Wyra'to Polaali

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 Wyra'to Polaali
Wyra'to Polaali Face.jpeg
Gender Male
Race Miqo'te
Clan Moon Keeper
Citizenship None
Age 28
Sexuality N/A
Nameday 14th Sun of the 1st Astral Moon
Guardian Menphina
Grand Company Immortal Flames
Relationship Status Single
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Name: Wyra'to Polaali

Nicknames: Toto

Server: Balmung

Classes/Jobs: Lancer, Pugilist

Current Occupation: N/A


Height 5' 2" (found through this))

Eyes: Bright teal color that is a common trait with his family

Skin: Dark grey, littered with freckles and scars.

Hair: The length depends on the point in his timeline. His hair has enough of a wave to it that it can get in his face and drive him crazy when too long. When he was young, he kept his hair longer and didn't do much to it. Once he was on his own, he shaved it short out of grief and kept it that way for cycles. He also dyed his ears black in memory of his brother. Currently, he has started to grow his hair back ever so slowly and his ears are back to normal.


Scars: Wyra'to's body has become covered in scars from his time alone and working for the men who currently have him trapped under their thumbs. His only visible scars most of the time are the ones on his cheek and the long scar through his eye. Toto's back and chest are covered with scars that have come from everything such as whips to swords, burns to claws. Though it is not visible due to his bushy fur, there is also a scar on his tail where someone tried to chop it in half. There are also scars along his sides that look more like they were carved there in a strange pattern. At times, these markings will glow and cause very negative side effects for Wyra'to.

Noticeable Features: Wyra'to has black markings on his nose, near his eyes, and on his forehead. His hair and fur are also a bright teal color that can easily be spotted.



Melee: Wyra'to's specialty when it comes to fighting. His main weapon of choice is the lance, followed by just his fist or knives.


Magic: Wyra'to can't cast a spell to save his life. He also has a fear/hatred for mages thanks to the men he works for.











Player Character Standing (Slowly being updated)

Romantic Interest     Sexual Desire     Platonic Love      Good Standing     Neutral Standing     Poor Standing

PC Rumors (Feel free to add what you'd like~)




This Template was created by Deirdre Ta'ea