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'''6. Holmgang'''<br />
'''6. Holmgang'''<br />
While preparing himself to leave the Flames HQ, a certain interrogation taking part there took Halgr's attention. The prisoner had quite a respectable list of minor crimes involving transportation of forbidden merchandise, which was common in that big city. However, when he started describing his employer and such description matched his oldest son's appearance, he decided to investigate further. Discreetly taking part of the interrogators, he could have access to an unnerving truth: his son was dealing with prohibited wares. And to make things worse, the informant was linked to other crimes he could witness in the past five years, all ending in the Syndicate's yard. He could not let his son get involved with such people, and took the guy for a walk in order to get a clearer view of what happened with him. He expected someone else in his gang to kill the guy while he was explaining things, and let the crowd divide him from his keenly watched living bait. The guy got lost from Halgr, according to plan, while he observed. Unexpectedly enough, the guy who appeared to take him on after a few alleys down Pearl Lane was no one other than his younger son, R'pesc. Two of his sons involved in a very dangerous game was far too big to ignore, and he immediately contacted Pesc, willing to get along his sons and protect them.
While preparing himself to leave the Flames HQ, a certain interrogation taking part there took Halgr's attention. The prisoner had quite a respectable list of minor crimes involving transportation of forbidden merchandise, which was common in that big city. However, when he started describing his employer and such description matched his oldest son's appearance, he decided to investigate further. Discreetly taking part of the interrogators, he could have access to an unnerving truth: his son was dealing with prohibited wares. And to make things worse, the informant was linked to other crimes he could witness in the past five years, all ending in the Syndicate's yard. He could not let his son get involved with such people, and took the guy for a walk in order to get a clearer view of what happened with him. He expected someone else in his gang to kill the guy while he was explaining things, and let the crowd divide him from his keenly watched living bait. The guy got lost from Halgr, according to plan, while he observed. Unexpectedly enough, the guy who appeared to take him on after a few alleys down Pearl Lane was no one other than his younger son, R'pesc.  
He's currently living in R'kraz and R'pesc's cottage in the Lavender Beds, against his best expectations, willing to help them deal with their misdeeds and eventually return to his Tribe. ''To be continued...''
Two of his sons involved in a very dangerous game was far too big to ignore, and he immediately contacted Pesc, the need to be part of his sons lives in order to protect them greater than ever. He's currently living in R'kraz and R'pesc's cottage in the Lavender Beds, against his best expectations, willing to help them deal with their misdeeds and eventually return to his Tribe. ''To be continued...''

Revision as of 13:10, 23 February 2015

 R'halgr Nunh
Gender Male
Race Miqo'te
Clan Seeker of the Sun
Citizenship Raptor Lands, Ul'dahn
Age 49
Sexuality Straight
Occupation Nunh, Warrior
Alignment Lawful Neutral
Server Balmung

R’halgr is one of the current active Nunh of the Raptor tribe. He has experienced the typical Seeker of the Sun lifestyle since he was born, disliking the way people outside his tribe – well, outside any Seeker tribe – to display a very strange way of living and interests. Despite its strict rules, his tribe is his home and he has so far managed to live his life at its fullest. He's an relatively old Miqo'te warrior compelled to live for his tribe and family. As the days go by, though, his reflexes and lack of energy may remind him that his lifelong reign of traditions might be coming to an end.


Halgr is a 49 years old miqo’te with a black hair and fur – starting to look paler due to his age. He is 1,73 meters tall and weighs 80 kilograms. His skin is moderately light for a resident of the Sagolii Desert, scarred in several places, including one over his right eye. He possesses bright, very light blue eyes, sometimes mistaken with silver. Facial hair adorns his face, together with two symmetrical tribal tattoos. His expression is typically severe, what doesn’t help much to hide his wrinkles. His long warrior life gave him a toned build, muscular towards his chest and arms. Aside his furry long tail, he’s quite hairy. His hand nails are big and sharp, carefully clipped to resemble a claw.

Halgr often walks in his suit of armor. While he has a collection of different complete plate sets, his current one is a commemorative piece, forged to represent the Raptor tribe victory over their Amalj'aa neighbours. It's a light purple alloy forged plate, carefully detailed by the finest Ul'dahn goldsmiths. Red fabric adorns it, acting as a small cloak. The lower part of the armor has a brown half-coat, detailed with white artistic motif and shredded in the edges. It's not common to see him in more casual wear due to his recent concerns. Whenever it happens, though, he shows an array of Ul'dahn-style clothing and some tribal furs, tunics and loincloth. He likes detailed, flowing fabric; and uses jewelry in his ears and neck.


1. Early Years
"He was tiny, we thought he wouldn't survive. But his eyes were brilliant, like a spark of defiance"
Halgr of the Raptors was born in the year 1528 of the Sixth Astral Era, on the Twelfth Sun of the Sixth Astral Moon. He was sired by R'xenn Nunh, a Sagolii-native warrior and Y'assha Rhuwa, a quirky buccaneer from Aleport. He was named in the honor of Rhalgr, the Destroyer. His mother was adopted by the Raptor Tribe shortly after his birth, but missing the seas and her Lominsan comrades, she quickly abandoned her family. From that point on, Halgr was raised by his father and paternal grandmother. He was just one of three male heirs R'xenn had sired, and didn't have any redeeming qualities as an young boy other than his determination.

He was a tiny boy when young, often picked on by other kids around his age due to his skin and eye color - heritage of his Lominsan mother. Halgr learned that to get a place in that place he needed strength, which would be hard to obtain due to his poor physique. He admired his older brothers for their talents, and wouldn't see any future to himself, until his older half-brother was caught in a relationship with a neighbouring girl. As he was a Tia, the Nunh council decided he would fight his father for the Nunh position. Halgr would end up with a dead brother and a broken father whose actions did indeed save his lineage from the Tia's sins, but cursed himself in an endless regret. He decided to redeem his father and avoid that his family ever had to face that crisis again, upholding the old Seeker traditions and training heavily to grow stronger.

His plan was thwarted when, at the age of 12, he saw his father losing his Nunh title for a challenger. His name was R'anek. Anek pierced the old Xenn in his flanks with a lance, a beautiful moviment of his own, but Xenn wasn't fighting like his old self. As his old man fell to the ground, Halgr quickly ran into the arena, worried about his life. Anek was got his title and left Xenn lying on the floor, boasting his feat to everyone present. All the crowd was certain Xenn was too old and couldn't fight a swift and skilled youngster. For Halgr, however, that wasn't the case. Xenn was looking forward dying. As fast as he could, he dragged his wounded father to the conjurer Matriarch, and there she attempted to save his life, against Xenn's pleas to die.

2. Storm's Path
When Halgr woke up from his sleep, a week after the fight, it was dark - the sun hadn't risen yet. He looked aside to his father's bed, and to his surprise, he wasn't there. He was sure the old Miqo'te would kill himself in the first opportunity, so he followed potential clues of his whereabouts. He found the limping shell of his father further into the desert, banishing himself from the tribe. For two days he followed him, until both had a chance to talk about the latest events. While Xenn indeed tried to get away to end his life, his son's presence and determination delayed that plan for a while. The two walked side by side to Ul'dah. They did receive shelter in the Quicksand for a few days. Halgr asked his father to train him in the ways of the Warrior, just like his master once did, but Xenn wasn't sure if he was a capable teacher anymore - neither that Halgr would survive such training.

In order to change his father's mindset, Halgr proposed a deal. If he did successfully return with the head of a prey of his father's choice, the old Miqo'te would drop all his doubts and train him. Xenn chose his target: an Aevis from Coerthas. Unaware of the Aevis's prowess, Halgr departed by nightfall. When his father realised what he had done, it was too late. His intention of choosing a particularly difficult creature for a child didn't hinder him at all - and could have condemned another of his sons to death. Praying to the twelve that his son would have his arrival to Ishgard delayed, Xenn left Ul'dah.

Armed with an crude axe forged by himself still at the tribe, his personal bow, a pouch of food and a vial of water, Halgr set himself in his way to Coerthas. He attempted to draw a copy from an Eorzean Map, so he did know his destiny waited across the Shroud, but his current reference ended up such a bad attempt at art that he threw it away. Praying that Oschon highlight his ways, he left Black Brush station to Drybone, then set travel to what would be called Camp Tranquil in a two days. Unaware of the Elementals, Halgr entered the forest. What he did believe would be a fast way through the forest to the heart of Gridania ended up in trouble as he was attacked by the forest's guardians.

The guardians of the Twelveswood didn't take lightly the presence of the univited guest in their forest, and the Seeker child was victim to their wrath. It took all his courage and resilience to be able to survive, but after two days, he still didn't have a clue to where to go. Lost and weakened, he fainted. Halgr was rescued by Liya Maimhov, a Keeper of the Moon miqo'te that taunted him about his crude bow and difficulty to stride in the forest. The two took shelter in a glade near what today would be Camp Tranquil, and she promised to take him to Gridania. While in their way to the heart of the Shroud, Liya was taken by slavedrivers led by a duskwight Elezen and his sea wolf Roegadyn wench. Halgr was able to fight for his guide's freedom, but lost his bow in the fight. Rainier sworn he would be back. Liya thanked him, and took him to the gates to the North Shroud, as promised. The two separated.

His adventure through North Shroud included, but wasn't limited to, a boar attack and the fact he ended up captured by Ixal. The birdmen were hoping to use him as a sacrifice to their goddess Garuda in Natalan, but their plan was foiled by the presence of an Ishgardian squad, stationed in Natalan's borders due to the suspicion the Ala Mhigan army could use Natalan shortcuts to enter Coerthan territory. Although the squad captain Rainier Delacroix initially suspected Halgr of being a Ala Mhigan spy, they freed him and intended to take him to the local settlement of Ferndale. While taking the route to the city, a mighty dragon attacked. Halgr helped the best he could to draw the dragon's attention from the group, and after a difficult and deadly fight, he was able to arrive in Ferndale with the wyvern's head. Rainier revealed to be an adopted son of the House Durendaire, and thus Halgr was given a chocobo of his own.

He met again with his father in the fortress of Camp Dragonhead. The two were relieved to be able to see each other safe, and Xenn was given the dragon's dead head. After such, the two lived in Ishgard. He finally agreed to train Halgr on his craft, and thus started their second adventure.

The 17 years old R'halgr

3. Storm's Eye
The mighty Warriors of Hydaelyn use their rage as a fuel. It's a psychological state where you're able to channel more aether and empower your physical prowess. They put themselves in a state of fury and maintain it, while channeling it through their body to deliver devastating attacks. Although an excellent way to boost your fighting strength, it's a very dangerous path, because the lack of complete control over the emotion will make you no better than a furious, wild animal. Most marauders won't ever start learning the warrior's way because they're just unable to control the rage - and thus choose the safe way of their average abilities. R'xenn was trained in his adolescence by a Hellsguard Roegadyn, a master of his craft, and showed to be one of the small number of three disciples that man had. It was possible Halgr wouldn't ever be able to be a warrior - and such didn't depend on his sire's talent as a teacher - it all depended on his own ability.

And the worst came out to be true, after two years sharpening his mind he wouldn't be able to control his rage while using it. Frustrated and defeated, Halgr faced the thoughts that he wouldn't ever be the great Nunh he always desired to be. His dream stretching further from his hands, no matter the effort, his days walking aimlessly as an angry, hopeless teenager. Xenn decided to put an end on that. For days he thought, until he remembered that a final possibility still existed. He would take his son to Ala Mhigo, home to one of his oldest friends, a Highlander that answered by the name of Amadeus. That man used to be a brawler in an illegal fighting circuit in Swiftperch, and found his home when the two of them adventured to Ala Mhigo. He became one of the Fists of Rhalgr, an exemplar monk. Halgr, then fourteen years old, decided to give it a try, and the two moved to the mountainous town in the eastern borders of Eorzea.

Amadeus agreed to help the warrior-in-training, but with one condition: he would wear no armor and no weapons for four years. The boy agreed, and started to train as a puglist, while his teacher would help him channel Aether with the help of their chakra - a gateway to power, and a way to stabilize his mind while full of rage. The discipline of the training was rough and Halgr had to tell Amadeus's companions he had another name not to fuel unnecessary blasphemy claims. Xenn was happy to see his son's development, to the point he almost feared he would back down as a warrior to become a full-fledged monk. What was left of the his infant slim physique was gone, and by his eighteenth nameday Halgr would already look more like a warrior than his father. Inspired by him, he let his beard start to grow, and Xenn could feel like all his fears that his fatherhood had failed had left him. Halgr finished his training and took an axe again.

His mastery of rage was achieved, and another warrior was born into the world. Amadeus bid farewell to the two, glad he could pay the debts he had for so long to his old friend. The two Seekers went back to Ul'dah, where with the help with the Gladiator's Circuit helped Halgr finish his skills by the age of twenty. Xenn had nothing to offer to him anymore. He felt an emptiness he had never felt before. With that feeling, the two returned to the Raptor Lands.

4. Vengeance
Most of Halgr's fellow tribesmen were relieved and surprised to see him back after so many years. It's normal for Tias to travel around the world honing their skills before deciding to challenge a Nunh, but Halgr's circumstances were most unusual. Not only he had left without a word, but came back almost like he was another person. Out of all those who witnessed his return, one person was definitely not enjoying his presence: R'anek. Now a Nunh with a family of his own, he suspected Halgr would be the first to challenge him out. And he was right.

Shielding himself in a friendly facade, Halgr seeked him out, also meeting his son, a eight years old boy. Disregarding all other Nunh in the tribe, he challenged Anek. It was clear for all the tribe that he had nurtured thoughts of revenge for eight years after the traumatic sight of his father pierced by a spear. The two decided when the duel would take place. Xenn, so far distancing himself from his son and trying not to be recognised, reprehended his son for his childish attitude. Halgr, however, was inflexible. He knew it was just the way the Seeker men lived, just a matter of traditions - and just because of that Anek would go down.

For religious reasons, their battle was held in the sun's peak, at noon. As soon as they were given an order to start, Halgr's previously amicable attitude disappeared completely. His ruthless expression made clear to Anek that he wouldn't held back at all, and the lancer would finally have the opportunity to fight against a true warrior instead of the mockery Xenn showed him almost a decade ago. Although fast, Anek wasn't ready for Halgr's sharpened combination of his Warrior talent and his monk skills. Letting his revenge take him, the Tia became an unstoppable force, and the Nunh was thrashed until his face could barely be recognized.

As soon as the anger dissipated, Halgr broke Anek's spear, and let the tribe's conjurers approach him to heal him. He was now a Nunh. After celebrating with his half brothers and sisters of his achievement, he and his father reunited in a cave further away from the tribe. To his surprise, Xenn asked him if now he was allowed to die. Hiding his sadness and unable to ask anything else from his sire - let alone forbid him again - Halgr give him permission. Xenn killed himself in a ceremonial way, helped by his son. He remained in silence for the rest of the night.

R'halgr lived the next twenty-four years in surprising peace, rarely embarking in external adventures, becoming regarded as a great leader and a role model for any of the tribe's hunters. He sired ten children, two males and eight females. His sons are among the oldest, which is a rare feat, since Miqo'te rarely sire boys so often. He worked hard to educate, train and protect his family for all this time. However, in the transition from the year 1572 of the Sixth Astral Era for what would be known as Seventh Umbral Era, the Calamity hit Eorzea, and with it an age of tension and problems would arise.

5. Berserk
Fragments of the lesser moon, Dalamud scattered after its explosion and the subsequent freedom of the Elder Primal Bahamut. One of such fragments soared through the skies until it hit the Raptor Lands borders, a place where a community of Amalj'aa lived. The aether-fueled piece of machinery corrupted their water source, leaving that society in distress. Praying for their god, Ifrit, the scalekin launched an attack against their Raptor Tribe neighbors in order to conquer the land and take their fountains. Led by Anzagg Nhah and a bunch of other branded thaumaturges, the attack was disastrous on the tribe, leaving several casualties - including Halgr's oldest daughter - before it was repelled. The Council was immediately assembled, and a full-fledged war against the Amalj'aa started. It wasn't unusual for the different settlements to have conflicts once in a while, but such scale was never seen before. The Calamity also brought problems for the Raptors, since no merchant caravan would arrive to sell their wares.

It was decided by the Council that the tribe would send envoys to Ul'dah in order to ask for reinforcements. Halgr volunteered to be the one to act as an envoy, since it was no small endeavor and required someone familiar with the Ul'dahn citizens. He had personal reasons, too, since the lost of one of his children left him depressed. He took his sons alongside him and a small unit of huntresses. Arriving to the city, it was much different from what he had remembered. Several places were destroyed, the population was confused; many had lost their loved ones in the catastrophe. The Brass Blades had lost their function, the Flames were still trying to recover from an confusing outcome in Carteneau. The Nunh could have an audition with Raubahn, but the chaos was such that nothing at first was decided. Fearing his tribe wouldn't have its reinforcements, Halgr enlisted in the Flames to restructure the military power in Ul'dah. Little by little, him and his comrades in arms could restore most of the Flames previous glory, and they started sending expeditions outside the city. As the dust settled, Pesc and Kraz decided to leave Ul'dah. Left alone with his messengers, huntresses and Flames companions, Halgr started his plan on demarking Amalj'aa territories and assembling forces to seize them.

He spent five years on that plan, his effort paying off. The Flames had two main forces, one destined to fight Garlemald, and one left in Ul'dahn lands to protect it from the Amalj'aa. Halgr ended up in the rank of High Flames Commander, stationed in the Sagolii and Thanalan lands. He could strategically assign troops wherever his tribe needed, and the Raptors had a friendly alliance with an outsider force. The true consequences of such foreign exchange to the originally secluded Miqo'te of the Raptors are yet to be seen; and although Halgr dislikes the potential disastrous traditions they may break, it was probably an successful alliance. The last few months, however, were tense due to what happened to Roaille, one of Raubahn's most trusted advisors and companions. Halgr wasn't in the Garlemald front, so he never had any true contact with Roaille, but all the uproar that a traitor was in the head of the Flames unsettled him. If he could not trust his own comrades, he was unable to command. He resigned shortly after what happened, his hope of a better Ul'dah betrayed.

6. Holmgang
While preparing himself to leave the Flames HQ, a certain interrogation taking part there took Halgr's attention. The prisoner had quite a respectable list of minor crimes involving transportation of forbidden merchandise, which was common in that big city. However, when he started describing his employer and such description matched his oldest son's appearance, he decided to investigate further. Discreetly taking part of the interrogators, he could have access to an unnerving truth: his son was dealing with prohibited wares. And to make things worse, the informant was linked to other crimes he could witness in the past five years, all ending in the Syndicate's yard. He could not let his son get involved with such people, and took the guy for a walk in order to get a clearer view of what happened with him. He expected someone else in his gang to kill the guy while he was explaining things, and let the crowd divide him from his keenly watched living bait. The guy got lost from Halgr, according to plan, while he observed. Unexpectedly enough, the guy who appeared to take him on after a few alleys down Pearl Lane was no one other than his younger son, R'pesc.

Two of his sons involved in a very dangerous game was far too big to ignore, and he immediately contacted Pesc, the need to be part of his sons lives in order to protect them greater than ever. He's currently living in R'kraz and R'pesc's cottage in the Lavender Beds, against his best expectations, willing to help them deal with their misdeeds and eventually return to his Tribe. To be continued...


R'halgr is bitter, arrogant, with the spirit of an old man. He fiercely believes he deserve to be respected due to his position, his age and his strength. He's a traditionalist, a master of his people's laws, and will enforce them whenever needed. He's resolute with his beliefs, adamant to the point of being hard to argue with. He exercises pride towards his family and achievements, majestic enough so that every chair becomes a throne when he's sitting on it. He speaks whatever he wants, reprehends disrespect and acts as a judge most of the time. He may infuriate himself whenever needed, and act like a furious, destructive fiend.

However, behind that aspect lies a father and a leader, a man that takes all the needs of those surrounding him to his shoulders, that shows them the way to growth and keeps them safe. He loves his children - all ten of them - in a unconditional way, and wishes to see them living their lives with their feet, achieving their dreams even if he most of the time don't agree with them. It's not a side of his that's frequently seen, but he's sincere. He would die for his family and he certainly has already killed for it. He's ruthless and cruel at the slightest sign of danger to any of his offspring. He bears the responsibility of leading his tribe and ensuring its survival. In his mind, that's his destiny and he wouldn't refuse such honor.

Most of the times he's wise, having lived more than many and faced countless hardships and lived to tell the tale. He shares his knowledge to anyone that's humble enough to ask, and delights in counseling the younger generation with the heart of a teacher. Employs his martial knowlege as a strategist and always fights seriously, in a honorable yet violent way. He dislikes prolonguing duels, and will try to overpower his opponent from the very beggining. Respects anyone who has contributed actively in some way to his cause - and was more flexible towards other races in his youth, but constant bad examples of individuals shaped his current intolerance.

Affiliations and Known Associates

1. Family:

  • R'kraz Tia: Halgr naturally expected his older son to pursue the path to become Nunh, and trained him in his own warrior techniques as soon as the boy showed potential. Always a difficult kid, with his unruly personality conflicting with his father's expectations at any given opportunity. He's a powerful, young warrior, whose complete disdain of women and his ambitions outside his tribe hinder him from fulfilling his father's wishes. His ambitious side, however, might bring him a bright future, and Halgr is ready to ensure that happens.
  • R'pesc Tia: His youngest male son, Pesc is a swift and skilled hunter whose studious and diplomatic demeanor contrasts with his beloved brother. Yet the two are almost always together, and he's more likely to heed his sibling's wishes than his father's. Halgr often attempts to make him discover his own talents and path, feeling he hides in Kraz's shadow. That includes an endless number of pleas for him to become Nunh and be his successor.

2. Tribe: [Work in Progress]
3. Immortal Flames: [Work in Progress]
4. Miscellany:

  • Liya Maimhov (NPC): A Keeper of the Moon ranger with an acid sense of humor and beautiful grey skin, enjoying her eighteen years. She helps Halgr in his misadventures in the Black Shroud, against his own wishes. Old gramps first and only love, he was deadly attracted to her, but instead decided to go forward with his adventure. They went different ways after Gridania. Liya would be part of the Coeurlclaw founders years later. She has a son, Liya'a Maimhov.
  • Rainier Delacroix (NPC): A Wildwood Elezen, Knight in service of House Durendaire. Delacroix meets Halgr while in the middle of an accidental Ixal incident, and both become brothers in arms after a dragon attack. Honored and eternally loyal to his Holy Crusade, he lived in Ferndale until the mighty wyvern Nidhogg attacked the place in the year 1557 of the Sixth Astral Era. Rainier died in the incident. Halgr was mortified when he was told about it.
  • Amadeus Schiffer (NPC): Once a brawler in service of pirates, he changed his ways after joining the Fists of Rhalgr in Ala Mhigo. He's the honorary master of Halgr, and the two corresponded by letters for several years after he came back to his tribe and became a Nunh. He died in the year 1552 of the Sixth Astral Era, when the ruler of Ala Mhigo, Theoderic ordered the summary destruction of the Fists of Rhalgr. Halgr still prays for his soul in the Aether, together with his father's.


  • People: Halgr likes respectful people, those who know how to behave with strangers and are able to put other people's needs before theirs. He enjoys people looking for knowledge, trying to improve themselves in any way. He will be aggressive and several times a complicated person to deal with, but with due time he may learn to open up and talk in a friendly way. He doesn't actively look for female friends, but he fancies the company of beautiful, young miqo'te women - even Keepers, but don't expect him to admit it.
  • Food: Coming from a place where hunt is essential for survival and crops won't thrive, Halgr has the habit of eating more meat than wheat and vegetables. He likes bread and several pastries, but general meat will always be his favorite. He will eat any sort of animal, from slugs and frogs to big mammals and reptiles, ideally all cooked in nutritious stews. He's not a picky eater; his military life leading him to accept nourishment from any source possible. He appreciates sweet food as a gift. Favourite dishes: Steamed Catfish, Crumpets.
  • Vices: A memento from his sire, Halgr carries a pipe with him almost all the time. He have been smoking since he was an young adult, usually soothing herbs and drugs in general - such as somnus. Most of the calming flora he used to smoke freely in his tribe are illegal in Eorzea, though, so lately he's very cautious with it. He's not severely addicted by them, but every time he feels like he needs a help to calm down, he resorts to his pipe. He's also an alcohol enthusiast, which makes the fact he's getting older even worse to face due to his lower resistance to it's negative effects.


Areas of Expertise

  • Martial:
  • Crafting:
  • Other:



Other Notes





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