Zachary Volfire

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 Zachary 'Zetsu' Volfire
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"The market has put me in despair..."
Merchant of Arcana
Gender Male
Race Au Ra
Clan Xaela (Kha)
Citizenship Limsa Lominosa
Age 28
Name Day 14th Sun of the 3rd Astral Moon
Sexuality Bisexual(NAV)
Relationship Status Single
Patron Deity Nald'thal
Occupation Merchant, Guild Master, Researcher
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Basic Info


Green Tea
Designing Dresses
Understanding Concepts


Ice Magic
Bad Luck
Ghost Stories/Curses
Rude Remarks on his Pride


Martial: Grimoire, Knives, Gun, Axe, Claymore
Crafting: Shipwright(ARM,CRP,BSM), Weaver, Alchemist
Gathering: Miner ,Farmer, Treasure Hunter
Other: Merchant, Guildmaster, Researcher


Alignment: Neutral Good
Vice(s): Racing, Women, Sweets
Favorite Food: Cake
Favorite Drink: Green Tea
Favorite Color: Red, Black

Appearance & Personality

At 6'6" and weighing in at 195lbs with an average frame for an Au Ra Zach height is primarily in his legs. He has caramel complexion which is sometimes confused for a tan from those who don't know him. His hair is black like his mother with hints of red from his father. He normally wears it by tying it up in a ponytail. His left eye is red-orange while his right is a the same color but brighter with a umbral ring inside it.The reason he has only one umbral ring is due to him being half Au ra. He sports two jet black curved horns instead of having ears. His chin and neck are covered in black scales along with his chest, back, arms, and legs. He has a spiky and thick tail of 1'5" foot in length. He has a sharp scar on his chest from the ice injury. Finally on his forehead is a tailsmen from the glamour the mage used to keep his identity a secret instead of having it removed or hidden he wears it to remember the lengths his father went to protect him.


Child of The Sea 1550-1562

He was born on the open waters of Eorzea to the late Au Ra mother from the Kha clan -Limka Volfire- and an Wildwood Elezen father -Livoer Volfire- who loved the life of sea. Once his family docked in Limsa Lominosa he was already four months old. His mother however did not survive the trip dying on the voyage to limsa due to sickness of foreign air and being weakened by Zachary's Birth. His father was worried about his appearance of a foreign race in Eorzea so he used a glamor specifically crafted by a mage(E'kiteol Sovaire) to have Zach's appearance look like him to hide his Au Ra heritage hoping he could reveal to Zach who he really was in due time. His father worked at the "Dutiful Sisters of Edelweiss" to help support them while he raised Zach. His father talked about his mother frequently mentioning she was a blacksmith with a spiky personality that matched her cute physique. However his father loved and raised him when he wasn't working also teaching Zach to not only to train his body ,but also train his mind. At the age of 5 the sisters taught Zachary the basics of pick pocketing and rouge work to use the boy as scout/errand boy. Life was decent with his dad teaching him tricks of his trade ,but also tutoring him in ways on how to properly socialize and understanding concepts of the world. Exploring the city Zach hung around the various guilds watching people work and studying from afar different techniques and such with crafting and martial arts. Even walking up to practitioners asking how certain tools and weapons work like the musket's used by high ranking pirates and mercenaries. However this happy life was to soon be ended. His father was betrayed by a informant and left to die by an ambush of the Bloody Executioners. By the time aid arrived it was far too late. Leaving Zach an orphan at the age of 8. He refused being adopted into the guild believing they knew the killer ,but would not tell him so he could seek revenge. He took his father's knives as a memento to remember him and his mother who made them by. Choosing a life on the streets and sea. He picked up trades to be a pirate by starting out as a Cabin Boy for the Knights of The Barracuda. However he still followed his father's teachings in studying books and documents whenever he got his hands on them in port or from trading vessels.

Ship Shape Up 1562-1571

Working in the docks and ship to ship taught Zachary the basics of not only pirating ,but also the inner and outer workings of ship trade. He soon ranked up to ship carpenter and even Boatswain for the Mermaid Grace which sailed in the Sea of Ash. Building and repairing ships helping out with planning routes trained him in Carpentry, Weaving, Navigating, and slight fighting experience with his father's daggers. He even got to experience working on a merchant vessel at the age of 15 due to a protecting job. Seeing the income the vessel pulled in however made him have bigger aspirations. "These guys are making a fortune with just trinkets and goods. Yet lose a lot of profit by buying boats like this.... What if i made the boat itself and sold from it?! Selling by land could bring in revenue also...." First he made practice conning and learning how to properly trade goods for funds from the Lalafel merchant Ukanna Ultalto whenever he docked in Ul'dah. Soon he got in the habit of trading wares and haggling with the small merchant. Later as his sailing career continued he was promoted to Boatswain. Soon at the age of 18 he had his own small fortune to his name of 184,000 Gil that he decided to disembark the sea life and become an adventurer. "With this I could earn even more profits....and be strong enough to rid those thorns of Limsa's side as well...." He decided he still didn't want anything to do with the Sister's for now even though had had a lot of experience with them as a kid. First enlisting in the Arcanist guild he started using his already ship forged body to train his physical prowess with odd jobs around the docks using his free time to sit in the Arcanist library to study formulas, and calculations of the guild. In the middle of his 18 year he soon graduated as an accomplished Arcanist with his biggest mark being a full grown buffalo which he took on with four allies from the Marauders guild. This however didn't satisfy Zachary thinking he needed to be prepared like his father said 'in both body and mind.' Soon he also picked up the trade of becoming an Rogue at the age of 19 creating his own way of fighting using formulas and designs to make spells stronger based on guild master's notes left open for public reading and the sly skillful movements of a rouge he picked up as a kid. After studying for 4 months and conquering the basics of summoning a carbuncle and aetheral manipulation. He explored and learned current relations of city states economically while he went on quest and adventures. Unfortunately during the dangerous time of the Garlean invasion.

Calamity 1572

During the great battle of Certeneau Flatts Zach was just an average adventurer by then. He only had small time experience in combat with his biggest mark just being a Frenzied Giant. He read a flyer while in Ul'dah advertising recruitment for the battle. Seeing the hefty reward he volunteered under Limsa's colors as an mercenary. He fought and took down 27 Garleans using his Knives and basic Arcane incantations as he held his own. During Dalamund descent however he descended into despair. He was horrible injured due to his inexperience taking 2 heavy blows,, a gun shot to his side and magic ice bolt to his chest as well. Bloodied and injured he lied on the battle field as Bahamut spread his wrath across the land. He lied upon the ground feeling his entire body fade away to unconsciousness whispering " it?....I barely began to hope....for a better future....guess I'm" Right as he said this Louisoix teleported all the remaining heroes away. Zachary being on death's door made him relive the moment for what felt like a eternity inside the time-space zone. He awoken from the dreamlike space with a start remembering the pain from his body almost scaring the girl who waked him named Kari. Who after calming Zach down explained his location on a cruise vessel headed to Limsa. Brennan a merchant who was onboard the cruise vessel with the others explain the current state of the fairs among small chatter as they docked in Limsa Lominosa.

Damn Pirates

Still shaken up once he arrived in Limsa Lominosa he was lead to the drowning wench by Kari. He was surprised to find that some of those he known well growing up completely remembered him from m5 years ago: merchants, crew mates, and even his guildmaster recalled he disappeared 5 years ago. "This....this is impossible... what kind of life should I live now...." Confused he drank at the Drowning Wench. After awhile the bar owner Baderon called him over. "Greetin's to ye, mate." Baderon told Zachary about the adventurer's guild in which he could get work also explaining the last five years" W-warriors of ...light?..." Kari still at his side perked up at this realizing she was one of the aforementioned. He thought back to his dream and shudder he was no warrior of light all he saw was darkness, but even he knew the Garleans would be back. He thought about the day he lost his father."Even I can do something to prevent that...with both body and mind...." With Baderon's help he joined the Adventurer's Guild an was appointed an easy task of hired hand for some farmlands nearby. He first was station on Summerford's farms. He was a guard helping keep pirates in line and doing small farm task. As he worked along the farm he eventually came upon the Sea Reavers kidnapping plot. With assistance from a curious Lalafell he met. He quelled the issue at hand. After fending off a golem he was wracked with a vision of someone fighting off a dark robed man with fist of light. He didn't know how to make sense of it so he kept focused on work on the farm til his quota was met. After his work at the farms finished he started to take his earnings and work towards earning his fortune once more."I may be forgotten but I'm not out! A new world to explore! Women to meet! and treasures to grab! Hell I got my work cut out for me!"

The Merchant Of Limsa

He kept up his adventuring up while his travels allowed him to make economic connections. First in Limsa then once gaining the right to access airships due to various accomplishments. Ul'dah and finally Girdannia. Soon he had a business of collecting rare and exotic materials on his adventures and selling them for a profit. During this time he made 2 valuable teammates. Kiht Zalika and Tatali Tali each with a story more wilder then the last he started to rebuild his income finally saving enough to start a traveling merchant business. He would collect minerals, treasure, and other objects and sell/trade them for affordable prices. Random nights as he traveled he was wracked with more visions of heroes banishing monsters of various sizes across the realm. "If I need to understand this....I must seek these people in my vision...they might have answers" He started with a familiar face Kari who told her she found out she was a warrior of light serving the mother crystal. From then one he met others like her and learned of their plight in saving the realm. This inspired him to assist them in their mission selling goods at cheaper prices, or providing transportation in their adventures. Even working to quell threats that arose against them. While on these adventures with the warriors of light he kept up his business soon affording enough to create his own house. In which he created a lab, a bar, and a store right in the mist.

Then Shennanigans

-to be written about hte mercenary company he owns

To Save A Realm

His adventures have taken him all over Eorzea. Quelling primal threats and dealing with beast tribes. As well as even assisting helping the new Domans with a place to stay. Things changed drastically when he was recruited to assist Tali ,Kiht, and 4 others to check on the Agrius

The Merchant Of Arcana

-present day-

Powers ,and Abilities

As a Summoner/Scholar he has an knack for arcanist mathematical magic or magic based on equations and scientific theories. He uses magical grimoires and tomes to further enhance this.As a Rouge/Ninja he's an excellent user of his knives and deception. As a marauder he's only a novice prefering to not be up close and personal to combat except as a last resort.As an machinst he focuses mroe on his inventions making turrets, bombs, special bullets ,and the like. He also applies his arcanist research to make bombs that can spread his poisons or slow down enemies to be beaten by his summons. He's proficient with his rifle. if given a good chance to aim he 's a 80% of hitting his exact mark. As a Dark Knight his disorder plagues him but he learn to channel the dark element of his fears into his magic to increase some potency of this. A draw back to using this however is he suffers from hallucinations of injuries he has not received or encroaching ice trying to encase him.This trade off makes him very rarely use dark magic if at all. When he has used this he must have an ally to deal with him when the recoil hits. He's novice at wielding a axe ,and claymore being lumbering objects. He doesn't like how heavy they are he feels as if they slow him down.

Tools and Equipment

Prime Locations

8Bitte Pettentaban- His Free Company Headquarters in Lavender Beds. Even though they are allied with Maelstorm. He decided to build here as it had more economic value for the rest of Eorzea. Zetsubou Tavern- A tavern, Shop, and lab all in one in the mist. It's his pride and Joy and probably the most frequent place he is aside from the guild house. Costa de sol-He frequents the sunny beach as a prime place to sell some of his more exotic wares.


Some of these rumors are untrue or are greatly exaggerated. IF you met zach and want to spread the word what kind of guy he is... GO AHEAD!!

◢ Common Rumors (Easily overheard)
"Oi! His deals are great! No idea how he gets rare good but his shop is well stocked."- Merchant Lalafel
"When I was missing a specific item he personally had it delivered for my benefit he's a great businessmen."-Regular Hyur Bar attendee
"He's like an open book with a lot of fine print."-Regular Mi'qote Customer
◢ Moderate Rumors (Moderately difficult to overhear)
◢ Rare Rumors (Very difficult or rarely overheard)
"He touched my butt so I decked him. He seemed so carefree but his hands wander alittle too much."- Singing Stormcloud
◢ PC Rumors (Rumors from the character's of other players)


Romantic Interest Platonic Love Good Standing Poor Standing
Tatali Tali : A younger Lalafel by a year who serves as a captain of his guild. Due to misadventures while treasure hunting and exploring dungeons they have form a strong yet secretive bond. She hides her feelings around others but when they're together she opens up When they both rest at the same he tucks her in at night to help comfort her as they both talk about their past.
Damora Lucien : During a hunt Zach was on he found Damora being chased by Ixal. Intervening he offered her assistance in her quest soon accepting her into the ranks of his guild. When putting up with Zach's perverted antics Damora was defensive and mildly creeped out. After a year of this however she accepts his advances and occasionally flirts back with him in her own special way.
Kari' Kitten : A warrior of light Zachary met after the Calamity
Kiht Zalika : While traveling through Limsa Lominsa, Kiht met the young merchant while down on her luck. After a bit of bargaining she managed to convince him to hire her for a while. They built a very friendly relationship, with her being a bit protective of him. Even after moving on again to continue her adventures she would still check in on him. When she was invited to join his guild she was happy to agree.



Character Theme Song: Rhythm Theif Theme
Battle Theme Song: Persona 2 Battle
Critical Moment! Theme Song : Baccano Theme
Shop Theme Song : Jazzy Elevator
TV Tropes: Chivalrous Pervert, Self-Made Man, Mood Swinger, Street Smart, Jack Of All Trades
Info on Au Ru : Info On Heavensward Content*
Template by Bancroft Gairn