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'''Please note: this is a WIP!'''
| name = Tiergan Vashir
| image = Tier_cat.jpg
| imagewidth =
| caption =
| title =
| gender = Male
| citizenship =
| race = Miqo'te
| clan = Mixed heritage
| stat_1 = Place of birth
| stat_1_value = Ala Mhigo
| stat_2 = Age
| stat_2_value = 27
| stat_3 = Sexuality
| stat_3_value = Bisexual
| stat_4 = Height
| stat_4_value = 5 fulms 7 ilms
| stat_5 = Build
| stat_5_value = Fit, lean, heavily muscled.
| stat_6 = Occupation
| stat_6_value = Mercenary.
}} {{Character-stub}}
== Character ==
=== General ===
=== Appearance<br/> ===
'''Hair:''' White<br/>'''Eyes:''' Frost Blue, nearly white in color.<br/>'''Skin''': Bronzed<br/>'''Clothing:''' Functional and simple, without much flair. There is slightly thicker padding and armor at his back.<br/>'''Distinctive markings:''' Numerous scars run along Tiergan's body, concentrating the most on his back where it appears as though the area had once been flayed raw. His face is clear of any real identifying marks save for two white stripes painted on each cheek in typical tribal fashion.
=== Behavior ===
Tiergan carries himself in a calm, somewhat stoic manner, keeping his thoughts and emotions close to the vest while watching closely for the behavior of others. A lifetime of deceit, greed, and trickery has left the miqo'te wary and mistrustful of those around him, and he has difficulty being fully at peace when not alone. Outside of combat, close contact of any kind sometimes triggers intense discomfort if the miqo'te is not expecting it. He maintains a respectful distance from others and only draws closer in a way that is obvious and offers plenty of time for the other to stop his approach if they feel threatened.
He avoids speaking about his past history whenever possible, except that he was a refugee from Ala Mhigo, and tends not to pry into the history of others.&nbsp; Privately, Tiergan yearns for nothing more then something resembling a family or being with a group of people he can fully rely on. However, the very idea of letting down his guard and extending his trust to a large number of people makes him feel so exposed and vulnerable that he avoids doing so at all costs.
Tiergan does not actively worship any gods and disregards most of them save for Rhalgr, who he seems to pay respect to mainly in remembrance of the nation that had once been his home.&nbsp; He firmly believes everyone is in control of their own lives and can forge a different path whenever they so choose. He finds the concept of Fate abhorrent, particularly because it would mean much of his life's suffering was somehow destined.
== Combat ==
=== General ===
== Tendencies ==
=== Likes ===
=== Dislikes ===
=== Hobbies/Talents ===
=== Other ===
== Relationships ==
=== Family ===
Siha Ashir - Mother (Keeper of the Moon) - Deceased
V'Rahn Nunh - Father (Seeker of the Sun) - Deceased
Lurial Vashir - Twin Sister
=== Friends ===
=== Enemies ===
== Rumors ==
=== Common Rumors ===
=== Moderate Rumors ===
=== Rare Rumors ===
=== PC Rumors ===
== History/Timeline ==
Tiergan was seven when the Empire devastated Ala Mhigo. His parents were slain trying to defend their home and he was separated from his fraternal twin sister, Lurial, when slavers captured him along with several other Ala Mhigan refugees fleeing from the region.
Sold to a shrewd and wealthy merchant, Tiergan spent the next six years burrowing in mines and quarries, performing hard labour along with many other child-workers who had been bought for the same purpose. With each year that passed, the youngling grew more angry, vicious, and aggressive - making him difficult to control and risky to keep. His memories of life before the quarries were beginning to fade, but he still recalled the kind voice of his mother, the warm strength of his father, and the twin sister he'd been torn away from when the madness began.
Instead of putting the slave down and wasting an investment, the merchant eventually traveled to the Ul'dahn Black Markets and resold Tiergan as a potential gladiator slave to a secretive criminal lord known only as "Omen." The youth made his first kill not long after, when he was thrust into a room with another child of the same age and told that only one of them would be permitted to leave alive to become a gladiator.
The years that followed were a frenzied blur of harsh, rigorous training, brutal combat in illegal fighting arenas, and terrifying, nightmarish visions. Blackroot Rose leaves were used to give the youth a cruel, but lethal advantage towards the start of his 'career' and somnus was used to calm the boy afterwards, making him docile. The constant back and forth between frenzied uncontrollable violence and mind-numbing calm nearly turned the youngling into a shattered mess. However, as Tiergan grew more powerful in his own right, the use of Blackroot Rose became blessedly less frequent, eventually stopping all together.
With time, Lurial heard word of Tiergan and tracked him down. The twins found ways to meet and stay in contact, their strong sibling bond becoming unbreakable over time as they took solace in the fact the other had survived and they were not truly alone.
=== Adult Years ===
At the age of 17, Tiergan was moved into adult slave pens. There, an unusual hierarchy was established where the strongest slave - designated as the "Alpha" - received special privileges and treatment in exchange for keeping all of the other slaves in line. The Alpha status was signified by a single red band around the upper arm and other slaves could fight the reigning Alpha with hopes of defeating them and taking their place.
Savagely clawing his way to the top, Tiergan reached Alpha status within a year. This allowed him not only the opportunity to embrace luxuries and pleasures he'd previously been denied, but it also allowed him more freedoms, occasionally offering him a glimpse of what life might have been like if he were not a slave. There were three other equally powerful contenders for the position. However, through a combination of luck and skill, the Tiergan managed to remain Alpha for three solid years until he lost the position to Zaius - a vicious, towering miqo'te with unparalleled strength and a sharp, calculating mind, who had only arrived within the pens a week before.
At first, Tiergan viewed Zaius with a great deal of resentment. After spending so much time at the top, the idea that someone could simply appear and defeat him within a week of arriving was infuriating. To make matters worse, the older, stronger male was often cruel and abrasive, mistreating Tiergan at every possible opportunity. Other slaves that had always fought Tiergan one-on-one in hopes of stealing his position, swiftly began ganging up on him in groups to exact revenge. Omen's men no longer regarded him with any measure of respect and he was denied all of the things he'd once enjoyed.
In his desperation to regain his position, Tiergan clashed with Zaius often, fighting with the other male over and over, until eventually a frenzied, tumultuous relationship developed. Gradually, the abuse Tiergan faced at the hands of others vanished as he fell under Zaius' protection. Even Omen's men hesitated to bring Tiergan any harm, his bond with Zaius swinging wildly between enemy, friend, and lover. Tiergan's emotions fell into conflict, his sense of pride making it difficult for Tiergan to see Zaius as anything other then a hated enemy or rival to be defeated... while Zaius' tendency to protect and defend him made it hard for Tiergan not to feel a little appreciation and even fondness for the older miqo'te.
It wasn't until sudden rioting erupted amongst the slaves and one of the walls to the pens exploded that Tiergan was eventually able to escape. With countless other slaves fighting each other and pouring out of the opening, Tiergan, Zaius, and many others were able to flee Omen's control. Tiergan later learned it was all orchestrated by her sister who had been planning to liberate him, but had no way of relaying the news. The gladiator-slave was finally free.<br/><br/>Since his escape, Tiergan has become a mercenary, taking on whatever jobs he can to survive. Despite Lurial's repeated offers to give him a place to stay, the former gladiator refuses, fearful of making her a target should Omen realise they are related to one another.&nbsp; He maintains a reasonably low profile, trying to avoid detection from Omen's men while doing everything in his power to sabotage the criminal lord's plans. His goal is to ultimately destroy his master's vast empire and eventually crush the man's throat under heel ... no matter what the cost.
== Character Connections ==
1) If your character is a gladiator or had anything to do with the gladiator's guild - they would recognise Tiergan a fellow gladiator who was successful in the coliseum. He was known for wielding a sword and a steel, clawed gauntlet when fighting and wore a brass gorget around his neck. The rest of his armor seemed to change often.
2) If your character has ties to the Ul'dahn criminal underground - they might have seen Tiergan brawling it out in illegal combat pits. If they frequented them often enough or had deep enough ties, they would also know he was a gladiator-slave.
3) If your character has really REALLY strong ties to the Ul'dahn criminal underground - they would know he was owned by "Omen." They would also know that Omen rarely, if ever, releases slaves and that this means Tiergan has likely escaped.
4) If your character often took mercenary work in Ul'dah - they may have worked together at one point or another. Or they would recognise Tiergan as another mercenary who often took jobs that involved either violence, killing, or guarding something.
== Annotations ==
This Template was created by [[Deirdre Ta'ea]]

Latest revision as of 19:16, 8 September 2020