K'ailia Yohko

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Limsa Lominsa-transparent.png K'ailia Yohko
Gender Female
Race Miqo'te
Clan Seeker of the Sun
Citizenship Limsa Lominsa
Tribe Hipparion Tribe
Class White Mage
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Full Name: K'ailia Yohko

Pronunciation: Koo-ay-lee-ah

Birthplace: Sagolii Desert

Current Residence: Limsa Lominsa

Relationship Status: Single

Religion: Azeyma, the Warden


Height: 4'8"

Weight: 36 kg

Measurements: 30"-22"-31"

Build: Athletic and small framed.

Skin Color: Caucasian

Eye Color: Bright Green

Hair Color: Brown

General Clothing Style: She prefers simple outfits that aren't tight and hang loosely. She favors anything Hunter Green and Mole Brown in color.

Voice: Type 6


She can be pretty frisky at times, as in lively; high-spirited; playful. But she's also very inquisitive and loves to learn about nature and the world around her. But most importantly, she is a wild and free spirit that cannot be tamed completely.



Likes: Likes nature, trees, grass. Also likes climbing, and would climb rocks and boulders whenever some were around. Loves to eat mushrooms.

Dislikes: Dislikes Rude People, Mean People, and People who aren't nice.

Hobbies & Talents. Healing, Weaving, and Alchemy.



  • K'yohko Nuhn; Her father, she hasn't got too much of a relationship with him. He is always quiet and neutral. So she knows very little about him.
  • K'luha Haaz; Her mother and probably one of the most important people in her life. Though the two have many common traits that often collide in disastrous ways, the two are still especially close.
  • K'tahjha Yohko; Her new adopted sister. She doesn't know much about the girls mother or their history with the tribe. But she suspects the girl will be put under her own mothers charge, making her, her brand new sister.
  • K'hai Tia; Brother two K'luha, he was believed killed during the war that led to the Calamity.
  • Chip Starbuckle; Elder brother who lost a duel with K'yohko, and self exiled. His original name was K'ro.


  • Hokujin Doujin; Leader of The Venture Association and one of her best friends.
  • Ambie Lapin; Fellow Venture Association friend, she is teaching K'ailia how to properly use a bow.
  • K'yuki Tyaka; Friend from another branch of her former tribe that was wiped out. When K'ailia needed advice, she was there.
  • Kinra Zhwan; Another friend she met, this one a Keeper of the Moon. It could be the motherly attitude or just the personality in general, but K'ailia likes her.
  • Qata'to; Mate of Kinra, he didn't have a whole lot to say, but he is always with Kinra whenever the two meet.
  • Rhaq'a Bahjhiri; Mate of K'yuki. K'ailia found it interesting that a Seeker of the Sun was coupled with a Keeper of the Moon. His advice is also sometimes looked for by K'ailia.


Common Rumors (Easily overheard):

  • "K'ailia's a dangerous, unstable person! Sweet if you're on her good side, but if she doesn't like you, she'll come right at your nads with everything she's got!" as heard by K'ile Tia

Moderate Rumors (Moderately difficult to overhear):

Rare Rumors (Very difficult or rarely overheard):

  • "K'ailia can be easily distracted from work, I was explaining about wind elementals and a butterfly flew into sight and she stalked it for half an hour." overhead being said by a teacher in the Conjurers Guild
  • "Under K'ailia's hair, her scalp still has burn scars from the calamity." - Only her tribe would know this secret.

Player Character Rumors (If you want to share one, feel free)

  • "Lotsa folks might wonder why a kid her age runs the Ul'dah Garden, when it's an organization full of much older folks. Thing is, she's young, but she's the only one with any damn sense!" - Hokujin Doujin
  • "What do I think of her? Well... she's innocent and honest. Perhaps too much so. But it makes one want to help and protect her." - Ambie Lapin


Early Childhood - Years 1561-1571

K'ailia was born in the year 1561, in the Hipparion Tribe's camp in the Sagoli Desert. She had almost no relationship with her father. It was mostly the tribe as a whole, that contributed to her upbringing, from weening, to walking. On her fifth birthday, her father took her before the elders for the naming ceremony. There, she was given the name K'ailia Yohko.

She grew up much like the other children, though she had an adventurous disposition. If there was something that she thought would be fun to climb, she'd climb it. She also display a fondness for the world about her, enjoying nature much more than many of the other children of the tribe.

This caught K'piru's eye and around age eight, she started learning the basics of being a tribe healer. But it was also around this time she started accompanying the huntresses on their hunts, studying how they hunted, and how they used their weapons.

The Calamity - Year 1572

It was around when she was eleven years of age, that the tribe started fleeing in the wake of war. And then, the calamity began as she cowered with the other children as the sky seemed to rain down around them. She continued to huddle with the other children, who by this time were already taller than she was. But even that didn't stop cinders from landing on her and burning her. After the Calamity they looked out at their changed world. She spent a good while fearing the calamity would happen again, and had to be comforted often for her bad dreams and timidness. But also, a bandana was made to cover her singed hair and the healing burns. From this time on, she would always be seen wearing a bandana.

Post-Calamity to Seventh Umbral Era - 1573-1577

K'ailia continued studying the healing arts and rituals of the tribe, and tried her best to get better with the bow, since she could not even hold a spear. The other huntresses felt she might do better with a bow. But even in her practice, she couldn't even hit the side of a cactus, which worried her mother.

When she was sixteen, she prepared for the day she would be taken out for her trial of adulthood. The huntresses corralled their prey and K'ailia was told to take the shot to pass her trial. She tried taking careful aim, but then a breeze blew a sand which made her sneeze. She released the arrow that was set to fire... and it hit a hapless huntress who was helping hold the target in place, right in the hind quarters.

K'ailia had failed her trial, and upon returning to the tribe, the elders looked upon what skills she had. It was decided that she would serve the tribe better by enhancing her skills as a healer, by studying under the Conjurer's guild to gain additional knowledge for the tribe. Thus arrangements were made to take her, and others to Gridania, to learn the crafts and skills that will be used to help the tribe.

However when she returned to the tribe, she had found her views no longer matched those of the tribe. She felt like a stranger to her own people. And thus she found herself spending more and more time in Ul'dah and answered a poster that a passerby read to her of Ul'dah Garden. She joined the garden in hopes of learning more skills for her tribe.

She completed her conjurer training under Garden, and even obtained a white soul crystal that contained the soul of a white mage teacher from days of old. It as through taking the crystal to Gridania that she took the next step in the conjurer path, and became a White Mage herself. To commemorate the event, she was named Chief Medical Officer of Ul'dah Garden and she even started learning other skills to benefit her duties.

As time went on though, she became even more estranged from her tribe, until the twenty fifth sun of the Sixth Astral Moon, when she finally left the tribe to focus more on aiding all the people of Eorzea through her healing training that she puts to use in Ul'dah Garden. Being free from the tribe has opened up a whole new world for her, one she feels she is now ready to face.

Within a few more months though the Headmaster of Ul'dah Garden slipped into a coma. Her being the chief medical officer, was the only one available to take his place, making her the new Headmaster. She took a visit back to the tribe camp, a visit that did not end well, in fact she was permanently exiled.

Seventh Astral Era - 1578-???

K'ailia's return to Ul'dah Garden as Headmaster, led to Garden's first major mission, of trying to find a missing noble with his Thaumaturge pet. They found out that the noble was dead, and the Thaumaturge, who was possessed by a voidsent, declared war on Garden. K'ailia hatched a plan to capture the Plaguebringer, as he called himself, and it mostly succeeded. Upon trying to extract the voidsent inside him, the plaguebringer ended up destroying Garden itself, and injuring her in the process. But she survived, as did all of Garden's faculty and students.

However, the damage was done. Garden was destroyed, and the staff fell into anarchy, which put a lot of strain on young K'ailia who was now seventeen years of age. Luckily, an exile brother showed up at the most opportune time and hearing of all she'd been through, offered her a chance at freedom by taking her to La Noscea. There after six weeks, decided she would not be returning to the garden.

Lucky for her though, Hokujin Doujin was hired to form the Venture Association and she was invited along with Ambie Lapin to help run the free company. And upon the formation of the company, she and their team went to Coerthas, where she saw for the first time, her first dragon. They since returned to La Noscea, where they now have established a new base of operations until the day they are allowed to buy land for their own headquarters.

Page layout copied from Kassandra Dawn's page