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| gender = Female
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Revision as of 23:15, 20 September 2013

Gridania-transparent.png A'caelenn Mhlar
"I hadn't thought of that..."
Gender Female
Race Miqo'te
Clan Seeker of the Sun
Citizenship Gridania
Age 20
Sexuality Undecided
Occupation Mage
Guardian Menphina, The Lover
Namesday 30th Day of the Fifth Astral Moon
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Frequenting both city and field, Cae has a habit of popping up just about anywhere and getting into just about everything. Known for a playful demeanor and friendly disposition, she's also known for being unafraid to ask awkward or uncomfortable questions with a straight face and cutting right to the heart of any matter. She's equally as unafraid to show off whatever spell she's learned, regardless of just how much practice she's put in.


A tiny Miqo'te, Caelenn is unaffected by her height save for the fact that she gets annoyed looking up at those taller than her all the time. She's equally as tiny in size, just barely keeping in the realm of healthy and fragile in weight and build and could certainly do with some training to strengthen just about every muscle in her body. Whatever curves she might possess are modest, but usually covered up by oversized robes and mounds of cloth that she seems to favor, sometimes rather comically large in comparison to her smaller form.

Cae's pale skin is a contrast to the deep shade of purple that her hair is made up of. Streaked with medium green that mirrors the color of her eyes, her hair tends to stay mostly neat, partially pulled back into semi-woven pigtails behind her ears. The hair in front of her ears is a mix of a braid on either side and a free-flowing lock of hair that seems to reflect her own free spirit.

While Caelenn delights in soft fabrics and new clothing, she doesn't always have the funds to. She enjoys just about anything "pretty", though she's shyer when it comes to showing her skin and prefers garments that she can practically swim in, and she prefers skirts over trousers. Failing that, she wears whatever she can find that's comfortable and takes great delight in dying her clothes to match to at least create some kind of look when stuck wearing something particularly ugly.


Most people look at A'caelenn and are forced to smile. Bright and friendly, it's hard for most to see her in a bad mood and her good moods are incredibly infectious. Her joyful demeanor stays just below the level of obnoxiously overhappy and just above a normal content person leaving some to wonder just how exactly she manages to stay so comfortably pleasant all the time. She's incredibly loyal to those she cares about, literally to the point of death. She would, unhesitatingly, jump in the way to save someone without a single thought of the danger to herself to the point she wouldn't even realize the danger until she was dying. She also has the gift of truth; she is unafraid of asking questions most wouldn't. Many hold back due to politeness or not wishing to cause a scene, but Cae has a knack for skirting around inappropriateness but still prying for information or bringing up topics many would be shy about approaching.

In terms of her relationships with people, Cae is incredibly sensitive. When she gives her whole trust, she does it entirely and as vulnerably as possible. There's nothing untruthful in the way she risks herself when it comes to trust and friendship and her word is as true as it can get. That being said, she can easily get hurt and has a tendency to risk that trust a touch unwisely leaving her with carefully hidden scars from people who have taken advantage of this trait. In spite of her utmost truthfulness, there's a deeper level to Cae that very, very few people ever get to.

While bubbly and friendly almost to the point of seeming naive and out of touch with the world, A'caelenn is incredibly intelligent. She takes her studies in the realm of magic very seriously and has goals and dreams she strives to accomplish in a professional and straightforward manner. Her naive appearance seems to be some sort of mix of a desire to be that simple and free as well as some kind of coping mechanism to keep people just far enough away to stay safe and unburdened by the troubles of others. While she is genuinely caring and kind, she plays up the innocence and carefreeness almost as an homage to the loss of her own innocence and desire to return to that. She keeps her intelligence to herself until such opportunities arise that she needs to act quickly and decisively, often surprising others with her keen and perceptive views on situations.



Because of Cae's innocence and bubbly personality, she can easily be underestimated.

Primarily a magic user, she tries to keep a good distance between her and her opponent, knowing that her major weakness is her frailer form. Her seriousness in her studies make her a powerful magic user and while not afraid to be aggressive and push her attacks, she's a reactionary fighter who plays defensive unless she has a plan in mind. Her moves are strategic and she will dodge and remain light on her feet for as long as possible or necessary. Her speed is one of her strengths and combined with her defensive tactics, she can often wear down an enemy simply with her staying power and ability to continue to fight when others have worn themselves trying to break her defenses instead of using knowledge or tricks to get past her.

Rarely, it is possible for Caelenn to become enraged. If she is severely wounded, if someone she cares for is in danger, or if someone has struck a personal nerve, she can lash out in a surprisingly fiesty display. When this happens, she stays close to her opponent and uses quick but powerful bursts of energy combined with taunting or intimidating words. She waxes poetic and can often be just as deadly with her words as with her magic when she's in this state.



Animals, especially L'Poppi's pudgy puk "Little Brother"
Rain and wind
Sweet foods
Starry skies
Witty conversations
Brightly-colored clothes


Being ignored or insulted
Being trapped
Extreme heat
Being alone
Harassment of her friends


Magic (particularly healing)
Getting into trouble
Getting out of trouble
Personality Analysis


Favourite Food/Drink: Anything sweet
Favourite Place: Anywhere just out of sight of a city
Favorite Weather: Rain
Favorite Season: Winter
Favorite Color: Green
Favorite Scents: Sandalwood; Vanilla


Romantic Interest     Sexual Desire     Platonic Love      Good Standing     Neutral Standing     Poor Standing

Friends & Acquaintances

L'Poppi Arhien - Cae's traveling companion, she met the feisty redheaded Miqo'te when she had an unfortunate incident with a morbol. Since Poppi saved her life, Cae felt obligated to somehow return the life debt by saving Poppi; that still hasn't happened. She's followed Poppi around since regardless of how willing Poppi was with the situation. More than anything, though, Poppi is her best friend and she wouldn't quite know what to do without her. Probably run into another morbol.
Oliver Delvants - 'The Man With The Funny Hat', Poppi called him when she pointed him out to Cae. To Cae, Oliver seems a kind and concerned person and was nice enough to give her said hat because it looked good on her. She's unsure of if it does look good, but any gift given to her is greatly appreciated and so he's certainly given a good impression on Cae. Not to mention he's enthusiastic and has a bright view on life.
Je'axhas Nunh - 'Jerk'. Poppi's older brother, Cae instantly labeled him as a jerk simply because Poppi said he was. While she does not approve of his actions towards her best friend nor some of his views on life, he did mention liking the rain and wanting to take them sailing. She's skeptical on if he's actually a jerk or not, but she leans towards trusting Poppi's opinion until proven otherwise.
Sienelle Tondreau - 'The Mentor'. A chance meeting with the mage allowed Cae to find someone more skilled than her in magic who could serve as a mentor for her studies. Given Sienelle's skill, Cae's very excited on both a personal and a scholarly level to have a teacher/mentor to look up to. Literally. She's an Elezaan.
Fahron Elikha - 'The Saleswoman'. When Cae met Fahron, she was pushing the sales of baked goods and foods with the brightest and friendliest of attitudes. While she doesn't know Fahron well, she does know that she bakes sweets and she seems nice enough... which means she's a pretty good person in Cae's book.

Enemies & Rivals



Easily Overheard Rumours
"I don't think she ever frowns. She's incapable of it!" - Independant Merchant
Somewhat Difficult To Overhear Rumours
"It's a little weird that she follows that other girl around like a lost chocobo chick..." - Gossipy Miqo'te
Rarely Overheard Rumours
"She doesn't ever talk about her family. She got something to hide?" - Suspicious Bartender
"I don't think she's as stupid as she looks. Heard her talking about magic and she was saying all kinds of words I didn't even understand!" - Lalafel Student
Player Character Rumours


Not much is known about A'caelenn's life before she travelled with L'poppi. She claims to have left home to further her magical studies and see the world and talks little of anything before that. The history she does share, however, is full of tales of trouble she's gotten into and Poppi's gotten her out of.


Theme Song: TBD

TV Tropes: TBD

Alignment: True Neutral

If I'm online, feel free to hit me up for RP! Just send a /tell and I'd be happy to.