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spacing:0.2em;"><center>GENERAL INFORMATION</center></div></span></h3>
spacing:0.2em;"><center>GENERAL INFORMATION</center></div></span></h3>
<div align=justify><div style="padding: 7px 4px;font-size:13px; color:#444146;font-family:Georgia;">This sept of Lynx is comprised of several zealotous Seeker of the Sun families that willfully relocated to the sands of the southern Sagolii desert on sabbatical, seeking spiritual enlightenment under the harshest of Azeyma’s conditions. Several decades later it is unknown if they have achieved their original goal. What is known, however, is that they have garnered a particular fierce reputation for themselves as pests, nomadic warriors, prophets, and madmen.<br><br>
<div align=justify><div style="padding: 7px 4px;font-size:13px; color:#444146;font-family:Georgia;">This sept of Lynx is comprised of several zealotous Seeker of the Sun families that willfully relocated to the sands of the southern Sagolii desert on sabbatical, seeking spiritual enlightenment under the harshest of Azeyma’s conditions. Several decades later it is unknown if they have achieved their original goal. What is known, however, is that they have garnered a particular fierce reputation for themselves as pests of the dunes, tomb guardians, nomadic warriors, prophets who regularly toke in caves, and madmen.<br><br>
As of current, the intent of the sept is to remain a separate but conjoined entity with their tribe. They consider their duty imperative to the tribe and believe they will be highly rewarded for their devotion.<br><br>
As of current, the intent of the sept is to remain a separate but conjoined entity with their tribe. They consider their duty imperative to the tribe and believe they will be highly rewarded for their devotion.<br><br>

Revision as of 17:47, 14 June 2017

Exclamation mark.pngThis article or section contains speculation, opinions, or observations that may or may not be supported by official Square-Enix lore. It does not represent official lore or any sort of community consensus.
Though they may be of our blood, our Limsan totem-kin have lost their way. We, the ascendant, must lead them through purifying flame. - X'rija, deceased council elder.




This sept of Lynx is comprised of several zealotous Seeker of the Sun families that willfully relocated to the sands of the southern Sagolii desert on sabbatical, seeking spiritual enlightenment under the harshest of Azeyma’s conditions. Several decades later it is unknown if they have achieved their original goal. What is known, however, is that they have garnered a particular fierce reputation for themselves as pests of the dunes, tomb guardians, nomadic warriors, prophets who regularly toke in caves, and madmen.

As of current, the intent of the sept is to remain a separate but conjoined entity with their tribe. They consider their duty imperative to the tribe and believe they will be highly rewarded for their devotion.

Opinion on whether or not the sept has formally branched off from the Lynx tribe depends on whom you ask. The vast physical separation from the Lynx tribe itself lends to them mostly paying the sept no mind. The majority of the sept refuses to abandon its roots, clinging to tradition, considering “sub-tribe” status inferior.


Dune Specters come in many shapes, sizes, and colors although most are incredibly physically fit due to a life of conditioning to defend against skirmishes and protecting territory. All, however, possess ghoulish pale eyes that almost seem to illuminate with a soft glow.


The sept roams the vast sands of the Sagolii, only settling in one place for a short period of time as to not dry up precious resources. There exists particular oasis or caves that they revisit often and it is not uncommon for them to roost at these particular locales several times a year.

Due to their migrant lifestyle, members of the sept live an exceptionally plain lifestyle and do not cumber themselves with superfluous wealth or acquisitions. With their chocobo and drake-steeds only able to ferry a certain amount of weight at a time, they are predisposed to storing extra materials and useful possessions deep in caves for retrieval later in the year.


The sept is structured into three castes with specific duties integral to survival and their ultimate quest for enlightenment. Be as it may that the whole system would topple if one of the triad should fall, the reality is that due to the emphasis on religion in this society one obvious caste is generally revered above the other two.

Opinion varies from miqo’te to miqo’te: the members of one caste may consider themselves superior or perhaps pity the lower and speak out for them as essential to survival. There are plenty of members of the lowest caste that advocate they are the true unsung hero and that the “highest” caste is merely sitting on its laurels and will have a day of reckoning.

The Conclave: Also known as “the council.” This caste is composed of religious figureheads and their sycophants. Seeing as the purpose of the sept is driven by devotion to Azeyma, this caste considers itself a cut above the rest. Unfortunately, the current generation of elders that sit on the council governing the sept are predominantly arrogant and do not have the best interests of the sept as a whole in mind.

Warriors and Hunters: The primary duties of this caste is to advise the elders of the council on matters that pertain to defense of the sept as a whole as well as guide the warrior caste in its defense of its families. In truth, the council is simply holding the leash of a predatory caste of well-disciplined soldiers who may or may not obey any particular suggestion given to them. Wise council members choose to guide rather than command, else these predators turn on the leash-holder. While hunters are not exclusive to this caste, the best of the best usually are incorporated into this caste.

Laborers: This is considered the “lowest of the low by the other castes.” This caste is a collective of skilled craftsmen and back-breaking laborers.

As it stands, there exists even sub-divisions in castes. One particular noteworthy instance involves whispers of an exclusive, elite task force of assassins that interweave the ranks of the conclave and warriors. These shadows of Azeyma are sent out to eliminate high interest targets that oppose the mission statement of the sept as a whole. Rare are they mentioned, only in murmur and rumor, for fear of retaliation or other members of the sept believing one has caught madness.


The sept takes a pragmatic approach to breeding and considers romance a hindrance to the survival of Seekers. While this might be odd to outsiders, they embrace the approach, touting that building a foundation brick-by-brick is far more structurally integrity than a random bout of passion.

Women, particularly huntresses and priestesses, are encouraged to exclusively mate with the nunh. The women of the sept have the final say in the process, however, it is well known that the love for their parents and wishing to impress the sept often pressures young women into arranged couplings or matings.

The parents of a daughter select individuals from their own caste (unless they “cast down” in the case of those who believe their daughter doesn’t have much to offer those of her caste) and either arrange a formal coupling for a child or a long-term contract of matehood. Often, a priestess is consulted on the match to offer her blessings of fertility. Parents are allowed to match make their children together with another consenting family so long as it is mutual. These children are raised knowing full well who they are intended to mate with when coming of age, and often sympathetic parents encourage the children to strike up a friendship to make the process smoother. There are many instances of grown children meeting their match later in life if the parents should choose to wait on a match. These include parents who wish to watch the boys grow into adulthood and ensure that they are getting the best outcome for their daughter.

Priestess are a unique case who do not take lovers. Instead, they select “Chosen” who are honored with the task of inseminating her.


In the unforgiving conditions of the Sagolii, one eats whatever happens along to survive. Snakes, reptiles, scorpions, birds, insects and small mammals prove easy prey. Gathered about enjoying a delicious meal together is a favorite pastime of these desert-dwellers, as it builds strong bonds between family and sept members alike. It’s easy to settle down around aldgoat meat and forget that you are a different cast than the one you are sharing a meal with. Animals that have a high fat content are specially prepared during celebrations.

Water is a scarce commodity in the desert, as such, the sept siphons it from wherever it can. Waterholes, oasis, collecting morning dew; name it and it is done. When resorting to cacti for a source of hydration, members are advised to boil it before consuming it or mix in herbs to counteract the effects of the toxic acids and alkaloids.


The nomadic lifestyle requires easy-care garments that also incorporate traditional fashion. Long robes shield the skin from the sun and elements, and when worn loose, offer a convection-style of cooling. Turbans or shrouds wrapped around the head prevent windburn and blasts of biting sand during the day while providing warmth when the temperatures nosedive at night. Linens tend to breathe the best when near the skin.

Interestingly, black proves to be a popular linen color. When worn loose, the color absorbs body heat as opposed to white linen reflecting it back.


X'shah Zinbhe: Young priestess and upstart spiritual leader in the community. Survived "the purge" many years ago and returned. Her return signaled great alarm in the community, as she seemingly came from nowhere, "rising from the dead." Her feral features and the mad, colorless pallor of her eyes has earned the priestess the nickname of "the mad prophet" from her people.

X'kataya Razinh: Children of this sept born with defects and ailments are traditionally sacrificed and thrown down cave passageways or over cliffs.. X'kataya would have most assuredly joined the ranks of the sun-bleached bones of the dead if it were not for the fortunate circumstances behind her birth. Her father, X'razinh, was a warrior of great accomplishment in the sept, earning him the privilege of siring a child. X'kataya is that birthrite. Any who dared to venture near her to spirit the child away was threatened with the price of death for touching her. X'kataya is a simple-minded, sweet natured shrine attendant to X'shah and is unlikely to progress beyond this status due to defects from an inbred heritage.


X'heshek Vizinh: X'heshek's father was Nunh, defeated and replaced by X'zinbhe Nunh. To gain favor with the women of the sept and paint himself as the ever tender-hearted yet strong father, X'zinbhe spared X'vizinh and he retired to his role of sept blacksmith from that sun onward. X'heshek is a child born during his tenure and now not only thrives as an apprentice to her father, but counts herself as a member of the warrior caste and serves X'shah as a shrine attendant and personal guard.

X'kriss Tia:



J'tehn Tia:


X'yr Eros:



Some of these rumors are untrue, speculation, or are greatly exaggerated.

◢ Common Rumors - Easily overheard. Use these freely!
"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec et leo lorem. Pellentesque tempus quam elit, quis molestie elit luctus non. Quisque ac massa et sem ornare tincidunt. Ut vitae rhoncus mauris. ."
◢ Uncommon Rumors - A little more difficult to hear. Use sparingly or ask first!
"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec et leo lorem. Pellentesque tempus quam elit, quis molestie elit luctus non. Quisque ac massa et sem ornare tincidunt. Ut vitae rhoncus mauris. "
◢ Rare Rumors - Very rarely overheard. Please ask before using!
"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec et leo lorem. Pellentesque tempus quam elit, quis molestie elit luctus non. Quisque ac massa et sem ornare tincidunt. Ut vitae rhoncus mauris. "


Feel free to add your own rumors to this section.

◢ Player Character Rumors - Some of these are more rare than others!
"Rumor." — Rumormonger.



Player Notes:
This sept of tribal miqo'te was founded by a couple of friends just interested in the tribal scene in early 2014. It's just a bunch of friends havin' fun! While we welcome role-play from all walks of Eorzea, currently we are not accepting new members into the sept unless created by someone very close to us.

Name: Dune Specters.
Alias(es): Dune Ghosts. Dune Witches. Dune Sirens. Tomb Rot. Pale-Eyes. Xealots.
Deity Served: Azeyma.