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A special note: those who are sensitive to aether in others will notice an anomaly in Devil's signature. It appears as a faint orange glow focusing around her heart. Those who are skilled in this study might even discern a very obscure crystalline shape, though it does not appear to be part of her physical form. Devil's body temperature runs notably higher than normal. (Worry not; she's not some Mary Sue half-primal disaster. This is a result of an RP adventure she became involved in.)
A special note: those who are sensitive to aether in others will notice an anomaly in Devil's signature. It appears as a faint orange glow focusing around her heart. Those who are skilled in this study might even discern a very obscure crystalline shape, though it does not appear to be part of her physical form. Devil's body temperature runs notably higher than normal. (Worry not; she's not some Mary Sue half-primal disaster. This is a result of an RP adventure she became involved in.)

Revision as of 22:16, 22 February 2014

Person of Interest #929213, "Devil" (Balmung, NA server)

Public Record

Brass Blades 'Person of Interest' File #929213:

Name: Devil

Race: Hellsguard Roegadyn

Gender: Female

Height: 7 fulms, 3.7 ilms

Known Record and Suspected Activities:

929213, or "Devil", first showed up in Ul'dah's Brass Blades files as a missing person from a local orphanage, back in 1557. Though several attempts were made to apprehend and return her, she showed an aptitude for escaping confinement. Eventually, further attempts were stalled due to the influx of refugees, though reports continued to trickle in of a girl fitting 929213's description filching food from local vendors. No major infractions occurred until later, in 1569, when 929213 was accused of assault. When it was discovered the 'victim' was a known slave trader, the charges were dropped against 929213, as it was generally considered self-defense. Her activities were known, but generally overlooked until 1566, when she attacked a hired hand of a local merchant, only this assault led to murder. She was sentenced to an indefinite term in the oubliette while the investigation was underway. Later, it was determined that the man and his employer were part of an underhanded dealing scheme in which a young girl had been caught. The man had assaulted the girl, and 929213 intervened. She served a twelve-moon sentence before release in late 1567.

Since her release, 929213's activities have increased in violence and frequency, from assault to known mercenary work, along with suspected illegal interrogation methods, assassinations, and dealings with Ul'dah's Syndicate. However, with the continual influx of refugees and the increased mobility with which 929213 has gained via her contacts, capture is unlikely, and solid proof of her misdeeds are even harder to come by.


Though she does not have a permanent place of residence, Devil can most often be found prowling the back alleys and seedy neighborhoods of Ul'dah, Limsa Lominsa, and occasionally Gridania. Not always the most social of people, Devil prefers to maintain a low profile, which is strangely easy for this tall Roegadyn. She is suspected of participation or instigation in a variety of crimes, ranging from simple theft up to coordinated assassinations. However, she has built her reputation with just the right people; from members of the Ul'dahn Syndicate to certain individuals within the Brass Blades, to important figureheads in the other city-states as well, not to mention her contacts with the Scions of the Seventh Dawn themselves. She has effectively surrounded herself with powerful people and keeps herself just useful enough to their endeavors to prevent most attempts at her incarceration.


Devilish Sarracenia

Devil is a towering example of a female Roegadyn. At over seven fulms, she finds herself looking down on most people, which suits her just fine. Warm, deeply-tanned skin stretches taut over a form trained for strength and speed. Long, jet-black hair razored into a messy 'devil-may-care' cut frames a young (mid- to late-twenties) face, and provides a shroud for those eerily-pale lilac eyes to gleam mischievously from. Though it's not uncommon to see her in a full gear set, she typically prefers lighter, more comfortable outfits for reconnaissance, or for just meandering about town. Lean, lithe, and confident, she knows she's a force to be reckoned with.

A special note: those who are sensitive to aether in others will notice an anomaly in Devil's signature. It appears as a faint orange glow focusing around her heart. Those who are skilled in this study might even discern a very obscure crystalline shape, though it does not appear to be part of her physical form. Devil's body temperature runs notably higher than normal. (Worry not; she's not some Mary Sue half-primal disaster. This is a result of an RP adventure she became involved in.)


Usually coming across as aloof or uncaring, Devil mainly keeps to herself. Occasionally, she will branch out and make contact with some random person, though these encounters typically end quickly. She does have a sense of humor, deranged though it may be, and a quick wit backed by a sharp tongue. It is not uncommon to witness a ridiculous chance of luck favoring this woman; for whatever the reason, and regardless of her deeds, she certainly has bouts of 'the Devil's luck'... or is it skill?

Devil actually does have a few scruples when it comes to her illegal activities: for one, she absolutely, without exception, hates those who deal in any manner of slave trading. Likewise, she harbors a deep hatred for Imperials and those who support Garlean conquest which, to her, is little better than slavery. For another, Pearl Lane is her territory. She defends it and the beggars who live there from would-be rival takeovers, though this is not common knowledge to those who do not reside in the Lane. Finally, and perhaps most strangely, this cold-blooded fiend has been known to randomly provide 'good deeds' to various people. These range from saving strange adventurers from certain doom, to 'accidentally' dropping a handful of gil in a starving mother's hands. If asked, she'll deny it, or wave it away with some comment about having done her good deed for the week.


Devil was abandoned as an infant at the Gate of the Sultana in Ul'dah. With no clue to who her parents were or what fate befell them, she was given over to the local orphanage. Left with only a note tied on a string around her neck, nothing was known of the child, save the one word on that parchment- "Sarracenia". Scholars thought it a strange name, considering it was a known genus of carnivorous plant, known for luring its prey in close before delivering the killing blow. Certainly no name for a small child...

Over time, she earned her 'new' name, "Devilish". She was certainly a handful, always managing to appear where she shouldn't be, vanishing on a whim, getting into trouble at the drop of a hat... She kept the matrons on their toes. During this time, she made her first, and likely only, friend. A fellow orphan, the little blonde-headed highlander girl went by the name of Lila, and though much quieter than the mischievous Devil, she tagged along like a shadow. The two became inseparable.

Years later, the pair were making one of their many forays into forbidden territory when they chanced upon a meeting of the matrons with a hooded figure. As they eavesdropped, they learned the matrons were making a deal to sell off some of the orphans and refugee children to this black-market dealer. The idea had Devil bristling, and with nowhere else to go, she and Lila ran away, into the streets of Ul'dah.

They survived with Devil stealing food for them while Lila begged for gil. Though they were poor, they were happy. They managed to get what they needed, most times, though there were plenty of hard times, especially when the thugs came through. The girls learned fast that when the alley got quiet, it was a cue to hide. It was not an easy life, and as they grew older, it didn't get any easier, but they managed.

Lila began taking odd jobs for merchants. She always had a better sense of morality than Devil, and felt that her stealing was unnecessary. Things were working out, until the poor girl took a job from a merchant known throughout the Lane for cruel, backhanded dealings. Devil pleaded with her to drop the job, but Lila was lured by the promise of good pay for a simple job. All she had to do was deliver a rare vase to a collector across town. Devil couldn't stop her. It should have been a quick job, two bells at most, but something was wrong. It had been too long. Devil tracked down the merchant and instead found a crowd. In the middle of it, a large, burly man, obviously a thug hired by the dirty merchant, was beating a young, blonde-headed girl... it was Lila. Devil saw red. She leaped onto the man's back and grabbed his jaw with one hand, her other at the back of his head. Without a second thought, she twisted. A loud snap, and the thug fell limp. She didn't care she'd just killed a man. She didn't care there were no less than a dozen witnesses. Her only thought was to save her sister, and with that, she helped Lila up, and got her back to their place in the Lane. The highlander was in bad shape, and could barely talk. Devil was doing all she could to help her, but she had no way of healing. Lila managed to tell her how she had been carrying the expensive vase to the buyer, when a large, cloaked man walked right into her, and knocked the vase to the ground, shattering it. When Lila went to tell the merchant, he flew into a rage, demanding she pay for the merchandise. When she told him she couldn't, he set his goon on her. Devil had an idea that the cloaked man and the goon were likely one and the same, and the whole thing had been a set-up by the cruel merchant. Before she could say as much, though, a woman in white interrupted. She had seen the fight start, and had gone to get the Brass Blades. It was over by the time she returned, and onlookers pointed her in the direction of Pearl Lane when she asked about the injured girl. Though Devil was wary of this stranger, Lila seemed comforted by her presence. As the woman began to channel healing magic, two of the Brass Blades showed up. They were getting mixed stories from the crowd, but one was certain; Devil had killed a man. As they began to drag her away, Devil saw the last of the woman's spell restore her friend. The woman, sensing her concern, called out that she would care for Lila in Devil's absence.

Ul'dah was in the middle of a refugee influx. Crimes and complaints were through the roof, and every day it seemed there was some new tragedy looming on the horizon. It was with little surprise that Devil learned hardly any leeway was being made in her case. By the time the Brass Blades learned the merchant had indeed set up the entire plot against Lila in an attempt to filch any gil she -had- earned, Devil had sat in the oubliette for nearly a year. During that time, the woman in white had come to see Devil a few times. At first, it was to tell her of Lila's welfare, at least until a few moons prior. The last time she came, the woman said she and her family had decided to adopt Lila. They were moving her to Limsa Lominsa for a fresh start. She extended the invitation for Devil to visit, though, deep down, the girl figured it was just a formality.

Once she was finally released, Devil went back to Pearl Lane. She thought it would be lonely and hard to bear. She was half-right. She missed her sister, but in the time she was gone, word of her attack on that man had spread, and grew into the beginnings of a reputation. Devil found herself on the cusp of something terrible... and great.

Fun Devil Facts


  • Bolstering her bad-ass reputation
  • Combat/danger in general
  • Gil
  • Tormenting people (it's a source of amusement)
  • Learning more about that aether anomaly...
  • Manly-men, not men in tights


  • Slavers
  • Imperials and their supporters
  • Miqo'te
  • Merchants (the crooked ones)
  • Children
  • Whiny, dumb, or immature people
  • 'Chipper' folk
  • Boredom
  • Know-it-all, holier-than-thou paladins (grinds teeth just thinking about it...)
  • Miqo'te.