. All save for one, that being her remaining eye. It being faintly unpleasant to look upon when beheld at a close distance, covered in a thick cloud-like film and with small black splotches dotting about that tell a tale of something gone terribly wrong. Ravaged by disease and utterly ineffectual at present, it stands as a reminder of her former arrogance, her unwillingness to seek outside aid that could have saved her vision costing her dearly in the end.
Yet for all intents and purposes, one would find that against it all the Miqo'te does not begrudge her current existence, offhandedly joking with others that her ravaged eyes probably only serve to draw attention to her other features, such as her hair and skin. She is most likely wrong in regards to most people, but for the sake of argument it is clear that the woman does seem to take some measure of pride in her overall grooming. Her amateurishly cropped neck length hair is one of the few instances to the contrary however, it's dual-toned strands sharply pronounced and giving off the impression of a black cat having been smuggled liberally with dust and soot. In spite of it's sloppy appearance, she wears it proudly, often found running her hands through the knife cut tresses with a warm smile upon her face - as if she were remembering someone. By contrast her tail is a long, monstrosity of black fluff, and can often be found swishing to and fro in time with her moods and flights of fancy. Each is carefully groomed, though it's clear that at a certain point of the day the Miqo'te gives her tail up as a loss due to it's extremely fluffy nature.
Lastly, her body while of average height has a small pronouncement of muscle tone. Not enough to be anything more than someone who does a small amount of resistance work, but enough that she isn't left flailing in the wind in spite of what she might say to the contrary. It's clear that though she would stand no chance in a game of strength against most other hardened individuals, she has enough to hint at perhaps some capacity in those regards. Even if it only means that she can lift some crates of the smaller variety and keep up with her companions if a march is called.
Due to recent events, she only has one eye remaining - constantly wearing an eye patch or bandages over the remaining eye as a means of preserving her remaining pride and keeping people from reacting with horror over what lays beneath.
<span style="font-size:14px"><font color="#b5a272" face="Arial"><span style="line-height: 16px">
=== '''♦  Behaviour''' ===
The Keeper woman is as flippant as they come, her various smirks and grins showing wide and easily upon her face whenever she engages in conversation. One would get the sense that in spite of her near constant brevity lays a rather thoughtful individual, her actions sparking clearly with whatever depths of emotion she is feeling at any given time - all laid bare to those who take the time to actually learn her habits. Every tail swish, every ear pin, every curl of the lip is part of a larger picture - each action slowly building up the sums of a whole until she becomes no harder to read than if she were a child. Yet, she does not seem to care about this fact for the most part, rarely taking the effort to keep her extremities from emoting her inner most thoughts that many other Miqo'te would take a form of pride in. She is who she is.
'''Positive Traits:'''
*Loyal to those she trusts.
*Capable of great amounts of sympathy depending upon the people involved.
*Slow to anger in most instances, her instincts and logic winning over the burning heat of anger in most instances.
'''Negative Traits:'''
*Has a horrible habit of not acting her age, particularly when she's feel relaxed or at ease.
*Blunt, sometimes to the point of being outright rude. Has a tendency to run her mouth off and piss off the wrong people at exactly the worst time imaginable.
*Stubborn to an excessive degree.
*Easy to read for those who know even the most basic aspects of Miqo'te body language.
*Her one major sticking point is her disability, and it isn't hard to ruffle her feathers about it at all. Particularly in regards to apparent pity from other individuals.
*Judgmental, though she tries to keep it to herself.
*Has no bedside manner, frequently telling people she will refuse to heal them if they're ever so stupid again as to need her help and yelling outright when she feels the act is needed.
(This is an ever expanding list. As I uncover more flaws and positive traits they will be added here.)
==[[File:serpentleft.png|left|]] <div style="padding:10px 15px;  background:#b5a272;  font-size:20px;  color:#ffffff">'''Combat'''</div> ==
She'll be standing far, far away, though her ears will often flicker towards the sounds of battle even if she isn't participating - one of the few ways she can still remember her old life as a spear wielder with any sort of satisfaction. If pushed into a corner, however, she will try to defend herself though the effectiveness of this varies upon the skill of her opponents. Generally, however, in spite of her pride she will give up outright if she knows that she is outmatched and cannot muster the aether and elements to her aid. She does have quite the wicked right hook, however, and much of her former skill with a spear still remains in how she handles her ever present staff, battering opponents with the wood like a swift bludgeon if the need arises.
== [[File:serpentleft.png|left|]]<div style="padding:10px 15px;  background:#b5a272;  font-size:20px;  color:#ffffff">''' Recent RP events '''</div> ==
[[File:Byaitoartontumblr.png|right|450px|By Aitoart on tumblr]]
Due to her own selfish pride and overconfidence, Enla found herself on the receiving end of some rather unwanted attentions during a recent trip back to Ul'dah to secure supplies for the Ishgardian war effort - though in truth it was merely an attempt to ensure that a specific someone would not end up on the receiving end of scalped supplies while he was working there. The boiling cauldron that was the merchant's city, it's refugee populace at the breaking point with the torrent of rumors surrounding an ill fated night in the Promenade and the loss of their potential benefactor Teledji, caused tensions to rise between those who had nothing to their name and those who were trying to secure supplies to send northward. It all came to a head one crisp afternoon, with Enla attempted to send the first of the wagons northward and being confronted one final time by a particular pack of refugees who saw no other recourse but to bully their way into garnering some way to continue living. Insulting their pride one final time and refusing to aid them without proper compensation on their part, either in the form of bartered goods or their services to pay off the debt, Enla found herself on the receiving end of the fury of a group of thirty individuals. While the majority focused upon removing the goods from the wagon she had painstakingly placed together, their leader decided to take the petite Miqo'te out of the equation - raising her off the ground by her long ponytail and punching into the side of her skull for good measure as a means of immobilizing her further.
Not being one to simply allow herself to be manhandled, and with her head swimming so much that she could barely focus upon sensing the entire situation, Enla did perhaps the stupidest thing she could have done in that situation. Reaching for the knife she had been forced to carry by her clinic workers since she had returned to Ul'dah and this entire situation began, she stabbed out at the man before swiftly severing her hair to escape from his grasp and attempt an escape. It was all for not, however, as his foot crashed down into her ribs during her descent back to the ground - sending her sprawling onto the ground and at the brute's utter mercy. Not content to simple smash her head in, and with her desperate pleas upon her various link pearls for aid, he broke her fingers clean through but going for the knife she had discarded in the fall. Then, with his compatriots looking on in smug satisfaction, he began to carve out her left eye - her screams of pain music to his ears as he took his time carving the gelatinous surface bit by bit - chunk by chunk - until all that was left was a bloodied socket and pits of flesh strewn about her now blood soaked face.
Aid did indeed arrive shortly after, with Liliana Nazareth doing her best to heal most of the bleeding until the Miqo'te - disoriented and in shock from both the head trauma and the pain - could be safely evacuated to the Goblet where the rest of her wounds could be treated. Yet the damage was done, her entire body slumping over in shock even as her compatriots - rallied by her earlier distress calls - slaughtered their way through the refugees as if they were yesterday's wheat. Both her eye, and her dignity now lay in tatters upon the cobblestones of Ul'dah - and it is anyone's guess as to when the latter at least might be regained.
The next day Nicholas Graveshire, having been one of the people she had accidentally toggled upon the linkpearl in her haste to garner help from the Fireborn and the one person she wished to keep away from Thanalan at all costs, broke into the barracks of the Fireborn where she was being kept - disoriented and in shock over both the call he had received and the sight that greeted him when he finally found the object of his worry. Sickened by the fact that she had put him into danger, she tried to push him away, only giving in to her own selfishness on the matter when it became apparent that he would not leave her side without the kind of fight she was incapable of giving in her sorry state. The stress of the two days finally caught up with the woman, breaking down into choked off sobs as her feelings for the man became clearer in addition to her selfish desire to keep him close in spite of the danger his actions had put him into by coming to find her. Currently they are staying close to each other, Enla recovering as best as she is able given how low she had been laid by the incident, but taking comfort in the fact that he would remain nearby - if not in the same establishment.
== [[File:serpentleft.png|left|]]<div style="padding:10px 15px;  background:#b5a272;  font-size:20px;  color:#ffffff">''' Miscellaneous '''</div> ==
<div align=center>
<div style="align: center;">
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===<div style="padding:10px 35px;  background: #826440;  font-size:14px;  color:#FFFFFF"><center>Likes</center></div> ===
:<font style="color:#2C3539" size="3">■Being allowed to make mistakes.</font>
:<font style="color:#2C3539" size="3">■People who do not pity her for her blindness.</font>
:<font style="color:#2C3539" size="3">■Banter.</font>
:<font style="color:#2C3539" size="3">■Having a purpose.</font>
:<font style="color:#2C3539" size="3">■Enjoying the warm, sandy breeze upon her face.</font>
| style="vertical-align: top;  font-size:9pt;  font-family:Helvetica" |
=== <div style="padding:10px 35px;  background:#826440;  font-size:14px;  color:#FFFFFF"><center><span class="mw-headline">Dislikes</span></center></div> ===
:<font style="color:#2C3539" size="3">■Anyone who thinks she is something less for her disability.</font>
:<font style="color:#2C3539" size="3">■Remaining idle.</font>
:<font style="color:#2C3539" size="3">■Having the rest of her senses render useless.</font>
:<font style="color:#2C3539" size="3">■Unwarranted arrogance.</font>
:<font style="color:#2C3539" size="3">■Slavery.</font>
:<font style="color:#2C3539" size="3">■Having her tail pulled or made wet.</font>
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=== <div style="padding:10px 35px;  background:#826440;  font-size:14px;  color:#FFFFFF"><center><span class="mw-headline">Hobbies/Talents</span></center></div> ===
:<font style="color:#2C3539" size="3">■Formerly: Spear work.</font>
:<font style="color:#2C3539" size="3">■Learning the ebb and flow of the aether through her studies of conjuration.</font>
:<font style="color:#2C3539" size="3">■Picking out smells and sounds at an even greater efficiency due to her reliance upon the two senses for everything she does..</font>
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=== <div style="padding:10px 35px;  background:#826440;  font-size:14px;  color:#FFFFFF"><center><span class="mw-headline">Favorites</span></center></div> ===
:<font style="color:#2C3539" size="3">■</font> '''Favourite Food/Drink''': A nice shrew steak, simmered in port wine. As for the drink, grog will do nicely.
:<font style="color:#2C3539" size="3">■</font> '''Least Favorite Food/Drink''': Most greens, though she'll eat them.
:<font style="color:#2C3539" size="3">■</font> '''Favourite Place''': The sand swept steppes of Thanalan.
:<font style="color:#2C3539" size="3">■</font> '''Favourite Color''': Formerly grey. These days she doesn't quite care for obvious reasons.
=== <div style="padding:10px 35px;  background:#826440;  font-size:14px;  color:#FFFFFF"><center><span class="mw-headline">Strengths/Weaknesses</span></center></div> ===
<p align=left>:<font style="color:#2C3539" size="3">■</font> Utterly blind, to the point where her vision was so far beyond saving that it would take far too much work to heal the damage in a timely manner. Because of this, she moves rather slowly and with precision, relying entirely on her other senses and the aid of a walking stick to move about. Sometimes she will seek the aid of the elements and has a decent rapport with the local Chocobo Keeps in Ul'dah so that they'll lend her their tamest bird who knows the route to most towns and stations, as well. However for the most part she stays put, unless traveling with others.
<p align=left>:<font style="color:#2C3539" size="3">■</font> She really would not be able to see an attack incoming, particularly from a distance, until it has already connected. Her muscle reactions are not what they used to be ever since she devoted herself to the art of conjuration.</p>
<p align=left>:<font style="color:#2C3539" size="3">■</font> Because of her blindness, her other senses have been heightened, even beyond usual Miqo'te standards. Making her a bit of a bloodhound, so long as someone manages to convince her the necessity of being steered around for such events. (Good luck.)</p>
<p align=left>:<font style="color:#2C3539" size="3">■</font>Has very little filter, and will often say whatever is on her mind regardless of the necessity or how wise such actions might be.</p>
<p align=left>:<font style="color:#2C3539" size="3">■</font>Very much believes in being proactive when it comes to healing, but to the point that she's likely to cut off your leg without a second thought if it'll save your life by any measurably degree. Also has a nasty habit of aiming for someone's head with her staff if they complain too often about the job she is doing. In this, she is not your ideal healer in spite of her growing proficiency.</p>
==<div style="padding:10px 15px; background:#b5a272;font-size:20px;color:#ffffff;">'''♦  Related Images'''</div>==
Byaitoartontumblr.png| By [http://aitoart.tumblr.com/ Aito]
=== [[File:serpentleft.png|left]]<div style="padding:10px 15px;  background:#b5a272;  font-size:20px;  color:#ffffff">'''Relationships'''</div><center>===
<p align=center><font style="color:#F02311" size="3">♥</font> Romantic Interest&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font style="color:#000000" size="3">♥</font> Sexual Desire&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font style="color:#FA70BC" size="3">♥</font> Platonic Love &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font style="color:#db7b14" size="3">♥</font> Familial Affection&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font style="color:#00ff00" size="3">●</font> Good Standing&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font style="color:#8f8377" size="3">●</font> Neutral Standing&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font style="color:#C24640" size="3">●</font> Poor Standing
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===<div style="padding:10px 35px;  background:#b5a272;  font-size:14px;  color:#FFFFFF"><span class="mw-headline">Friends </span></div><div style="border:0px solid;  padding:8px"> ===
:<span style="color:#00ff00"><span style="font-size: medium">● </span></span><span style="font-size: medium;  text-align: -webkit-center"><span style="font-size:small">'''[[Garen_Ashe|Garen Ashe]]''' – Her Commander within the Fireborn and frequent source of banter, though most of it is on Enla's part. Enla respects the hulking warrior and tends to avoid holding her tongue, as with most of the Fireborn, when in the same general vicinity.</span></span>
:<span style="color:#00ff00"><span style="font-size: medium">● </span></span><span style="font-size: medium;  text-align: -webkit-center"><span style="font-size:small">'''[[Virella_Douront|Virella_Douront]]''' – An Ishgardian woman that Enla has up until recently only had dealt with in passing. For some reason they seem to get along quite well when they actually deal with each other on a one on one basis, leading to a more relaxed friendship than one might expect from the two women.</span></span>
:<span style="color:#00ff00"><span style="font-size: medium">● </span></span><span style="font-size: medium;  text-align: -webkit-center"><span style="font-size:small">'''[[Gin Crow|Gin Crow]]''' - One of the more memorable acquaintances she's made in recent memory. The man is one of the few people who seems capable of keeping up with her flippant whims of fancy, and she in turn greatly appreciates the way he never makes her feel infirm with his actions. </span></span>
:<span style="color:#00ff00"><span style="font-size: medium">● </span></span><span style="font-size: medium;  text-align: -webkit-center"><span style="font-size:small"><font style="color:#FA70BC" size="3">♥</font>'''[[Z'attana Mitnu|Z'attana Mitnu]]''' - Her best friend at the moment. The two of them get along like two peas in a pod in spite of a singular hiccup involving Enla's vision, and can often be found bantering back and forth to their mutual enjoyment.</span></span>
:<span style="color:#00ff00"><span style="font-size: medium">● </span></span><span style="font-size: medium;  text-align: -webkit-center"><span style="font-size:small">'''[[Ruinfeild Oakshield|Ruinfeild Oakshield]]''' - A recent acquaintance at the Quicksands, leading to a rather amusing conversation and subsequent meetings there after. They've become close enough, at least in Enla's estimation, for them to be considered friends as of now - and Enla has vowed never to let him live down the 'little clothing' incident so long as she lives.</span></span>
:<font style="color:#F02311" size="3">♥</font><font style="color:#000000" size="3">♥</font><span style="color:#00ff00"><span style="font-size: medium">● </span></span><span style="font-size: medium;  text-align: -webkit-center"><span style="font-size:small">'''[[Nicholas Graveshire|Nicholas Graveshire]]''' - Recent events have slowly made her own feelings towards the man clearer for Enla, as well as the depth of trust she feels towards this man. Him being the only one she would even allow to bring a knife into her presence so soon after the 'incident', and further still the only one she desired to cut her hair to wash away the knowledge of what her previous 'cut' had been caused by. To say that he means a lot to the woman would be a gross understatement, her feelings slowly solidifying into something warm and heart racing the more she stays near him.</span></span>
===<div style="padding:10px 35px;  background:#b5a272;  font-size:14px;  color:#FFFFFF"><span class="mw-headline">Family</span></div>===
:<span style="color: #00ff00;  font-size: medium;  text-align: -webkit-center">● </span><span style="font-size: medium;  text-align: -webkit-center"><span style="font-size:small"><font style="color:#db7b14" size="3">♥</font> '''[[Theula'sae Kertuh|Theula'sae Kertuh]]''' - Older brother. They have a fairly decent relationship, though it has become somewhat strained since the advent of her blindness two years prior. His overprotective nature coming back in full force, to the point where she nearly severed all contact to preserve her own sanity. With that said however they have since reconciled to a degree. Is one of the few people she allows to get away with being overprotective - to a certain point - as she knows that trying to stop the elder from doing so would go against his very nature.
:<span style="color: #00ff00;  font-size: medium;  text-align: -webkit-center">● </span><span style="font-size: medium;  text-align: -webkit-center"><span style="font-size:small"><font style="color:#db7b14" size="3">♥</font> '''[[Karu'tan Moui|Karu'tan Moui]]''' - Father. A roving male who left the confines of tribal society to make his own fortune. Although the union between Theula and himself was short and utterly frivolous, he could not bear the thought of the two children that the coupling produced nor his former flame to be left to starve. In exchange for arranging that the tribe would be settled for the winter he took both Theula'sae and Enla with him back to Gridania, where the roving male tried his hardest to be the best father that he could towards the two frightened kits. It must have worked, for both of his children still mourn his passing years later and do their best to integrate into Eorzean society in accordance with the examples that he set for them. '''Deceased'''.
:<span style="color: #8f8377;  font-size: medium;  text-align: -webkit-center">● </span><span style="font-size: medium;  text-align: -webkit-center"><span style="font-size:small"> '''[[Theula Kertuh|Theula Kertuh]]''' - Mother. Exchanged her parental rights over both Theula'sae and Enla, her two youngest at the time, for the good of her tribe - bargaining with their father over custody in a deal that ultimately garnered their small little tribe enough food to survive the coming winter with excess stores and two mouths less to feed in the process. While Enla respects her mother for the hard choice that had to be made, she has no desire to ever meet the woman again.
:<span style="color: #8f8377;  font-size: medium;  text-align: -webkit-center">● </span><span style="font-size: medium;  text-align: -webkit-center"><span style="font-size:small"> '''Various Family Members:''' - Barely remembered, with the minor exception of her eldest brother Theula'a who she remembers very sketchily but with a warm fondness none the less. Several unknown siblings who were born after she and Sae left the clan, after the famine.
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===<div style="padding:10px 35px; background:#b5a272;font-size:14px;color:#FFFFFF;"><span class="mw-headline">Acquaintances</span></div>===
:<span style="color:#8f8377"><span style="font-size: medium">● </span></span><span style="font-size: medium;  text-align: -webkit-center"><span style="font-size:small">'''[[Flynt Reddard|Flynt Reddard]]''' - There's really not much to say, save that Enla was roped in to provided medical assistance for Mr. Flynt's rather spectacular Fisticuff event. She found him utterly hilarious, and has no problems attended a second time and providing her services. </span></span>
:<span style="color:#8f8377"><span style="font-size: medium">● </span></span><span style="font-size: medium;  text-align: -webkit-center"><span style="font-size:small">'''[[Breeze Darrus|Breeze Darrus]]''' - Met in the Quicksands, Enla doesn't have a very high opinion of his so called 'charm' but enjoys bantering regardless.</span></span>
:<span style="color:#8f8377"><span style="font-size: medium">● </span></span><span style="font-size: medium;  text-align: -webkit-center"><span style="font-size:small">'''[[Solus Regolas|Solus Regolas]]''' - A recent acquaintance, met through a mutual friend. While she barely knows the older man she finds his presence to be somewhat calming.</span></span>
===<div style="padding:10px 35px;  background:#b5a272;  font-size:14px;  color:#FFFFFF"><span class="mw-headline">Enemies & Rivals</span></div>===
:<span style="color: #C24640;  font-size: medium;  text-align: -webkit-center">● </span><span style="font-size: medium;  text-align: -webkit-center"><span style="font-size:small">'''[[W'ruu The'bloodletter|W'ruu The'bloodletter]]''' - Wants utterly nothing to do with the man, his forced musking for a purpose she could not quite identify leaving her utterly done with the unusual man.
==[[File:serpentright.png|left]]<div style="padding:10px 15px;  background:#b5a272;  font-size:20px;  color:#ffffff">'''Rumours'''</div>==
-''"That Keeper woman doesn't seem to focus on anyone when she speaks. It's rude is what it is! I don't care if she's blind! She should turn her head like a proper person!"''
-''"I'm telling you! I was laid out flat by a healer! She was this pint sized thing and all it took was a second before she had her bloody staff making friends with my skull. Said she'd just as soon give me a concussion rather than let my leg rot away due to infection. Bloody witch, she was! It wasn't even that bad!"''
'''PC Rumors:'''
* "For a blind person, she can go toe-to-toe an' keep up pretty well compared t'yer average idiot in Ul'dah." - Nicholas Graveshire
'''How another character might know her:'''
* Enla was a former Wood Wailer in service to Gridania. While she has not served in years, long standing members would most likely have seen her milling about once or twice - perhaps even been put on shift or drill duties with her.
* In accordance with the above, she was a former citizen of Gridania and due to her father's influence strove to properly integrate herself into the society there once she and her older brother were taken in. Your character might have seen her one day, perhaps at the markets or the tavern. Or, they might have seen her more recently as she tends to make monthly trips back to catch up with the friends she left behind.
* Those who strove to learn the arts of Conjuration in recent years would doubtlessly have at least seen her within the Stillglade Fane, perhaps even recently as well as some of the friends mentioned above were students there as well.
* They might have overheard someone talking about, or had a friend experience, her particular 'methods' of healing - where she'll essentially break your ankle to save your leg. Because of her association with the Fireborn, perhaps members of other companies within the Immortal Flames experienced this first hand on joint ventures.
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===<div style="padding:10px 15px;  background:#b5a272;  font-size:20px;  color:#ffffff">'''♦  Footnotes'''</div>===
'''Theme songs:'''
[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TQeUOEyvCdc Born Stubborn] - Yoko Kanno
[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rUBZgLbRdL8 Exceeding Love] - Suikoden 3 OST
[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lgni8UeuqKU Hang On!] - Plumb (Though you'd be hard pressed to ever see this side of her.)
Enla's ability to 'sense' is based off of '''[[Brianna Dunham|Brianna Dunham]]''' 's method of aether sensing and used with permission. ((I'm so sorry for taking so long to put this credit up... I hadn't mentioned it on the page yet so it completely slipped my mind - which is in the end NO excuse, especially since Bri was nice enough to allow me to use it... x___x))
* If you wish to RP with Enla just hit me up on the forums or in game! She can go anywhere, though not with the efficiency of Cylin, she will have to take a caravan to do so however.
* As Enla is still in the process of being leveled, her 'RP' outfits are pretty much at the whims of time and money. As I get her closer to max level she'll have more to wear, but at the moment if you see her in anything resembling armor and running around the environs of Eorzea she's not in character. Though I'm all for impromptu RP so long as you allow me to change her into her proper clothes! :P
* Enla is capable of dying or being maimed. My only caveat is that the former definitely be talked out with me first, with my ability to refuse to go through with it remaining intact. The latter I don't much mind people doing so long as someone doesn't come out of the blue and decide to hack off her arm then trololo off into the sunset. Any subjects of heavier weight, such as anything sexual or the like, must also be discussed first.
* I have a very hard request with any people who wish to RP with this particular character. '''Please, do not cure her blindness on a whim'''. I'm entirely fine with her sight returning and all that entails, but I want it to be something that is earned rather than have someone wave their hands and POOF everything is better. Either she earns the ability to see again through her own efforts, which honestly she's too stubborn to do at the moment, or it's the balancing act to a very painful loss. Say, she loses someone very dear to her but her eyesight is returned and the whole ordeal has thematic weight. It's so integral to her character at this point that without any resulting story consequences from the cure it would simply feel hollow for me. As such, I'll be ignoring any attempts in RP to do this from people who haven't talked the matter out with me in the first place.
* I am very open to critique. If you see me doing something lore breaking with Enla, please let me know.
'''The template is by TwinSerpent!'''

Latest revision as of 16:03, 25 October 2016

Character is now retired. Thank you all for the good run! If you want to contact me you can find me on my new character, Odile Delacroix at various hours of the day.