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This Template was created by [[Deirdre Ta'ea]]
This Template was created by [[Deirdre Ta'ea]]

Latest revision as of 07:03, 11 January 2014

 Fleeting Dawn
Placeholder person.gif
Gender Female
Race Hellsguard
Clan Unknown
Citizenship Unaffiliated
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Fleeting is the typical Hellsguard. She grew up in the mountains in a small community.


Fleeting Dawn is a tall Hellsguard woman, though not ridiculously so. Her hair is short at about the chin though not all the same length. It is red, lightening to chunks of yellow. She has bright blue mischievous eyes that observe most things. Depending on how much skin she is showing, she does have a couple scars. One small but very deep looking scar mars her left side at the rib cage. Another graces her left thigh. They both look fairly recently received. Her large bow almost always sits on her back no matter the occasion.


Fleeting Dawn does not always act in accordance with normal societal rules. She tends not to care if she steps on toes if she is in the right. Always quick with a smile however, she makes friends easily.


Fleeting's skill lays with the bow. She is practically perfect in her aim, even while moving, the bow being the only weapon she's used and practiced with, aside from the occasional branching out for fun and experience. She leaned to use it among trees and prey to hunt and became quite proficient in it. She has begun to train in close up combat, mainly while using her bow and empty handed. She has learned hand to hand to a point, though she's only proficient enough to be able to defend herself for a time, depending on the skill of the attacker.



  • Strong wills
  • Well cooked food
  • Strong drinks


  • Dishonesty
  • Spoilsports
  • The OCEAN


  • Fleeting plays a few instruments and sings well.
  • She also can balance on two legs in a chair pretty damn well.




Fleeting's family was a very close one. They lived in the mountains. With other Roegadyn. Because that's where Roegadyn are from. You know. That mountain. Her father was the bard of the small community they were part of and her mother was the master huntsman. Fleeting's father taught her the use of his instruments and how to use her voice. Her mother taught her the use of the bow. Fleeting's sister was born when she was seven and they became very close. Fleeting has memories of braiding her hair and teaching her, taking her out in the woods to look at life. When the wars began, Fleeting and her parents left to aid in the fight, whereas her sister stayed. She was too young. Fleeting's parents died in the battle and chaos. When she returned home, her sister was gone. She spent a few years trying to find her but was never successful in finding her. She assumes her sister is dead.


Before the war, Fleeting had the odd fling here and there, though there were not many fellow Roegadyn to choose from in the little community her family lived in. There was never anything serious and after she returned from the war, the search for her sister consumed her. For three years and after, the pain of losing her sister consumed her. She vowed never to be that close to anyone again. So followed a string of casual, if long term flings, though only ever with those she respects. Caring for people is not hard, though she has in the past tried to keep them at a distance emotionally.


(( WIP ))

Obsidian Hornet: One of the two first, and currently only, people to cause Fleeting to love them. Hornet and Fleeting's love blossomed from a casual fling. When Hornet admitted that she loved Fleeting, Fleeting couldn't help but pull away. The more that Hornet spent time with her however, the less that Fleeting pulled away, eventually admitting to Hornet and herself that she loved her. Fleeting is not ready to be dedicated to one person however, so the relationship remains open.

Dennthota Ahtahrmwyn: The second of two that Fleeting has claimed to love is a woman of dubious character. DUBIOUS. Fleeting's love for Dennthota was a long and gradual thing that happened on Fleeting's trek to pull Denn into her bed. When Denn told Fleeting of her tie to the Imperial force, Fleeting chased after her to give her a way out. Apparent to Fleeting, Denn took it, though when Fleeting's company became involved, Denn was given the chance to turn herself in to the Immortal Flame or be killed. Denn chose to turn herself in, though as Fleeting and Denn made their way there, Fleeting was struck with a sleep spell and Denn disappeared. Fleeting has not seen her since and is of the opinion that Denn is back with the Garleans and has betrayed Fleeting completely. She swore that if Denn did go back to the Garleans, she would kill her herself.

Swyrbhrat Syhrberksyn: Swyrbhrat, or Meat, is one of Fleeting's good friends. They have had a casual relationship in the past, though they have not seen each other for a couple months. Fleeting has a great amount of care and warmth for the large Roegadyn, though after he asked her to be the mother of his adopted daughters, their relationship became very rocky. They have since made up, though no doubt the daughters will always be a responsibility that keeps Fleeting at least an arms' length away.

Anais Fleurdevide: The leader of Fleeting's current Company, Fleeting respects the woman though also harbors a hidden dislike. Anais is the one that forced Denn to give herself over to the Flames or be killed. Fleeting is torn between knowing that she put Anais in the situation to make that choice and the fact that Anais made it.

Wulf Ironhand: A fairly new development, Wulf is a man that has caught Fleeting's attention. A member of her current crew and a friend of Hornet's, his crude and up front attitude, while pushing most away, draws Fleeting in with its promise of honesty. Though at first he said he was unwilling to share, her continuing efforts won her a grudging acceptance of at least a 'let's see what happens' and 'Hornet's going to stab me next time she sees me'.

Khyros Oroban

Gharen Wolfsong

Salty Lake


Fleeting does not have any specific enemies but the Imperial forces and Garleans themselves rank up there. She has a very harsh hatred for them. Though she realizes many were forced into service, she is of the opinion that there is always a choice. She would rather die than be forced into service with them and so she expects everyone else to have this opinion as well. What other opinion is there?


Common Rumors

Moderate Rumors

Rare Rumors

PC Rumors



This Template was created by Deirdre Ta'ea