S'Kiear Grimsong

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AlaMhigo.png S'kiear "Ki" Grimsong
Askier LARGE.jpg
"I'll do it, but it'll cost ya."
Gender Male
Race Miqo'te
Clan None
Citizenship Ala Mhigan
Age Thirties
Nameday "You won't be at my birthday party."
Guardian Althyk, the Keeper
Occupation Mercenary
Online After 9pm CST
Server Balmung

S'Kiear Grimsong is a bastard of a miqo'te male whom, by his own admission would shoot his employeer in the back if enough coin was offered. He's armed, dangerous, and a massive asshole. Seriously, spend four minute around him, you'll probably want to knock his smug face out.


An Interview with an Asshole

InterviewerThank you for sitting down with us, S'kiear.
S'kiear Please, call me Ki.

InterviewerOkay, Ki, First question, where you from?
S'kiear Between my mom's legs. -Laughter- Seriously, Ala Mhigo
Interviewer And how do you feel about your city being part of the empire now?
S'kiear Could care less. You win some, you lose some. Home just happened to get it's ass kicked. Shit happens.
Interviewer Ah. So did you come to Eorzea?
S'kiear Lookin' for my lost sister and I was needing money.
InterviewerAh so family. That's sweet. So is your sister really Delial Grimsong?
S'kiear Are you really ugly?
Interviewer Well, I don't know about-
S'kiear The answer to both of our questions is yes. Delial and me have the same hyur mother. My pops was ma's side experiment one night, hence why I have a tail and cat ears and Delial don't. Next question.
Interviewer Um...okay...what do you do for a living.
S'kiear Whatever I'm paid to do. Acted as thug, hired gun, body guard, and smuggler to name a few things.
Interviewer So you freelance? Nothing below you for the right coin huh?
S'kiear Basically.
Interviewer Okay. And what happened to your left arm?
S'kiear -Ki looks at the left arm in the sling- Masturbation accident.
Interviewer What- A masturbation ac-
S'kiear Did I stutter? No? K, next question. Don't hear me asking you about your obvious, non-existent sex life.
Interviewer Well, I...excuse you!
S'kiear You're excused for being an idiot. Keep this up and I'm gonna charge you even more for this interview.
Interviewer We aren't paying you for this. This is all fre-
S'kiear The hell it is! I'm out. I got stuff to do that makes money. Later, piss pot. -Gets up and slams the door behind him-


Surname: Grimsong
Firstname: S'kiear Nicknames: Ki, Asshole, Asshat, Bastard, Backstabber
Born on "None of your Damn Business" , in Ala Mhigo .
Residing at Limsa , located in an inn ,
working as A Mercenary .
Son of Lysa Blackstone . ,
Engaged to "My Hand" .

Crimes: Murder, Extortion, Robbery, Lying, Forgery, Being an asshole.

Race Miqo'te
Hair Brown
Eyes Black
Forehead Large
Nose Pixie
Height 6 Fulms
Weight "That's a rude question."
Extra Eye Patch

Rumor Mill

(Feel free to add one.)

"The smartest thing you'll ever do is not trust me." ?— S'kiear Grimsong

Template created by Kahn'a Od'hilkas