C'laihn Venator

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C'laihn "Lain" Venator



Given Name: C'laihn Venator
Birth Name: C'laihn Tia
Nickname: Lain, Doggy, Jumps
Race: Miqo'te, Seeker of the Sun
Age: 25
Height & Weight: ~5 11 210 lbs
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Purple
Orientation: Heterosexual
Marital Status: Single
Occupation: Freelancer, Treasure Hunter
Residence: The Goblet, Room at The Jumpy Dragoon
Tribe: Formerly Coeurl
Alignment: Neutral Good



C'laihn is a creature born for hunting and jumping. At least, that's what his body would lead one to believe after years of training and providing for his tribe. His taut figure has an obvious lean athletic build, emphasized by his broad shoulders and narrowed waist. His hours out in the daylight are easily shown by his tanned skin, although a few scars here or there stand out notably paler. He also has a styled black tattoo upon the left side of his back, stretching from his shoulder blade down towards his hip- tribal in design and fairly abstract.
Wild blonde hair is usually halfheartedly slicked back upon his head, although purple strands are easily visible as well among the blonde. That bit of color helps emphasize his fierce amethyst eyes. His eyes are likely the main culprit in his so-called “angry” or “delinquent” resting expression as well, although his strong jawline and brow don't help. Marring his facial features is a small slanted scar that crosses between his eyes just above the bridge of his nose. That... also doesn't help.
As far as Miqo'te go, C'laihn is a little on the fluffier side. His ears have long tufts of fur at the end, much like a Lynx and his tail is jokingly referenced to that of a winter's dog.
His clothing and outfitted gear preferences vary, although he tends to like the lighter options such as minimal shirts in hot weather and durable, breathable leather for hunting. And jumping purposes.


Lain's appearance sometimes mistakenly contradicts his actual personality to an outsider or acquaintance. While his sharp gaze gives off a mean appearance, the energetic and friendly Miqo'te is far from a ruffian or social deviant. While he might not be the chattiest person in a group, Lain enjoys being around others and watching interactions. Still, sometimes his own brand of awkwardness is revealed when a particular joke flies over his head or he shows himself to be quite oblivious to a stranger's advances.
His hunting prowess can be compared to a feline, but his personality often is commented as being much like a canine. Lain is a sucker for helping those who seem in need and it's not far fetched to see him attempting to please a friend with a gift or something he believes they need (usually they don't.) This pleasing attitude sometimes links into unpleasant encounters, as he has a hard time saying no when dragged off to do a job he might not necessarily want to do. Still, Lain likes to see the glass as half-full and is viewed as a pillar of strength and a loyal friend or ally.


Hot chocolate
Free food
Fluffy rugs
Being around others


Fruits & Veggies
Not getting the joke
Fighting other people


Leaping (and jumping)
Hunting wildlife and such
Vaulting (and jumping)
Has a keen sense of hearing


Not very book smart
Trusts easily
Can be pretty gullible
Listens to his brother too much

Misc. Notes

Tends to lose his shoes
Often fidgets
Known for having a "mean" resting expression
Favored weapons are polearms


C'laihn Tia was born to the Coeurl Tribe during a particularly harsh year. It was made even worse by his brother's standards, as their mother passed away shortly after C'laihn's arrival. Despite this, the females of the tribe shared the duty of raising the brothers and they were often passed around. Due to the grueling rough patch of years in C'laihn's childhood, he learned quickly about the importance of hunts for the tribe. He and his brother quickly adapted, often finding little treasures but Lain positively thrived off of the praise and joy of returning successfully to help feed the very mothers and sisters who helped raise him.
As he grew older, so did the pressures of being a male. That pressure didn't truly surface to Lain though until abruptly their father passed away in an accident, leaving a known rival to take the place of nunh. Both Lain and his brother Vincint were considered old enough by this point and thus, a scrutinizing gaze was suddenly turned their way. His brother's hot-headed but sharp personality that resembled his father quickly had him forced away from the women that raised him, but Lain was a different story. Perhaps part of it was due to C'laihn's obvious disinterest in becoming a nunh and while he had the skills to fight, he lacked the mindset to lead. So, Lain was allowed to remain close and most importantly, continue to hunt and provide for the tribe.
Eventually though, conflict bubbled to the surface. It happened like an avalanche- starting from something Lain had thought to be small and growing into a crushing blow. He remembered the innocent attraction and eventually building his shy confidence for a request. He recalled the promise and what he killed that day, only to return to find the promise to be a backhanded lie. Then his brother had come in. His temper had finally flared to life, furious at both his brother for being a fool and the insufferable nunh. Lain remembered the brief clash and then the surprising emptiness afterwards.
Then Vincint left the tribe and C'laihn followed him.
The pair found themselves in Limsa Lominsa and the years that followed were a blur. It had been difficult navigating a new way of life for themselves and often it led them both with no roof and less than appetizing meals. Eventually though, they adapted, made contacts and in some cases a few friends. Of course, gil was always a struggle due to atrocious spending habits that were primarily dominated by his brother. They also got into a few spots of trouble navigating the scams and the wrong places, but the pair scrapped along just fine.
Eventually Vincint decided they would be treasure hunters, because hunting wildlife was boring. Lain didn't understand the reasoning, but he was happy to hunt for the exciting idea of shinies and hidden gems. Of course, Lain had no idea how difficult it actually is to find real treasure. When a few friends joined up with the self-declared “organization,” it was even more apparent that in order to pay their rent and survive, he'd have to continue doing odd jobs here or there.
Recently the brothers have been separated for awhile, which has given Lain some anxiety. He is currently under the belief that there's a secret evil organization that creates guns, strange gadgets and they're a bad influence on his brother who now has far too many of all of those things.


♣ Common Rumors (Easily overheard)
“He's someone's hired brute! He just stares at you silently, waiting for a wrong move.”
“He jumped... how high?”
“He's part dog. I'm serious! I saw his tail wag when he was happy for a free burger.”
♦ Moderate Rumors (Moderately difficult to overhear)
“That man? Psh, he can't fight for shite. Ran away with his tail between his legs in this very bar.”
“Is he drunk? B-but... he only had a few drinks!”
“He once tried to sell us ten barrels of cotton bolls he picked himself. Ten barrels.”
♥ Rare Rumors (Very difficult or rarely overheard)
“I heard he had to leave his tribe 'cause he and his brother killed their own family.”
“That black-haired Miqo'te is always being followed by him. I think they're together.”
“Don't let the nice act fool you. I saw'm lunge faster than you can blink. Took out the captain's man without so much as a flinch- all 'cuz of some squealing woman.”

♠ PC Rumors (Feel free to add your own)