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<div style="padding: 7px 4px;font-size:13px; color:#26212B;font-family:Georgia;">Solenne has an athletic build and is of medium stature. She moves gracefully, and while she would like you to believe that this talent is inborn, it actually comes from many years of dancing lessons and combat training. There are few visible scars or blemishes on her fair skin, unless you happen to catch sight of her back. There, you will find a long, prominent scar from a blade wound, starting from her right shoulder and extending down to her left hip. She has been dyeing her hair a distinctive shade of smokey blue with frosted highlights since she was ten, but recently she has given up on this and is letting her natural pale blonde coloring show. She likes to draw attention to her bright blue eyes with either blue or brown eye shadow, and she usually wears a touch of color on her lips as well. She is generally considered a beauty, although it's probable that no one finds her appearance quite as pleasing as she does. Humility is not her greatest strength.</div></div>
<div style="padding: 7px 4px;font-size:13px; color:#26212B;font-family:Georgia;">Solenne has an athletic build and is of medium stature. She moves gracefully, and while she would like you to believe that this talent is inborn, it actually comes from many years of dancing lessons and combat training. There are few visible scars or blemishes on her fair skin, unless you happen to catch sight of her back. There, you will find a long, prominent scar from a blade wound, starting from her right shoulder and extending down to her left hip. She has been dyeing her hair a distinctive shade of smokey blue with frosted highlights since she was ten, but recently she has been letting its natural pale blonde color show. She likes to draw attention to her bright blue eyes with either blue or brown eye shadow, and she usually wears a touch of color on her lips as well. She is generally considered a beauty, although it's probable that no one finds her appearance quite as pleasing as she does. Humility is not her greatest strength.</div></div>

Revision as of 18:28, 28 August 2018




"To live is to feel death's shadow."
Born into a highly esteemed family among Gridania's gentry, Solenne's life was one of privilege and duty from the very beginning. But while she was learning to become a fine lady and a respectable conjurer, she was also secretly learning how to sneak through shadows, pick locks, gather information, and wield a pair of daggers. By the time she was 12 years old, she already knew that the life her parents had planned for her was not the one she wanted.

As she grew older, she hid more and more of herself away from the world, until the woman known as Solenne Lagarde in polite society was only a pale shadow of the real Solenne. Upon reaching adulthood, her dreams became reality, and she began to secretly engage in dangerous and daring exploits under the alias "Lady Winter." She led a team of adventurers on rescue missions to Ishgard, infiltrating the city and smuggling out dozens of so-called heretics condemned to die at Witchdrop. When the death of her best friend and co-leader brought these missions to an end, she turned to smaller intrigues and adventures in the Black Shroud to ease her boredom.

Eventually, she joined the Mythril Wings, a La Noscea-based free company devoted to the pursuit of knowledge, the betterment of the world, and the protection of the weak. Then, with neither warning nor explanation, she disappeared for nearly a year.

She has now returned to Eorzea after her long absence overseas, but her experiences have changed her. It will be a long, uphill battle to find herself again.


Solenne has an athletic build and is of medium stature. She moves gracefully, and while she would like you to believe that this talent is inborn, it actually comes from many years of dancing lessons and combat training. There are few visible scars or blemishes on her fair skin, unless you happen to catch sight of her back. There, you will find a long, prominent scar from a blade wound, starting from her right shoulder and extending down to her left hip. She has been dyeing her hair a distinctive shade of smokey blue with frosted highlights since she was ten, but recently she has been letting its natural pale blonde color show. She likes to draw attention to her bright blue eyes with either blue or brown eye shadow, and she usually wears a touch of color on her lips as well. She is generally considered a beauty, although it's probable that no one finds her appearance quite as pleasing as she does. Humility is not her greatest strength.


As a young debutante in Gridania, Solenne was known for possessing an elegance and refinement befitting the heir of one of Gridania's wealthiest and most respected families. She had a reputation for poise, charisma, and when the situation allowed for it, vivacity. She sparkled at large social gatherings, yet seemed equally content to enjoy a polite tête-à-tête with an acquaintance. But since coming of age, she has proved that she is more than just a well-bred lady. She has exhibited the heart of an adventurer, the soul of a leader, and the mind of a tactician. She has also revealed a restless streak a mile wide and a tendency to crave danger and intrigue.

Unfortunately, more recently she has been exposed to enough danger and intrigue to leave her mentally and physically broken. It will take her some time to put the pieces of her life back together, and until then, she is a cold, cynical shadow of the woman she once was.


Ice and snow.
Danger and intrigue.
Guns and knives.
Nudity and revealing clothing.
Beautiful people, places and things.


Total darkness.
Confined spaces, or a sense of being trapped.
People who waste her time.
Subordinates who fail to follow her orders.
Corrupt nobles, politicians, and businesspersons.
Limsa Lominsa.


Reading books on history and magical theory.
Reading mystery novels.
Solving word and number puzzles.


Strong leadership skills.
Determination to succeed.
Indomitable courage.
Boundless energy.
A head for strategy and business.
Willingness to make sacrifices for others.


Extreme stubbornness.
Lingering inborn prejudices, including some racism.
Lack of empathy.
Difficulty expressing certain emotions.
Difficulty trusting others.
Tendency to overwork herself.


Undermining oppressive regimes.
Becoming a champion for the weak.
Healing the sick and wounded.
Amassing power.
Creating a lasting legacy.
Relieving boredom and restlessness.
Family Involved Romantic Platonic Physical Friend Acquaintance $ Business Deceased Positive Negative Neutral Unsure
Gautier Lagarde, father. ( )
"You gave up too soon."
Solenne's relationship with her father was always positive, but he had little time to give her when she was a child. After the death of his wife, he turned to drink for comfort, leaving his business concerns in Solenne's capable hands. He eventually drank himself into an early grave, but Solenne still remembers him with fondness. She misses him, and she has forgiven him for the weakness that took him from her side.
Antoinette Lagarde, mother. ( )
"You never loved me."
Solenne's relationship with her mother was always tense. Antoinette had little time to spare for her only child, and treated her with coldness when they were together. Solenne never learned the reason for her mother's dislike of her. When Antoinette died of illness, Solenne did not grieve.
Richaud Debonet ( )
"I'm sorry I couldn't save you."
Solenne's childhood friend and the co-leader of her heretic-smuggling team. He was caught during a mission in Ishgard and executed for assisting heretics.
Judiel Farendaire ( )
"I'd trust you with my life."
An Ishgardian noblewoman who secretly collaborated with Solenne's group of heretic-smugglers. Solenne holds her in high regard and finds her endlessly endearing.
Aronaux Farendaire ( )
"Still a little stiff, but you're improving."
Lady Judiel Farendaire's brother. A true son of Ishgard and devotee of the Ishgardian Orthodox Church. It took Solenne a while to trust him, but now she counts him as a friend.
Isarmont Sorel ( )
"You are still my friend."
Solenne's first love. They were engaged to be married, but then he disappeared and was held in captivity aboard a pirate ship for ten moons. Solenne searched and searched for him, but eventually concluded that he must be dead. She moved on with her life and fell in love with another man. By the time Isarmont escaped and returned to her side, she had nothing but friendship left to offer him.
Michaux Vidal ( )
"You're insane, but I like you anyway."
A disaster-prone Duskwight whom Solenne has come to think of as a brother... albeit a very troublesome one. But while she doesn't think much of his decision-making skills, she knows his heart is (usually) in the right place.
Adeya Evenar ( )
"We're a good team."
The Mythril Wings leader who recruited Solenne and Isarmont to the company. At first, Solenne had trouble respecting the leadership of a Miqo'te, particularly a Keeper of the Moon. However, the two women have since bonded over a shared interest in magic and murder, and Solenne now counts Adeya among her closest friends.
Asheloux Haton ( )
"You made me feel like I belonged."
A former leader of the Mythril Wings. From their first meeting, Solenne found his snark and ill humor amusing. Over time, she came to value his friendship deeply and worry about his health and safety. He became very ill and left the company, and now she has no idea where he is, or whether he's even still alive.
Soren Shieldbreaker ( )
"You have so much potential."
A former member of the Mythril Wings. Out of everyone in the free company, Soren was the first she developed a fondness for. She feels protective of him, and considers him a brother.
Synn Heolster ( )
"You scare me, but in a good way."
A fellow leader of Mythril Wings, and the husband of Adeya Evenar. He and Solenne got off to a rocky start, but over time they've come to respect each other. Solenne considers him the most dangerous member of the company, and she's very glad to have him on her side.
Idristan Agache ( )
"You've saved me in more ways than one."
Solenne's boyfriend. Idristan is a healer and voidsent hunter who crossed paths with Solenne while she was possessed by a voidsent. He saved her life, and a friendship developed between them. When he later fell prey to a voidsent curse, she put her life on the line to save him. They fell in love under the direst of circumstances, and after surviving that ordeal, Solenne is confident that their love can carry them through any crisis.



Some of these rumors are untrue, speculation, or are greatly exaggerated.

◢ Common Rumors - Easily overheard. Use these freely!
"Miss Lagarde is one of the richest women in Eorzea. A pity she doesn't spread that wealth around Gridania as much as she used to. I hear she's gone to live near Limsa Lominsa, of all places!"
"You know the old Lagarde mansion in the gentry ward? I hear it's still owned by old Gautier's daughter, but she's turned it into a fancy restaurant now. Can you believe it? Gautier must be rolling in his grave. But it's getting plenty of business. I hear the food is to die for."
"She used to be the toast of every bachelor in Gridania, as pretty and rich as she was. Well, she still is pretty, and now that her father's gone she's richer than ever. But she doesn't flirt with the young men anymore. I guess she grew out of her frivolous ways at last."
◢ Uncommon Rumors - A little more difficult to hear. Use sparingly or ask first!
"Solenne used to be best friends with a poor boy -- Richaud Debonet was his name, I think. They made for an odd couple, with her finery and his rags. I heard a few years back that Richaud died, or went missing, or something. Miss Solenne must have been torn up over it."
"Solenne studied here at the Thaumaturge's Guild for a few moons, but I can't say she was a satisfactory student. She had no interest in learning to balance umbral and astral states. She couldn't cast fire or thunder spells to save her life, nor did she care. It was all about ice for her. I'll admit she could do some impressive things with umbral-aspected spells, but ultimately we had to dismiss her from our halls. She was becoming an embarrassment to the guild."
"Solenne Lagarde? I heard she hasn't been seen for nearly a year. She was an officer in a small free company out in La Noscea, but she up and disappeared one day. I think the company disbanded, or something. Myself, I suspect foul play."
◢ Rare Rumors - Very rarely overheard. Please ask before using!
"Lady Winter saved my life. I was falsely accused of heresy and sentenced to death, but she broke me and a few others out of prison and smuggled us out of Ishgard. Then she never left our side until we were out of danger. I owe her so much, and I don't even know her real name."
"There was an Elezen at one of the pleasure houses here in Kugane last year. I remember her well, since it's unusual to see a foreigner in that setting. She called herself Kiyo. I was curious about her, but she wasn't there for long. I wonder what happened to her?"


Feel free to add your own rumors to this section.

◢ Player Character Rumors
"Oh, she's a bit intimidating. She snapped at me once for complimenting someone's scars. I don't know an awful lot about her, but I think she's got a good head on her shoulders." - Ari'ya Mhoki.
"I never thought a sun would come when I could say that a Gridanian noblewoman has won my respect, but Solenne has managed it. Despite her background, she's clever and she knows how to get a job done quietly, and those are things I can always admire." - Adeya Evenar.
"Though of a different nation, creed, and sensibilities, Solenne is my dearest and greatest friend. Together, we have stood in defiance of the darkness of misrule and delivered scores of men and women from certain death. I have not always condoned her methods, nor do I truly believe she is right in all her views, but I know in my heart of hearts that she has lived, and always will live, as one of those few disinterested benefactors of mankind, and I am glad to have known her." - Judiel Farendaire.
"The heavens have twice turned since I first met Mademoiselle Solenne, and still I fail to understand her to any point of satisfaction. At first, we engaged with each other politely, as would be expected from people of noble birth, yet she disdained me as a brainwashed nationalist as much I thought her an unbeliever. We became allies of convenience, shortly after, and then begrudging friends through Judiel. I believe for now that Solenne is a good woman, but not a paragon, though few of us are; still, men and women of her ambition and conviction are rare finds indeed." - Aronaux Farendaire.



Player Note
Thank you for visiting Solenne's wiki. If you're interested in learning about my other characters, please visit my FFXIV tumblr blog, which contains shorter RP profiles for each of my alts. My blog also contains more screenshots, playlists, stories, RP threads, and and other information about my characters.
RP Preferences and Limits
RP Style I tend to write paragraph posts, and sometimes my posts spill over into several chat entries. I find that this more descriptive style of RP gives me better immersion than short, choppy posts. I'm willing to write shorter posts, especially at crowded events where there is significant chat scroll, but overall I find that RP style less fulfilling. Also, while typos happen to the best of us, I prefer to RP with people who make some effort to use correct grammar and punctuation. But I will definitely make allowances if English is not your first language.
Limits At present, I am only willing to ERP with close friends whom I deeply trust. I have nothing against ERP or those who enjoy it, but due to some bad experiences, I am very picky about my ERP partners. If we've been RPing together for a while, feel free to ask, but please be willing to accept my answer if I say no. Please note that I will not RP scenes involving sexual violence. Brief or subtle allusions to rape are acceptable. Detailed descriptions are not. I also don't like RPing scenes involving extreme gore, body horror, or torture, although I might be willing to make exceptions in very specific circumstances. Violent scenes that are less gore-heavy are fine.


RP Hooks
If you're interested in meeting Solenne, see below for some possible ways our characters could cross paths. I'm also willing to RP established relationships. Do you want your character to be a long lost friend, ally, or relative of Solenne's? There are several ways to make that work.
■ Solenne has been an active member of the Conjurer's Guild since she was 12 years old (so about 19 years). She no longer spends much time at the guild now that she lives in La Noscea, but she still stops by from time to time. If you play a conjurer who trained at the guild, there's a strong chance that your character has met Solenne before.
■ Is your character the adventurous sort? Were they the kind of person who would have been interested in smuggling heretics out of Ishgard? Maybe they were part of Solenne's team. Alternatively, they could have been a collaborator who assisted Solenne from inside Isghard, or even one of the refugees that Solenne rescued. Or perhaps your character was on the opposite side. Perhaps they were a temple knight or an inquisitor who once sought to capture the elusive Lady Winter. The possibilities are endless.
■ Do you play a member of Gridania's wealthy elite? Then your character has probably met Solenne at various social functions in the past. Solenne is the last surviving member of one of Gridania's most respected families. Her deceased father, Gautier Lagarde, was once a force to be reckoned with in Gridania, with contacts in the Order of the Twin Adders, the Wood Wailers, and the God's Bow, not to mention the various guilds. Perhaps your character comes from a rival family, or perhaps they made their debut in polite society at the same time Solenne did. If you play a young gentleman, Solenne has probably danced and flirted with him at parties. Maybe she even allowed him to steal a kiss before promptly forgetting his name. She had a reputation for being flighty and frivolous in those days.
■ If your character is Hingan, they might have seen Solenne in Kugane last year. She worked in a pleasure house for about two moons under the name Kiyo. If your Hingan character is a noble who has spent time in Bukyo in the past nine moons or so, they might know "Kiyo" under even more surprising circumstances. (Contact me for more info.)

Name - Solenne Lagarde
Race - Elezen (Wildwood)
Age - 31
Name Day - 2nd Sun of the 3rd Umbral Moon
Deity - Menphina

Aliases: Lady Winter, Kiyo, Nelle Ledoux
Occupation: Conjurer, businesswoman, adventurer, spy, assassin
Hair color: Blue (dyed)
Eye color: Blue
Complexion: Fair
Piercings: Ears
Marks or tattoos: Subtle scarring over her left ribcage, long scar across her back from edged weapon
Alignment: Chaotic good
Favorite Food: Creme brulee
Favorite Drink: Brandy
Favorite Color: Blue
Template made by Abagail Graves and free for use!