Motes Bellanes

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Motes Bellanes
The Branded Healer

Motes Tarot.png
Name... Motes Bellanes
Alias... Motes Bellanes (as far as you know)
Age... 30
Gender... Female
Race... Roegadyn
Clan... Hellsguard
Orientation... Heterosexual
Marital... Single
Deity... Oschon, the Wanderer
Nationality... Lominsan
Occupation... Cartographer, Healer
Alignment... Chaotic Good

“Motes Bellanes”' is a woman whose alias is more solid and real than her name. An eternal work in progress, she always considers herself to be lacking and is constantly at war with herself.

A Hellsguard Roegadyn who is taller than she is comfortable with, Motes often makes a point to be different from the average person’s idea of a Roegadyn. Despite the fact that she towers over most of the population of Eorzea and beyond, and the fact that she nigh-constantly encases herself in heavily ornamented robes, Motes makes a distinct effort to hold herself with the stillness and grace usually attributed to smaller, more lithe people. Once uncomfortably encased in plate as part of her martial profession, the woman now looks at home in rich silk-lined robes. When moving, Motes can pick up a good amount of speed, but the unwieldy aspects of her beloved ornate coats always seem come as a surprise to her.

More often than not, when Motes finally sheds her voluminous robes, it is to be able to wear whatever makes her comfortable (and whatever she damn well pleases). In these cases, the woman loves to cover herself in jewelry, and soft clothes that cover most of her body. Anything uncomfortable or weighty is left behind when she goes out without intending to find an altercation, although most likely Motes will retain at least one blade on her person. Despite her current (unfortunate, in her mind) status as a healer, she was raised in Limsa Lominsa and has no qualms with running a man through if the choice is between her or him.

Her hair is kept short--a brutal change from the once long and beautiful waves that once graced her head before she dropped everything and left for Ishgard one morning. Between the always-imminent displeasure and the tattoo she wears like warpaint, Motes does not appear to have a bedside manner-- despite being a talented healer.

Scars & Markings: Across her face, Motes bears a distinctive tattoo—anyone with a knowledge of Hellsguard symbolism would understand that her tattoos are a mark of shame, someone who has made an inexcusable betrayal and been branded for it. The mark is unusual: she doesn’t take any measures to hide it and the lines of the brand are unusually clear, as though she did not fight the marking. She seems unaware of it most of the time, but she is frequently caught touching it during periods of introspection. The mark itself is intertwined with her aether like a parasite--a blight on her person in every way. Her eyes have dark circles beneath them no matter how rested she may seem.

Voice: Motes' voice is deep, as most voices are with a body as large as hers. However, she speaks quietly and will notably remain quiet even in boisterous company. Like the rest of her body movements, she keeps her voice muted. A sharp contrast, perhaps, from the image of the loud, drunken, Limsan Roegadyn that people are so familiar with.

Clothing: Motes has a taste for fine fabrics and heavy ornamentation. This would be surprising to those who may have known her in the past, but this Roegadyn is less concerned about maintaining stoic appearances for anyone anymore. Perhaps her brother's wealth had something to do with influencing her tastes, but questions about her family that may appear as prying will be met with hostility. Her current favorite travel coat is made from a heavy, red wool with a leather-lined hood and gold edging--perfect for a woman travelling in the cold mists of the Hinterlands or the biting winds of the Sea of Clouds.

Solid, Reliable, Brutal in a Fight, Cold to the Touch, Loyal and Faulty With It
Reformation is a Twisting Path

Dressed as a oft-dour mage, Motes often surprises people by being far more engaging than her old compatriot, Dhatura. She loves jokes, even ones that aren’t funny. She can hold conversations made entirely of questions and can parcel out facts and scorn in equal measure. A departure from the traditionally stoic student, Motes often sasses more than she should—and while she tries very hard to keep her anger in check (she sees it as the ugliest aspect of her race, something that should never be embraced), her other emotions have a tendency to slip out, though she is rarely “emotional” in public. Sadness, grief, and other personal emotions are kept under wraps as much as she can manage, while irritation, scorn, amusement and other social emotions are far more freely given.

She’s a talker, but Motes can tell the difference between what should be said and what shouldn’t the majority of the time. Chances are, if she says something, it was on purpose. She rarely lies these days, but she has never been one to underestimate the lie of omission, and has no fear of being vague (even though she loathes it in others). Her personal code, however, forbids her from lying, so while she is very good at it, she avoids it at almost all costs.

It can seem like Motes is a contradiction at all times: a woman with no pride, who is constantly wounded by it all the time; a woman who struggles between maintaining an image and practice of largeness and strength, but who seems disgusted by the idea that she needs it or wants it. She will be the first to discount herself, declaring herself honorless and useless with great abandon, but observers will note that she makes great effort when she can to prove the usefulness of her existence. Honor will not be mentioned, but she will usually take the most moral course of action, though morality for her is still flexible and often breaks from the more traditional senses. When meeting new people, Motes will often respond non-confrontationally, smiling and agreeing, throwing out bad jokes and whatever assurances her partner-in-conversation needs to hear as long as it is honest. She spends time measuring the stranger through conversation, deciding how far she might want to take the acquaintance. Even conversations she does not enjoy, she finds interesting. Knowing how people react to her and the environment is essential.

For those she does know, Motes is often mistaken as their lover, their romantic partner, though this is rarely (if ever) the case. This most likely stems from the intensity of her actions towards people she’d rather see alive, though she will never speak positively of loyalty.

Additionally, while Motes is often mistaken for a man while in armor, and her race is sometimes confused, Motes is constantly aware of the fact that she is a woman and a Roegadyn and is always trying to distance herself from it. She is confused by the pride of birthright that so many carry with them like a badge of honor and is disdainful of those who would rather be all that is expected of them rather than a person in their own right.

Older than most new adventurers, Motes is becoming increasingly concerned about her appearance. She fears becoming matronly, being dismissed for being feminine, told to go home. Anyone telling her to put down her guns and globes will be met with hostility. It doesn’t matter that she would rather not use her weapon: it doesn’t matter if she’d truly be happier and better off in another profession: this is what she’s chosen, and she will see it through.

Rather than meeting a problem head on, Motes will be the one to find a solution around the problem (though she will never ignore the problem or avoid it). She prides herself on being able to speak to people well most of the time, and practices diplomacy when she can.


  • Reading: Motes reads an obscene amount when left alone too long.
  • Organization: All of Motes’ belongings are carefully taken care of and everything from her bags to her room is extremely organized to the point where anything that she designates as “hers” can seem cold and unwelcoming.
  • Botany: The Roegadyn has long history with botany and agriculture. She enjoys the puzzle of using her knowledge and skills of plant life towards healing.
  • Oschon: While rarely mentioned, Motes is deeply religious and devoted to her patron, the Wanderer. She believes that religion is a thing that can only be experienced in private and that each experience is personal, so she tends to avoid speaking on it at great lengths.
  • Star Charting and Cartography: They have helped free her from living life in constraints and she now uses them as a focus for her creativity and healing magic.
  • Personal Achievements: Why do something if you aren't proud of it?.
  • Jokes and Clever People: They make life go by faster.
  • People Watching: It's how she got hired and fired.


  • Foreign Foods: Not simply "foods from other countries" but "food she or a loved one did not prepare". After a long history of dealing with poisons and a darker side of mankind, Motes almost always only eats and drink food she prepares herself. Often, she resorts to drinking from a hip flask, rather than any cup.
  • Helpless Victims: Motes won't help them if she can get away with it, but she will put a blade in their hands and a gun on their hip and teach them to fend for themselves.
  • Addiction: She's seen enough of it and it won't be allowed back into her life.
  • Confinement: Motes needs wide open spaces to breathe and live. Staying still for too long is practically painful to her.
  • Racial Pride and Racism: Motes dislikes her background, so why should she judge anyone else by theirs? Be your own person, not your family's.
  • Poor Liars: Why do it if you aren't going to do it well?
  • "Loyalty" and "Bravery": These two ideals have thrown more people to their deaths this week than Witchdrop has claimed through the entire Dragonsong War. They are only stupid words made to make men stupider.
  • Being Embarrassed: Are you saying you like being embarrassed?
  • Unnecessary Violence: Do it right: Once strike in the dark where no one can see it. None of this brandishing steel around in the daylight nonsense.
  • People who embrace their negative sides: If she can pull it together and try to be a better person, then you can to.


  • Roegadyn Men: Her life has been filled with issues stemming from them and she has little desire to welcome them into her life with open arms.
  • Death of a Loved One: Motes doesn't have very many of those left and she would do almost anything to keep the ones she has alive.
  • Imprisonment: Motes has a storied past and while it hasn't technically come back to bite her, it always could in the future.


  • Favorite Food: She probably should be tired of it by now from all the traveling she's done, but Motes loves jerky of every kind and will pack tons of the stuff for long trips.
  • Favorite Drink: Stangers might tell you "water" since that is all she will drink around them, but Motes loves a cup of spiced orange tea when she gets it from the right places.
  • Favorite Color: Wine Red, preferably on a beautiful, soft fabric wrapped around her.

Color Key
In A Relationship: Motes is romantically involved with this character.
Romantic Attraction: Motes is romantically interested in this character.
Sexual Attraction Motes is physically interested in this character.

Platonic Love/Family: Motes considers this person family.
Friend: Motes considers this person her friend.
Friendly Acquaintance: Motes considers this person mostly friendly, or as an ally.

Good Standing: Motes has no specific feelings about this character, however they left a good impression.
Neutral: Motes has no specific feelings about this character.
Bad Standing: Motes has no specific feelings about this character, however they left a bad impression.

Dislike: Motes doesn't consider this person a friend, and will talk if needed, but try to avoid them.
Hate: Motes consider this person an annoyance, and will try to avoid them. Conflict can happen.
Fear: Motes is terrified by this character, and will try to avoid them at all cost.
Rivalry: Motes consider this person a rival, and will try to initiate conflict every time she gets to meet them.

Family Member: This character is related by blood to Motes.
Business: This character is either Motes' employer, employee, or coworker.
Deceased: This character has passed away.
? Hidden Feelings/Unknown: This character has one of all the color keys above, but Motes isn't fully aware of it yet.


Motes’ strongest and most complex relationship, and definitely the most abusive on both ends. She calls her official function in his life “teaching him manners”, but it doesn’t seem like he knows any. He calls her motherly, but she has a more intimate rapport with him than any other. If asked if she is his lover, she will laugh and deny it. Her response to such questions is usually far more vicious than needed. Often times, she will be the only one left defending him, sacrificing her personal pride to ensure he walks free. Despite his many protestations that she is overbearing, unhelpful, and unneeded, the two seem to balance each other and refuse to stay out of touch for long. They are often able to anticipate each other’s words and needs, though whether they respond appropriately to each other depends on the day. Motes has seen neither him, his lover, nor his child since she left Thanalan.
D'arca Ovraen ( ) ( Player ) - A Better Kind of Family
This younger miqo’te often makes Motes and Dhatura’s duo into a solid, bickering trio. While she may seem to trivialize him with various pet names, and often seems like she’s talking down to him, Motes would never tell him to leave, or try to truly upset him. She finds his persistence and stubbornness fascinating. If ever asked how they met, she’ll simply reply that she accidentally did him a favor, though he will a spin a far more colorful story (though neither story seems to be a lie). While a trio with him is more common, it is not uncommon for D’arca and Motes to be seen together in a more social setting, heads together and thick as thieves. More recently, she's used his wealth to fund her move to Ishgard. To her knowledge, he approved of this as he wanted to get her out of Ul'Dah as much as she wanted to leave.
The “Forgekin” puts off an unnerving aura of nothing, and while this might deter others, Motes finds Ghost Forge’s lack of identification to be a relief from the rush of people vying to be like something or someone. The Roegadyn has found that the person in the armor to be a wealth of information on anything from socks and hats to animal husbandry and life philosophy. While Ghost Forge seems disposed to teach Motes a bit, in so much as Ghost Forge teaches. Motes gets the feeling that she asks too many questions of them, but as Ghost Forge always has the option to decline to answer, she will continue to ask. The repetition of “I do not have friends” perturbs Motes, but at the very least, she’s wise enough not to push the issue. Having received not only alarmingly sage advice as well as a good review from the bodyguard, Motes holds Ghost Forge in great respect and continues to seek out their attention.
Horace Rook ( ) ( Player ) - He Was Probably a Mistake
Originally convinced that Rook would be an unfortunate but necessary contact, Motes has since come to appreciate his skill at being both discrete and blunt in turn, making everyone squirm at some point or another. Since he’s helped her find a job with the Eorzean Free Trade Company, Motes has stopped going out of her way to talk to him. It’s less out of the want to stay away and more out of concern that she asks too many questions of him and that she eventually incur his wrath as a result, since she no longer has official business with him. Since her employment at EFTC has ended, Motes has seen neither hide nor hair of the man or his metal companion, which saddens her to a degree.
While Motes originally sought out this Roegadyn because of the suicidal intent that simply oozed off of him, intending to find a way to help him connect with life more than death, she’s become particularly fond of him. She might call him an emotional terrorist, or claim that he plays dumb, Motes seeks out his company uncharacteristically often. The two can often be heard discussing various tactics, or sussing out the strengths and weaknesses of anyone who might be an opponent. They can also be caught talking about various nautical practices or navigation tools though neither of them seems to have the inclination to actually go to sea. Their conversations also tend to have long silences, but neither of them seem upset by that. It’s all part of the friendship that neither of will really talk at length on. Motes has not seen him since the day she moved out of their room without notice, without waiting for him to return home to her. She assumes that he is dead, as he often told her to assume he was if he didn’t make it back to her.


Enqdai Hotgo ( ) ( Player ) - Surly is as Surly Does
There are no right feet to start on with these two, though somehow they regularly--okay, semi-regularly-- make it through a conversation. Motes is in the wrong with Enqdai--but she'll never admit it to the other woman.
Hawu Jinjahl ( ) ( Player ) - Mystery Academic
Hawu is a very singluar person. A teacher, a strange confidant, and probably the reason her brother will end up dead from a science experiment all in one woman (who alwats seems to have mysterious ailments that cannot be fixed). Motes wants to remain wary of her, but has begun to think well of the woman despite her better judgement.
Hesher Graves ( ) ( Player ) - The Erstwhile Captain
As with all of her friends, Motes didn't really mean to make a friend when she asked Hesher if he was lost. She mostly wanted him to sit still or go away. And yet, here we are--slightly past the beginning of a friendship that pulls no punches.His ability to roll with whatever she can throw at him endears him to her and his seemingly earnest desire to see her happy is unnerving.
Crish ( Status Icons Go Here ) ( NPC ) - Title Given By Character Goes Here
Text, text, text, text.
Name Goes Here ( Status Icons Go Here ) ( NPC ) - Title Given By Character Goes Here
Text, text, text, text.
Some of these rumors are untrue, speculation, or are greatly exaggerated. Please feel free to add your own rumors under the Player Character category!


◢ Common Rumors - Easily overheard. Use these freely!

    “I don’t think she understands how body guarding works. She keeps telling her charges what to do.”
    "I told her she was the most honorable of all of us and she laughed in my face, told me that lies were unbecoming. I don’t understand."
    "She’s the biggest highlander I’ve ever seen—there’s no way that woman is really a Roegadyn."

◢ Uncommon Rumors - A little more difficult to hear. Use sparingly or ask first!

    “She called me Ul’Dahn today, I think it was an insult. She smiled, but she still looked angry.”
    “I saw her with another man today. I still can’t tell if she’s sleeping with any of them.”
    “I wouldn’t trust –anyone- with a face marked up like that. Symbols aren’t that obscure. Look ‘em up.”

◢ Rare Rumors - Very rarely overheard. Please ask before using!

    "“I heard the Duskwight she travels with call her Stahlwyda the other day. Wasn’t that the place with the arson and the triple homicide? I heard there were no survivors, that can’t be right.”"
    “She’s on first name basis with some of the Tempered Sylphs. And I heard they don’t call her Motes.”/div>
    “They found a conjurer all sliced to hell the day she left Limsa. I’m not sayin’ she did it, but she’s the only one who would’ve.”


◢ Player Character Rumors - Feel free to add rumors of your own!
    "Weird lass, that'n. She dunnae know shite about anythin', far as I'm concerned. But all th' same, I like ta keep an eye on her." Sigyn Shieldbreaker
    "Motes? Most dependable woman I know, despite what she’ll tell you. If you’re looking down the blade of her sword, you must have screwed up well and proper. Doesn’t pull steel without a very good reason.." D'arca Ovraen
    "Add rumor here." Name
Plot Hooks & Reasons for Interaction

The Grindstone.
■ Perhaps you've seen Motes watching (but never competing) at the Grindstone. She always seems to watch the fighters and (perhaps especially) the healers with disdain bordering on disgust. Even so, she attends the event with alarming frequency.
■ This woman, clearly some sort of mage, has the solid stance of a martial soldier even from withing her heavy robes. Why doesn't she ever compete?
■ Motes almost always attends this event alone. This is an extremely social event, but the Roegadyn doesnt seem to treat it as such. There is rarely any joy or revelry in her expression when watches the combatants.

At Inns/Adventurer's Guilds.
■ Perhaps you've seen Motes sitting idly in an inn, at a table alone. If so, she almost always has a spread of fortune telling cards laid out in front of her, idly turning them over again and again. Her deck is extremely worn - the faces of some of the cards are completely worn away, but the cards that remain are exquisitely hand painted with expensive materials including gold bordering all the cards.
■ Most notably "the Tower" card is worn away to almost nothing in her deck. For some reason, it is clearly her most used card.

Chocobo Breeding.
■ Have you seen her bird? He's a monster--a dreadnought of a fowl and gentle as a lamb when he works with her. He's a very unique color, too. Word is, her bird might be from special stock. Good to know if you're in the market.

Renowned Limsan Free Company "THE JUTE".
■ Motes carries a worn embroidered emblem on the largest of her visible purses strapped to her hip. It is meticulously cared for and in the shape of a 7-POINTED STAR with a SHIELD.
■ THE JUTE used to be well known and well regarded among the Free Companies of Limsa Lominsa. They specialized in high seas missions for the Admiral and her burgeoning grand company. Those missions ranged from dangerous rescue missions to high profile VIP escorts. The leader of the Free Company, Tragan, put the well being of the citizens of Limsa Lominsa over everything.
■ THE JUTE disbanded some eight odd years ago after the death of their leader, Tragan.
■ It looks like this mage, Motes, still constantly holds herself at attention. Was she once a soldier for them? Surely she's not old enough for that adn she doesn't look like a combat spell slinger. How odd.

Tattoo of Dishonor
■ Motes has a very distinctive tattoo wrapped across her face that she makes no effort to hide. In fact, the lines on it are so still that it seems as though she must have been very accommodating for the person who did the tattoo to keep it so neat.
■ Her tattoo is a mark steeped in Sea Wolf symbolism--and if that wasn't odd enough on a Hellsguard, it's also less of a tattoo and more of a brand across her face. It's a brand for someone who has committed an unspeakable act and been caught. Anyone with a history of Sea Wolf symbolism would know this.
■ Equally strange is the pulsing aether steeped into the very ink of the tattoo. What a puzzle.

Tragan Ovraen's Code of Ethics

This is a series of promises that Motes made to her twice-mentor Tragan shortly before his death. While she does keep to this code the majority of the time, she struggles with it daily and never breaks from it on purpose.

These promises are not listed with numbers so that no promise may seem more important than the others, and so that every oath is just as binding.

  • Your People come before all else.
    • Anyone who benefits you by being alive is your People.
    • They always come before yourself.
    • Anything that betters them, betters you.
    • Your pride is less important than their needs.
    • If one of your people falters, it is you who must help them. If everyone were to delegate helping to someone else, no helping would ever be done.
    • If your People are to be hale and whole, they must be happy too.
  • Speak no word that is not true.
    • Every falsehood will eventually come to light. This is a universal truth and is inevitable.
    • Even if you have helped someone before, they are under no obligation to help and will not help you if you have not proved yourself to be trustworthy.
    • Your honesty can be your greatest tool and most powerful weapon.
  • Nothing is free. Everything must be earned.
    • This includes thievery and stealing. Even if you worked to steal the item in question, you did not earn it.
    • Those who promise everything for nothing are liars and should be stopped.
  • Never walk away from an opportunity to better yourself.
    • Never let a skill you could use to help others atrophy.
    • No matter how menial the practice, do it to the best of your abilities.
    • To be truly balanced, you must be more than your physical power and fighting prowess.
    • Embrace every chance to end fights with words rather than violent deeds. Every dispute settled in this fashion saves another person from wounds they do not need.
    • Never forget that every person has both a mind and a body: you must maintain both to be ready for any threat.
    • Look at all your options before denying any of them. A chance set aside because of willful ignorance can be the difference between life and death.
    • Walking away from those who need your help is walking away from the best opportunity of all and an unforgivable offense.

Songs for Motes
Songs used set a mood, lyrics may not reflect the views of my character. Please mind your speakers when clicking the links.

    [Link Here Title]
    Artist: ---
    [Link Here Title]
    Artist: ---
    [Link Here Title]
    Artist: ---

The Many Faces of Motes Bellanes

Personal RP Limits

I will play mature content and themes (violence, sexuality, drug / alcohol use) as long as they're logical in a plot-driven encounter. Coarse and excessive language. Temporary injury and incapacitation. Temporary imprisonment. Most walk-up encounters.
Ask about long-term and/or permanent injury and disfigurement. Long-term captivity or imprisonment.
I won't play permanent character death or rape plots.
■ If an aspect of RP makes you uncomfortable in a scene we're playing, please send me a /tell, letting me know. Communication is very important, more important than potentially keeping immersion.
Links Out
Links that lead off the wiki, but are technically relevant to the character.
■ Title: [Link Here Title]
■ Title: [Link Here Title]
■ Title: [Link Here Title]
Time Zone/Server
■ EST (GMT-5)
■ Balmung

Thank you all for letting me use/alter your codes. If it weren't for you my wiki would not look how it does.

■ Template was created by Bancroft Gairn.
■ Adapted by Xheja Rajhera.
■ Background and headers Atreus del Alumet.
■ Tabs by Suen Shyu.
■ Music and OOC notes by Glioca Sargonnai.
■ Mashing everything together like a mad scientist D'lyhhia Lhuil.

Please remember to proper credit when using this wiki. Thank you.

"What are you going to do? Make me?"