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: <font style="color:#aac5b4;" size="3">■</font> "She’s got a heart of gold… just like that damn eye patch of hers. Just don’t touch that eye patch… or you WILL regret it." - [[As'miya Hyun]]
: <font style="color:#aac5b4;" size="3">■</font> "She’s got a heart of gold… just like that damn eye patch of hers. Just don’t touch that eye patch… or you WILL regret it." - [[As'miya Hyun]]
: <font style="color:#aac5b4;" size="3">■</font> "Tamm definitely has her own way of doing things... I worry about her a lot, being as spunky as she is. Did you know she once got so drunk she let a fist fight break into an axe fight, and almost jumped in the ring? Hah-- she did! Was a fun night, that one." - [[Ciaran Cadeyrn]]

Revision as of 22:55, 20 April 2016

In a nutshell...

"This one time, Tamm'lin and myself made a slight error when trying to con some idiot into giving us 100,000 gil for 100 Manderville Gold Saucer tokens. The guy fell for it, but as we walked away, he asked the gil exchange clerk and was told the truth. Ah! There we were, surrounded by guards and backed into a window when Tamm turns to me, smiling ear to ear, and says; "I bet if we jump we might land on a passing airship." Before I can tell her how stupid that idea was, there's a crash of glass behind me. Of course, I jump after her. In a last ditch attempt to not fall to our certain doom, I tie a rope to my dagger, throwing it at a support beam. Just as I miss and start readying for death, I hear the sound of springs, followed by an impact on something soft. Turns out we landed on the deluxe bed of a newly wed couples airship. They'd decided to move it to the deck for, er, romantic purposes..." - S'kye S'yoponi
Limsa Lominsa-transparent.png Tamm'lin Maertena
Mama said KNOCK YOU OUT! - credit to DrGriswald for making this wonderful thing.
Gender Female
Race Miqo'te
Clan Seeker of the Sun - Condor Clan; "But really, th't ain't important... an' none of y'r business!"
Citizenship Limsa Lominsa
Age 26?24? Something like that.
Marital Status Single - Not Looking. "That romantic shites f'r childr'n an' toddlers."
Occupation Wandering Miqo'te, Former Shipyard Worker, Total Badass
Height/Weight 5fulms & 4Ilms(5'4") & 140 Ponz, though her weight is all muscle, she'd assure you.
Orientation "Whatev'r!"
  • Adoptive Father: AhldWint Eyridoensyn
  • Adoptive Mother: Sthalwyb Sterrbharwyn

Basic Backstory

Since a young age, Tamm always seemed to be at odds with everyone around her. She fought too much, yelled too much, didn't want to be paired off to take her rightful place in the clan - As all female Seekers of the Sun do. The ginger and white haired girl had no interest in those dole affairs; Instead, she longed to see what was laying beyond in the world at large - What experiences, friends, and knowledge she could find. This, of course, was a great concern to the elders around her. They tried talking to her, scolding her, and eventually giving her one last chance to adhere to the traditional ways; Of which she refused to do.
Really, it left them with only one choice - Kick her ass out!
Which they did, to great fanfare, as their clan no longer had to worry about fights breaking out at dinner time or the clan's males getting their ears bitten if they so much as looked at Tamm wrong. As soon as she was of age, off she was kicked; Much to Tamm's delight. Of course, at a tender age, she was inexperienced, inept, and not very bright to begin with.
However, she was a hard worker - Which lent to her benefit when she finally settled herself in Limsa Lominsa.
Typically, the seaside city is Roegadyn territory. However, as we all know, the Roegadyn's are accepting of other races; Provided that you're useful and productive.
At the very least, Tamm was certainly that. In a small shipyard that employed her, Tamm did her best, worked her hardest, and never gave up on a task. Yet, when the day was done, she often wandered off by herself, much to the bewilderment of her fellow shipyard workers. "Don't ya have a home to go to?" The older of the crowd often asked, having grown concerned for their young compatriot. "Well no, I don't." She'd reply, with a simple shrug of her shoulders and a beaming grin. "Clearly," Thought her old, grumpy Boss, "This will not do! Isn't right for a girl her age t' not have a home."
So, with that, he went to his wife; Who readily agreed. She'd always been fond of children, you know. However, they'd not been blessed in having any.
Much prodding and yelling and ranting and pointing ensued, with Tamm'lin finally relinquishing her pride and getting a warm bed to sleep in for the first time in months. Months turned into years, and for a while, all was right with the world.

...This is at least the story she'll tell you. That doesn't mean it's true.


Warm spots in the sun to nap in!
Good food, good friends, good booze - Preferably all at once.
Staring at floors. "It was a nice floor."
Deep thoughts about things uneducated shipworkers shouldn't think about!
Being a mischievous little asshole.
Arm wrestling.
Also, suplexing people during fights.


Being bored.
Sour things!
Large bugs!
Being largely illiterate.


Alignment: A very grey sort of morality. (Though, she seems to be leaning towards 'goodish')
Brash - She doesn't think too hard or too long about decisions. But generally regrets them later!
A bit of a vengeful streak.
Developing a self-serving streak a malm wide.

Character Diamond

The "Character Diamond" is a great character building tool. A more indepth look at it and further explanation is listed here: The Character Diamond

Brash Tamm'lin doesn't plan much ahead, and even when she does, she's hardly the mastermind she thinks she is! Quick decisions often follow her quick temper.

Mischievous Her bratty streak is a mile wide and Tamm'lin can't ever resist the urge to show it every chance she gets. This is both good and bad, because she often runs her mouth with out thinking of the consequences.

Inherently Kind She knows that people can be terrible, but that doesn't stop her from seeing the good in them. She cares deeply about others, even if it doesn't seem like it. Often, her heart and emotions are worn on her sleeve. That doesn't mean she has no secrets, just that she's able to empathize with others well.

Morally Ambiguous Everything has a good side, a bad side, and a huge range of 'in the middle'. Doing the 'right thing' doesn't always mean doing what society thinks is 'right'.


The tanned and freckled Seeker isn't exactly a beauty; Rather, she could be, if she ever put much effort into her appearance. Slender, short, and wiry are three words to describe the Miqo'te. Darkly tanned arms and legs show well-deserved muscle, the kind one might get from hours of walking, climbing, swimming, and training to fight. If Tamm had to be flowery about it, the quiet little cat would say her eyes are like the sea on an eerily calm day. Glass green and reflective.
Her hair is usually a wreck, with chopped mane-style in utter disarray. With white streaks running through her short, light auburn hair, the look of 'unruly tomboy' is only accentuated. Doesn't help that the damn, spunky Miqo'te doesn't have much in the way of curves. Small chested and lanky, the ruffian looks more apt to punch the owner of an errant, butt pinching hand than bat her long lashes owlishly at them.
In spite of all this, in some ways the woman is cute. In the kind of way a tiny lizard might be. Adorable, rough looking, and sort of scary if you aren't used to seeing such things.
More often than not, Tamm looks positively feral – Covered in mud, grass, and who knows what else after a day of doing odd jobs. Her clothes show signs of being well loved and well traveled, but also well sewn.

Life So Far...

As of Right Now:
The dirty trashcan of a Seeker is trying her best to sink her claws into the underbelly of U'ldah, making contacts, and generally being completely awful. She's a hellcat with a mission, and so far? So far, she's doing pretty damn good. With the joining of the Imaginarium run by Fabius Dandy, the little showboating asshole finally has a place to let all her plans grow to fruition.
Watch out world, here comes hell on wheels.

Some of these rumors are untrue or are greatly exaggerated. Please feel free to add your own rumors under PC!
◢ Common Rumors (Easily overheard)
"I heard she's real odd. You know, for a Miqo'te."
"Apparently, she's got a powerful sweet tooth. I see're munching on sweets all the time, walking around Ul'dah and staring at things like she's off in her own world."
◢ Moderate Rumors (Moderately difficult to overhear)
"That cat? She hits like a damn chocobo kick to the face."
◢ Rare Rumors (Very difficult or rarely overheard)
"Heard she's been sneaking 'round at night. Apparently, digging around f'r information. I'd steer clear of that one, if I were you."
"... Story's been that she killed a man or two with nothin' but her bare hands and a dagger to their necks. Sliced 'em like she was bleedin' out a hog to slaughter."
◢ PC Rumors (Rumors from the character's of other players)
"Tammi? Gods, ser, you should have seen that girl when she dropped by our little dinner party the other evening dressed in 'naughty farm girl' attire. A modest and intriguing little kitten, as she refused to acknowledge her tasteless outfit. She's also quite talented with a knife, I assure you. How amusing! I'll have to get to know that one a little better once I catch up on sleep." - Sigurd Sundsteigen
"For someone so small, she can really hold her drink. I'm pretty sure she drank her weight in booze. It made me proud." - Benedict Whiteraven
"Have you seen her at Grindstone? BOOSH! Jugular Punch. BASH! Knee break. SLAM! Collarbone Crunch. She's amazing!" - S'kye S'yoponi
"Aha, Tamm. She used t'work fer us. Then... worked next door! I heard she ripped out a pirates throat with her own fuckin' teeth on a mission, then went home t'play dress up as a kinky gardener. R'gardless, she's always good fer a laugh that one. I'd take th'opportunity t'drink with her again, aye." - Odette Saoirse
"She’s got a heart of gold… just like that damn eye patch of hers. Just don’t touch that eye patch… or you WILL regret it." - As'miya Hyun
"Tamm definitely has her own way of doing things... I worry about her a lot, being as spunky as she is. Did you know she once got so drunk she let a fist fight break into an axe fight, and almost jumped in the ring? Hah-- she did! Was a fun night, that one." - Ciaran Cadeyrn
 ????? Close Friends "Friends!" Acquaintances ¤Neutral "Jerks!"

S'kye S'yoponi - Close Friends doesn't even begin to cover the relationship between these two. Tamm will, and has, killed a bitch for S'kye, who is her precious popoto friend.
S'kye and Tamm have had a very hard life together - While it isn't mentioned in the background part of Tamm's profile, S'kye and Tamm grew up together, within the same Seeker clan. Read S'kye's profile for her side of that. A lot of horrible bullshit happened to them, essentially breaking them both, leaving the two misfits with nothing but each other; And so, with their cracked and jaded psyches, they've gone out into the world, caring only for their safety and happiness... at any means necessary. A life of crime, murder, and general badness evolved quickly, with little of either pair caring much about the moral hangs up one might usually have. Now? Now they've decided it's easier to pretend to be normal... then play their games, building their two woman crime ring into something much greater; And, as far as that goes? The game is very much afoot.

Naih'a/Noble - Apparently, Tamm said yes to getting hitched to this Keeper. Why? Who knows! Seems she actually likes poor, poor Naih'a.
Fabius Dandy - Headmaster, friend, groovy dude৳ - Tamm practically looks up to this crazy man, if only because he's one of the few that doesn't fall for her dazzling bullshit.
Ulan - The Lizard and The Cat have an on going partnership of blood letting and bad ideas, wrapped in a mighty thirst for coin.
Tyr - The Brickshit House; Tamm likes to pal around with this axe wielding dude, because why the hell not?
Ouka Highwind - "... why's he s' tall?"
Cerry - Long time pals, equally abrasive towards one another.:
Jorund - Strong, silent, and terribly deadpan, this Hyur interests Tamm in the way a plot piece that doesn't quite fit interests a novelist.

Hard Limits

Please don't try to murder Tamm... and if you do want to, please let me know first!
Just ask. Seriously. It's all situational, just like real life is.

Please do!

Walk up & Tells are always appreciated!
Feel free to contact me on my skype for rp! - professormctrex
Randomly chit chat!

Other OOC Information

MRP friendly.
Yes, that also means I'm A-OKAY with Erp.
Preferably, I want a steady RP partner.


Footnotes and Other Things

Her theme song currently might be this;
The current TV tropes;
Because I'm Good At It - Fighting seems to be the only thing she's naturally good at.
Ambiguously Evil - The moral grey area is tricky to navigate.
It Amused Me - Tamm'lin does most things because they amuse her; Sometimes, not to the benefit of others.

About her name

Here are a few notes on her wacky name;

Tamm'lin Maertena


A butchering and misunderstanding of a culture she's been welcomed into, her name is nothing but well sylabled gibberish. Granted, it has a basis - Which she barely understands the meaning of, outside her own clan name. Her 'real' name is T'amm. Yes, a sire's name is her surname... but she refuses to speak it. It isn't that she hates her clan or her nature... but Tamm's sire is a different matter. When speaking to her fellow dock workers for the first time, many simply couldn't pronounce her name and since she didn't give a last name... eventually they gave her one of her own. She's strong and hard working - Reliable, too. However, her age at the time put her as nearing the ages of many of these fellows children. Tamm, of course, is much smaller than any Roegadyn.

And so... T'amm turned into... (teh-AM)

Tamm klin (TA-am) (kl-IN)

Because.... Klin means child in the ancient Reogdayn language; Which she was often called 'klin' in, as of course, to them... she's not only a young age, but she's about the height of a child. Tamm Klin = Tamm child... or, rather Tamm, the child. T'amm became Tamm... and klin dropped the k, become lin. And so, T'amm Klin became... Tamm'lin (TAH-am-lyn)

After she left, she thought it wise to have a surname. She couldn't just take her 'family's' name... she wanted one of her own. She refuse to use her clan name, as that would mean even the smallest tie to her sire - Which simply wasn't going to happen. So, instead - She used a butchered version of the nick name her 'parents' had given her; Mighty Oak ... Which was roughly pronounced...


However... as most can't pronounce Reogadyn very well, and certainly not bone-headed cats, ... the name was completely butchered. And so... Maeti-Eyha became ... Maeteya.... which became...

Maertena (MAer-TEH-nah)

Klin - Child Maeti - Mighty Eyha - Oak T'amm - Proper Seeker First Name

This information is entirely OOC until mentioned IC.

Firstly, Tamm'lin is a bad person. While she is inherently kind and empathetic, she is also incredibly self-serving. She does things because they either amuse her or because she benefits in some way. You must understand she was designed broken in order to follow her intentions and ambitions...

With that said, here's the actual backstory so far;

T'amm was born fighting. She came into the world kicking and screaming, wailing like a shedevil on a rampage. Her childhood was no different; Insatiably curious and outgoing, but with a temper that would make Ifrit proud. She was a hellion from the start, often doing things simply because she could, much to the anger of her clan. They tried their best to subjugate the Seeker, doing their best to break her spirit in any way possible.

Enter, S'kye S'yoponi. The Lalafell who seemingly feel fro m the sky. The clan took pity on the poor girl, accepting her into the fold. However, along comes T'amm. Big green eyes ablaze with intense mischief and curiosity, the two ladies quickly became inseparable, as S'kye quickly developed a never-ending crave for knowledge.

Of cours,e life was not all posies and carefree days - Instead, it was very hard for the two. The Seeker female was meant to do not much more in life than settle for being a woman of the clan; And all that entailed. S'kye had lost her memories, mourning a life she never knew she had in the first place; The only connecting string to the Lalafell's former existence were brief, excruciatingly painful flashes of memory and insight.

Eventually, as the two grew older and more 'of age', the wild-hearted Seeker only grew more frantic in her resolute bucking of tradition - Which the current Nuhn had simply had enough of it.

He decided to teach the girl a lesson; Whether she liked it or not.

S'kye, the ever adoring other half, panicked in such a fashion, rearing to her beloved friend's defense; In a flash, the adorable and mild-mannered Lalafell had remembered a potent spell, slinging it at the clan's Nuhn. It wounded him, to be sure, but seemingly only spurred his rage on, turning instead of the little bookworm of a newly minted magic user.

A harsh kicked to the face and watching her friend slide across the floor was all it took for the already enraged T'amm to fly into a such a fit of energetic violence that the Nuhn would have been lucky to be alive.

To be clear, he wasn't lucky.

Even as the blood pooled around her bare, bruised feet - T'amm stood there, gasping for breath, mind cooling from the adrenaline high. Then? Then, they panicked. They'd just killed a man, not that he didn't deserve it. It wasn't much thought on the act, more worry on the repercussions; And so, the two fled as fast and as far as legs could carry. Rather, as far as T'amm could carry S'kye. Lalafell don't make great distance runners, after all.

For years, they traveled together; Living in any way they knew how, which wasn't very much, other than raising general hell. The skills of being pains in the ass eventually turned into petty crime, petty crime turned into short cons, and short cons turned into all out fraud. The pair was incredibly' good at being incredibly bad, and the mental high that was achieved from such acts was addicting.

However, life goes on. The two seperated for a few years, with many visits in between; S'kye settling in Ul'dah to study the magickal arts, with T'amm traveling to Limsa Lominsa to attempt a life of honest work.

Eventually, the honest life grew boring; And so, the two friends reunited for good.

After many suns worth of living life their way, S'kye suggested something; Stealing the normal way was hard... but what if they had others to help? What if, T'amm suggested, instead of simply expanding their repertoire, they dynamic duo goes for broke?

With much conferring with each other, a plan was hatched. It is much easier to what they wished, if others had no choice but to look the other way. If the Lalafell and the Seeker were in charge, who would be there to stop them?

The answer, of course, is no one.

"Though... fear ain't a way t' gain loyalty." The tanned and scarred Miqo'te mused, as she adjusted her beloved Lalafell's hat just so.
"Ah, Tamm, this is true... but.." The raven haired mage reasoned, tilting her chin to peer up at her friend. "What about love?"
A snort rises from the throat of her hoodlum-esq partner, accompanied by a dramatic roll on intense seaglass colored feline eyes. "Love...? Wait... th's... th's could work. S'kye, I gotta idea."
With a gentle smile, the quaint Lalafell nodded. "So do I."

With that, the plan was set. Now? Now, the two wait and see what happens next.

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