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<b>(Last Update: October 30th, 2016. Recent Updates: The whereabouts of Kailani are unknown. )</b>
<b>(Last Update: January 8th, 2017. Recent Updates: Kailani has returned to Eorzea, looking a little...different. )</b>
Once more into the Fray...into the last good fight I'll ever know.
Once more into the Fray...into the last good fight I'll ever know.

Revision as of 10:31, 8 January 2017

Garlemald Flag.jpg Kailani Daito
Ffxiv 07102016 001221.png
Kailani Daito
Gender Female
Race Au Ra
Clan Raen
Citizenship Doman
Server Balmung
Nameday 31st Sun of the 1st Astral Moon
Age N/A
Sexuality Bisexual
Relationship Status Widow
Height 5'5"
Guardian Thaliak

(Last Update: January 8th, 2017. Recent Updates: Kailani has returned to Eorzea, looking a little...different. )

Once more into the Fray...into the last good fight I'll ever know. Live and die on this day...live and die on this day...


Standing at a short 5'5, the small Au Ra holds the shape of an hourglass. The first things normally noticed are her piercing green eyes, high cheek bones and perfectly plump lips. Soft blonde hair sits atop of her head in a high ponytail, leaving her small vertically shaped horns exposed. Sometimes you can even see red roots showing her natural hair color as well. At the tips of each horn, there are silver clasps that are equipped to hold one linkpearl each, allowing for easy communication with whomever.

As stated before, her eyes are a piercing green with light gold limbal rings. There are star shaped scales between her eyes and on the bridge of her nose as well, however no other scales grace her face. She wears a light layer of charcoal eyeshadow, eyeliner and mascara. It appears that she likes darker colors on her eyes but for her lips, she either wears a pink or red gloss.

Normally she doesn’t wear revealing clothing but if she does in any fashion, it can be see that her skin is tan and covered in one large scar in the shape of a lightning strike that branches out from her heart. There is another branching out location on her left bicep but the scars do not overlap one another, they have merely joined as one.

For an Au Ra, she has rather large breasts, just smaller than a full-sized Highlander chest, which she always has under chest wrappings. To see her without said chest wrappings on is very, very rare and you should consider yourself lucky.

Besides the large scar, her skin is relatively clear of any markings or damage, showing she takes good care of herself. Her nails on both hands and feet are always painted, the color changes at least once a week, maybe once every two weeks and her hands are delicate, rings adorning several fingers, but none of them fancy. Her hips are thick, meaning her rump is too, finding clothing can be difficult. Her thighs are well toned, and she carries herself on strong legs. Down a bit further to her feet, she has a toe ring on each third toe, nothing fancy there either and her feet are relatively small as well.

Personality and Quirks

Straight forward
Bites lower lip / inside of her cheek
Flicks her tail
Overly sensitive horns and tail
Raises one eye brow (doesn't matter which)
Snorts from laughing too hard
Tugging on tail causes...surprises

Combat and Healing Style

While Kailani does specialize in the use of magic, she prefers to fight with her daggers more than anything. However, she is also skilled in fighting with BLM magic and she does have some training with a claymore and bow.

When it comes to healing, Kailani most definitely prefers to heal with medicine and science compared to using aether to heal. She feels that too much aetherical healing can cause a persons body to become dependent upon it or it can cause aether poisoning.

Occupation, Skills, and Interests

Kailani specializes in being a certified surgeon. While she is able to heal with magic, she prefers to use medicine and science, as stated above. Not many know this about her, but she does run a free clinic out of her quarters within her Free Company. She does not charge for her skills of healing and feels that everyone deserves free and proper healthcare if needed.

Her unknown occupation is that she’s the head mistress of the Council of Ravens. The Council is a small group of all types of folks and they steal from the terrible and the powerful, the rich and the unworthy, and they don’t give it to the poor.

When it comes to her skills, she has many and is always looking to expand her knowledge. Kai is good with her hands so making things comes easy for her. Her skills include but are not limited to: goldsmithing, weaving, leatherworking, blacksmithing, carpentry, mining, botany, painting, and cooking.

Her interests as of late have been very focused on keeping her skills sharp and honed. But on the lighter side of things, Kai’s biggest interest is in children. She makes time to visit orphanages at least twice a week. She has a big soft spot for children and some of her close friends consider them to be her Achilles’ heel.

Another interest that’s high on her list right now is stopping the Craftsman. To be honest, it’s her top priority and she’ll stop at nothing until he’s vanquished.


Avenge her mother's murder
Get married for love
Have a family
Put the Council of Ravens to rest
Vanquish the Craftsman

Likes, Dislikes, and Fears

Hosting dinner parties
Handsome men
Winston (her duck)
A good fight
Intelligent conversations
Dyeing her hair
💔 Stupidity
💔 Arrogance
💔 Harems
💔 Feet
💔 Garleans
💔 Lima Beans
💔 The Craftsman
💔 Godlike fools
💔 Courtesans
💔 Bad hygiene
Not being able to protect those she cares for
Being alone
Dying alone
Wasting her second chance at life
Gallows Glass


Draviel Kohl: Father - Missing
Mai Kohl: Mother - Deceased

Adelicia Persephone: Sister - Living
Rekuta Persephone: Brother-in-law - Living

Mi'cah Daito: Husband - Deceased
Ella Daito: Daughter - Deceased

Personal Relationships

Enambris – The leader of the Glass Network, Nam has become one of Kai’s most trusted companions. Nam is confident, kind, smart, resourceful, and a good person to have on your side. She keeps Kailani level headed and is one of the few reasons Kailani strives to be a better person.

Kaelyn – He has been very influential on Kai’s life. He has been her rock and foundation since the day they met. She considers him her best friend, protector, confidant, and savior. He will forever hold a special place inside her heart and soul and she would do anything for him. This man has been her knight in shining armor more than once and always pushes her to train to protect herself in case he’s not there one day to do it himself.

Revarik - This man. What to say about this man? He makes her blood boil, he sasses her, challenges her. Revarik does not take any of Kailani's shit and she knows it. She hasn't seen him in a while and she misses him all the time. He's got this arrogant air about him that she just loves breathing in and it makes her playful. She views him as a very good friend, but he is constantly telling her not to trust him...which of course she doesn't listen to.

Haylonos – A fast budding friendship, Hayl came in like a wrecking ball. Kailani was completely floored at how quickly they bonded; she has and feels the need to protect him even though he can do it himself. Her trust in him built quickly and she’d be absolutely devastated if anything were to ever happen to him. He also quickly found his way into her heart and made a nest there.


The Kohl family hails from Doma, one of the noble houses, specializing in the trading business. The head of the house, Draviel Kohl, wed Mei Kin’ta and they produced two beautiful twin girls, Adelicia and Kailani. However, a moon before Mei was to give birth, Draviel made a pact with the Void to increase business. In return, he had to sacrifice his first born to the Void but not in death.

Draviel was to take his first born and use her as an experiment, train her to be the perfect weapon, and a tool for the Void. As the twins were born, Draviel took Adelicia away, claiming she was stillborn, when in reality, she was to become a monster via her father. Grief stricken, Mei vowed to raise Kailani as the next head of house, having her learn thins a lady needed to know.

Kailani was taught how to read, write, sew, paint, cook, bake, how to play instruments, sing, dance, to practice proper mannerisms, and etiquette. Because of Adelicia’s supposed death, Kailani was to become the new head and face of House Kohl when she was of age. Kailani was kept on the straight and narrow path, attending dinner parties, baby and wedding celebrations, etc. Even as a young child, Kai had attended parties, events and gone through rigorous training courses on become a lady. She wasn’t given toys as a young girl, but was given books instead. It was on her fifth name day that she became obsessed with medicine and anatomy, as that was the one book given to her by her septa.

She had always valued life even as a young girl and when she spotted a dying duck in the Kohl Gardens, she begged her mother to help her save it. Her mother did indeed help and she taught Kailani how to heal with magic. From that moment on, Kailani knew she wanted to become a healer just like her mother and she wanted to save lives. The duck lived and Mei allowed Kailani to keep him. She named him Winston.

On a later name day, Kailani was sent to fetch her father from his study for the festivities. Upon entering his study, she heard him speaking to someone whose voice was very unfamiliar to her, a voice that would give her nightmares in the days to come. As she the two voices, that’s when she discovered his involvement in the Void, something her mother had warned her about. They spoke of the terrible things Draviel had been doing to Adelicia, speaking on the torture, the experiments… Kailani, in the process of trying to get back to her mother, was caught by Adelicia who had been magically turned into a young woman, looking like an older version of Kailani. She was able to get herself free of Adel and immediately ran for her mother. Unable to prove her claims, Kailani’s “lies” are ignored and a few weeks later, her father reveals Kai’s arranged marriage to everyone. Within the moon, Kai is married off to Mi’cah Daito and swept off to Sharlayan per her father’s command.

Time goes by, Kailani, who becomes with child since the consummation of her marriage, sticks to her medical studies while her cold husband worked as a professor within the college. She’s also taken it upon herself to try and convince her mother of her father’s secret. While Kailani and her mother had a very strong bond, Mei simply refused to believe her husband was involved in the Void and that he would lie about their first born daughter being dead.

Kailani was determined to return to Doma but the child in her woman was more determined to come out and into the world. Kailani and Mi’cah welcomed little Ella into the world on a warm summers night, perfectly healthy. As badly as Kai wanted to help her mother, she devoted her time to her daughter, vowing to give her the life and childhood she didn’t have.

A few years later, the Calamity happened. Mi’cah was killed while overseas and a couple of moons later, Ella fell ill and died, leaving Kailani alone and suffering. It was this terrible turn of events that inspired Kailani to return home to Doma, only to find that Doma was no more. Setting off for Eorzea, she arrives and is met by none other than her sister, Adelicia. At first she was afraid, she was petrified, but Adelicia quelled her fears, assuring her that she meant her no harm and that she was no longer under the spell or in the grasp of their father.

According to Adelicia, their mother exposed Draviel and rescued her daughter with the help of the Fire Lily Clan, a group of noble knights put together to fight the evils of the Void. Mei had hoped to outnumber Draviel with the Clan, but they were met with terrible odds; morale was low but their mission had been completed. In a final attempt to rescue Adelicia, Draviel killed their mother, leaving the Clan to fight on their own without their leader.

Upon learning of their mother’s death, Kailani and Adel set forth to the family estate in La Noscea, only to be ambushed while inside. The two barely made it out alive, the home burnt to the ground. All that remained were two fire proof trunks, both with Kailani’s name on them. Kailani then decides that she will restore the Clan, renaming it the Council of Ravens and she will hunt down her father and end his life once and for all. However, a run in with a Dark Knight from Ishgard, awakens her anger, her hatred and her darkness and Kailani strays from her path of vengeance.

Shortly after rebooting the Council, Kailani meets Kaelyn who strives to help her control her darkness after he fully awakens it. From this point on, he is the only one who can keep her from losing all control on her darkness and he does a very, very good job of it.

Enter Enambris and Kara, the leader and first member of the Glass Network. Overhearing their plight in Ul’dah, Kailani decides to join their cause to stop what is known as Gallows Glass from spreading throughout the world. Kara and Kailani become fast friends but even faster enemies, resulting in Kara stabbing Kailani with the same shard of Gallows Glass that killed her husband during the Calamity. The glass causes Kailani to lose herself and even though Kaelyn fights tooth and nail to save her, she’s lost.

Kailani is then put in an aetherical cell to keep her and others safe but she’s attacked by the Craftsman’s ‘shadow’ while being visited by Enambris. The Shadow turned on Enambris but Kailani knew without Nam, the Glass Network would be lost and so would all hope. She sacrifices herself for Enambris and dies in her arms.

Fast forward two moons later, Adelicia, with the help of her friend Odette, raise Kailani from the dead with Void magic and nurse her back to health. This takes several weeks and even know, Kailani is still training to regain full strength.

Given a second chance, she vowed to more extensively help hunt down the Craftsman, but she wasn’t expecting to be stabbed with glass a second time. Now it’s a race against time. Will she be able to help the Glass Network stop the Craftsman once and for all? Or will she succumb to the rage of the glass and be thrown to the gallows again?




I used pieces of template from Lyuri Felnica and Brynhilde Wulf and asked for permission.