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:* R’heva Yassh — An upbeat and energetic Keeper; works for Panther Lily. Like I’rishna, she came from the Sagolli Desert. However, R’heva willingly left her tribe, and she’s not ashamed to admit the reason behind it involved quite a number of attractive (yet untouchable) tia. Since arriving in Ul’dah, she’s been able to openly express her promiscuity. Her actions, of course, aren’t without repercussions. Shallow, easy, loose; R’heva has heard these and more whispered behind her back, yet she simply shrugged off the words of the ignorant and continued on her merry way. Out of all the workers, she treated Li’ur like a sibling the most.
:* R’heva Yassh — An upbeat and energetic Keeper; works for Panther Lily. Like I’rishna, she came from the Sagolli Desert. However, R’heva willingly left her tribe, and she’s not ashamed to admit the reason behind it involved quite a number of attractive (yet untouchable) tia. Since arriving in Ul’dah, she’s been able to openly express her promiscuity. Her actions, of course, aren’t without repercussions. Shallow, easy, loose; R’heva has heard these and more whispered behind her back, yet she simply shrugged off the words of the ignorant and continued on her merry way. Out of all the workers, she treated Li’ur like a sibling the most.
:* Y'rhika Tia — Deemed annoying and stupid, this seeker somehow managed to wedge himself into Li'ur's life. A misinterpretation during their initial meeting sparked a rather... <i>complicated</i> relationship between the two. While it's strikingly obvious the tia admires him, Li'ur has no desire to reciprocate his affections and tries to distance their actions as much as possible. Frankly, Y'rhika's naivety towards Eorzea and life as a whole bothers him to the point of uncomfortability. Perhaps it's because the tia reminds him of someone he once knew?
:* [[Y'rhika Tia]] — Deemed annoying and stupid, this seeker somehow managed to wedge himself into Li'ur's life. A misinterpretation during their initial meeting sparked a rather... <i>complicated</i> relationship between the two. While it's strikingly obvious the tia admires him, Li'ur has no desire to reciprocate his affections and tries to distance their actions as much as possible. Frankly, Y'rhika's naivety towards Eorzea and life as a whole bothers him to the point of uncomfortability. Perhaps it's because the tia reminds him of someone he once knew?
==<div style="padding-left: 5px;  padding-top: 3px;  padding-bottom: 3px;  font-size: 16px;  color: rgb(255, 255, 255);  background-color: rgb(139, 34, 82);  line-height: 1.3em"><span style="font-family:verdana,geneva,sans-serif">'''Affiliations'''</span></div>==
==<div style="padding-left: 5px;  padding-top: 3px;  padding-bottom: 3px;  font-size: 16px;  color: rgb(255, 255, 255);  background-color: rgb(139, 34, 82);  line-height: 1.3em"><span style="font-family:verdana,geneva,sans-serif">'''Affiliations'''</span></div>==

Revision as of 20:34, 22 May 2014

 Li’ur Nunh
The Sun City Cat
Gender Male
Race Miqo'te
Clan Seeker of the Sun
Citizenship Ul’dah
Age 24
Nameday 3rd Sun of the 2nd Umbral Moon
Guardian Azeyma, The Warden
Occupation Adventurer
Pronunciation Leeh-ur Noo-n
(Best viewed at page magnitude 8.)


Height: 5 fulms and 7 ilms, a bit tall for a Miqo’te.
Hair: Burgundy, which he normally keeps up to bar it from flying everywhere. While its length certainly doesn’t qualify as long, it’s prone to sticking in his face at the most inconvenient times. Unfortunately, lots of movement tends to loosen more strands than he’s comfortable with. Much like his hair, his slim knee-length tail carries the same red wine color. However, the feline ears on his scalp gradually dot and darken to black along the tips.
Eyes: Li’ur’s eyes are a teal-like green with the iris slit like any other Seeker of The Sun. He’s rather proud of their color; however, he’s far more comfortable with that knowledge being privy to those whom he’s close with.
Mouth: If it’s not in a straight line, the odds favor it forming a cocky smirk or toothy grin.
Complexion: For someone who lives in Ul’dah, his skin oddly lies on the lighter side of the tanning spectrum. Although faded nicks and cuts pepper the entirety of his body, they’re far from noticeable in most instances, and Li’ur feels absolutely no shame in their existence. On the contrary, he’s extremely proud of them.
Build: Thanks to years of training within the Pugilists’ Guild, his body consists of lean muscle with most of the definition along his arms and thighs. While not exactly thin, he isn’t bulky either.
Voice: ((Oops))
Style: Li’ur doesn’t favor overly stylish clothing, but he can’t afford to dress excessively casual while in Panther Lily. As such, he teeters on the very fine ledge of what could be considered style and comfort. Even though he isn’t afraid of showing a little bit of skin, he likes to believe he knows what to wear in order to seem enticing rather than ridiculous. In order to keep his dignity, he stays far away from harnesses and subligar as possible.


Not a whole lot of tact and definitely a little rough around the edges, Li’ur tends to give off a bad impression more often than naught. He often refers to others by their appearance or features, which lands him in hot water from time to time. He also dishes out a slew of teasing comments, but the repercussions of his unappreciative remarks never seem to properly click as inappropriate in his mind. Will he ever learn? Who knows?
Overconfidence is another serious fault of his. This predominantly occurs around taverns and the local alehouse where he picks fights over the smallest details. Predictably, Li’ur bites off more than he can chew in terms of battle partners, so it isn’t uncommon to find his beaten arse in the gutter. Of course, he never admits to losing a match, coming off as a sore loser who blames the elements around him than his abilities.
With those being said though, a somewhat endearing side lies beneath that cocky exterior. With only the women of Panther Lily to call family, Li’ur holds them as the most precious things in his life. As such, like every nunh, he defends them at every turn. Whether it be from overly touchy customers or an ignorant passersby, he’s always quick to their aide. Unfortunately, this creates an easy trigger just ripe for pushing, and Li’ur always strikes whenever someone baits.
Alignment: True Neutral
Morals: Curiously, he believes in saving judgment for later and lives on the philosophy of not labeling someone until he understands their story. The ladies of Panther Lily stand as a constant reminder of this, so he (typically) reserves personal thoughts on others. However, Li’ur can be rather hypocritical considering he throws insults at anyone who crosses him in some way, shape, or form. Perhaps he just teases anyone who stimulates his interest?
  • His “sisters”
  • A good spar or sparring partner
  • Exploring (dungeons in particular)
  • People looking down on the Panther Lily women
  • Rough or rowdy customers
  • Others stealing the final blow
  • Underspiced food
  • Color: Green
  • Food: Orobon stew
  • Drink: Mulled tea
  • Place: Panther Lily


  • Monk/Pugilist
Like most Miqo’te, Li’ur is very agile and quick. Even though he doesn’t hit very hard, he has the ability to deliver series of jabs and punches quicker than others. If one considers being stubborn an asset, he’s got that in the bag as well seeing how he’d rather collapse from exhaustion than call it quits.
Li’ur acts before thinking, making him a rather predictable opponent. Just about any sort of strategy flies over his head, and he’ll take whatever opening is available. It’s really easy to string him into a trap. Li’ur’s stubborn streak can come as a double edged sword though as he doesn’t know when his body is at its limit.
  • Sewing
  • Goldsmithery
  • Cooking
Li’ur picks up the techniques of sewing fairly easy so he does rather well at mending torn clothing. Likewise, he's able to make clothing, on a technical level. The same can be said for his goldsmithery and cooking.
Oddly, he doesn't grasp the creative concept in any of his skills. This makes everything he creates appear very methodical or outright plain. His dishes are also commonly overspiced so a taste tester is always needed in the event he tries to make something for someone. Additionally, patience is a problem across all of his crafts.

Friends and Associates

((Would you like to be Li’ur’s friend or rival?))
  • I'rishna Jnal — A Seeker originally from the Buffalo clan; Li’ur’s biological mother. After her secret liaisons with a tia from another tribe were discovered, she was exiled and sent to wander the Sagolii Desert. Rather than submit to her fate, I’rishna sought out the city of Ul’dah in hope of finding a new home. Unfortunately, the desert city did not welcome guests without gil in their pocket, so she met disappointment and hardship at every doorstep. Eventually, she stumbled upon Panther Lily and took up work in the Miqo’te specialized brothel. Just shortly after her debut, however, it became apparent she was already with child. Four years after Li’ur’s birth, she succumbed to disease and passed away.
  • Myren Aht — A Keeper from the Black Shroud; works for Panther Lily. Although Myren’s life before Ul’dah is largely kept secret, her seemingly unmatched marksmanship sparked rumors of being a former poacher. Like many of the Miqo’te in Panther Lily, she turned to the pleasure house for work, and her exotic presence among a gathering of Seekers allured many new patrons to the establishment. She looked out for all the girls in Panther Lily, eventually coming to be seen as an older sister or mother figure to them. As expected, it was she who consoled I’rishna when the woman first took up residency in the house. After the Seeker quietly passed away, Myren took up the brunt work of raising Li’ur.
  • R’heva Yassh — An upbeat and energetic Keeper; works for Panther Lily. Like I’rishna, she came from the Sagolli Desert. However, R’heva willingly left her tribe, and she’s not ashamed to admit the reason behind it involved quite a number of attractive (yet untouchable) tia. Since arriving in Ul’dah, she’s been able to openly express her promiscuity. Her actions, of course, aren’t without repercussions. Shallow, easy, loose; R’heva has heard these and more whispered behind her back, yet she simply shrugged off the words of the ignorant and continued on her merry way. Out of all the workers, she treated Li’ur like a sibling the most.
  • Y'rhika Tia — Deemed annoying and stupid, this seeker somehow managed to wedge himself into Li'ur's life. A misinterpretation during their initial meeting sparked a rather... complicated relationship between the two. While it's strikingly obvious the tia admires him, Li'ur has no desire to reciprocate his affections and tries to distance their actions as much as possible. Frankly, Y'rhika's naivety towards Eorzea and life as a whole bothers him to the point of uncomfortability. Perhaps it's because the tia reminds him of someone he once knew?




Backstory: Being the son of a Seeker estranged from her clan meant little in a city full of Hyur, Lalafell, and Roegadyn with the occasional Elezen. Being the son of a whore, on the other hand, translated into something entirely different. At the behest of their parents, most of the other children refused to include Li’ur in their antics which led to name calling along with the occasional tug of his ears or tail. While this surely out casted him from their little social rat pack, Li’ur had no qualms about tearing them asunder. No matter where one looked or what time of day it was, a child would always find their way against his fists, nails, and teeth. Naturally, this thuggish behavior caused a series of problems for Panther Lily and various families alike.

After his mother’s death, Myren became a mentor of sorts to Li’ur. She taught him to look after the girls of Panther Lily, meaning he focused on tending to their basic needs such as laundry and meal prep. Much to everyone’s relief, this kept him away from the streets, and his short reign of terrorizing the children on the streets came to an end. When he wasn’t sent on small errands, of course. At the age of twelve cycles, Li’ur took to the Pugilists’ Guild to better understand the techniques behind fighting. Why his fists and not a weapon? Because he’d been using those hands to deliver smack downs for years, it’d be as if he betrayed his own body. Intrigued by his enthusiasm, Hamon allowed Li’ur to join the guild, and (sure enough) the adolescent Seeker shed blood, sweat, and tears to grow stronger. However, he didn’t quite have the patience to understand the ways of a pugilist. He grasped the various forms with ease and overwhelmed some of the other members, but all he ever did was throw punches and kicks. As long as he hit his opponents and targets, he thought he was in the right set of mind. Naturally, Hamon grew weary of his one track mind.

When Li’ur reached sixteen cycles, he became increasingly aware of the lingering stares belonging to curious patrons. The women of Panther Lily also noticed this, but they never quite took to the idea of adding him to the house’s list of potential partners. Ultimately though, they allowed him to do as he pleased with his body. For a while, it appeared as though he steered away from the advances of persistent guests; however, that abruptly changed one night. He returned to Panther Lily rather late and by his side stood a smug looking Elezen man. Soon after, he took in more patrons. While Li’ur didn’t attract a large amount of guests (from both sexes, mind you) that suited him just fine.

The Battle of Cartenau occurred at his nineteenth cycle, and Li’ur felt helpless as pieces of Dalamud rained upon Eorzea. Once the destruction settled, and tense sense of calm washed over the continent, he quietly resolved to grow even stronger. Thus, his journey as an adventurer began.

Aliases: Often nicknamed “Ur” by his Panther Lily sisters


((Feel free to add your own rumors, just give me a heads up.))

  • “Tyrant as a child, that one. Went around beating everyone who didn't include him in their games. I honestly feared I’d have to bar my son from the street!” – Aging Housewife
  • “You know that Keeper who’s always hot on his tail? I hear she personally taught him all her dirty little tricks. Makes you wonder what the real relationship between those two are…” – Dancing Miqo’te
  • “Even if he calls ‘em his sisters, I betcha he gets to roll and tumble around with ‘em for free. Lucky bastard.” – Bitter Vendor
  • “Heard he stopped taking customers a cycle or two ago. Them Panther Lily girls are pretty tight lipped about it, better asking the guy himself why.” – Drinking Roegadyn
  • “Spent a night or three at the Quicksand asking about some fancy piece of jewelry. Seemed rather pissed when no one knew about it. That was, uh, maybe a cycle ago? He might still be asking about it.” – Busy Vendor
  • “You don't see him at all for some moons in Ul'dah. I wonder where he goes?” - Curious bystander

Behind the Scenes (OOC Information)

RPC Profile: Here
Inspirational Theme: 1 and 2
Tumblr: suncitycat
Wanted for Interesting Roleplay: Li'ur is always getting himself beat up in one way or another, so a healer or someone who knows medicine in general would provide some interesting events. Of course, I'm not terribly picky about who wants to interact with my character. However, anyone coming with certain propositions might not get the reaction they want. Just message me and we can work something out.
Notice: The only internet provider in my area is Time Warner Cable. This company is well known for having terrible service so I often disconnect in-game. I'm willing to role play on the forums/skype/private message/etc to prevent this nuisance for others.
Template: Credit goes to Xenedra Ambreaus and TM Endermerrin.