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<div><center><gallery mode=nolines widths=260px heights=250px>File:Eaubront art.png|<font style="color:#000000;" size="2">'''[[Eaubront Shopont]]''' <font style="color:#669900;" size="2">●</font><font style="color:#CD950C;" size="2">✔</font><br>'''The Fun Maker'''</font></gallery></center></div>
<div><center><gallery mode=nolines widths=260px heights=250px>File:Eaubront_screenshot_01.png|<font style="color:#000000;" size="2">'''[[Eaubront Shopont]]''' <font style="color:#669900;" size="2">●</font><font style="color:#CD950C;" size="2">✔</font><br>'''The Fun Maker'''</font></gallery></center></div>
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! Overview
! Overview

Revision as of 23:07, 24 August 2016

Glass-circle.png Overview

Ishgard.jpg Madison Brookstone
Gender Female
Race Hyur
Clan Midlander
Citizenship Ishgard
Age 23
Marital Status Complicated
Occupation Musician and Astrologian
Guardian Nymeia, The Spinner
Nameday 17th Sun of the 6th Astral Moon
Free Company The Pathfinders <d20>
Madison is the daughter of Old World citizens who inhabited the Sharlayan research colony in Dravania. She and her family fled to Ishgard during the 5 year long Sharlayan negotiations with the Garleans. Her parents, being academically and aetherically gifted, were able to make a decent living for themselves in the notoriously socially unaccepting landscape of Ishgard. She'd grow up in The Foundation but despite their middle class status, Madison would always find difficulties stemming from being born Hyuran. A recent arrival to the lower city states, Madison joined the Pathfinders as her first real employment. She worked as a musician and performer in Neverfar's tavern until the needs of the company resulted in her taking on more duties. Almost a year later and as a strange twist of fate, Madison finds herself at the helm of the Mercenary Company and Aetherical Research Center. She spends her days doing her utmost to ensure things run smoothly, both succeeding and failing in this goal.

Appearance & Personality

Glass-circle.png Appearance & Personality

Nature & Demeanor

Nature & Demeanor

Demeanor: Madison was raised in Ishgard, brought up to be a Lady as her family worked tirelessly to fit into their surroundings to avoid any suspicion or detection from the Holy See. Her manner of speaking and way she carries herself is refined, yet has been beginning to relax with all the time she has spent in Ul'dah and Limsa.

Nature: Madison can be regarded as a refined Lady only as far as her patience happens to extend. With a drop in the cadence of her voice or a twitch of her eye she can seemingly shift gears in a moment, becoming quite commanding or demanding depending on what she feels the situation calls for. She always has her intents set firmly in the greater good, even if it may come off naive to those around her.

Religion: Madison is firmly pious, believing wholeheartedly in the goodness of the Twelve and the blessings they provide. In her mind, she owes them almost everything, right down to the magicks she wields and the aether she borrows from the heavens due to the nature of her Art. It's these thoughts in her mind as she casts, every spell beseeching them for their unique strengths to see her to her goals.

Notable Features

Notable Features

Common Appearance: Madison seems to fluctuate in her styles, some days choosing to be seen in pants and boots and others in sandals and skirts. It doesn't take long to realize that her wardrobe is extensive. She wears light makeup, opting for a shade of pink on her lips and a nude eyeshadow. Her hair is often worn down but she will occasionally be seen with it tied back. Her hair is always long.

Scars & Markings: Madison seems to lack any overly noticeable outward scars and she seems intent on keeping it that way. Her upbringing was very peaceful, the woman never seeing much combat until her days with the Pathfinders. Any wounds inflicted she will aetherically heal herself or have Himeko use her Astrology to heal as to ensure the lack or at least very dim scarring.

Voice: Madison speaks with an Ishgardian accent, furthering the impression of her proper upbringing. Her accent has been known to thicken when she becomes emotional or angered. Voiceclaim here.

Clothing: All of the clothing. Madison can seem to be a bit spoiled in this department. She is fastidious in her appearance, sometimes causing her to be a hindrance on outdoor excursions.




  • Visiting the "Lower City States"
  • Speaking with new people and learning new things
  • Astronomical Textbooks
  • Chivalry and Classical Gentleman - Especially Elezen


  • Being asked too many questions
  • Violence
  • Feeling Alone
  • Not being taken seriously
  • Miqo'te Men


Glass-circle.png Abilities



Madison's first and foremost strength is her aetheric prowess. She's never brought it up in conversation, but the more aetherically sensitive may be able to tell that she boasts of pool of immense proportions. She is a learned Sharlayan Astrologian, having been tutored in the art from a young age. The spells she casts are practiced and proficient, seeming to be able to reverse the infliction of wounds in the way only an Astrologian can. She never much cared for the more offensive side of her art, yet since joining the Pathfinders she's had no choice but to bring these spells into play.

While she possesses the aetheric capability to branch into other magics, she seems focused on becoming the best Astrologian she can. She is unskilled in other magics, only able to lend assistance to other members Thaumiturgical casting by virtue of her large aetheric reserves.



Madison's aetherical skill is met with an equally strong physical weakness. Years of tutelage and practice honing her magic has left her rather meekly framed. She was never taught or trained any forms of physical self defense and finds herself at a terrible disadvantage should an opponent manage to move in on her in close quarters. She is stubborn as well, oft times refusing offers to train her in an art of physical self defense. Deep down, she truly, perhaps foolhardily, believes her Astrology to be the mastery of all techniques.

Very few may know that certain types of Thaumaturgy are toxic to her. She's been known to react very poorly to their casting, the effects on her being very physically gruesome.



Among the spells she favors are Aetherical Shields and Benefic spells for defense and healing. Offensively, she will attempt to pin an opponent with Gravity spells. If forced to actually strike then she will attack with Malefic blasts of unaspected aether, occasionally drawing upon the elements of her cards to imbue her spells with specific attributes.

==People & Places
Romantic Interest
Platonic Love
Trusted Friend

Glass-circle.png People & Places
Romantic Interest
Platonic Love
Trusted Friend


Relations (NPC)

Relations (NPC)
Name () - Liam Brookstone
Madison's father truly has a bit of a quirky personality. He can be a serious man when focused intently on his mastery of alchemy and his successful business. It was his foremost concern to use these skills to provide for his wife and his daughter when they realized that Madeline's profession would be wholly unwelcome in Ishgard. When not working and when he's allowed to let his hair down he can be a bit of a prankster, playing tricks on his wife and daughter in good nature. He loves his daughter dearly, his want for the best for her sometimes pushing Madsion in directions she feels might not fit her. He was the foremost proponent of Madison's early years being taught music and the ways of being an Ishgardian Lady. It was his hopes that with these she'd be able to find a suitable husband and want for nothing. He should have known after so many years being married to Madeline that fate had different ideas.
Name () - Madeline Brookstone
Madison's mother is an accomplished Sharlayan Astrologian and also Madison's mentor. Currently unknown to Madison, her mother had graduated with top honors from the Old World, holding commendations from various Scholasticates and Astrologicums. It would seem her mother has a bit of a history to hide, her father never speaking of any of it and Madeline never discussing the subject. What could drive a Sharlayan couple to take up residence in Ishgard anyhow..?

You'd never think any of this to speak to the woman though. She is bright eyed, always wearing a smile with a twinkle that makes you think that she always knows more than she's letting on. She has a tendency to sometimes speak in what could be considered riddles, as if she might be referring to something else entirely.

Madison remembers her mother being displeased with the prospect of keeping her Art hidden whilst simultaneously pushing for their move to Ishgard. She's always been a strong force behind Madison, encouraging her daughter to do what she felt made sense for herself despite the urgings around her.
Name () - Ebraux Pidame
Despite growing up in Ishgard, where manservants are common, Madison often wonders how the elderly Elezen puts up with Reinhold. Then she remembers she's putting up with him as well and then she smiles. She thinks well of him, but knows that he has a big mouth and sometimes censoring herself when discussing sensative material around him. Despite all that, she cares for his well being, hating to see a man of his age working as hard as he does.

Relations (PC)

Relations (PC)

The leader of the Pathfinders and Madison have had a long term, if not somewhat torrid relationship. Even when first starting out it was clear to both of them that none of this was going to be easy, yet it despite it all they felt hopelessly drawn to one another. For several long months, the two worked together in tandem, creating and establishing the form of The Pathfinders that is known today. Yet recently, Eddard's other business interests have kept him away. Madison remained somewhat aware of what was occurring for a time but her communications with the man have dwindled to an all time low. Her stubbornness and refusal to easily let go of what kept them together keeps her holding on with the goal that she can somehow fix whatever is happening. Yet even Madison's fiery will is beginning to burn out in the face of the attitude Eddard has shown her recently...
Reinhold initially appeared to The Pathfinders as their enemy, using the name of Bennard Euth Weatherby. He was the foremost pawn in the scheme of Eorzea Unexplored; the company that seemed to have waged war upon The Pathfinders. After his abduction of Eddard, Madison was intent on killing the man herself until it was eventually revealed that his actions were not under his control. From then on, despite what he'd done, Madison insisted he be spared and even put her own well being at risk to do so. When the dust finally settled, the two had built a layer of trust that would be hard to break with Reinhold feeling he owed the woman his freedom and his life. Their relationship is inwardly more complicated than either of them lets on. Madison is adamant in her insistence that it's no one's business but their own and does her utmost to avoid attracting any attention to the subject or speaking of it.
One of the newest members of the The Pathfinders yet one that seems to have become comfortable quite quickly despite her unique quirks. Their first encounter was one that Madison regrets and was wholly unintended. Abagail caught her in the moment of blistering anger as she demanded to know what had become of Zigovali, having just been made aware of the Lalafell's abduction. Madison feels her anger was justified but nevertheless always seeks to put forth a more professional demeanor. She makes her best efforts to talk to Abagail, inviting her to socialize with her and the others but she's very perplexed when the woman refuses. She's noticed a pattern of her putting herself down and she's unsure what the cause might be. Low self esteem, perhaps? Maybe she just need as makeover. A good outfit? A shopping trip? Maybe a night out to the bars dotting Emerald Avenue in Ul'dah..? Then again, maybe Abagail just doesn't like her very much..? Madison is aetherically astute enough to notice the oddities Abagail exudes along with her smaller aetheric reserves but she doesn't feel broaching such topics would make the woman feel very comfortable. In fact, she has no idea how to bring it up at all.
Madison's foremost student in Astrology and personal pain in her behind. She flips flops often with him, sometimes being fiercely protective and other times seeming exasperated to the point of wanting to wash her hands of the situation. Zigovali has an incessant and blind need to prove himself, something she could otherwise find promising and endearing if it didn't manifest in ways that could get him or the others hurt and killed. It's this fact that leads her to sometimes be unsure of him. She's aware of his rougher upbringing but doesn't feel it's an excuse for him to behave so callously with others safety. Still, she seems confident that if she keeps working with him that perhaps he may see the more ethical side of things. She has opted to continue to train him in Astrology, despite a mysterious woman named Natalia appearing and attacking, warning for it to cease.
Madison is aware of Rhela's status as a Hearer but is not entirely sure of what it entails. She does, however, know the woman to be one of the finest healers and conjurers she's ever encountered. Madison herself owes Rhela her life due to the Miqo'te managing to save her from what was otherwise a mortal stab wound. For a long time, Madison felt she would be at a loss should Rhela ever decide to move on. Sadly, this has come to pass as the Miqo'te has been spending many weeks abroad, focusing on herself and her own affairs. Madison wants to allot Rhela the space she needs but deep down she worries for her. She's well aware that the two of them are not so dissimilar in their weaknesses though she'll always think of Rhela as the stronger between the two of them. They both need people. Something that both woman are loathe to admit yet know that the other understands instinctively. Her return would be welcome but as long as she knows she is alright then Madison is content to leave her to her own devices.
Madison has seen Jin in combat many times and trusts the man to always do what is right by the company. He is a welcome and comforting stable figure when times grow unsteady. It's Jin that is the primary caretaker of Room 12, taking responsibility for any inside and any disturbances that occur on Company property. In Eddard's absence it's been Jin, along with Reinhold, who have been heading up the martial side of the company. Madison was initially cautious when Jin and Hime revealed their engagement but as time as passed she's observed that the Xaela truly seems to have the woman's well being foremost in his mind. It was a development from him she didn't quite expect and she is still somewhat taken aback at witnessing some of their more tender moments. The Xaela just looks so (unintentionally) menacing that it seems comically out of place to her.
If Madison could consider anyone a best friend it would likely be Hime. She was initially very curious of the woman, wondering where she'd learned her expertise and how she came to end up with the Pathfinders. However, as she's gotten to know her such concerns have dwindled. The two women have very similar thought processes but Hime could be considered to be the more harsh of the two in comparison to Madison's idealism. Both are Sharlayan trained Astrologians, having very similar combat styles and abilities. These similar skills have proven useful more than once, enabling both women to cast ritually to achieve feats that would otherwise be impossible by a sole Astrologian. Madison is in awe of Hime's impressive ability to cook but knows she likely would not have the time to learn or do so herself with all the company business she deals with.
Initially, Shou scared Madison simply by her unorthodox appearance. Yet now the two woman have undertaken several combat missions together and socialized quite often she finds herself wholly appreciating her and her place in the company. These days, Madison is far more appreciative of Shou's looks, finding her quite unique and fetching in comparison to most Miqo'te. The woman is also very comfortable in her own body and skin, confidently wearing her pleasant plumpness like a badge of honor. Madison finds that she can't do much more than grin in approval at Shou's attitude and truly amusing sense of humour. She must admit though that she greatly prefers her with a staff in hand as she finds her suit of armor quite unnerving. Madison recently discovered Shou's rather odd taste in literature and finds herself unable to comment about it with anything but a blush. When the drink gets flowing, however, Madison will openly bring up the topic to tease the Miqo'te about it.
Eaubront is an attractive Elezen with a good smile and sense of humor. Madison enjoys his blunt reactions to situations as they often vocalize her thoughts in her mind that she doesn't allow to be spoken. While she knows of his skill with a blade, she's more fond of his habit of making their social nights exciting. Madison had never played a drinking game before Eaubront and now that he's around....well. Let's just say she's having fun. It wasn't until it occurred to her that it quite wasn't a party without him that she realized that she needed to get to know him much better. His antagonistic relationship with Aulsoix brings her much amusement.
Aulsoix is a devastatingly attractive Elezen man that Madison first met when he was investigating an artifact for Reinard. Funnily enough, upon first seeing him, Madison screamed and almost bolted up the stairs to get away from him. His resemblance to her ex-fiance is uncanny, right down to his mannerisms and the pronunciation of his name! Yet with enough time, Madison's managed to overlook this. Aulsoix is very much his own person with a focus and drive for scholarly learning that she finds very attractive. She's not sure how well she hides her physical attraction to him but she does her best to do so. Her life is complicated enough and he's spoken of his own connection to another woman. She considers him a friend and colleague, beginning to trust him and his educated opinion implicitly.

Rumors & citations

Rumors & citations

Common Rumors
"Not much to really say about her. Pretty but quiet." -- Waitress at The Quicksand
"I saw her snap and lose her temper once. Twas adorable the way she thought pacing around like that would do anythin." -- Retainer in Neverfar's Tavern
"She's very friendly. Almost naively so. The girl needs a keeper." -- A Company Member

Rare Rumors
"Her parents spared no coin grooming that girl to marry her off and she failed at even that..” -- Gossiper in The Foundation
"Classically trained musician, she is. Playin in a damned tavern in Ul'dah. Guess she really is lost." -- A merchant in the Goblet
"She always had her own way of going about things. She tended to ignore the assigned readings and find her own ways to do the lessons." -- A fellow student at the Observatory
"She head her heart broken by an Elezan man who wanted her to be a mistress instead of a wife. I can understand though. He can't well carry on his line with mutts for children.. " -- Merchant in The Foundation
"Voice of an angel, that one. She rarely does but iffen ya hear her sing...." -- Gardner in the Goblet
"Tis a miracle her whole foriegn family wasn't executed. They're lucky they proved themselves useful and wern't leeches like the majority of refugees..." -- A Gentleman in The Pillars

PC Rumors
"She needs to hire a bodyguard to defend her from the line of 'gentleman', brutes, creeps, and Miqo'men that wish to take her hand for marriage. She has beautiful talents, but I do not think that is enough for the good men of this land. I will teach her the ways of the dirt one day, then she will be irresistible." - Syf Kha
"She's a good woman an' has a pretty voice! People say that she carries herself with some kind o' noble upbringin', but I think people jus' ain' used ta polite an' friendly folks anymore. 'm sure she's jus' a regular ol' lass like th' lot o' ya. If not, then 's no surprise where she mighta gotten 'er manners from, eh?" - Talan Dracht
"She certainly can turn a few heads! Though to be honest I do not know much about her, 'ave only seen her a few times while hanging out with the Pathfinders. Seems to be the uppity-uppity type though. I think she's an Ishgardian, which I guess would explain!" - Cullen West
"She's a very loyal friend, perhaps to a fault; she's willing to help with problems she best stay away from. Even if it's a trait that causes me to worry, it's one that shows the quality of her character. It is a pleasure to have her around the company." - Eddard Holt
"Miss Brookstone? O, how sweetly the songbird sings! A more accomplished musician I've hardly met, and the woman herself is near saintly. Alas that the heads she turns are hardly so worthy of her attentions, mine own included." - Zigovali Rigovali
"She saw me for what I am, whether she wanted to or not. Forgave the worst of me, pushed the best... 'Tis a shame we found ourselves opposed; though for my defence, that damnable mutt started it." - Averill Rooks


Glass-circle.png History
This Section is a WIP

As a child, Madison was lucky to have parents who held valuable education and trade skills. As a result, there was sufficient money for her to receive a proper education. Born under the sign of the Spinner, she began to show signs from an early age that she had inherited her mother's talents for Astrology and seeing into the wheels of fate. However, the traditional Sharlayan version of Astrology was akin to heresy in her younger years and Madison began learning the Ishgardian version. However, he mother did her best to guide her along the path and teach her the "proper" way of the craft.

The girl had to be exceedingly careful about not revealing this to anyone as it could have had her whole family executed. During the period she grew up, the inquisitors were fervent - yet to be revealed for the Zealots and Dravanians they were. Even those of the High Houses were not safe from accusation or wrath. There were days when someone she knew just wouldn't be at the observatory anymore. They'd been forced to jump to their death at Witchdrop in Coetheras.

The second part of her education was intended to facilitate her marriage to a highborn gentleman. Madison is classically trained in music and adept at the art. Among her fluent instruments are the violin, cello, harp, harpsichord, piano and her voice. Her parents disallowed horns or percussion instruments, however, as these were deemed too masculine.

As she grew, it was highly encouraged that she grow into a proper lady and she made this her focus as much as her studies in her early years. She would often see the women in the Pillars walk about in fine dress and furs and emulate them - wanting to be just like them. However, one painful truth eluded her at her tender age. The majority of them were Elezen.

The fact that she was descended from Hyuran immigrants would become a major factor in her adolescence. Try as she might, none of the efforts she ever made were good enough and she constantly felt like an outsider in a society that subtly did not want her. The way she bloomed with age only made matters worse. Through showcasing her musical talents and her outward features she did occasionally catch the eye of gentleman that would have made well and proper matches. She took a shine to one particular gentleman only to have him crush her with the proposition of him making her his mistress while he searched for an Elezen wife. Madison's spirit in her society and what she'd been trained to be broke after that. She ceased going to the social events and gatherings her parents insisted she did. She holed herself up in her room with her Astronomy and her music.

Once the Dravanians reared their head again and Ishgard opened the gates to seek help from outsiders, Madison saw a chance for her to escape and see things she'd only dreamed of before. Her parents, while loving, were reluctant to the idea but in the end they gave her some gil and watched as she packed her bags and left home, eager to see the world abroad.


Glass-circle.png Art

OOC Information

Glass-circle.png OOC Information



Madison was originally designed as tavern maiden but a mixture of RP developing the ways it did and my own desires caused her to develop into what you see today. I originally had no intentions for her to be any kind of leader or strong combatant but the character grew into the roles. In retrospect, it's quite satisifying and I'm very happy with her and how far she's come.

I Prefer: Dark, Grim, Gritty RP. Lighthearted slice of life RP. Developed RP relationships. Arcs heavy in plot. Scheduled Events. Well thought out, developed characters with motivations unique to their experiences. Lore friendly and abiding characters and situations.

I Do Not: Allow anyone else to decide how my character is permanently maimed, disfigured, attacked, sexually assaulted, killed or otherwise emotionally or mentally scarred. These things should be discussed with the player beforehand. Upon discussion, you'll find I'm pretty open minded and mallable. OOC communication in regards to these topics is just a simple matter of respect of another's creation in my mind.

I am a player whose characters require IC motivation to be somewhere or attend something. If I do not have this it's extremely difficult for me to push them to do it OOCly. I am more comfortable with more lore bendy situations in the hands of a writer I know is capable and talented enough to go somewhere with it. I am very wary of lorebreaking and will not hesitate to remove or retcon my characters from lore breaking situations that clash with how they see the world or Eorzea.

Madison's feelings are not mine. IC/OOC separation yada yada. Actions happening between characters are, in no way, reflective of actions between players.

I have a quirky and brash sense of humor. I enjoy sushi, doughnuts and pop punk from the early 2000's. Les RP! \o/

Server: Balmung

Wiki Templates: Using Kairen's template