L'koliwe Jinh

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 L'koliwe Jinh
"The White Witch"
"Once it was that man and beastmen were in equal rights. Why is it now that we are separate?"
OOC Character Information
Main Job(s): "Elementalist"
Main Tradeskill: N/A
Preferred Role: All
Server: Balmung
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Reputation: Cold, Determined
Occupation: Wanderer
Education: None
Marital Status: Single
Sexuality: Undetermined
Guardian: N/A
Free Company
Items Carried
Ancient Scrolls, Gilpurse, Ancient Warblade, Ancient Waraxe, Ancient Rod, Ancient Lance, Ancient Fists, Ancient Knives.
Race: Miqo'te
Clan: Sunseeker
Age: N/A
Height: 5 Fulm, 9 Ilm
Weight: 138 ponze - pound
Eyes: Left: Blue
Hair: White
Complexion: Hardened through battle and nature both
Physical Build: Lean, but powerful
Notable Features: Face has been tattooed mostly white
   Martial Prowess
   Magic Affinity

"We who were borne underneath this sky are equal. If you cannot see that...perhaps Mother's gift was squandered upon you."

Basic Info




Favorite Food:
Favorite Drink:
Favorite Color:

Appearance & Personality



Born to the ever-overshadowed "L" tribe, Koliwe was already well on her way to being forgotten by most of the civilized world. Their people, not known much for their hunting but instead their craftsmanship and gathering, were slowly beginning to fade away in name and purpose. With so many of their tribe thirsty for the fame and glory that others of their kind received as hunters and slayers of beasts, it was a small wonder that so many of their own went wandering and joined the ranks of others. Even their Nunh found his people slowly beginning to dwindle in numbers--Koliwe herself was one of but fifty or so females to the "L" tribe. With so few males in their populace, and with their leader rapidly approaching the end of his lifespan, the Viper tribe began to panic. Their way of life was beginning to die off, with more and more of their own abandoning their people to seek out selfish desires and self-serving lives, and soon there would no longer be an "L" clan. Determined to see his people live on, their Nunh began consummating with as many of their womenfolk as he could muster, to include Koliwe herself at the ripeness of twelve summers.
Still, all attempts to bring more life to the dwindling Viper Tribe would ultimately be halted by the Calamity's wake. As the moon began its terrible descent, the people of their clan watched in horror as the skies darkened with the power and might of ancient times long passed. While most would have watched with terror, young Koliwe saw only the presence of a power long kept sleeping...a strength she longed to harness as her own. Unskilled in blade and untaught in magicks, Jinh was determined to find a new power to keep in order to establish her people as important once again. Hungering for such a force to call her own, the young Sunseeker abandoned her tribe after the salvation of Eorzea to find the source of ultimate might.

Teenage Years

That search may have ended a different way altogether, had fate not intercepted her. Barely but twelve summers old, L'Koliwe wandered aimlessly around Thanalan, until she was beset upon by a band of Amal'jaa raiders seeking offerings for Ifrit. On the brink of becoming one of many thralls to the beast, the Miqo'te soon found the hard way that she was one of several touched by the light of the Mothercrystal--a servant to the very being of Eorzea herself. Unable to be converted, the young lass was set to be killed on the spot until her untimely escape from her captor's clutches. Upon reaching safety, Koliwe began to question her brush with death...Why was it the beastmen were treated so? Why was it their gods were considered monstrous, while the Twelve and other gods were not? What made their differences so vast that they could not be made to achieve peace? She could, after all, understand their languages...and she could not be made enthralled by their summoned gods... So many on both sides had been slaughtered for naught, converted for naught, destroyed for naught...could there, perhaps, be a reasonable end to their conflict? Could peace not be made between the two sides?
Jinh was nothing if not determined to try. Using her gifts, she began to communicate with the Amal'jaa first. Slowly but surely, she developed a keen sense of not only learning of the lizard-like creatures, their culture, and their ways of life, but of fire magic as well. The Miqo'te was not of their people, but she began to garner their respect when warning them of dangers, and pointing them towards prosperous ventures in the harshness of the desert. Often times, Koliwe would warn their parties of oncoming Immortal Flame raids and adventurers looking for a quick gil on Amal'jaa body parts. Yet, despite her kindness to the beastmen, it did little to stave the cruelty of either side. Innocents were still sacrificed to the fiery god's name, and ample villages were snuffed out in response. Sickened by the bloodshed, L'Koliwe moved away from Thanalan to seek out further information in the Black Shroud.
She would find little more in the Twelveswood than frustration. While the Slyphs of Little Solace were more than pleased to speak of peace and understanding, the Ixal on the other hand, were not. The birdlike beings were not wont to discussion, often threatening Jinh with death (and far worse,) for her trespassing. Seeing there was little point in trying to speak to the more primitive peoples of the Ixal, Koliwe journeyed up past Abalatia's Spine, to the wind-worn lands of Xelphatol. It was here that she took a deeper understanding for the Ixal, and began studying them in a more intimate sense, earning the beastmen's trust gradually over time. By her seventeenth summer, she had become fully integrated with their kind, aiding them wherever she could in exchange for knowledge. L'Koliwe's heart ached in understanding for the Ixal, understanding their plight and yearning desire to take to the skies once again. Seeing that they made no plans to withdraw their campaign however, she left Xelphatol in lieu of Abalatia's Spine.
The Vanu Vanu would have more to offer the eager young woman. Friendly and hospitable, (though prone to territorial disputes amongst their own kin,) the bird-like beastmen of the skies took kindly to the Miqo'te traveler. They shared a great deal with the Sunseeker, exchanging work for information and supplies. It was through L'Koliwe's insight and understanding that Camp Cloudtop and the Vundu began their exchange of goods and services, the two sides slowly becoming a mutual relation to one another. Satisfied that the Gundu would be of little threat to the fragile peace between the pair, Jinh began her trek towards the Dravanian Hinterlands.

Present Day


Romantic Interest Platonic Love Close Friend Good Standing Poor Standing


Father -
Mother -


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