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| clan = Highlander
| clan = Highlander
| stat_1 = Age
| stat_1 = Age
| stat_1_value = late Thirties
| stat_1_value = late Twenties
| stat_2 = Marital Status
| stat_2 = Marital Status
| stat_2_value = Single
| stat_2_value = Single

Revision as of 17:40, 23 August 2016

Limsa Lominsa-transparent.png Darius Kinkaid (Formerly known as Klaus the Dismemberer)
Darius Kinkaid (Present appearance)
Gender Male
Race Hyur
Clan Highlander
Citizenship Limsa Lominsa
Age late Twenties
Marital Status Single
Occupation Adventurer/ Free Paladin/ /Private Investigator/ Malestrom (Formerly a mercenary)
Free Company The Zodiacs
  • Alternis Woehor(Father)(deceased)
  • Edea Woehor(Mother) (whereabouts unknown)

  • Basic Info

    Darius Kinkaid, Formerly known as Klaus the Dismemberer, is a Free Paladin known for frequenting Limsa Lominsa. Recently, he has begun his own Private Investigation business at the request of a good frined.


    Assisting those in need
    Drinking (sometimes heavily)
    The company of others (If he is so lucky)
    Limsa Lominsa
    His personal flower garden
    Small, cute items/people
    The "disposal" of mimics


    Bratty children
    Women with poor attitudes
    Sailing on the open sea (Reminds him of his childhood)
    Large fires
    Poorly constructed weapons and armor
    Under cooked food
    Grilled Sweetfish


    Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
    Vice(s): Has been known to smoke a pipe, Alcohol
    Favorite Food: Knight's Bread
    Favorite Drink: Claíomh Solais ("The Sword of Light", a drink served to gladiators in Ul'dah)
    Favorite Color: Red

    Appearance & Personality

    Darius is a highlander of normal height who always sports crimson red armor. His hair is always fashioned into something of a mohawk, although it is unclear if this is intentional or because he never finds time to brush it. His face is marred with a few scars; reminders of his past life which he so desperately wishes to forget altogether.

    Darius feels he cannot show his true self because of his past, so he seems very clumsy and aloof to many things, but keeps up a cheerful attitude and is as kind as can be. Another side effect of this is Darius's lack of speech. He rarely speaks all but one or two words unless the occasion calls for it or if he is in the heat of battle. When his true personality does show through however, his ferocity is almost frightening. "A man possessed" is an understatement in this case. A good example would be when someone knocked over a vase in his room whilst admiring his gardening. There was but an instant of stillness in the air before the offender was jettisoned through the window in Darius's room and ended up halfway across the Lavender Beds.



    Klaus Woehor was the son of the Lominsian pirate known as "Edea the Red Wench". She had built up quite the reputation as a thorn in the side of the Garlean empire as well as a vicious witch in terms of naval combat. She was known to clear whole decks of soldiers from Garlean ships single handed no matter how it had to be done.

    This story abruptly stopped one day when Edea the Red met a Garlean sailor named Alternis Woehor. This sailor, when approached by Edea, explained that he felt no need to draw his sword. He surrendered, but was forced to engage the famous pirate in single combat. After Edea failed to win said fight and was intrugued by "the fire that burned in her opponent which kept him alive", the prisoner was brought aboard Edea's ship and asked to join her in the captain's cabin to discuss his fighting style. Klaus, or rather Darius, was conceived soon after.

    Edea and Alternis were forced to meet in secret so they could be together for the longest time until Edea gave up piracy and was treated like a queen by her now high ranking husband. Darius had been brought up on the deck of ship and in the cabin of a high ranking militant. He learned both careful strategy and reckless abandon on the high seas. His childhood was lived in two worlds, both which were fine in his eyes until he was about ten years old. He was furious with his father, having been convinced that the mother he so desperately loved had been forced to leave the life she had made for herself. From that point on, things only became worse.


    From age ten to about the age of sixteen, Darius had been quite the troublemaker. His mother's spirit shined bright within him while his father's patience and tact, which Edea referred to as "the fire that burned" in her younger days, ushered on a fearlessness that had been unseen by many for the longest time. He had been in many fights as a teen and was not very well liked. His father forced him to join the military to straighten him out, which after two years of insubordination, he was given the choice to leave. Soon after his parents disappeared, leaving him only a note and the red scarf his mother wore around her neck.

    "It's not your fault. We shall meet once again in the Lifestream...who knows...maybe even sooner.

    We love you more than you'll ever know."

    "Klaus the Dismemberer"

    In the years following, Darius grew cold. He felt as if his parent's had not left, but had been taken from him by the Garleans. He took up his father's sword and began cutting a bloody path for himself, joining back with the Garleans to figure out of they had anything to do with his parent's disappearance. He undertook many missions which you will never see any records of and had become something of an expert when it came to the torture of both political prisoners and commoners alike. When his superiors began taking local defectors and decided to make examples of them, they knew Darius would execute them without batting an eye. One day, a prisoner broke free during one of these events. Darius glared at the man, only speaking once he saw the look of defiance in that man's eyes.

    "Give him a sword. If he lives, he walks."

    Darius would've welcomed death. Any chance he'd be reunited with his mother was worth it in his head. As the man came at him, Darius felt the need to live in each of his opponent's blows. Darius couldn't help that his hands knew what the blade he carried was made to do before it was too late. All it took was one quick parry that lead into a whirl before both the prisoner's arms were airborne. Soon, future prisoners were given the same treatment. Klaus the Dismemberer was born.

    One day, a prisoner was presented to Darius. As a black bag was removed from his head, Darius's sword clattered to the floor. His father stood before him, battered and weak. The charge in question was treason against the Garlean Empire and aiding and abetting a known criminal. As the others handed Alternis a sword, Darius protested, grabbing his and jabbing the point at his superiors. There was a loud bang. Alternis's fell to his knees, a red blossom appearing on his chest. You can ask Darius about this moment, but there is no memory there. Only darkness and rage...then bodies of Garleans strewn everywhere. The Garlean Empire have it on record that Klaus Woehor was killed that night, yet he still lives.

    Running from the Past

    Darius rid himself of his title, his armor, and his sword. He changed his appearance as much as he could, even going to such extremes as letting his opponents from this point on mar his face. He wanted nothing to do with his old name or his old life. He ran as far as he could, his mind and spirit broken. The Calamity was not very kind to Darius either. As far as he wished to stay from raising a blade, it always beckoned for him, pulling him back into the fray of total war. He just wanted the bloodshed to end...

    Followers of Oschon found him wandering about one night wrapped in naught but a cloth from head to toe. They breathed new life into him, teaching him the ways of the wanderer over many moons. The explained to him that there would always be conflict no matter where he would go and that drawing yours sword was only necessary when the wielder felt it so. Darius found himself willing to give into the side of him that wanted to fight, but only to protect those in need or assist the side he felt fought for the right reasons. for the longest time, the worshipers referred to Darius as the cloth man or the fool. When finally asked his name, he explained that his name carried no honor and was better left forgotten in the sands they walked. The one who had found him and had come to see him as a good man, a mi'qote named Alma Kinkaid, frowned. She knew somewhat of his hardship, but did not want to pry. She knew the past was the one thing that had been eating at Darius's soul. The rest people Darius had come to know and somewhat trust understood his plight after some deliberation, explaining another had once been involved in similar predicaments. They handed Darius a book and began fluttering the pages, telling him that wherever his finger landed would be his new name (within reason of course). After several tries, he took the name of a somewhat famous Gladiator named Darius. Alma draped her arm around his shoulders and smiled.

    "I know a man who wishes to repent for his sins when I see one. You must walk your own path wherever it may take you...but know that no matter what, I will look upon you just like family, Darius Kinkaid."

    Darius touched his own cheek, feeling a tear well up for the first time in a long time as he stood there, mouth agape.

    Darius packed his things and began following his own path with after this event, just as his teacher and friend had told him he would have to do to make up for his sins.


    Darius Kinkaid currently travels the lands in search of people in need. He has found his calling in the trade of a Free Paladin. Recently, he has found a Free Company of wonderful people who have no inklings of his past. Darius feels that he deserves no company, but does not deny it. Having anyone there in his life to protect is what he feels is his newfound purpose. His newfound group of friends even let him take ownership of his own room, which lead to an interest in gardening. The only downside to this is that if Darius hears one of his vases or anything of the sort fall, he comes running. The last person to commit such an atrocity cannot be found at the moment.

    Recently, the home said Free Company owns had a curious letter dropped off addressed to Darius.

    "I cannot reveal myself to you just yet, but I feel you need to know this:

    She is so proud of the path you have chosen and that you haven't given into your demons.

    She loves you more than you'll ever know."

    -MORE RECENT- From the Journal of Darius Kinkaid

    Four days into my hunt of the black bastard, I came to find his steed feeding in the South Shroud. It gave me the honor of not running as I approached it. I even laid a hand on its face. It's strange that a horse so rooted in darkness responded to touch so cheerfully just like any other animal. Sadly, that small instance ended quickly as I heard the creaking of plate.

    That damned Elder Primal snuck right up on me, yet wouldn't strike. All I heard was him laugh under that ridiculous helm before I came at him weapon drawn. He smacked me away like I was nothing, an insignificant bug in his way. I stood after watching him close the distance between us, steeling myself, ready to weather another blow. Odin paused, then shuddered as I heard the voice underneath the helm say what I believe was 'run'...

    I came at him, feeling rage well up inside me. I cut one of those damn horns from his helm as he went for my side. I parried the blow somehow, the riposte following feeling so natural I could've done it with my eyes closed. That strike glanced his side as I began my whirl, knocking his blade aside before cleaving the faceplate of his helm. How I was landing blows on the great and powerful Odin, I did not know. I wasn't ready for what followed after I grabbed the remaining horn on his helm, pulling until it gave way, smacking my head onto the bridge of Odin's now unprotected nose.

    Except it wasn't Odin.

    It was my father...

    Upon slaying his father, he freed the man's soul to the lifestream. The consequence was that he would have to take on the possession of Odin, but has received much help in terms of staving off the transformation to the point that the Highlander is attempting to seal the Elder Primal in his sword. The anima spirit that inhabits it even gave him such a suggestion, claiming that the shield he carried was home enough. If done correctly, Darius will have sealed the Elder Primal forever and will only leave a rather weak familiar to plague the black shroud.



    Some of these rumors are untrue or are greatly exaggerated. Please feel free to add your own rumors under PC!

    ◢ Common Rumors (Easily overheard)
    "That man? Stray away. I've seen him fight off seventeen Brass Blades and not let a single drop of drink fall from his tankard. Even broke my friend's nose WITH that tankard...AND IT WAS STILL FULL!" - Emelin, about one night in the Quicksand
    "He barely utters a word, but he's a lovable oaf! Always insists on that red armor..." - Otopa Pottopa

    ◢ Moderate Rumors (Moderately difficult to overhear)
    "They say that boy is the Son of Edea the Wench...doesn't that make him...something like...fifty?!" - drunkards at the Drowning Wench
    "That man slayed that black knight in the South Shroud once all by his lonesome...then, he wouldn't leave his side. That black knight has such a pretty horse. Hopefully Mister Darius let it free!" - A young onlooker from Darius's battle with Odin

    ◢ Rare Rumors (Very difficult or rarely overheard)
    "Klaus...the...NO! You're supposed to be dead!" - Garlean soldiers. They usually don't live long enough to speak such words...
    ◢ PC Rumors (Rumors from the character's of other players)


    Romantic Interest Platonic Love Good Standing Poor Standing
    Name : Description


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