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<b><div style="padding:10px 25px; background: #c1c6bb;">◢ PC Rumors (Rumors from the character's of other players)</div></b>
<b><div style="padding:10px 25px; background: #c1c6bb;">◢ PC Rumors (Rumors from the character's of other players)</div></b>
: <font style="color:#339999;" size="3">■</font> "Best I've eaten in my whole life -- working with Eir'a. He lets me eat the burnt stuff he wont serve to customers. He's good in my book." - [[Marlon'to Menai]]  
: <font style="color:#339999;" size="3">■</font> "Best I've eaten in my whole life -- working with Eir'a. He lets me eat the burnt stuff he wont serve to customers. He's good in my book." -- [[Marlon'to Menai]]  

Revision as of 14:06, 18 April 2015

 Eir'a Holmen
Eir'a Holmen 04 04 2015 02 08 36.png
"Snow cat with daddy issues"
Gender Male
Race Miqo'te
Clan Keeper of the Moon
Citizenship N/A
Age 18
Sexuality Pansexual (?)
Occupation Culinarian and owner of the Bistro Fork Inn. Lancer in training
Height/Weight 5 fulms 2 ilms / 131 ponze
Diety Halone

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Basic Info


Hard work and cleanliness
Discipline and/or forces that keep him focused
The smells of cooking
Gathering supplies for his inn
Flowers and plants
Silence and occasional solitude
Tough meat
Small talk (whether he's part of the conversation or listening in)
Sea air
His pet dodo (Milon), sheep (Mint) and chocobo mount (Megane)
Rainy nights
Generally being involved with others or the prospect of being wanted
Being useful


Disappointing others (mostly his father)
Being the center of attention or standing out
Failure by his own hands
Long snow storms and the cold

Hobbies and Skills

Culinary skills, mostly dedicated to meals rather than drinks or desserts
Healing skills (though he doesn't recognize them at the time being)
Illumination and calligraphy
High patience levels
More tolerant to the cold (doesn't mean he likes it though)
The Echo (not that he realizes he has this skill nor has it kicked into gear due to its connection with his emotions which he constantly keeps bottled up. Should he finally relax the effects will begin to slowly show themselves)
Endless poor self-esteem

Appearance & Personality

Though he often tries to keep out of sight, Eir'a is noticeably short for a male of his race. He has a small frame that is often hidden under puffy, warm clothing; generally those with turtle necks. Despite his small stature he is well toned in both his arms and legs, developed from the many gathering trips he takes to obtain ingredients used back at the inn. He has very pale skin--which easily gets burnt when exposed to the sun--with off-white hair that almost matches his skin tone. His hair is cut short with tufts of curled locks that messily seem to organize themselves in a fashionable-enough style, sporting two scruffy ears with black tips. Under a cushion of bangs one can notice his more startling feature, his violet eyes, that sit above his natural miqo'te markings and light hints of freckles that began to appear once leaving Coerthas. He has a straight nose that perks just a bit at the end. Like any Keeper of the Moon, Eir'a also has a sharp set of canines but it's rare to see them aside from when he talks. He does his best to keep them hidden from sight; perhaps a reason for his usual mumblings.
Anxious, self-deprecating and dedicated follower of Halone, Eir’a’s personality is an complete product of his upbringing. Due to the intense restraints he was put under while growing up, Eir’a has a hard time being social or at least interacting what could be considered 'normally', often apologizing far too much, speaking and addressing others too formally or acting more like a third rate citizen than an equal. Even if he fails completely at it, he does enjoy meeting others and learning about them, even if it means just listening on afar instead of being part of the conversation. He holds many insecurities but works as hard as he can in an attempt to prove himself to standards that, quite honestly, are more of a creation of his own than from anyone else. While he finds himself a lowly being, finding Hyurs and Elezens the standards of high class (due to where he lived), if ever faced with a dragon or those with dragon blood in them, his normal civil and polite behavior will be replaced with that of disgust and hostility. As of now, Eir’a was attempting to see if he could fulfill his dream of running a café by starting a small inn/bistro but, realizing his ‘failure’ in the art of conjury and no longer doing anything considered worthy in the eyes of Halone, he’s attempting to become a Lancer on the side to make up for.

Known Biography

There is not much that Eir'a remembers of the clan he once was a part of, but he remembers vividly when they were all slain in the Coerthas Highlands. At the age of 4, during one of the cruel winters that hit the land--a precursor for what was to come in the future--his family was attacked by one of the native monsters. Hidden away by his mother in the uplifted roots of a dead tree, Eir'a was kept out of sight, saving him while the others were slaughtered. It wasn't until well afterwards that he was discovered by an on-duty Ishgardian Temple Knight; Gervannant Holmen. At first, it seemed as if the elezen would alert the other knight he was on duty with about the child and send him off but, for reasons Eir'a has never discovered nor been told, the man hid and smuggled the boy into the holy city. [Insert bit about being allowed to stay blah blah] He was then raised completely out of sight from the rest of the world lest the two face the repercussions Gervannant's actions would bring should they be discovered.
Growing up was not the most enjoyable experience for both parties. Gervannant, a man who had never considered nor actively looked into being a family man, was not the warmest or most knowledgeable person to raise a child. Eir'a, an outsider now growing up in a very dangerous situation, now had to deal with the burdens of high expectations and paranoia at a very young age, not helped by Gervannant's passing statements to keep Eir'a from the temptation of letting himself be seen (such as stating those of the Inquisition could storm in at any moment and shove them both off Witchdrop). Even with the unintentional anxiety planted into his adoptive son and other terrible parental decisions, the two developed a bond between one another to the point where they could call themselves father and son. Of course, due to lack of communication, the relationship was still strained and often met with unanswered questions.
13 years passed for the two; Eir'a kept busy through the ages of 11-17 as a hidden-away-scribe for holy scripts, and experiencing the Calamity together as well. But it had come to a point where Eir'a was given the opportunity--nay, the order--that he would be leaving Coerthas to seek his fortune. Heartbroken, taking such an announcement as his father's ways of wishing him out of his life, Eir'a was left to simply obey, leaving under heavy disguise when escorted to Gridania. For a boy who lived a practically isolated life, it was obviously hard for him to cope with his new lifestyle but, with the guidance and help of strangers, managed to find one road that captured his interest: conjury. Survivor's guilt still lingering from his childhood, Eir'a wished to take on the class that would allow him to help those around him, also hoping to become talented enough to prove himself an attribute to Halone.
Of course, with his high expectations towards himself and even higher expectations he assumed his father would have from him, while Eir'a did manage to grow an impressive amount in the art of conjury he considered his skills sub-par at best, feeling like a failure when his new skills were either not needed or only caused problems. Unsure what to do then and driven only on the need to survive, Eir'a tried his hand at the culinary arts, hoping to simply learn basic meals to keep him alive. With this though came a realization for his love towards the craft, discovering his own natural talent in the field and the peace and satisfaction it brought him. A new door opened to him, Eir'a began to dream of opening his own café. He was even granted a chance at this dream when obtaining a run down shack, which he cleaned up, and named the Bistro Fork Inn.
It wasn't shortly thereafter that Eir'a grew uncertain with his choices yet again, this time feeling his wishes to be selfish; a far stray from the original path he intended to travel. A 'failure' in white magic and a chef seeming like insults to The Fury and his father, he is now desperately trying to excel in the lancer class. Due to his shame though he often practices out of sight from his wards.
With the recent events surrounding Ishgard, Eir'a has been more anxious and emotional. While he's never considered Ishgard an actual home he does have some emotional attachment to it, more specifically his father. Unsure whether the man is safe after the first Dravian's wave of attack and unable to go out and ask about his well being, the boy is feeling more helpless and useless than ever.


  • His most prized possession is a rosary carved and given to him by his father. He always has it on hand and constantly checks for its whereabouts in fear of ever misplacing it. He'd rather die than lose it
  • It was never determined just why his original family was in Coerthas to begin with or what it was that killed them (tracks suggesting aevises and snow wolves visited the death site) but the end verdict chose the dragons. Because of this--and just because of the location he was raised in--it made it easy for Eir'a to develop deep loathing towards the creatures
  • The name 'Bistro Fork Inn' was created by Wyra'li Polaali, claiming the word 'bistro' would make his place seem more high class and adding 'inn' would make it more coxing to weary travelers passing by. Eir'a considered this good advice at first but now often wonders if the name seems ridiculous
  • Eir'a is quite sure that his adoptive father does not love him BUT feels the man does/did care about his well being. While not confident that they share a true father-son bond, Eir'a does look up to his father and wishes to someday see the man again. After becoming someone more accomplished that he is now of course
  • Even with his devotion towards Halone, he does not agree with how those under suspicion are often dealt with in Ishgard. Because of his interaction with various religious scripts, he's developed his own view that the Fury herself is more fit to bestow punishment on non-believers and blasphemers and will do so with her own means. He does not agree with the methods Inquisitioners use as it leaves too many opportunities for errors (of course, he would never openly admit this in fear his views might be seen as disagreeing with the general belief)
  • He will generally add some form of title before saying someone's name. Men are given 'ser' while women are given 'madame'. You can request him to be less formal but it may take multiple reminders before he actually gets out of the habit
  • Eir'a has horrible fashion sense. He may occasionally buy and/or wear something ridiculous and not realize it's just that
  • He use to have a fear towards Chocobos, their size highly intimidating to him. But, after spending time with his own mount, Megane, he's come to enjoy the creatures


Some of these rumors are untrue or are greatly exaggerated. Please feel free to add your own rumors under PC!

◢ Common Rumors (Easily overheard)
"Kid's really uptight. If a stick isn't stuck up there, he's definitely a virgin if you ask me."
"He's always mumbling in-between his answers. I can't tell if he's crazy or insulting me under his breath."
"Don't have someone to keep you warm at night? Try his stew. Yeah you don't get something to hold but you'll go to sleep warm, fat and happy."
◢ Moderate Rumors (Moderately difficult to overhear)
"Bringing up Halone as if that means something to him, what kind of miqo'te worships such a deity? He's probably doing it for attention..."
"Don't try hitting on him. Kid wouldn't know flirting if it came up and threw him out the door."
◢ Rare Rumors (Very difficult or rarely overheard)
◢ PC Rumors (Rumors from the character's of other players)
"Best I've eaten in my whole life -- working with Eir'a. He lets me eat the burnt stuff he wont serve to customers. He's good in my book." -- Marlon'to Menai

Current Relations

Sexual Desire Romantic Interest Platonic Love
Good Standing Neutral Poor Standing
Wyra'li Polaali: Considered one of his closer acquaintances, Eir'a came across Wyra after staying momentarily at a trading company. After finding him afterwards in a more sickly state, he tried to help by bringing meals to the man. Since then, Wyra has been a supporting force that has led Eir'a to create the Bistro Fork Inn. Eir'a still doesn't consider himself close with Wyra but is grateful that the man talks and sticks with him
Jinx Fireboot: Perhaps the only person Eir'a feels confident enough to call 'friend'. The black mage often pushes just the right buttons to fluster Eir'a and yet the miqo'te is always pleased to run into the other. He's still unsure just what it means to be 'jinxed' but no longer feels scared at the prospect, understanding the lalafel more to know it's most likely just a joke. Maybe. Either way, Eir'a always tries to show his support for his friend.
Marlon'to Menai: Still considered a stranger, Eir'a has no qualms towards his newest ward. The man keeps to himself and, when working for the inn, does his job well enough thus Eir'a views him in a very positive light. Eir'a wishes he knew just what exactly Marlon does in the basement of his inn but he hasn't seen, heard or smelled anything suspicious so, for now, he's fine not knowing. Eir'a does wish the man wouldn't stalk those who give him a hard time though (as flattering as the notion is...perhaps)
Deakkov Penritt:
Altaerith Azrael:



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