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While there is nothing on Chise that can get her arrested there is enough on Chise to make her distrusted by most authority. She’s trying to distance herself from her criminal past but it will take time for something so deeply wrought to heal over, especially with fellow Domans.</div>
While there is nothing on Chise that can get her arrested there is enough on Chise to make her distrusted by most authority. She’s trying to distance herself from her criminal past but it will take time for something so deeply wrought to heal over, especially with fellow Domans.</div>
<div><font style="color:#8f827a;">■</font> '''Mercurial'''<br>
<div><font style="color:#8f827a;">■</font> '''Mercurial'''<br>
She’s doing her best to seem composed. However, beneath that are wildly varying and rapidly changing emotions. Anything from an uttered word to a sudden change in plan can drastically change Chise’s mood. Occasionally this results in emotional outbursts.</div>
While she does her best to seem composed her emotions are wildly varied and rapidly changing. Anything from an uttered word to a sudden change in plan can drastically change Chise’s mood. Occasionally this results in emotional outbursts.</div>
<div><font style="color:#8f827a;">■</font> '''Impulsive'''<br>
<div><font style="color:#8f827a;">■</font> '''Impulsive'''<br>
Arguably subtle though that doesn’t mean it’s not there. Chise is striving to live a life she thought she would never have. Which means she’ll make terrible, awful decisions at the drop of a hat if she can rationalize it. She's amazing at justifying her own shitty behavior.</div>
Arguably subtle though that doesn’t mean it’s not there. Chise is striving to live a life she thought she would never have. Which means she’ll make terrible, awful decisions at the drop of a hat if she can rationalize it. She's amazing at justifying her own shitty behavior.</div>

Revision as of 21:43, 14 February 2016

Au Ra
4th sun,1st astral moon
4 fulm 7 ilm
None at Present
The ramifications of pride come swift and harsh. The country by the sea that was once Doma can now hardly remember ever being so proud and stalwart, now nothing more than ash upon the wind.

Chise Tobukizu is not much different than the land she hails from. She can hardly remember ever being so proud and stalwart. She can hardly remember--under pain of shame--ever being the leader of a small criminal network. Her life now is most certainly not the product of her own failing. She is most certainly all the things she thought she could never be: free and lovely and normal.

Of course, she isn’t. Growing up in an environment where results were prided over personhood Chise is grasping at straws for what to do now that crime hasn’t worked out the way she’d have liked. Rendered a wandering widow through her own machinations Chise travels from place to place in hopes sparking a sense of identity within herself.


Most everyone should have a code from the poorest pauper to the richest of kings. Chise can forgive someone for doing ill under their own moral guideline. What she can’t forgive is someone who cannot commit to their action.
For reasons out of her hands, Chise has lost most of her family. For reasons well within her hands, Chise has let go of the rest. Still, that doesn’t mean she doesn’t like it as a concept. As something she can view distantly. Someone who values family of their own, either via blood ties or a motley band of friends, will always have Chise’s respect.
While she harbors no ill will for the civilized world Chise always finds her peace quicker outside city walls than in. The rustle of leaves, the twinkle of stars, the rolling of waves. . . What isn’t there to like?
The Arts
From poems to novels, sonnets to dirges, sketches to paintings, Chise is an admirer of creative pursuits. Above all music will always have a special place in her heart and if one is so inclined she will trade songs as if they were currency.


Manners change from region to region. Intent does not. Chise finds those who will willingly trample upon the rules and boundaries of others to be detestable at best.
They subjugated her people, destroyed her home, and killed those whom she held dear. Perhaps sometime in the very distant future Chise will find it in her heart to understand a military isn’t always a reflection of it’s people. That time is not now.
Surprise, surprise! When you spend a really, really long time on a boat the novelty of being on a boat wears off. If Chise doesn’t have to board another gods be damned ship in her lifetime she will be completely and utterly content.
Through unfortunate circumstance, Chise never actually became a person the way most seem to be so effortlessly. There’s facets of personhood other people have that Chise just. . . lacks. This is proving hard to hide and she’s quick to (attempt to) flee when she feels severely othered.


There is a whole world out there that Chise long thought she’d never see. There are secrets and witches and wolves. There is magic and there is teeth, the fantastic and the mundane. Chise so deeply wants to see what the world has to offer.
Chise never became a person because she was never taught how. She fully intends to figure out how, even if she has to be humbled in the process.
Being born and raised in a highly familial environment, Chise doesn’t do well when she feels completely alone. She thrives upon the wish, the hope, that one day she will find a little family of her own.
Aside from her brother whom she’s sent on his own, far far away from her, Chise is the last Uranakei that she knows of. She is, perhaps, one of the only people in her village to survive. She has tried, and failed, and while she has survived she has not been spared. Chise strives to feel worthy of being alive when so many close to her have passed.


There are always terms and conditions. When said terms and conditions are met and fair and followed, Chise will stay on her post. Sometimes to her benefit and other times to the bitterest of ends.
Though she seems so very far inside her own head. . . She’s also very far outside of it. Chise has a tendency to fix her gaze onto all things interesting and not, pulling loose threads to come to conclusions others may skip over.
Pragmatic Thinker
Good and Bad are very real ideals for very many people. For Chise, however, Worst and Best are how she sees the world. Given enough time Chise can think of the most efficient way to reach the best outcome she can.
Magically Deft
More a generalized witch than a practitioner of any one thing, Chise has a handful of spells up her sleeve. With hexes and curses and augments and wards Chise comes a valuable ally if one needs a powerful spell or an eye for the arcane.
Strangely Charming
If one isn’t looking for a paragon of conventional charm, they’ll find Chise has an odd charm of her own. Her oddness attracts as much as it repels, and her dancing words and esoteric approach the world can make for decent company.


Socially Defunct
If one is looking for a paragon of conventional charm, they will be severely disappointed and perhaps even unsettled by Chise. While it’s not to say that she isn’t trying. . . Trying doesn’t always mean working.
Criminal Record
While there is nothing on Chise that can get her arrested there is enough on Chise to make her distrusted by most authority. She’s trying to distance herself from her criminal past but it will take time for something so deeply wrought to heal over, especially with fellow Domans.
While she does her best to seem composed her emotions are wildly varied and rapidly changing. Anything from an uttered word to a sudden change in plan can drastically change Chise’s mood. Occasionally this results in emotional outbursts.
Arguably subtle though that doesn’t mean it’s not there. Chise is striving to live a life she thought she would never have. Which means she’ll make terrible, awful decisions at the drop of a hat if she can rationalize it. She's amazing at justifying her own shitty behavior.


"Languid and Daydreamy"

Never full in the moment until another person starts speaking. Yet even then Chise looks as if she’s half asleep, half caught on a thought, half there. Where oh where is the rest of her?

Collects Flowers
If Chise is out and about in the world it’s by a mix of curiosity and force of habit that she has to pluck a flower from wherever she may be. Somewhere in her room is a book with flowers pressed from all lands traveled.
Odd Speech Patterns
Chise doesn’t speak Eorzean as a first language. It is incredibly apparent. Some sentences she speaks clearly, other sentences she doesn’t. Sometimes she uses large words, sometimes her words are broken down to simplest form. Everything has to be tumbled about in Doman and assembled into something others will understand.

Description Here

Description Here



Some of these rumors are untrue, speculation, or are greatly exaggerated. Please feel free to add your own rumors under the Player Character category!
◢ Common Rumors - Easily overheard. Use these freely!
Has a fondness for flowers, and can often be found near the largest concentration of them in an area.
She's been spending her time "in the clouds" but seems to be cautious and evasive when it comes to Ishgardian soldiers.
Is a witch, and a powerful one at that. It's said she can read a person's past, present, and future.
Chise is--rather mysteriously--missing her husband. Wait, no, her husband is dead. He seemed like such a hale and healthy fellow too. . .
She once owned a quaint little shop in Lavender Beds. There were a number of rowdy occurrences about the property and then day she was just. . . Gone. No boxes moved out, no property sold, no sign of packing. She and her family just left.

◢ Uncommon Rumors - A little more difficult to hear. Use sparingly or ask first!
Her shop in Lavender Beds was a front for drug trade. They had been getting somnus from Ul'dah and pawning it close to the Ishgardian border.
Chise's curses are far more powerful than her readings. With the right components and enough time she can curse an entire family tree.
There's never a time out in the world where she isn't playing music. Be it by a little clockwork box or a worn old lute, music follows her.
Sometimes, though not always, looking for someone. The descriptions she give sound like two much older Raen women.

◢ Rare Rumors - Very rarely overheard. Please ask before using!
Chise is the heir of the Uranakei family's legacy. What legacy, you ask? A long wrought history of crime and cruelty.
Back during the Garlean occupation of Doma Chise secured herself a cushy life hanging on the arm of some young Garlean war hero.
Back when she was hanging from the arm of said Garlean war hero Chise used her position to plan numerous paths with which to smuggle Domas out of the country.
Her magic is hardly magic at all, but rather the product of a dark pact between her and something from the void. Just look at her hand!
Chise isn't just a widow but a haunted widow at that. There's a tall dark figure that's always looming upon the edge of her life.

◢ Player Character Rumors - Feel free to add rumors of your own!
Feel free to add your own rumors here!


  Colour Key
  ♥ In A Relationship: romantically involved with this character.
  ♥ Romantic Attraction: romantically interested in this character.
  ♥ Sexual Attraction physically interested in this character.

  ♥ Platonic Love/Family: considers this person family.
  ♦ Friend: considers this person her friend.
  ♦ Friendly Acquaintance: considers this person mostly friendly, or as an ally.

  ● Good Standing: has no specific feelings about this character, however they left a good impression.
  ● Neutral: has no specific feelings about this character.
  ● Bad Standing: has no specific feelings about this character, however they left a bad impression.

  ♠ Dislike: doesn't consider this person a friend, and will talk if needed, but try to avoid them.
  ♠ Hate: consider this person an annoyance, and will try to avoid them. Conflict can happen.
  ♠ Fear: is terrified by this character, and will try to avoid them at all cost.
  ♠ Rivalry: consider this person a rival, and will try to initiate conflict every time she gets to meet them.

  ♥ Family Member: This character is related by blood.
  ✔ Business: This character is either an employer, employee, or coworker.
  ✖ Deceased: This character has passed away.
  ? Hidden Feelings/Unknown: This character has one of all the color keys above, but isn't fully aware of it yet.

  Example ( ) - Nickname

R E L A T I O N S (PC)

  Yorumei Uranakei (  ♥  ● ) - Brother of Winds
There’s a great many thing Chise would rather leave unsaid about her brother. . . And he’d probably prefer it that way. Of everyone in the wide wicked world Chise prioritizes Yorumei (who tragically considers himself expendable to her cause) partially out of familial love and partially out of deeply ingrained morals. He is a balancing force and a source of well needed perspective for her.
  Kaiten Tobukizu (  ♥  ♥  ●  ✖) - A Flame Put Out
Promised to marry Kaiten before she was so much as even born Chise has since made good on her promise with martial vows and a shiny ring. To say Chise has a sense of duty would downplay her near fanatical regard towards her husband. The only problem is that while she’s happy to make him happy she’s bitterly resentful that he limits her freedom. This bit of poison has seeped out into her words once or twice though in recent times she’s buried the dead horse and swallowed her wants. She has to keep her husband happy, after all.
  Staelufre Lysmerl (  ♦  ●  ?) - The Woman of Blue Sea
Staelufre speaking was the very first familiar feeling thing Chise had happened upon in Eorzea. It hadn’t occurred to Chise that she was even looking for Staelufre till she invited herself into her home. To say that Chise wishes to be her friend would be a gross understatement how badly she wishes to keep in Staelufre’s good graces. However, Chise is too far out of tune with her emotions and has been too pressed for time to get close to the Miqo’te.
  Renee Becquerel (  ?  ?  ? ) - A Very Motherly Compass
There are no clear answers regarding Chise’s feelings towards Renzhen. They seem to change upon day, time, weather, and who is asking her. Sometimes Renzhen is a deplorable villain, a madwoman, a stuffed shirt with her head in the clouds. Other times Renzhen is a pleasant woman, motherly, and a person whom speaks good advice. Whatever the matter, it doesn’t matter. Chise has needed someone like Renzhen in her life for some time now and it’s a fact that Chise is well aware of.
  Aristide Satileyeux (  ♠  ♠  ♥  ? ) - He Who Haunts

Potential Hooks
Outside Links:
Her character tumblr can be found here.
Misc Info:
Template adapted from Bancroft Gairn, with edits by Xheja Rajhera / N'hadiya Khei. THEN snatched from Renee Becquerel and edited with the help of Yorumei Uranakei / Xavarian Mystrife