Kiht Jakkya

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Kiht Jakkya
"You can not lie to nature."

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CURRENT ALIAS... Kiht Jakkya

RACE & CLAN... Miqo'te, Keeper of the Moon

NAMEDAY... 24th sun of the Second Astral Moon.

GENDER... Female

AGE... 25

ORIENTATION... Heterosexual



ETHNICITY... Twelveswood Keeper


RESIDENCE... The World

OCCUPATION... Hunter and Scout

PATRON DEITY... Menphina the Lover

HEIGHT... 5 fulms

WEIGHT... 105 ponz



Kiht Jakkya is a traditional Keeper of the Moon. Growing up in the Twelveswood with her family and Keeper group, she was trained to be a huntress and scout. She learned to track, hunt, scout and fight from a childhood age. She was raised in a Matriarchal society where she worked with her cousins and sisters.

Anime Kiht.png


Kiht is willful and somewhat stubborn in her views. She has a strong curiosity, and is an astute observer. She is fierce in battle, but often very calm otherwise. Her favored goddesses are Menphina the Lover (as per clan tradition) and Halone the Fury, goddess of battle.

She has two modes most of the time: serious and witty.

When it is time for business, she feels wary of something, she is around people she doesn't trust, she just finished with work or she is on the job, she will wear field or combat attire. She will be armed with a primary weapon (bow or spear) and will be wearing black or red face paint. Red means she is prepared to go into battle while black means she was doing some serious scouting or hunting. The paints are not meant to portray meaning, but actually serve differing purposes. Red is made from the poisonous Soldier's Sore berries. It is a Keeper tradition, and is meant to show the Gods that they are ready to serve as warriors in the afterlife. Black is to help reduce the glow from Kiht's pale skin when she is exposed to light. All of the above will mean Kiht is serious, and she will seem stoic and humorless to many people in this state.

Keeper Face Paint Lore Citation.

When Kiht is wearing attire that is more casual, and seems to have no -visible- weapons on her, she is relaxed. Sometimes a knife will be seen on her person, but she doesn't like being unarmed. It's not because she always has hostile intent; it comes from a life growing up in the wilds. She rarely lets her guard down completely. However, when relaxed, Kiht will be very friendly, and will tease and make witty statements. Sometimes she uses sarcasm, but usually not to the extent of being a "smart-ass".

It's pretty easy to tell when Kiht is relaxed. However, her two states of mind are so different they can often confuse people who over-think her.

Journals, Stories and More

Kiht Drawing by Session Zero.jpg

Main Stories and Plots

A Scout's Trial A story of Kiht's struggle to survive a scouting journey gone wrong.

Horsing Around With Pirates A very short story about one of Kiht's adventures as a hunter for hire.

Damn Steam-Punks, Get Off MY Lawn A short thread about Kiht speaking to old friends in order to gain perspective about the coming war in Gyr Abamia.

Jackals in a Storm An on-going story thread about Kiht's family as the events related to Stormblood effect their lives.

Plots and Stories in Which Kiht was Involved

What You Are In The Dark

Crimes Against Nature

Character Development Posts

Kiht's Spirit Animal

Kiht's Virtue and Vice

For Whom Kiht Fights

Just for Fun

Final Fantasy Dream Team

Weapons Thread

Keepers of the Moon Case Study

Kiht Flirting 101



Spears, pole-arms, bows and knives.

Seven cycles of training with Jakkya family in the arts of Hunting, Scouting, Keeper Archery and Knife-fighting.
One cycle of Twin Adder military training.
Four cycles of training at Lancer’s Guild of Gridania.
Two cycles of part-time basic leather-working
One cycle of apprentice Miqo’te Occultism.

Two cycles of service to the Twin Adders (not including training).
Three cycles of irregular warfare experience.
Two cycles of leadership experience.
Fourteen cycles of hunting and scouting experience (including training).
C O N T R A C T   W O R K


OOC Note: Open for contracts!
Tracking Missing/kidnapped persons.
Tracking Beastmen and Garlean Military.
Hunting Standard Game.
Monster Hunting.
Special non-person target Hunting.
Scouting Known and Unknown locations.
Wilderness Escort.
Living Creature Study.
Wilderness Crime Investigation.
Wilderness tactical advisement.
Survival Training.




Hutarin's drawing of Kiht Jakkya.png - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Kihtcolorbluelines.png
C U R R E N T   A F F I L I A T I O N S


ALLIED FREE COMPANIES... Rendezvous of Stars, Fabled Few


GUILDS... Adventurers', Lancers'

NOBLES... None



F O R M E R   A F F I L I A T I O N S

FREE COMPANY... Morbolvine Clan, Shroudwolf Clan


GRAND COMPANY... The Twin Adders

GUILDS... None.

NOBLES... None.



R E L A T I O N S H I P S (Always a WIP)

Romantic Interest  Platonic Love  Positive  Neutral  Negative  Deceased  ? Uncertain 


Nihka Mioni

Roen Deneith

R'shesha Otharn

Rinette Molkoh

Verad Bellveil

Osric Melkire

Zanzan Yanzan

Spahro Llorn

Yvelont Navarre

Kiht has NPC members of her actual namesake family as well.


Nheu'a Polaali

Sanja Polaali

Khloe Lyehga

Aya Foxheart

Enju Abbagliato

Anstarra Silverrain

Arblis Ellhis

Gharen Wolfsong

Sounsyy Mirke

Delial Grimsong

Yasu Hasimoto

Negative Relations

Austurmax Laforet


OOC Notes

Kiht's acquaintances and associates are not listed here. I have also kept friends who she has been out of contact with for a very long time off of the list, and will only put them back if she ever sees them again. This is due to laziness on my part as Kiht just knows so many people...

I M P O R T A N T   T R I N K E T S

Fang Earrings made by Kendha'to Burwani. Worn to this day.

Wolf Fang necklace made by Yehn'a Epocan, Kiht's father. Worn to this day.

An old, leather-bound booklet with most of its pages written in Keeper script. It is a journal made by Kiht's mother, Yabi Jakkya.

Raptor leather ring with the words "I forgive you" carved into it. Rinette Molkoh has bears a matching ring with the words "I am sorry". In memory of a time Rinette left without saying goodbye. The rings are an endless apology and forgiveness between two friends who may never meet again, but will always remain friends. Worn to this day.

Lock of blonde hair cut from Rinette Molkoh. Kiht forcibly took it as a protest to Rinette's stubborn need to face a great danger alone. It was a way for Kiht to always have Rinette's scent. Kiht still keeps it in a tiny bag in her satchel.

One and a half vials of Morbolvine Clan morbol toxin. A reminder of a "toxic" time, and a trial of faith. Kept in a secret location.

A silver bracelet with a lapis lazuli gem. Given to Kiht by Rio Ashentyr. It's kept in a desk.

An Ishgardian ring given to Kiht by Reilan Orycia. Description: "It's a bit on the larger side, obviously meant to be a status symbol as much as a family heirloom. It's silver, and the signet on the top is a shield divided into quarters with crossed swords in one corner and the Fortemps unicorn in the opposite corner. Along the edge is engraved text in Eorzean script which reads, 'In Glory We Reside'". Chained to a bracelet that she now wears.

A Bow of Owls design short bow made by Kiht's mother, Yabi Jakkya. Used to this day.

A steel flower hairpin given to Kiht by Rinh'li Nelhah. Kept in Kiht's satchel.

A mythril hunting knife with an Ice Core in its hilt. Always on Kiht's belt.

A steel hunting knife given to her by Pyralis. Always hidden on her person.

A letter from Roen which had accompanied a box of spiced, dry meats.


I saw this at the market. You seemed to favor them greatly over any other kind of fruit when we used to watch the Grindstone together. I know we have grown much since those days, but I still treasure those fond memories.

May the Starlight Festival find you well.


A simple, hand-woven leather bracelet that held a steel frame at its center. The frame itself held an aetherically attuned crystal which its wearer can utilize to ward against magics without the need to learn a warding spell themselves. It was a gift of friendship and thanks to Kiht. For Zanzan, it was a way for him to watch over a close friend who would otherwise scout and travel alone. Worn to this day.

A leather-bound journal detailing out the geographical regions of La Noscea. It also has the description of animals and fauna found on the island yet in a broad and simple outline. A starlight gift personally written by Zanzan, and only contains a single poem.

B E A S T S   M A S T E R E D

Dirk A juvenile La Noscea Grass Raptor. He can breathe fire.

Estoc A juvenile Shroud Raptor. She can spit venom.

Blackie A juvenile Black Coeurl.

Haru A adult Coerthan Falcon.

R U M O R S   &   R E C O R D S

Manip Kiht.jpg
◢ C o m m o n R e c o r d s - Easily found. Use these freely.

Wood Wailer Criminal Record: One count poaching. Pre-Calamity. Sentenced to one cycle forced enlistment with Twin Adders. Sentence served.

Declassified Twin Adder Records: Served two cycles in Dusk Watch: an irregular unit comprised of Duskwights, Moon-Keepers and Ala Mhigan Refugees. Post-Calamity. General Discharge.

Adventurer's Guild (current) Record: Hunter-scholar in-training.

◢ U n c o m m o n R e c o r d s - A little more difficult to find. Use sparingly or ask.

Traditional Moon-keepers, Forest Nomads or those who come in frequent contact with Keeper families may find: Kiht's branch family of the Jakkyas are scattered to many places and lifestyles, but it wasn't always the case.

Some assorted records would show that Kiht was once leader of two Free Companies both called "Clans". One was the Morbolvine while the other was the Shroudwolf. She lead Shroudwolf Clan the longest; a whole cycle.

◢ R a r e R u m o r s - Very rarely overheard. Please ask before using!

Some Hunter-scholars call her the "Keeper girl who talks at animals".

◢ Player Character Rumors - Feel free to add rumors of your own!

  • "I have counted on her when I had no one else, time and time again. Someday... someday I will repay what I owe her for her friendship." - Roen Deneith
  • "She will have a special place in my heart. A place that scares me. Go away now." - Pyralis Targaryen
  • "She was working as a mercenary for a woman I sent some people after, and she's never forgotten or forgiven that. A strange position for a mercenary to take, and one that's coming back to bite me." - C'kayah Tia
  • "The only student of the lance I have ever taken on. There are none stronger of spirit, nor any who possess more courage, than Kiht Jakkya. She fills me with pride." - Yvelont Navarre
  • "Of the brief amount of time I've known her, she was loyal and made absolute sure things were sought through to the end. 'Tis a bit of a rare trait to find in anyone." - Cedric Riordan
  • "Bearing the burden of leadership in order to protect many. That... is honorable." - Xydane Vale
  • "Kiht is the closest thing I have to a family and I would do anything for her. She is my moon-sister in every sense of the name." -Rinette Molkoh
  • "I don't know much about her, except that she's truly wonderful. She can be trusted - I do know that as well." -Aya Foxheart
  • "So strong and independent, most do not see whom I see when I look at her. I see a young woman with the weight of many worlds on her. I see smiles, tears, and joy all bottled away for the sake of others. At the Ball I managed to get her to dance a few steps with me. She seems to blush a lot, but that aside, I would trust her with my life." -Erik Mynhier
  • "Huntress unrivaled. Touch her pack at your own peril." - Osric Melkire
  • "Kiht's seen more trouble than she deserves, that's for sure. She's a good woman, the sort you can rely on to always do what she should." - Aya Foxheart
  • "She is noble and possesses all the traits of a leader. Aye, I consider her a friend." - Crisiet Liautroix
  • "Pleasant company, but one I flee from. A… reminder of what awaits me once I've done my part, and by moments, I long to get straight to it, duty forsaken." - Kahn'a Ohditra
  • "We agree t'disagree. She scolds me an' tells me how much shit I do wrong, bu' as she should. I failed 'er." - Meyla Sarka
  • "She's the sort of friend who is shelter in a storm. She always comes through." -Aya Foxheart
  • "Kiht is an incredible leader. She almost always knows what to do, but is not afraid to admit her mistakes. I am proud to lead beside her." -Khloe Lyehga
  • "I only met her briefly, and during that time it got very...very...'awkward'." She blushes, clears her throat, and says nothing more. - Lilithium Altair
  • "Damn scary she can be at times, though she has the heart of a true Keeper an' is a truly kind a person. She's my respect an' more." - Jin'sae Molkot
  • "Matron of the clan a couple of my friends are in. She lets me sit in on her tribe's story night. Finds herself in a fair amount of trouble from what I've heard." - Jaques Guillaume
  • "My steadfast Huntress... Hm. She eludes me, yet holds no ill will against me. She is more useful as an ally than an enemy." - Lynx
  • "Never have I met a more valuable ally. She is an example of what every Keeper should be." - Enju Abbagliato
  • "Not like some of the other arseholes in twelveswood. And she's head of her own clan. She seems to know 'er stuff." - Chiyo Hoshi
  • "You promise not to tell her? Very well, let's see... if I had to describe Kiht... I guess I could only do her justice by a-likening her to a storm. Fueled by Nature, empowered with Purpose, and from the turmoil of life's struggles a Beauty that words fail to capture has taken form." - Riordyn Ashentyr
  • "I have seen her a few times, for my part. It was a blessing to meet her in the eyes of the Scholar, much a hunter of wisdom as any prey or threat. I would say she is in need of allies that can stand on their own with her, if that is not too bold to say. Give and take equally and keep their eyes open; her strength is not to be squandered." - Jancis Milburga
  • "She is like a wolf mother, sacrificing her time and effort in protecting and caring for her family... She even accepted a stranger like me into her home... Her tale deserves a good ending and I'll be sure to witness it." - Zanzan Yanzan
  • "The garden is always greener on the other side, as the saying goes. She envies the complete liberty I enjoy of as a traveler and follower of Oschon. I envy her ability to deny the call of adventure and the lure of wanderlust for the sake of her clan. A dutiful person, through and through!" - Leanne Delphium
  • "A skilled warrior, perhaps the Dense One is not so. This One is eager to meet her in battle once again, and return her wounds in spades!" - Nameless Warrior
  • "I had heard only tales about the Twelveswood until I myself had to contend with those Twelves-Damned Elementals and their capricious callousness towards even those that seek to aid them. Anyone who can believe they can eek out an existence in defiance to the whims of the Elementals and succeed...well, Ms. Jakkya has my respect as much as my appreciation for her beauty." - Orrin Halgren


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Template adapted from and inspired by the wiki of Osric Melkire

In-Character Usage:
All information under Skills, History, and Rumors is available for in-character use, and said use is encouraged.
All information under Relationships, Screenshots, Artwork, and Miscellaneous is intended solely for out-of-character knowledge.
Please respect these boundaries. Thank you.


  • Silver Moonlight [1] (Between black and white)
  • Last of the Wilds [2] (Upbringing)
  • Moondance [3] (Spirit)
  • The Sylvans Path [4] (Free to the wildernesses)
  • A Celtic Tale [5] (A huntress tale)