Momone Mone

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Ul'dah-transparent.png Momone Mone
Gender Female
Race Lalafell
Clan Dunesfolk
Citizenship Ul'dahn
Age 39
Relationship Status Unknown
Occupation Free Paladin
Height/Weight 3'1"/49 lbs
Orientation Straight
  • Mimidai Gegedai (Father) - Deceased
  • Pepera Pera (Mother)
Rendezvous of Stars
Hosting stars.jpg
Server: Balmung
Role-Play Style: Family Friendly w/ some Mature Themes
Contacts: D'ranmaia Shenn
Website: Rendezvous of Stars
Language: English
Time-Zone: Primarily CST but EU friendly
RP Element: The Star of Abundance
Headquarters: Ward 8, the Goblet

Character History

Momone Mone was born and raised in Ul'dah, and has lived in or within the vicinity of the great City-State her whole life. The only child of a fishmonger and a seamstress with a prodigal talent for cooking, she was born into what would be described among the Ul'dahn people as a 'middle-class' family that was part of the merchant class. Earning most of their coin through selling fish, food, or tailoring work, the trio of them lived a relatively uncomplicated life set apart from the political machinations which truly ran the world in which they lived.
As a girl, Momone was incredibly close to her family, and had the good fortune of growing up in a home with an equally loving mother and father. In her formative years, she was never far away from them, and in their shadows learned the basics of the trades which formed the foundation of their family's livelihood. Yet, of those skills, cooking was what took root in Momone. In her mother's kitchen, Momone was a constant shadow, eagerly helping to prepare pies and dishes made with the catch that her father brought each day.
Yet culinary pursuits were not all that captivated her. The city's own Sultansworn were a focal point for girlish dreams of far-away fantasies of knights in gleaming armour, protecting the weak and helping those most in need. But her childish fantasies did not fade; they grew into a passion, and the stories and history of the noble order sworn to protect the lives of the royal family supplanted themselves in her heart.
Convinced she had found her life's calling, she enlisted in the Immortal Flames at age 20 with the intention of shaping herself into the knight she wanted to be. Enlisting as a greenhorn with no martial experience at all, Momone resolved to learn the sword and shield from the beginning. Though hardly a quick study, she remained wilfully determined to master the art, and initially made up for her physical weaknesses with tenacity. Training tirelessly while serving her duty, she eventually began to rise through the ranks of the Flames. At 27, she received her first promotion into the Sergeant ranks, and at 33 was promoted to Chief Flame Sergeant of her Unit. Through the years of service, her determination never faltered, and she became a mentor to training other greenhorn flames.
The political movements of the Sixth Astral Era, however, eventually brought the Garlean conflict to Ul'dah. As part of the grand alliance between Eorzea's Grand Companies, Momone Mone and her unit of the Flames marched on the Carteneau Flats. Though the Flames took heavy losses in all, Momone survived, and received her final promotion to Second Flame Lieutenant after.
After helping to put the Flames back together in the wake of the Calamity, at the urging of her comrades, friends, and family who knew her dreams, Momone sought application to undergo the trials to become Sultansworn. Undertaken before the order's 'relaxing' of the trials, the training itself tested her martial prowess, her knowledge of the order's history, and her honour. One year later, Momone took her vows, becoming Sultansworn at age 36.
However, in mysterious circumstances which baffled her fellow Sworn brothers and sisters, as well as her former comrades in the Flames, Momone submitted to Grandmaster Papashan to be released from her Oath and permitted to walk the path of the Free Paladin.
Though he consented, the mystery behind why Momone seemed to throw away her lifelong dream only two years after attaining it remains unsolved. It is rumoured that she has been spending much of her free time at a Host Club situated in the Goblet, and that she may have given up on her training entirely to become a cook.


Helping others
Cooking for others - especially those in need
Reading histories and romances
Stories of Ishgard and astrology
People who embody the traits of knights of old: courteousness, honour, kindness, selflessness, loyalty
People who give with no expectation of reward
Travelling - especially seeing new places


People who are rude and self-centered
Exploitation of the weak or less fortunate
Malboros and morbols
Humid weather
Liars & charlatans - also mistrusting of minstrels and bards


Alignment: Lawful Good
Nameday: 1/18 (Halone)
Vice(s): Tristitia
Virtue(s): Diligence, Charity
Favorite Food: Bouillabaisse
Favorite Drink: Pumpkin Spiced Latte
Favorite Color: Royal Blue
Myers-Briggs Personality Type: ESFJ

Appearance, Personality, and Other Tidbits

  • Momone carries very strong notions of what it means to be a knight, and holds herself to an extremely high standard of what that entails: courtesy, kindness, holding one's word as their bond, duty, and self-sacrifice. So committed is Momone to living this ideal and paying homage to the knights and Sultansworn of old that, on taking up the mantle of Sultansworn, she adopted the archaic form of the common tongue for her speech and, occasionally, her writing. Though first ridiculed for it, she endured in adopting it, and now uses it almost exclusively.
  • To Momone, an Oath is an Oath, and though she was released from her service as a Sultansworn to become a Free Paladin, she still carries personal guilt over the decision to ask to be released from it - which was spurred on by the greater destiny and circumstances regarding the Rendezvous of Stars. Despite the support she has received from friends she was willing to confide in, she believes the only ones who will be able to absolve her will be the Twelve when she transitions to the aetherial realm upon her death.
  • Although she chose the life of a paladin, Momone maintained her culinary skills as a hobby, and is an extremely accomplished culinarian. She particularly enjoys challenging, technical cooking, but is loathe to admit it out of worry that to do so would be prideful.
  • Throughout the course of her life, she has developed 'crushes' on a few men, but has never known how to act on any of them. She chose, instead, to quietly endure them: unsure of how to actually express her affection with any of them. She has not 'dated' anyone until very recently. Momone is attracted primarily to other Lalafellin men, but has also been attracted to Elezen, Midlanders and - only once - a Highlander.
  • Momone enjoys reading, greatly, and goes to books for insight into problems just as much as she would to a trainer. On a personal note, she is very interested in the history of Ishgard: home to some of the most storied knights that have existed. She also has a keen interest in anything relating to the Ishgardian belief in astrology: reading into the future or past through the movement of the stars. Though skeptical about whether the practice holds any merit, she finds the concept of it fascinating.
  • She is very comfortable in the company of groups of people, and does her utmost to be friendly, warm, gregarious, and quick to offer food and drink to anyone wherever possible. Despite this, she can be quite guarded and hesitant about expressing her true feeling while in a group - though will confide individually with people about her troubles.



Some of these rumors are untrue or are greatly exaggerated. Please feel free to add your own rumors under PC!

◢ Common Rumors (Easily overheard)
"Ser Momone? She used to be one of us... The 'thees' and 'thous' were a bit much, but she loved this job. Anyone could see that. And then one day, poof, quits to become one of those 'Free Paladins'. Surprised the Initiates. Surprised me. She was in it for the long haul. Not a clue what happened. Maybe she got spooked by something." -- A Sultansworn Elite, stationed in the Chamber of Rule
"Oh, Pepera's girl? How is she? I haven't seen her since she was helping Pepera move out of their home. Did you know that The Bismarck hired her? No, not Momone - her mother! And they'd be mad not to! This one time, she made this pie... " -- "A venerable Hyur woman, walking in the Sapphire Exchange
◢ Moderate Rumors (Moderately difficult to overhear)
"Yeah, I know 'er! Got 'er trading card right 'ere. Chef Phoenix of the Rendezvous Host Club, that is. Bringin' in sacks of whoknowswhat on the days that big ol' place opens. I 'eard she used tae be some fancy knight who got done for fallin' asleep at 'er post, an' they kicked her righ' ou'a town. Guess all she can do is cook soup. Ain' no one what want'll hire a tarnished knight. " -- Resident of The Goblet's 8th Ward
◢ Rare Rumors (Very difficult or rarely overheard)
"So den, jus' as I'm lookin' out from me spyglass on me'ship, kraken latched ont' the back'a the Tiny Tortoise, up jumps the Admiral, drivin' hisself into the big beastie's yellow eye... and then 'is woman jus' waves 'er hand and y'can see some... sorta beam tyin' em together. Paladin tricks or summit. And then the blonde lass jumps in and goes after th'other eye! Crazy as 'e was! But I tell ye - together 'ey felled that Beastie before our ships was in 'ere to finish her off. ... whatta lass." -- "A dark-skinned Roegadyn 'privateer', telling an adventuring tale in Limsa Lominsa
◢ PC Rumors (Rumors from the character's of other players)


Romantic Interest     Crush      Friend      Good Standing      Poor Standing
Yattaru Thetaru - "Yattaru? I.. 'tis true, that we are... courting, at present. What of it? I... that is to say... I simply enjoy his company a great deal. He is far kinder and nobler than one would first give credit for, thou shouldst know!"
Ru Tarkan - "It hath been several moons since we hath seen each other, which gives me no small feelings of regret, but Ru is a friend who is... rather dear to me. We once were given a mission that nearly brought us..." Momone coughs. "Quite close to each other. But if Nymeia had spun her thread in such a way on that day... mayhaps t'would not hath been entirely unpleasant. Though I doth not know if the... sentiment would hath been shared."
Leanna Vist - "Leanna is, in fact, descended from Ala Mhigan nobility! T'was speaking with her which inspired my decision to select a dish with which we would donate proceeds to the children of Gyr Abania... She carrieth herself with the grace of a noble lady, but one canst easily tell she speaks earnestly, and also doth let her actions speak equally as powerfully as her words. I doth admire that countenance, and am happy to call her 'friend'."
Zaphir Zurlac - "Some of his theories - particularly regarding Gobbiecheese - are... intriguing. He is a rather cerebral individual, but he hath gone out of his way to look after me in earnest: particularly on one occasion. I... I hath not had the chance to tell him how... grateful I was for it."
Ghalleon Helseth - "Rare in these days is it to find a priest so thoroughly devout and mindful of his relationship with the Twelve, and who seemeth a living and breathing embodiment of the selfsame qualities which he preaches. I doth respect him greatly, and yet... I canst not help but wonder if the burden of duty wears on him as a person. I suspect we share much in common... mayhap that is why 'tis so easy for me to think of him as kin."
Evangeline Kavanagh - "Eva doth... have a storied past which hath caused me some unease in the past, but it cannot be said that she is without kindness. She certainly hath a few sources of mystery, but she hath ever treated me - and many others of our collective - with kindness. I think well of her."
Flora Valerian - "Flora art a very kind yet independent woman. 'Tis a shame she is oft travelling so much. Rarely do our paths seem to cross these days, but 'tis plain to see she is committed to our common cause."
Rorojayu Royu - "So focused on a task at hand, and yet I doth wonder if he is away with the Moogles sometimes. I pray he hath forgiven me for the... hot chocolate incident."
D'ranmaia Shenn - "Maia is the proprietress of the Rendezvous Host Club. A singularly cheerful and pleasant woman! I doth worry about her, sometimes, though I know I needn't anymore..."
Anstarra Silverain - "T'was Anstarra who... 'discovered' me. We walk different paths these days, or such it seems, but I do oft keep her in my thoughts." Momone chuckles. "She, quite literally, changed my life."



This page template is based heavily on Deirdre Ta'ea, with modifications and design inspiration borrowed from Flora Valerian and Ghalleon Helseth with gratitude.