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<div align=center><div style="font-size:55px;letter-spacing:0.2em;color:#000000;font-family:Georgia;">Melata Songsteel</div></div>
<div align=center><div style="font-size:15px;letter-spacing:0.25em;color:#000000;font-family:Georgia;">''"Where evil stirs, She comes: Her magic to protect the righteous; Her wisdom to guide the misguided; Her sword to strike down those who've already ventured too far into the darkness."''</div></div>
[[File:The Warden's Chosen.jpg|1000px|frameless|center]]
| name = Melata Songsteel
| image = [[File:Melata Songsteel 1.jpg|frameless]]
| imagewidth =
| caption =
| title = The Warden's Chosen
| gender = Female
| stat_1 = Age
| stat_1_value = Late 20s - Early 30s
| citizenship = Ul'dah
| race = Miqo'te
| clan = Keepers of the Sun; Unaffiliated
| stat_2 = Nameday
| stat_2_value = Unknown
| stat_3 = Occupation
| stat_3_value = Adventurer; Sellsword
| stat_4 = Class
| stat_4_value = Knight-Conjurer
| stat_5 = Alignment
| stat_5_value = Chaotic Good
| stat_6 = Server
| stat_6_value = Omega
==<div style="padding:5px;letter-spacing:0.45em"><center><span style="font-size: 28px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: Georgia">Appearance </span><br /></center></div>==
Melata is a tall light-skinned decently-built Miqo'te woman.
Her show-white hair forms a short spiky bob; her face bears deep scars of years past; her eyes have an extemely pale grey irises, and look almost dead when she's deep in thought; her furry tail nearly always hangs motionless, as if she doesn't even acknowledge it's existence (her ears, though, flicker to subtlest sounds)--overall, her appearance would create an image of a cold and tough person if it wasn't for her lively expression and adventurous look in her eyes. Her language is an odd combination of one of the common folk and one of an educated priest, and many with whom she speaks note that.
When it comes to Melata's usual attire, she prefers dark long coats and high boots. In battle she wears coat-like leather armor with metal protection around the neck, pauldrons and brassards and a light chainmail underneath.
==<div style="padding:5px;letter-spacing:0.45em"><center><span style="font-size: 28px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: Georgia">Personality </span><br /></center></div>==
Melata is confident in her beliefs: she was chosen by Azeyma, the Warden, and the Twelve have granted her endless wisdom; all the evil in the world is created by misguided souls, and only she can help them see this truth, help them recover and begin a new life of righteousness--such is her quest. She is always willing to help (that is, if the cause is righteous), to lend a hand (or advice) to those in need. Villanous people, too, deserve help but only if they admit to their crimes and lay down their arms. She seeks to teach others how to live a good life, whether they want this knowledge or not.
When it comes to everyday life, she appears to be kind, albeit in her own fashion, talkative, though sometimes intrusive, honest and generous. To friends she commonly refers to as 'allies', oftenly insulting them by doing so; she barely speaks of her parents, even when being asked, as if she left them in distant past and no longer cares--so, despite her kindness and beliefs, Melata seems to bear little to no affection to people, only suffering the loss of those she believed to be on the path of the Just. She is always thoughtful in her choice of allies, waiting for them to prove themselves in a virtuous deed or in a battle against a common enemy.
Melata dislikes to be refered to as a Keeper of the Sun or a part of Miqo'te tribes and outright hates when her feline features are being pointed out. She dislikes animals--any animals at all--and deems them unworthy of the same compassion she has to humans. Despite some believing Melata and paladins to have practically similar goals and mentalities, she despises them, thinking about them as mindless slaves of Sultanate and Monetarists, with false sense of honor and justice.
==<div style="padding:5px;letter-spacing:0.45em"><center><span style="font-size: 28px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: Georgia">History </span><br /></center></div>==
Melata was born in a Keeper of the Sun tribe, the name of which the Chosen herself doesn't remember and doesn't care to find out. It almost seems like all other Miqo'te, who lived their regualr tribal Miqo'te lives, never concerned her, she never felt any connetion to them. At the age of six or seven, in her attempt to see the world and to escape all the boring and insignificant people around her, she got lost in a desert, then it was a plain, then--a forest. After several days of tireless exploration she stumbled upon a caravan. Only then realising how hungry and exhausted she was, she didn't mind when travelers took the 'cute little Miqo'te' under their care.
The caravan turned out to be a group of peaceful refugees from Ala Mhigo fleeing from the bloody revolution. One specific family of refugees, Songsteel, lost a daughter prior to it. The Father, still full of sorrow, was quick to believe that the Miqo'te's appearance was not a mere coincedence, but a gift from the Twelve, a girl to whom he must be as tender and gentle as he was to his lost daughter. He even named her after his daughter, Melata. The Mother, however, never shared his beliefs and deemed this decision a dire insult. She forever remained cold to Melata and with each passing day grew colder to her husband. She never stopped grieving.
Once the family reached Ul'dah, the Father soon found a job at a blacksmith's shop--back in Ala Mhigo he was a smith too, and fairly skillful at that. The Mother made the decision to take up a sword and become a mercenary, for a time, at least, untill the family has enough Gil to sustain itself. It was dangerous, but rewarding. Melata always loved to hear about her adventures--that is, when she was in a mood to talk with the girl, which was a rare occasion--but still, the girl barely noticed when the Mother had stopped coming back. In time, with the Mother's savings, the Father managed to open his own forge, starting to craft a vast variety of weapons and armor. Oftenly he let Melata test newly forged swords, which is when her eternal love to swords began.
Melata also had two siblings, brothers. Their relationship was tense. The brothers pulled her tail or touched her ears way too frequently, laughing and jesting. But what irritated her the most was that she constantly saw them talking to other Miqo'tes, in a nice and delicate manner. She had many friends to play with outside of the house, so she spent a lot of time on the streets, not willing to go back to her abusive brothers. With age this time grew longer and longer, and her 'friends' were more and more suspicious. From time to time, she didn't come home for days, drinking, dancing, and seducing strangers in taverns.
This life of debauchery continued for a long time, even after Melata joined a Free Company, for this Free Company suited her well: even though its members deemed themselves noble adventureres, in fact, all they'd ever done was pillaging, robbery and threats--all while somehow remaining within limits of the law and avoiding justice. For young Melata, though, it wasn't an issue--it was fun! There she learned how to fight and kill. At some point the Free Company had a dire need to replanish their ranks with healers. For a long time there was no suitable recruits--and so it was settled to inroduce some of the affiliated members to the arts of conjury. Melata was willing at first, but then, unfortunately, this willingness had quickly dispersed, and her laziness hadn't allowed her training to go so far, in the end leaving her with but basic knowledge of conjury.
By that time, the Garlean Empire became too much a threat to be ignored. A new master of the Free Company dramatically changed its rules, creating a kind of code of honor. Although many members rioted against such changes, Melata did not, for she too now questioned her past lifestyle. The Free Company now fought the Empire, skirmish after skirmish, one being harder than the last. At long last, they were summoned to the Carteneau Plains. Before her departure, the Father gifted Melata suctom-made sword she's still carrying to this day. It was their last time together.
===The Battle of Carteneau===
The battle was long and tough, and bloody. All Melata could see for malms around was bodies and fire. It suddenly struck her: this is too much, she shouldn't be here, this is certainly not going to end well. But she persisted anyway--for the first time in her life fighting for something greater than herself, and it gave her such a unique, invigorating feeling she had never known before. The uneasiness still grew, however, pressing on her mind, and then Dalamud fractured and shattered. Melata and a few of her friends turned to the Free Company's master, begging him to give the order to fall back. But he, one of the oldest veterans of the Company, one of the toughest, the boldest, had taken the oath never to retreat, never to surrender--and the others would follow the same oath, whether they wanted it or not.
In a futile attempt to desert Melata had managed to go far, but not far enough. She was heavily wounded, her friends--slaughtered. The Free Company's members, her former friends and allies, were coming with their weapons unsheathed, intending to finish her off, too. In terror she looked up to the sky, she, an unbeliever, raised her weakened hands in a prayer, and then...she saw the Sun. As gentle and life-giving as it was scorching, destructive. There she saw the Warden spreading the rays of Her benevolence across the realm to save the misguided, to punish the unrighteous. Then--nothing...
She woke up covered in ash and blood, not able to move. Nearly dead, but wishing to live as never before, she called upon her knowledge of conjury, as poor as they were, and it kept her body from falling apart just a little bit longer. In this moment she found her true calling. The Warden had chosen her, out of everybody else, and forgiven her sins. In doing so, Azeyma showed Melata the way it must be for everyone: there's always a chance to begin a new life, a beter life. Melata was ready to take that chance...and offer the same to others.
The help arrived in time. Recovering took several months. While healing from her grievous wounds, Melata read books and studied conjury as hard as she could it on her own, and prayed, almost constantly prayed to her newly found goddess. Then, when she regained the ability to walk, she ventured to Gridania, where she spent several more months learning from masters of conjury. She showed great progress but couldn't stay for any longer. Her new duty called.
She took the job of a travelling sellsword. Where there's a matter of bandits, thiefs, assaulters, she makes sure to be there before the guards or other mercenaries to offer guidance to the misguided, if they accept her offer to surrender. If they don't, she still spares them, leaving a clear warning--a scar for life. If they still persist, she comes back and finishes the job. She saves the young ones from doing foolish and dangerous things and commiting crimes, offers them a lesson of wisdom and modesty. From time to time she joins adventurers to offer them protection and advice. Some heed her words, some do not. Some become her loyal allies, some--her worst enemies.
She works ever tirelessly, and her duty is never over.
==<div style="padding:5px;letter-spacing:0.45em"><center><span style="font-size: 28px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: Georgia">Miscellaneous </span><br /></center></div>==
===Character music===
#Alive or Undead - Powerwolf [[https://youtu.be/2e-SDKG8siE]]
#No Sacrifice, No Victory - Hammerfall [[https://youtu.be/04EBFauyOzQ]]

Latest revision as of 06:40, 8 April 2022