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Revision as of 16:38, 11 March 2013

PLEASE NOTE: This Wiki is constantly changing and updating. Last update made: March 11th, 2013. Review at your own risk, this wiki does contain spoilers that are for OOC purposes only.

Garlemald Flag.jpg Deirdre Ta'ea
"Know only this… this life is not worth squandering. Make it yours, make it more. Love so immensely, care so tenderly, breathe so deeply and see keenly. Do not let it slip through your fingers as I have, you will only find regret. Love… and never cease. Never stop wondering how tall the sky is."
Gender Female
Race Elezen
Clan Wildwood
Citizenship Garlean
Guardian Menphina, the Lover
Age 28
Nameday 3rd Sun of the 1st Umbral Moon, 1549
Height/Weight 5 fulms 10 ilms, 140 ponz
Occupation Courtesan

Deirdre Ta'ea is a stunning Wildwood Elezen specializing in archery and the use of concealed, deadly weapons. While beautiful, lithe and agile she is by no means innocent. Cold, calculated and deadly she comes off to many people as unstable, which is indeed the correct assumption. Though she is highly misunderstood, and can be calm and warm under the right circumstances. She is prone to be more violent towards others because of her difficult past, and is often unpredictable with moods. After many cycles past the Battle of Cartenau, Deirdre is now employed as a courtesan at The Pearl, a brothel in La Noscea.



(Art By Aysun Demiir)
Given Name: Deirdre Ta'ea '[Dear-Dray Tah-Eh]': Her first name comes from an old tale of a woman who dies of a broken heart, and of the three men who sacrifice their lives to show her the world. Her last name comes from a long line of blacksmiths, her father's line, even though she has no talent for the craft.
Aliases/Nicknames: Snow: The codename Deirdre has been given on missions in her past, some know her only by this nickname and nothing else. This name is now used as her alias within the Pearl, and is the only name given to her patrons. Deir: The shortened version of her full name, this is used by close friends only and she will disapprove if used by strangers.
Current Residence: The Pearl, La Noscea
Marital Status: Single
Religion: Follower of Menphina
IC Journal Pre-Arr: http://weatheredjournal.wordpress.com/category/pre-arr-1571-1572/
Current IC Journal: http://weatheredjournal.wordpress.com/category/current/


Height: 5 fulms, 10 ilms - for an Elezen she is fairly short helping her blend among the Hyur races, but stand out uniquely for her own kin. She usually stands slightly shorter than a tall male Midlander.
Weight: 140 ponz - Thin-boned yet curvy, she has a round bottom and a handful of breast. She has lost a little of her previously built muscle over the last few cycles, arms and legs a little thinner but still holding some of their previous strength.
(Art By Jennifer Healey)
Body: Even though she is very thin-framed Deirdre is by no means skinny. Round hips, perky chest and toned muscles, she is flexible and lithe. While more power resides in her legs from training and a gap remains between her thighs, her skill in archery also allows her arms a decent bulk of muscle. Despite having children, her stomach remains flat and toned due to her obsession with exercise and power. Her single, subtle structural flaw is improperly healed ribs on her left side, causing a slight bump in naked flesh, only noticeable by a keen eye, or intimate interactions.
Complexion: Pale, smooth, flawless skin glows in the light and shimmers in the dark. Deirdre is notorious for keeping her skin perfect, going to great lengths to rid herself of scars from her profession as a warrior, one would never tell by her skin of per profession. The only marks she bears are her beauty mark below her right eye and a diamond-shaped burn mark on the bottom of her right foot, a Garlean brand.
Face: Thin, fine features and accented high cheekbones give Deirdre a very fair look. Sharp, icy-blue eyes are more than attentive, her vision keener than the average, rimmed with thick, heavy black eyelashes. Her nose is tiny, her chin is narrow and small, plump lips full and pouted, making her appear younger than her cycles.
Hair: Azure strands weave and twist wildly when loose, hair as untamed as the woman. Her hair is usually only down when she is comfortable, or during an intimate moment. Otherwise, she keeps the long, unyielding locks of hair bound tightly on top of her head or braided, so it stays out of her way as she fights. Even still, her hair finds ways to escape the bonds and flirt about her cheeks. When wet, strands will curl all about thickly. Deirdre has not cut her hair in many, many cycles, making it uncontrollably lengthy. Secretly, she enjoys brushing and braiding her hair, and considers it a very intimate action if another does it for her.
(Art By Jennifer Healey)
Fashion: Preferring more revealing clothes than most, Deirdre often sticks with high boots, tiny skirts and low-cut shirts for her normal dress, anything to draw attention to her curvaceous form. When in battle she dons more frequently tight leathers over her chest and arms, tight armoured leather boots. When needed she will don simple clothes to blend in. If alone and relaxing, she is most often found wearing her panties and a loose, baggy shirt. Her brothel attire is mainly flowing lavender cloth with bare shoulders. A corset of cream trimmed with lace is tight around her midsection, laced up in the back and hooked in the front; pushing her breasts up to make them look a little bigger though it is only fabric that covers them. When sitting her skirts cover all of her lower body, but when standing the slit in the side is visible right up to her hip, showing off her lengthy legs.


Voice: Smooth and seductive, her words are enunciated particularly, her speech holding a light touch of Northern accent.
Demeanor: Towards other people Deirdre will often come about as rude and hostile. She is very protective and tends not to allow people close to her. She will often remain silent but attentive, and always comes off as offensive. To people she knows, Deirdre is less guarded but tends to be more on the icy side. Yet, when people get to know her and she opens up, Deirdre becomes an entirely different person. When this happens she is very docile and shy, and when truly relaxed and comfortable she is a happy woman, smiling often. Though, this takes an immense amount of patience and time, as it is not something that comes naturally to her, unlike her icy mask.
Quirks: Deirdre is used to always having a knife on her, and if permitted one she will clutch on to it and refuse to let go. She is ambidextrous with weapons, but will only ever write with her right hand. Deirdre gets grumpier in the heat, and more docile in the cold. She will bite on her lower lip when aroused, thinking, or holding something back.
Intelligence: Deirdre is fairly uneducated in basic schooling, as she never received a formal education. Any knowledge she possesses she learned either on her travels, from particular missions or undercover roles. She excels more in street and battlefield knowledge and knows little beyond the basics of crafts or literature, over what she needs to survive. She can speak, write and read Eorzean well, but there are often occasions she uses incorrect words, or simply ignores or passes off comments if she does not understand the words being used. She has a particularly difficult time understanding individuals with heavy accents or slang. She has no patience for scholar studies, seeing them as less important than the skill of battle. More recently Deirdre has become obsessed with books, and has a secret love for tomes in the categories of history and religion. Though she will not readily admit this, she adores diving in to vast tomes of unknown information, but sometimes will require help with Eorzean words she does not recognize.



  • Style
Deirdre is a very offensive fighter and prefers quick, deadly attacks than slower, stronger ones. She will usually hit for something vital quickly, and in failing that trying to flurry her opponents in to submission. Though her tactics vary with the opponent, she is very observatory and will adapt herself to the situation. With her skills in archery though she is the opposite, preferring to be as far away as possible when she fires, with the angle, position, or velocity mattering little.
  • Specialization
Ranged attacks with a bow and arrow from great distances, close up encounters with a lightweight dagger never longer than her forearm, range with a spear (and only one with some kind of cross-guard), light forms of magic usually in the element of ice and distraction/diversion methods.
  • Strengths
Extremely close combat or surprise attacks, using her looks to her advantage people usually do not see her coming or as much of a threat, this gives her the upper hand only assisted by her adaptability and cunning. She is also excellent with intensely ranged attacks, assisted by the keen eyes of her kin and a finely tuned longbow.
  • Weaknesses
Deirdre is very weak against heavily armoured attackers with big weapons, though she will try to use her speed to counter this. She is durable, but not overly so, so one or two big hits could end most of her ability to fight. Her ears are also one of her weaknesses, she does not have good hearing to begin with unless she truly focuses on listening, but even still she relies more on her eyes. It is also easy to put Deir in a blooded frenzy, making her more careless than usual, she is not hard to rile up in most situations, which is why she is easily provoked and ends up attacking people randomly.
  • Armour
Her armour varies on her state, but most often she is clad in leathers and usually nothing heavier than scale. She prefers high leather boots with a minimal amount of plating or cloth strapped in leather guardings. Her gloves are usually thin and tight, a tiny bit of metal plating hidden underneath to guard her wrists and forearms from damage.



  • Children
  • Fletching
(Art By Siobhain)
  • Training
  • Running
  • Chocobo-riding


  • Wimps
  • Women
  • Haircuts
  • Preachers
  • Doctors


  • Playing the harp/singing
  • Dancing (ballet)
  • Training
  • Cooking
  • Hand-to-hand combat


  • Favourite Food/Drink: Wild berries and tea
  • Favourite Creatures: Chocobo's
  • Least Favourite Food: Raw Fish/Meat
  • Least Favourite Creature: Primals



  • Father: Nichiel Ta'ea - (Deceased) -:
    (Art By Selene Artemis)
    Her father was her role model, an accomplished blacksmith who made finery for chocobos specifically, among other things. He was the one always encouraging Deirdre to be a free spirit and passed his unruly nature on to her, along with her azure locks. As a youth he belonged to a rebellious gang in the cities, known to many as a talented thief who would hang around with scum. It was not until his father died from a tragic accident that he inherited the family farm and changed his ways, becoming and outstanding citizen. Before Deirdre was born, Nichiel took in a young Miqo'te boy as his apprentice, inducting Ban as part of the family. Nichiel passed on when their village was attacked, slain while attempting to protect his families escape.
  • Mother: Raien Ta'ea - (Deceased) - Deirdre's mother hated her most of her life, teaching her a hard lesson; that you cannot trust even those most close to you. She often received physical and mental abuse from the woman, causing Deirdre's extreme introversion. Raien was a woman from the cities who married her first love, a bad-boy from a gang who promised her all the jewels and dresses she could want. This, of course, did not come true, and after her husband inherited his father's farmland, she was force to become a country-wife. Quickly, she grew bitter towards her life and often took this out on her daughter. She only had one live child after miscarrying a son. After the village was destroyed Raien found she had a second chance at the life she always wanted and sold her daughter so she could have the gil to return to her socialite life before marrying. Cycles later she seeks Deirdre out in Ul'dah, desperate to marry her off in to a rich family to continue her gluttonous ways. She ends up slaughtered in an alley, killed by her daughter's brutal and unforgiving hand, after threatening Deirdre's children..
  • Brother: Bancroft Gairn – (35 Cycles) – Deirdre's adopted older brother, seven cycles her senior. Ban was taken in by her father as a smithing apprentice and lived with their family her whole childhood. Deirdre looked up to Ban, and the two were inseparable, the young girl often choosing to sleep with her older brother. The last time she saw him was sixteen suns ago, and she believes him to be dead alongside her father.
  • Son: Crane Ta'ea - (8 Cycles) - The older of Deirdre's twin boys. Crane and his brother were born in Garlemald, before Deirdre came over to Eorzea. Their father was an Elezen Imperial Guard named Bonnric Kaa, who found his way in to Deirdre's bed; they never spoke. The truth behind their conception seems rather buried. Personality wise, Crane is the more adventurous of the two. He has raven black hair and icy blue eyes. Crane also wears a crystal pendant around his neck at all times. His current whereabouts are unknown, and Deirdre has not seen him in 5 cycles.
  • Son: Cygnus Ta'ea - (8 Cycles) - The younger of Deirdre's twins. Cygnus is the quieter of the two boys. He has the same raven hair as his brother but holds blood red irises and shows an early affinity for ice elemental magic. His current whereabouts are unknown, and Deirdre has not seen him in 5 cycles.
  • Son: Falke Ta'ea - (6 Cycles) - Deirdre's youngest son. Falke's father is her previous lover Shurin Mizune. Falke's hair is azure like his mothers, his eyes also her icy hue. The only other marks on the boy are a birthmark, a crescent moon shape beside his left eye. His current whereabouts are unknown and Deirdre has not seen him in 5 cycles.

(Please note: The below list constantly changes. Character names will appear on the list if Deirdre has some regard of them, and they may move in categories. If Deirdre does not think much of a character or has forgotten they existed, the character's name will be removed from the list. Due to ARR's time gap, I have left people on this list. Once ARR launches, they will be subject to removal after some time if I've found Deirdre has forgotten.)

Friends ('Do Not Stab List')

  • Alothia Starkwood - A longer standing friend of Deirdre, though the two were once at odds over Oskar. She still holds Alothia in high regard despite the annoyance of her group, Corvus Cinis, and will go to her in times of need for a cup of tea and a place to stay. They have not made contact in 5 cycles.
  • Bancroft Gairn - Deirdre's adopted older brother. Though she believes him to be dead, she holds infinite love for him, and mourns his loss.
  • Gerik Aston - A Highlander Deirdre has met and traveled with on multiple occasions. She regards him as an almost replacement for her children, and goes out of her way to protect him. She harbours quite a bit of guilt concerning him, having left him on an outbound ship from Eorzea to deny him participation in the final battle. Deirdre, while having tried hard, feels she was unable to protect him or anyone else. They have not made contact in 5 cycles.
  • Gospel Gestalt - Deirdre and Gospel met after a chance encounter in one of Deirdre's less lucid moments. After awkward conversation, fixing her dislocated arm and lending her a tomb, Deirdre has decided she enjoys Gospel's company and although he may not enjoy it, she will seek his company out again. They have not made contact in 5 cycles.
  • Kerr V'yen - A man whom she encountered while working at the Pearl. Though their meeting as brief, Deirdre felt connected to him because of his more caring nature, not having felt any true emotion directed at her in some time. As a result, she nearly left with him one eve, but remained after becoming injured by another patron, thinking herself too weak to resume life outside the walls of the Pearl. Deirdre wishes this man would return, though she does not think he will. They have not made contact in 1 cycle.
  • Mtoto Wamoto - The previous Commander of the Eorzean Guard. While Deirdre does not fully agree with Mtoto on most occasions, she still respects her. They have not made contact in 6 cycles.
  • Navei Asue - A Hyur Deirdre was very fond of, and has harboured from others. She would not hesitate to protect him or kill for him. The two seemed very close despite hardly every being seen together. Deirdre believes Navei to be dead, and mourns him.
  • Rhio Aldul - A woman missing from her life who she held a high regard for. They have not made contact in 6 cycles.
  • Selene Artemis - After a chance encounter with Selene, and learning how to fold paper boats from the woman, Deirdre initially believed she was a figment of her imagination. Their interactions, due to a drunken eve, seem to be more awkward to an onlooker, but Deirdre enjoys her company nonetheless. They have not made contact in 5 cycles.
  • Shurin Mizune - Deirdre's former lover and the father of one of her children. The two had been together for quite a while, having met in the forests of the Black Shroud during a Sanctus Refero meeting that Deirdre accidentally walked in on. Shurin saved her from a man pursuing her and gave her shelter for the night, little knowing she was hiding her infant sons. From then on they spent little time apart, adventuring through Eorzea from Sanctus Refero to the Eorzean Guard. Shurin is one of the only people who really understands Deirdre personality-wise, as well as her past and what made her who she is. Due to conflicts in their relationship and events, a great rift has grown between the two despite their feelings. Having originally thought he was dead after an incident at the Mavanix Gala, Deirdre sees Shurin alive one last time before she is swept away in aether. They have not made contact in 5 cycles, but she still waits for him to return for her.
  • Staar Mizune - A woman very close to Deirdre stemming from Shurin's past. These two sometimes act more like lovers than sisters. She has been missing for some time. They have not made contact in 6 cycles.

Neutral Affiliation ('Possibly Stab List')

  • Almaz Khaltamze - Having previously loathed this woman for her part in Shurin's 'duty', Deirdre now holds no love or hate for her. After helping rescue her from an attack on their village, Deirdre seems a little more protective of her. They have not made contact in 5 cycles.
  • Aylis Crescent - Having previously loathed this woman for her part in Shurin's 'duty', Deirdre now holds no love or hate for her. After helping rescue her from an attack on their village, Deirdre seems a little more protective of her. They have not made contact in 5 cycles.
  • Aysun Demiir - A new companion, Aysun and Deirdre met on the beaches of Aleport, where Aysun bonded with her son Falke. They have not made contact in 5 cycles.
  • Blade Belisaire - After their last run in, Deir holds no love or hate for the man. They have not made contact in 5 cycles.
  • Endricane Feltaro - A lover from Deirdre's past come back again. While their past has them close and tight knit, Deirdre thought this man was on the other side of the war and had returned to take her back. She is cautious around him, but their history warrants familiarity, though she feels extremely disconnected from him. They have not made contact in 6 cycles.
  • Eva Ianeira - Deirdre and Eva have grown apart. Eva has helped Deir through some troubled times and even assisted in birthing Falke. Deirdre will go out of her way to avoid her because she believes the woman loathes her for leaving Everwatch. They have not made contact in 5 cycles.
  • Galvadan Edgecrusher - Galvadan and Deirdre are constantly at odds. The man wishes to be closer to Deir, who seems to only want to push him away. She has tried to kill him, but at the moment the two have made up, though Deir is still very cautious of him. They have not made contact in 6 cycles.
  • Isilme Turuphant - A woman who came to Deirdre's rescue during a meteor impact at the Gala. Deir vaguely remembers this woman, but respects her and owes her much. They have not made contact in 5 cycles.
  • Kylin Felstar - After a few meetings with the man and a small conversation with Gerik, Deirdre believes this man a fool, but sees his selfish ways almost reflectively. For this reason she has chosen to be cross with him, because she understands his pains in regards to his feelings for Gerik. She believes this man to be dead. They have not made contact in 5 cycles.
  • Oskar Helvig - Previously lovers, these two are always at odds. Deirdre tricked him in to thinking he was the father of Falke when Shurin had left her to pursue his past and duty, so she could cling to some stability. Before this, Deirdre and Oskar often fought to the point of scrapping, breaking bones and causing serious injury. Currently, Deirdre hardly thinks of the man, and goes out of her way to avoid him. They have not made contact in 6 cycles.
  • Paradyme Capellago - A Hyur patron who visited the Pearl. Deirdre thinks him a kind man, albeit out of place, and continues to have trouble remembering his name though she would not forget his eyes. She is told she ‘comforts’ him, which she does not understand. They have not made contact in over 1 cycle.
  • Vaelyn Nykah - A few conversations with a man of her own origins has led Deirdre to believe that he is a naive fool, though she believes they may have a little in common with their past. When near him though, she is a little more at ease, feeling more comfortable around one who knows what her past was like. She will talk more openly with the man. They have not made contact in 5 cycles.

Enemies ('Stab List')

  • Alona Rhys - The previous leader of Sanctus Refero, Deirdre never liked Alona and her ways, eventually leaving Sanctus Refero with Shurin because of Alona. They have not made contact in 6 cycles.
  • Feral Ren - A companion of Shurin who Deirdre has only had a few run ins with. Though brief, her experience with this woman has been soured, and she does not hold her in very high regard. They have not made contact in 5 cycles.
  • Lyraeta Delamer - A mysterious woman who attempted to take Falke away in order to save Shurin. Deirdre does not trust her, and will attempt to kill her on sight. They have not made contact in 5 cycles.
  • Lyriah Karnelle - Lyriah, a friend of Shurin, and Deirdre have bumped in to each other a few times, most recently regarding Navei's disappearance. Deirdre does not trust her whatsoever. They have not made contact in 5 cycles.
  • Reta Suri - Reta, a friend of Shurin, and Deirdre have bumped in to each other a few times, most recently regarding Navei's disappearance. Deirdre does not trust her whatsoever. They have not made contact in 5 cycles.
  • Yssen Van - Deirdre and Yssen have met on several occasions. More recently due to his relationship with his sister Ysa, Deirdre does not trust him and is extremely wary. They have not made contact in 5 cycles.
  • Ysa Van - Ysa, Yssens sister, has provoked Deirdre through Gerik, for what gain is unknown. The two have fought, and will likely fight again if they meet. They have not made contact in 5 cycles.

Rumour Mill

Common Rumours (Easily overheard):
  • "Pretty 'lil thing, that one, costs a fair bit 'o gil too. I wonder if it's true that they call 'er 'Snow' because she'll melt in yer hand? - Aged Highlander
  • "That one? Beautiful, yes… I heard the Madame tell the men she's foreign, but I just can't place it myself." - Lurking Dunesfolk
  • "Always down for doin' a sailin' man a favour, she is. Begs me to tell her stories of the sea each time, cheap price to pay from what I 'ere." - Seawolf Pirate
  • "She plays the harp often but I have heard her sing as well, a voice as enchanting as her eyes…" - Maelstrom Midlander
Moderate Rumours (Moderately difficult to overhear):
  • "I hear she has children! Never seen them myself, but I just bet she doesn't even know the father!" - Snooty Duskwight
  • "Don't think I've ever seen her leave The Pearl. Does the Madame keep her locked up, or does she just not leave?" - Curious Highlander
  • "Yeah, I've made a few things for that Elezen on the request of her Madame. Daggers, a curved longbow… huh? NO! Nothing like THAT! I'm not pervert!!!" - Crafty Midlander
  • "I wonder what she does with her share of the earnings. I mean, that harp must have cost a fair bit, but there must be more gil. Where do you think it is…?" - Jumpy Wildwood
Rare Rumours (Very difficult or rarely overheard):
  • "The night she came here she was all ragged and dirty, blood all over her, we had to scrub it out of her flesh and hair. She won't speak about what happened or why she joined us, in fact she hardly speaks to any of us at all. She is the only one here without debts…" - Gossipy Seeker Courtesan
  • "There is a yew trunk in her room, I'm told. I keep trying to get in there to take a little peek, but the Madame told me she doesn't like Lalafells…" - Paranoid Plainsfolk
  • "Snow? You ought to inquire to the Madame after her. She may be… dealing with a… er… 'habit' right now." - Frowning Hellsguard Guard
  • "No girl! Make sure that gil for Snow is sent to the Cottage in Coerthas! The one west of Ish- Oh! Sir, how can I help you?" - Madame Le'deu
Things You Can't Possibly Know (But I want you to know OOC):
  • She is afraid of getting her hair cut.
  • She is very attracted to Highlander males.
  • She is shy around Miqo'te males.
  • She is a poor swimmer.
  • She is a lightweight when it comes to alcohol, prefers wine, and when drunk becomes absurdly perverse.
  • She is currently addicted to a substance akin to E.

(Deirdre - 16 Cycles)

History/Timeline (1549 - 1570)

(1549) 0 - Born in a small town populated with Wildwood Elezen.

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(1554) 5 - Fell from a tree, breaking three right ribs. This event turned her from a tom-boy to a girl.

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(1555) 6 - Began showing a talent for dance and began to learn the art. Her brother is stillborn.

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(1556) 7 - Her mother begins to abuse her. She meets a Highlander Hyur named Cade Alun.

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(1557) 8 - First trip out of the village with her father.

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(1558) 9 - Taught disciplines of a woman. Learns how to read, write and sew.

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(1559) 10 - A visit of soldiers to her village who are subsequently turned away. Her dance instructor teaches her to speak properly, and she begins to lose her country accent.

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(1560) 11 - 'Borrows' a chocobo from her father's stable and goes joy-riding. Participates in a 'coming of age' ceremony.

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(1561) 12 - Village attacked and taken over by returning soldiers. Deirdre and her mother flee and escape the lands from caravan to caravan. Exposed to all other races through this travel. Soon after her mother sells her in order to begin a new, lavish lifestyle.

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(1562) 13 - Life with her abusive owner and subsequent escape. Travels back to her homelands, joining the same army that destroyed her village. Her hair is cut and she is branded. Training begins.

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(1563) 14 - Training continues, she begins being noticed by soldiers for her womanly virtues, and works her way from charming front line men to officers.

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(1564) 15 – Spends time in Ala Mhigo, occupied by field missions.

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(1565) 16 - Begins killing the officers trying to sleep with her secretly, making it look like accidents.

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(1565 - 1570) 16 to 21 - Gets caught killing officers and subsequently flees before they can put her to death for the crime. She is then caught and brought before judges, sentenced to death, but instead passed off to train as a Venator. Anyone she previously associated with is made to thought she was executed.

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(1570) 21 - Impregnated. Arrives in Eorzea with her twins and wanders endlessly through the twisting Shroud before meeting up with a random group of strangers. This is where her journey begins...

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FFXIV (Pre-ARR) Summary (1571 - 1572)

Cycle One - 1571

Deirdre - by Lilith.jpg

In the beginning days of her time in Eorzea, Deirdre wanders aimlessly throughout The Shroud, scavenging for food and hiding from creatures in the trees. This whole time she travels with her infant sons, doing well to avoid any offensive confrontations, as she is completely without supply and unarmed. Luckily within a few weeks, she meets up with Sanctus Refero, a small group of adventurers at the time, as well as Shurin Mizune, a man of significant importance in her story. She also begins learning new skills, specifically with the spear. All the while concealing her children, Deirdre worked with Sanctus Refero, saving gil to get off the streets, keeping her true heritage and intentions sealed. Once she was more comfortable Deirdre left Sanctus Refero after an argument with Alona, the leader of the little band.

Nearly immediately after leaving SR, Deirdre is recruited in to The Eorzean Guard, under Mtoto Wamoto. Here her skills truly begin to show, the group often on military style initiatives. Keeping mostly to herself she begins to learn Eorzean ways and customs, studying people. She hones her own skills even further, The Guard being the perfect environment for fostering her abilities. Once more comfortable in the company of her new companions, Deirdre begins to lead several events, including sparring and storytelling, for those within the company and outside. These are truly her golden days in Eorzea, for she is sane, level headed, and happy. It is because of this she ascends the ranks, and eventually is charged with training new recruits, albeit with unorthodox ways.

While still in The Guard, her world slowly begins to crumble, as her lover Shurin leaves for what he calls his 'duty'. Losing her stability she begins a downhill journey from here, becoming tense and prickly and going so far as to assault other members of the organization. Soon afterwards the Guard is disbanded suddenly on the disappearance of their Commander Mtoto, and Deirdre resorts to wandering aimlessly.

Having little else to do in ways of making gil, Deirdre finds herself within the ranks of The Everwatch under Oskar Helvig, trusted with protecting The Shroud that she once wandered with her children. She also finds training in the elements, previously unexposed to her own magical affinities. Around this time, her true heritage is revealed and up until that point, she had been reporting Eorzean initiatives to The Empire. She is wildly criticized for this, losing her trust with almost everyone. Despite that, she rises through the ranks of The Everwatch, again involved in training initiatives. During this time on one of Shurin's brief returns, Deirdre becomes pregnant with his son. After finding out she is pregnant with Shurin nowhere to be found, Deirdre sparks up a more involved relationship with Oskar Helvig, afraid if she did not that she would be even more vulnerable while carrying the child. Their relationship, extremely negative and explosive, only festers her deteriorating hold on normal life.

Cycle Two - 1572

After Falke is born, Deirdre reveals to Oskar that it is not his child, leaving him and subsequently the Everwatch. In doing so, she also abandons many who had grown to be her friends.

In the time after, Deirdre chooses to live a life of seclusion to raise her children. Training avidly but never venturing out on jobs, she becomes more recluse and paranoid. Shurin occasionally visits, and although their relationship is very fractured, he is the only light making her walk forward in her otherwise dark world. It is because of Shurin's desire to protect her and the children that she accepted his terms, and took to living in Falcon's Nest. During her time as a stay at home mother, Deirdre forms an intense desire to read and learn from books of lore, acquiring them mainly from travelling caravans or other villagers, wherever she could. Her beliefs in The Twelve also intensify in her need to occupy her mind with something other than her situation, not the type of person to remain locked away tending to a family, despite wide criticism from others.

As the red moon begins to descend, Deirdre and her brood abandon waiting for Shurin to return as well as their home, hiding away in an unknown location for a period of time, staying near a group of devote Twelve worshippers.

Uncomfortable with remaining on the sidelines for the decent of Dalamund, Deirdre returns alone, aiming to find a way to stop the catastrophe, much calmer than when she had left. Soon after being mixed in to the current events and reuniting with Shurin, her world is turned upside down when he tried to kidnap Falke, their infant son. Deirdre prevents this, nearly killing Shurin in the process, and rejecting him outright. She adopts Navei's way of thinking, and now believes Dalamund is descending to purge the lands, and herself.

Rather rapidly her mental health begins deteriorating, becoming more prone to random fits of violence and hallucinations. This is not only due to her situation, but her lucid dreams bleeding over in to reality. She will go on tirades and sprees of blood-lust with barely any instigation, desperately seeking something to calm her mind, wandering alone. At this point a chance encounter with a man named Gospel allows her refuge, and the alchemist supplies her with a drug to focus her mind. She is now addicted.

Desperate to replace the hole left by leaving her children in another's care, far away from the impact zone of Dalamud, Deirdre takes on the job of protecting Gerik Aston, a Highlander caught up in the events around them. Almost obsessively, Deirdre will watch and keep guard over the man, overly hostile to anyone who dare wander near.

The Last Stand - 1572

It is the night of the Gala that turns everything upside-down for Deirdre. The event was meant to find a way to stop the moon, until a fragment of it falls from the sky and in to the gathering. In the chaos and confusion, the ground splits and aether seeps from it, disrupting the natural flow and causing many who attempt to teleport away, to simply evaporate in to fragments of bone and ash. During the fighting, Deirdre's lover Shurin pushes her from the incoming aether, seeping from the ground and making people vanish, and becoming absorbed himself. Distraught with grief and agony, she is pulled away from the battlefield screaming, and taken to safety despite multiple attempts to return to the place her love vanished.

For suns she is bedridden from emotion, locking herself away with only the Highlander Gerik as company, who is equally as distraught from his own loss. It takes much time for either of them to speak, or leave their refuge.

Soon after, the cities are attacked by monsters and Imperials causing Deirdre and Gerik to flee to the Isles of Umbra, where she builds a makeshift grave for Shurin. The two prepare for the final fight nearing, and Deirdre trains Gerik in the basics of archery and hand-to-hand combat. But, thinking him unfit for the battle, Deirdre ties Gerik to a Roegaydn named Wu on an outbound ship from Limsa in order to keep him safe before leaving for Cartenau Flats, and the final battle. The moon is getting closer, and time is running out.

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FFXIV: ARR (1573 - Current)

Cycle One - 1573

(COMING SOON- Wandering (Refugee, no killing declaration))

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Cycle Two - 1574

(COMING SOON – Ul’dah (debts, relapse))

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Cycle Three - 1575

(COMING SOON- Ul'dah -> Limsa (Relapse))

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Cycle Four - 1576

(COMING SOON- At sea -> The Pearl (Limsa)(Para + Aatrix))

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Cycle Five - 1577

(COMING SOON - The Pearl (Limsa)(Promotion, Kerrx2)

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Current - 1577

Deirdre is employed as a courtesan in the beginning of ARR, a resident of The Pearl, a high class brothel in La Noscea. She does not stray from the grounds whatsoever.

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Deirdre's name is actually from a Celtic story. Her journal is also available for OOC viewing on the Lodestone. If you would like to RP, please send me a /tell in game, and email ([email protected]) or a PM on the RPC. I am open for any kind of plot, relation or encounter.

The Stabby Lists are created based of the OOC nickname for the violent Deirdre, and do not mean you will actually be stabbed. In truth, Deirdre has not actually stabbed more than three other player characters. The friend's lists and any other information contained in this wiki if for OOC purposes only, and should not be taken ICly without expressed permission.

Deirdre's singing voice is taken from the lead singer in Blackmore's Night, Candice Night.

Other Fan Art

(Art By Xenedra) (Art By Vee) (Art By Remi) (Kerr and Deirdre - Art By Deirdre) (Art By Kerr) (Art By Rhostel) (Endricane and Deirdre - Art By Xenedra)