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Line 12: Line 12:
| stat_2_value = Single
| stat_2_value = Single
| stat_3 = Occupation
| stat_3 = Occupation
| stat_3_value = Mercenary, Odd jobs
| stat_3_value = Street runner, Mercenary, Odd jobs
| stat_4 = Height/Weight
| stat_4 = Height/Weight
| stat_4_value = 5'6" / 145 lbs
| stat_4_value = 5'6" / 145 lbs

Revision as of 04:55, 3 August 2014

Limsa Lominsa-transparent.png Cenric "Raz" Amaril
Gender Male
Race Hyur
Clan Midlander
Citizenship Limsa Lominsa
Age 18
Marital Status Single
Occupation Street runner, Mercenary, Odd jobs
Height/Weight 5'6" / 145 lbs
Orientation Homosexual
Namesday 11th Sun of the 6th Astral Moon

"'I'll tell ye a tale if ye tell me a secret."

Cenric Amaril (pronounced ah-mah-ree. The L is silent) is a young Hyur hailing from Limsa Lominsa. Cenric is a spinner of tales and collector of secrets (see: gossip.) He's cunning and decisive, often leading people to believe whatever the situation calls for so that he might always have the upper hand. However, he doesn't always know his own mind, making him unpredictable.

Basic Info


The smell of the sea
Sleeping under the weather
Rain and storms
Probably the sound of his own voice
Handsome men!
Dancing (Usually while drunk. Please restrain him for his own safety)


Cold weather
(Secretly) being alone


Alignment: Chaotic Good
Vice(s): Smokes. Occasionally uses recreational drugs. Drinks. Sex.
Favorite Food: Steak
Favorite Drink(s): Ale. Orange juice.
Favorite Color(s): Deep purples, reds and blacks.

Appearance & Personality

"Bugger 'n shite, I stubbed me blimmin' toe!"


Cenric stands slightly taller than the average Midlander, with a slim frame and rough, lightly tanned skin. Perhaps his most striking feature are his eyes: a pale purple -- sharp and intense. He's clean with surprising white teeth, and always seems to smell of a light blend of lavender and cherry. His long hair is usually covered with some kind of headwear, and jewelry commonly adorns his person. He's possessed of light, scruffy body and facial hair, though he's anything but rugged.
He almost always carries a staff around with him, though he passes it off as a simple, mundane cane.


Cenric is very social and flamboyant, though not overbearingly so. He's happiest when his pockets are full of coin and he's drinking in good company, and will talk for bells about anything from nonsense to more serious topics (but not politics). He also has a tendancy to ramble, which some can find grating.
His demeanor is casual and laid back, making him easily approachable. Because of his worry-free attitude, people often make the assumption that he simply doesn't care. Despite his easy going demeanor, he's reluctant to talk about personal topics, and any who are wont to pry will discover that he's very skilled at deflecting such questions.
He's been known to portray many different types of people in his 'employment' under Abiga, from well-spoken merchants to helpless farm-boys. Due to these years of indoctrination and conditioning, he sometimes has difficulty recognizing the core of his personality.
Absolutely loves hats
Frequently dyes his hair
Carries with him a staff that he passes off as a simple cane



Cenric was born in the gutters on Limsa Lominsa, raised on the streets like so many other orphans. He has no memory of any family -- as far as he's concerned, they either died or simply left him. Most likely they were pirates -- more interested in raiding the seas than raising a child. Either way, he doesn't dwell on it much, accepting the fact as something he can't change.

Since he was a very young child he spent a lot of his time by the docks, begging for a few gil or doing odd jobs where he could. These odd jobs usually came from the various pirates and sea folk who flocked to Limsa, looking for someone to run their illicit goods in their stead. Eventually, he became familiar to the pirates who were based in his city. One such crew made a habit of offering him a safe floor to sleep on and some bread to eat, in return for scrubbing the decks of their ship, The Scoundrel's Lass, and whatever else they needed doing.

One of the pirates, a Keeper by the name of Khuma'z Amaril, acted as a sort of surrogate mother to him. It was from her that Cenric took his surname. While he was close to all of her crew, they had a closer relationship.
It was on the Scoundrel's Lass that he later met Carina, a kindly Arcanist who sought passage aboard the ship. She took a liking to him and, perhaps out of pity, offered to teach him how to read and write. This sparked an interest in him, and upon her return to Limsa Lominsa, continued to study his reading and writing skills.

For reasons he won't divulge he left Limsa just shy of his 17th year - without any real direction - and found himself in Thanalan, where he stayed in a smaller refugee camp. He'd do any jobs that needed doing, even though the pay was awful. Despite spending a year in the desert, he's never actually been to Ul'dah, and knows very little about the inner workings of the city.


Cenric, in his year away from Limsa, has been refining the use of magic - something which he prefers to keep secret from those he has dealings with.

Relations And Rumors


Some of these rumors are untrue or are greatly exaggerated. Please feel free to add your own rumors under PC!

◢ Common Rumors (Easily overheard)
"I heard the uncouth troublemaker steals from hard-working merchants. Pinches things from right under their noses, so I'm told. I'd watch your purse around that one." --Snobbish gossip
"Where can ya find Raz? Hah! Swimmin' in the Wench's swill, most like. Lad can put his cups away, I'll give 'im that." -- Tavern regular
"That one is an awful flirt, I'll tell ya. Spittin' words 'o honey at any 'n all handsome sailor or passerby. Can't deny that the rascal's grown handsome, though." -- Tavern wench
◢ Moderate Rumors (Moderately difficult to overhear)
"He often buys trashy erotic novellas from me. Usually ones with pictures. Why, I've started setting some aside for him! Don't tell him I told you - he's like to blush something fierce, poor lad." -- Independent merchant
"Ah, I remember Raz. Scab, they use'ta call 'im, when he was a small lad. Always had scuffed 'n bloody knees." -- Peddler
◢ Rare Rumors (Very difficult or rarely overheard)
"Didn't he get his scar from Abiga? Y'know, the pirate lass who's as ruthless as the seventh bloody 'ell? Heard he bedded her fella. Hah! Bloody fool. Still, 'e got off lightly. Her fella, on the other 'and..." -- Dockworker
"He's nice enough, I suppose. Can't help but feelin' it's just a show, though. Somethin' in his eyes." -- Barkeep
◢ PC Rumors (Your characters')
"He's good. Oh aye, he's good. ...But he ain't as good as me." - Zhavi Streetrunner
"At least Kink is paranoid. Raz is... a little too cunning for his own good." - Osric Melkire


Romantic Interest     Platonic Love     Good Standing     Neutral Standing     Poor Standing

Zhavi Streetrunner - "Lass is a bloody nightmare. Fun t'get good n' drunk with, when we ain't paranoid of stabbin' each other."

Employer. Raz and Zhavi were rival runners for a time, later resulting in a volatile relationship when they ran a job together for their respective employers. They hate each other. They kind of like each other. They love competing against each other. Time will tell how their relationship will end, but Raz is sure as hell coming out on top.

Osric Melkire - "Don't rightly know what t'make o' the man just yet. Could be a good person t'have on me side. We'll see."

Osric acted as the middleman in employing Cenric's services, but neither trusts the others' act. Being owed a favour, their relationship could tip either way.

Abiga - "Lovely woman! Until ye meet the voidsent."

An old employer and an utterly ruthless smuggler. To say they parted on bad terms would be an enormous understatement. She made sure Raz had no chance surviving the underbelly of Limsa, and is part of the reason he left his home city.

Khuma'z Amaril - "Ain't seen her since she 'n the crew were 'scripted to fight the Empire. Miss her sometimes, I do."

Khuma'z Amaril was a middle-aged pirate who liked swinging an axe almost as big as her, and was something of a mother to Raz. She hasn't been seen since the Calamity and is assumed dead.

Skit - "Fancy talkin' arse. Skit's a good one, and I won't hear nothin' what says otherwise."

Long time friends. On-and-off lovers. The Seeker and Cenric are business partners - when they can stay sober, that is.



Page Template Credit: Bancroft Gairn!