Esredes Rosemond

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General Information

Esredes is a former Ishgardian knight turned heretic. After an incident with dragon’s blood from his childhood came to light and he was nearly killed as a result, he turned against Ishgard and became devoted to winning the Dragonsong War for the heretics by either taking over or destroying Ishgard. Now fueled by a mixture of vengeance and the need to liberate his people, Esredes continues to press on after years of fighting, refusing to give up the fight no matter how much it takes his toll on him.

Nominated to take Iceheart’s place by his own people after the climax of the war, Esredes was later officially pardoned by Aymeric and allowed to return to his original home under the condition of adhering to the new law and government. In the wake of the ashes of the war and his movement, Esredes continues to operate in a delicate balance between law and necessity, helping the new Ishgard while being well-prepared for a potential resurrection of the war. Despite his many doubts about his own abilities, he has taken up the mantle given to him of Her successor- continuing to convert people to his side and ideology and carefully watch and infiltrate ongoings in Ishgard.

Perhaps there will be salvation in the ashes, or perhaps there is naught to do but delay the inevitable oblivion. One thing is for certain for the man: the war will never truly be over until he can make it so…. Or be forced to enact its resurrection.

His blog is here.


Esredes is a person for whom much is said or whispered about, often conflicting in nature. For many people, he is a dangerous, exploitative force of malevolence that no one seems to know how to stop and put down for good, an individual that one should stay away from or else they will either perish or be warped into another evildoer like himself. Yet for others, he is an unsung hero, a caring soul that heals the minds and hearts of people he passes, who many defend and stand by at all costs. But no matter what exactly is said about him, one thing is clear about the man: he is a driven individual with a cause in mind he will never forsake, wielding himself as an engraved, fancy blade with a sharp and rough edge against the opponents of his life’s mission, until such time as a blade finally takes to the fate of all its kind, to break in half and be discarded without a second thought.

At first glance, Esredes typically appears as a serious and reserved individual, often even standoffish to a degree. He usually starts off with anywhere from a simple and sometimes indifferent politeness to a neutral form of a speech, and even at times an outright distinctly unfriendly demeanor. By default, he is someone who trends to using fewer words and prefers being somewhat blunt and to the point with a tone that is not particularly emotional, but this can shift to going on for several sentences at a time and even monologuing with much more passion in his voice the moment something strikes his emotional chord or brings up something he knows much about. He isn’t opposed to conversation by default, but his sociability often depends on how much a person is of interest to him, also typically indicated by his tone taking on more emotional inflections. Regardless of his level of conversational effort, his noble upbringing ensures that he speaks with some level of higher vocabulary, but his inability to fully pick up the grace that comes with it results in some of his speech coming across as awkwardly phrased, or when angered, partially foregoing this pattern in favor of much more swearing. Beyond conversation, the air that Esredes carries around himself has a certain powerful, elegant and regal feeling- regardless of how plain and ordinary he chooses to dress- yet weighs heavy with an unmistakable feeling of tenseness, shrouding itself in mystery all around him. Just beyond the fog and faint to the eye are the deep and dark depths within the man- but to approach them is to risk falling straight in, and perhaps some things are best left undiscovered.

A soldier at his core, Esredes wields himself equally in mind and body, well equipped for either physical or mental warfare in whatever battle manifests day to day. His mind operates primarily in the medium of logical thinking, strategy, and a realistic outlook. Whether it is simple everyday life or a matter of life and death, Esredes prefers to have at least some sort of plan, and often evaluates his actions to figure out what is the safest, most efficient way to go about them, when to and when not to take a risk on something or someone. Years of operation in this mindset have allowed Esredes to most of the time end up as the person in the room who comes to the best plan of action the quickest, or at all, but it has also lead him to assess situations and people as threats in ways that cause him to behave abnormally at times, assume and react before he has enough information to go off of, or be controlled by paranoia. Esredes almost always takes situations more seriously than everyone else, and will always assume the role of responsibility when there is not a clear person elected to, having no hesitations about immediately shutting down anything that doesn’t meet his standards of safe or effective, no matter the social or emotional costs it has. He keeps his own clear standards for himself in all areas of mental performance from the strategic to the moral, and is reputable for being headstrong and stubborn in all of the ideals he holds in his own head. His secondary modes of thinking are those of emotion and negotiation with others, both of which are more hit and miss in nature. On one hand, he is skilled at using his more primary mode of logic and reasoning to sway people to his words and hopefully even to his side, and is able to fester doubt in peoples’ mind about the nature of themselves or their situation to trigger a realization. He can read and manage someone’s emotions quickly and effectively, defuse tense or hostile situations, and calm others down with effective communication. But he is just as likely to be at a loss for how someone is feeling and how to manage it, or say the exact wrong thing to make a situation worse. Depending on how a situation plays out, Esredes is either a clever and cunning strategist and negotiator… or a clueless and dense, socially ineffective fool.

Yet all of Esredes’ constructed ways of mental operation, walls, and carrying himself melt away in certain circumstances, revealing the core, unfiltered person beneath everything. Esredes’ purest form of self is that of a perfectly ordinary, average person forced to use what he has to appear and live as much more. When he cannot be calculated or clever, he reverts to the only somewhat about average intelligence person he truly is that doesn’t actually possess the traits of extended higher thinking one would expect from his position. When he decides not to be serious, he instead either becomes a playful and amused, more snarky person, paired with frequent smirking and more remarks than usual, or he reveals a more dorky part of himself that is endearingly a bit slow to grasp some cues people give to him, and says things either intentionally or unintentionally more goofy in nature. Regardless of the perception others have of him and that which he projects, Esredes operates on the simple idea that he is but the same as any other individual- not a driving, singular force that alone can turn a tide, but merely a small part of a much larger whole, an easily replaceable tool.

This reality does not stop Esredes’ unwavering determination and drive in life from being motivated by his need to put himself behind a cause higher than him and contribute to what he views as bettering the world. While many would do this for moral purposes, and he is no exception, for him it is also a matter of simple practicality. Anything less and more self-centered would be boring and unfulfilling and leave him restless. He puts his cause and his allies all above himself, and is more than willing to die for either. Combined with his undying loyalty, this leads to it being extremely difficult to put a stop to him once he is set out on a task in the name of his greater good. He doesn’t hesitate to save those he perceives as in peril, even if it means occasionally being fooled by a trap, and generally keeps his word and deals he makes with others. In addition, Esredes is a proficient leader to his people, preferring to foster a relationship based on trust in his capabilities over raw authority and drive his subordinates to become their best selves, even if it means taking the time to check in on them and ensure they are in the best condition to continue on and listen to him. In the same vein, he is willing to do what needs to be done, even if it is unpleasant and hard, to save others from having to do so instead.

But his definition of what should be done… does not quite match up with a lot of others’. Esredes sorts people into categories- categories that dictate if someone is worthy of any consideration before being killed or not. And those who fail to meet his standards of consideration- such as people who are too self-centered or contribute nothing to the world or those who harm and destroy it and other people- are people he will kill without a second thought, often times even taking sadistic enjoyment in the act and believing he has simply offed a lesser being that is wasting space with its defectiveness. True to the form he gave himself, Esredes does not shy away from enjoying violence and fighting to a certain extent and being brutal when there is time and reason for it. While he keeps his calm and calculated manner about in fighting for the most part, the right combination of events loosening his mental restraints under too much pressure can plunge him into a state of mind pertaining to his more inherently chaotic side, a repressed spirit of his personality that controlled him in much of his childhood characterized by rash, destructive, and impulsive behavior. While in this state, Esredes will lose all of his calculated and effective execution in favor of hyperfocusing in on a single target no matter how wounded he is and trying to destroy it entirely, leaving him vulnerable to being wounded more and making his actions much more unpredictable. Fortunately, it doesn’t take much to snap him out of this state and allow him to regain his former composure. Even beyond the battlefield, Esredes has a somewhat selective form of empathy that only applies to people he deems complete enough to deserve it, and he has a strong tendency for manipulation, not opposed to stooping to deception, psychological tactics, and guilt tripping and gaslighting to get people to do as he needs, though he has more limitations depending on how much he genuinely cares for a person. Without those limitations and a particular distaste for a target, however, Esredes is prone to becoming emotionally and verbally abusive when he believes a person deserves it. He is even capable of inflicting harsh psychological warfare on others and breaking apart their very reality for his own warped sense of justice and pleasure. While not incapable of feeling remorse and trying to make up for his actions later if he learns he has distributed his twisted sense of justice unfairly, he otherwise holds none and even a lot of pleasure about tearing someone apart physically and mentally.

Even without resorting to these measures, Esredes has plenty of other ways to appear generally unpleasant. He is very judgemental by nature, often looking down on people and seeing their flaws before their good traits and holding them in lower regard until they prove themselves worthy of a higher tier of consideration. He will often knowingly or unknowingly talk down to people, and explain things to them as if they don’t already know them or as if they were almost a child. This narrow-minded mentality of his is very unreliable and often too black and white, putting people in boxes and jumping to conclusions without proper evidence. It also contributes to a situational and mild form of arrogance manifesting in the man. Esredes also doesn’t hesitate when there are no consequences to let someone know he dislikes him, and openly insult them while having fun with it. A lifetime of letting hate fester in the black part of his heart has made it all too easy for him to give in and let it consume his actions.

But there are two sides to every coin, and Esredes is no different. When he finds people in his good graces and worthy, he is just as capable of building people up as he would be tearing them apart, and quite likes encouraging others and building their self esteem, allowing them to see their positive traits and teaching them about what they’re missing. He is willing to give out love and affection to people who seem to need it in hopes of a return in the form of loyalty to him, and he can be surprisingly patient, kind, and even tolerant of the stranger and less effective parts of people, even understanding and a good listener on top of it. He has a particular soft spot for people who are abused, downtrodden, and vulnerable, and feels compelled to build them up into better people. After all, when you see a clearly broken thing in front of you, is it not common sense to fix it? Esredes’ inconsistent emotion reading ability also makes him capable of seeing into peoples’ issues easily and psychoanalyzing them, and he is blunt enough to tell people what their problems are and offer them advice and help. In the same territory, Esredes is a chronic worrier, unable to stop himself from always being concerned about his loved ones and their well being. Past a certain level of bonding, there is little he won’t do for someone he cares about. However, he will not hesitate to resort to weaponizing his affection and guilt tripping when he feels someone is taking advantage of or trampling on his kindness, or even falling right into verbally abusive territory if he feels particularly violated.

But beyond the man’s great capability for both destruction and salvation, beyond his calculated and structured mind or fallen irrationality, and beyond the simple person at his core, lie the depths of a dark abyss left to fester for multiple decades until it became but the most ordinary thing. Esredes views himself as nothing but a weapon, the perfect soldier. And to be the perfect soldier, he believes he was carefully constructed from the beginning with an intentionally hollow center, lacking the true humanity of an ordinary person in order to be an acceptable disposable body and not be tempted into being anything more. In addition, he is not entirely lacking self awareness about his tendency to be perceived in a negative light, and believes he is meant to be an undesirable individual that attracts hatred in order to absorb it so others don’t have to. He has resigned himself to the fate of a soldier’s death on the battlefield from a relatively young age, and fights on until this inevitable fate take holds of him.

Yet once the war ended, all of this went from being a simple truth to breaking down and overflowing into his regular mind, leading to greater difficulties in maintaining his usual composed and together mindset. In addition to believing he is a complete failure for not winning the war, he now questions if a worn down weapon has any place in a world that asks him to adapt roles he is ill-suited for, or if he should seek out another way to complete his fate in the wake of the ash…

But be it towards his own, inevitable destruction or a hypothetical reevaluation and rebirthing of his very being, Esredes will always press on and keep going. For the sake of his cause or people, nothing short of death can truly stop Esredes from follwoing the path he refuses to abandon.

For a soldier must live to fight, until his very last breath is past.


Esredes stands a little under average male Elezen height at 6'0, and is more widely built than the in game model. He resembles a Gridanian Elezen better than an Ishgardian one, with his light brown skin and crimson hair, swept back behind his head and forming into tips behind it. His eyes resemble a fire with their orange coloring, and when he is experiencing intense emotions, they often feel as if there is one burning within. In relation to the in game model, it should be noted he lacks the widow's peak, and the hair in front of the ears. His appearance is often geared to intimidation, and he gives off a distinct powerful, but uneasy aura. When not in his own version of the typical haubergeon uniform, he usually keeps his outfits relatively simple and not attracting attention, save for the ever present shade of red- but traces of his former highborn fashion sense still remain. He also keeps his sword and sheath on him in most situations.

His second form is that of a red and golden quadruped wyvern, standing tall at nine foot five and stretching outwards to eleven foot seven, though he occasionally takes on an in between form, in which he maintains his bipedal size and shape but with all of his draconic features intact.

Despite the resemblance, he is not in any way related to Jannequinard.


Esredes was born into a noble Ishgardian family, and was raised on conservative and strict values, told he must uphold the dignity and honor of the family. However, as he developed, he began to exhibit behavioral issues and this eventually caused his family to try and hide him away from the public in their shame as they tried to get his behavior under control.

As his parents struggled to deal with the eldest child, elsewhere in Ishgard lied a small group of common folk with an agenda against the elite and the system, who were hatching a plan to bring the entire system into question, by slipping dragon’s blood into the drink of a few select elites at a party and letting the uproar dismantle the rest of their family and bring the entire elite under fire. The moody and impatient young Rosemond kid was selected as one of these targets, as not only was a kid an easy target, it would bring much more backfire if a child was killed. Though the actual process itself was a success, the group was then killed in a violent standoff a week later during another criminal act, thus letting their scheme die with them.

Unaware of all of this, when Esredes began to experience the effects of the blood the next day, he was full of panic and terror, thinking he had been cursed, but he did not tell anyone about it. He was old enough to somewhat understand this would be taken badly, and kept it hidden and never tried to experiment with his ability to shift. Hiding this only increased his behavioral problems as well, and eventually peers began to turn away from him for fear of being brought into trouble, leaving him isolated. His parents eventually stepped in and forced him to behave at age fifteen after an incident warranted it being the last straw. After some resistance, he finally conceded and began to behave like a young adult willing to take responsibility for himself. From there, his family and social life returned to stability.

He later joined the Ishgardian military upon reaching adulthood, as it had been his dream for a while to fight, and he was confident in his ability to hide his secret and still become a war hero. He began to win back family honor by becoming a formidable soldier and advancing in the ranks until he was near the top. However, one day during a battle, he was knocked off a cliff ledge to what would have been certain death if he had not shifted wings and glided to a lower ledge for safety, passing it off as a miracle survival. He thought no one had saw it when they rescued him later, but when a group of people showed up with weapons to surround his location later on, he learned very quickly someone must have said something. While he attempted voicing his innocence, it fell on deaf ears, and so he was forced to use the military skills and strategies he had gained, suffering several injuries and injuring several people to escape.

Now on the run and lost without anywhere to go to, Esredes continued fleeing, aiming to make his way towards Ul’dah. He was discovered again in the process and suffered much worse injuries escaping from his pursuers, but was found by a band of heretics and taken for medical treatment. After being told their side of the story, he reluctantly agreed to help them fight against Ishgard, if they would help him achieve something. This deal was then fulfilled, and so he began to embrace his dragon side and become loyal to the heretic cause. He has since become a powerful member in the group and continues to lead sieges against Ishgard.

After enduring countless hardships and countless witnesses of his people being slaughtered, the war finally reached its turning point and Esredes was left in the dust as it spiraled far beyond the heretic's control. He held down the faction after the death of his beloved leader, and was planning to disappear from Eorzea entirely as the war ended- only to be approached by an acquaintance and informed he had been pardoned by the new leader, legally able to return to Ishgard as a normal citizen.

After much deliberation and hesitance, he opted to accept this offer, not so much for himself, but for the sake of his people who would do the same, and once purchasing a house in Foundation on money borrowed from a few highborn ally sources, he remains in the city-state working as a negotiator between it and dragons, all while dealing with frequent surges of depression.

Ideologies, Beliefs, and Stances

  • Obviously, Esredes hates Ishgard. He believes strongly in reforging Ishgard one way or another, and believes it falls to the heretics to take the place over and dismantle and rebuild the system. To that effect, he believes very strongly in the heretic cause and believes it is just and right, no matter how many brutal things they do. Even after Heavensward he still tends to refuse to admit they did wrong beyond a 'we were both wrong.'
  • In classic Elezen fashion, he has a mild sense of racism towards Miqo'te. He won't say anything, but he will definitely think it, and occasionally make a racist comment to someone else. To him, he's almost never met a smart Miqo'te, and seriously wonders if they're just inherently dumber than the other races, on top of believing that most of them love to be scantily clad. He also is very ill versed in the culture of either clan, to the point he barely knows the differences between Seekers and Keepers beyond the eyes and one living in Gridania.
  • Same level of racism goes to Viera and Hrothgar, though he has yet to form an opinion on their intelligence levels or sexuality. He just dislikes the look and vibe both give off. Still, like before, its often kept in his head and he's not outright hostile to any of the three races at first, if they prove useful. Often he pretends he isn't racist at all if they are.
  • He's no longer able to commit to any type of religious practice, not even that of Shiva. At most, he sees her as a beacon of hope, and any sort of prayers or thanks he gives to her are more just for the expression. This effectively makes him someone who doesn't deny the existence of gods, but does not waste time following them.
  • Regardless of his bitterness towards Ishgard, he can agree like most that the Garlean Empire is a much bigger threat that needs to be taught to stay away from Eorzea. He has no reason to hold back on them. He takes pride in the fact that dragons took them down the first time. This becomes even worse after Heavensward. However, he does have a more tolerant opinion of turncoats, considering several of them were his allies as a heretic.
  • He really does not like Ascians. You'd figure that'd be common sense, and yet they took one of his family members and keep threatening to take others close to him. Needless to say, he wishes he knew a way to make them not exist so he could have all his relationships back.
  • When it comes to his general view of people, he has a hard-pressed realist outlook. He believes that people are not inherently special or meaningful, but because everyone is born with willpower, it is the key to creating a person who has a purpose and a use. Your skills and mind are what matters more than background. And he definitely includes himself in this with a level of self-awareness that he too is a completely average person given shape by what he's learned to do.
  • This is one of many reasons why Warriors of Light inherently piss him off. He can tell they're all completely average people who everyone latched onto the special power of. It's an unfair and unhealthy way to cheat the system that he's only ever seen result in a fall.
  • He STILL believes Shiva isn't a real primal.



  • Skilled in swordplay. Not so much with a shield.
  • Not very speedy overall, but able to go faster in quick bursts and sometimes manage just based off quick reaction and reflex times.
  • Has a high pain tolerance.
  • High endurance. Often able to press on and keep going at a task when others would succumb to exhaustion.
  • Physically decently strong, especially in dragon form, where he is able to pick people up in his hands or fly them on his back. Not to mention he can muster enough force in the form to break some kinds of bones with his bare hands.
  • Melee ability in Elezen form is okay at best and not his strong suit.
  • Knows how to use a knife and a dagger. Neither is his strong suit.
  • While his swordplay is a more practical and brutal style in a real battle, he can manage a certain level of more graceful and elegant, artistic swordplay in friendly duels or by himself.
  • Has used a gun once, but doesn't actually know how to use one beyond pointing and firing and hoping for the best.


  • His aether is entirely tainted draconic and a lot of it is built up in his eyes. If you discount the eye aether and the draconic taint, however, then he has a normal amount of aether, particularly aspected to earth and mind.
  • Transformation: The ability to transform into a wyvern. Esredes will become shrouded in black and lose shape and form, the mass rising upward and reforming into the shape of a wyvern. The blackness will then dissipate and the transformation will be complete. He can control the speed of the transformation and stop it at any point in the process, rendering himself somewhere between forms. The blackness will not appear if shifting an individual body part or a small area.
  • Geokinesis: A broad ranging ability that grants Esredes control over the ground itself. He is able to exert pressure on the ground in order to move it up or down (with several seconds of delay or more depending on how loose the ground is), cause very minor earthquakes in a limited radius (about the size of a clearing or so), and lift up and throw small rocks. This effectively gives him terraforming capabilites, given enough time and effort. It also grants him the passive ability of being more sensitive to changes in the earth. If an earthquake or geological event were to be on the horizon, he would likely sense it before anyone else.
  • Disorient: Esredes’ tainted aether grants him the ability to fire a pink beam of mind magic from his hand towards the target’s head. While the exact effects vary per mind, generally the target will experience dizziness, loss of balance, head pounding, a sense of confusion, and a loss of awareness about where they are. The effect usually wears off in anywhere from 10 to 15 seconds, and grows less effective with successive blasts in a short period of time. The less developed the mind is (such as the mind of an animal or young child), the more effective the move usually is. It is semi-permeable and can pass through thin layers of matter, but only works if it hits the head and easily dissipates if hit by something else.
  • Cloaking Illusion: A minor illusory ability that allows Esredes to target someone’s mind and project into it so that he is hidden against the background from their perspective and effectively invisible. The effect shimmers if he moves, can only be projected up to a certain distance away, and he can only handle having it displayed into 2-3 minds at once.
  • He lacks any other sort of magical abilities or proficiency, or any sort of aether sensing abilities. Can cast a basic cure spell pulling from his own aether if he has a conjurer's wand, but that's about it.


  • Esredes' main intellectual strength is strategy and planning. He is skilled at battle tactics and clever moves to catch the enemy off-guard.
  • Has an above average vocabulary, and it shows in the most ungraceful ways when he speaks.
  • His emotional intelligence is very hit and miss, sometimes being able to understand people and get through to them in ways others don't, but otherwise often being very unsure of how to handle someone. His ability to read people, in addition, is mostly based on psychological stereotypes.
  • He is skilled in logical thinking and can keep his mind rational and calm even in the middle of a battlefield. Exceptions apply.
  • His mathematical skills only extend to basic math.
  • Not particularly creative in the artistic sense.
  • He is good at explaining things to people, motivating and encouraging others, and inspiring them to be more self-confident.
  • Skilled in persuasion and manipulation.
  • Can speak Dragonspeak.
  • Decent at keeping up an act for a period of time.
  • Psychologically torturing people if he can figure out their weak point.
  • He can keep himself and his spaces organized and is good about being responsible.
  • Determination and stubbornness.
  • Overall somewhat above average intelligence.
  • Can typically detect someone is lying if they're not good at lying.
  • Knows a lot about Ishgardian history, both the real and fake kind, and has some knowledge in the histories of the other areas as well.


  • He knows the basic stitches and basic needlework.
  • Has neat and semifancy handwriting.
  • Can make a few basic kinds of tea.
  • Inflicting pain. Questionable ability at physical torture.
  • Knowledgeable about combat medicine and how to treat wounds without magic.


  • Esredes' favorite animal is a rabbit. He has no desire to own one, but he is quite fond of their unique look and how cute their eyes and ears are.
  • Though he is somewhat of a picky eater, he favors most meats and trends to savory over sweet, generally having more of a stomach for it. His years of being a soldier on rations have left him with a limited capacity for food, and he has trouble finishing larger portions and prefers to save the rest. True to his Ishgardian upbringing, he also favors tea of various kinds, and has a particular fondness for La Noscean oranges, to the point he pays the expense of importing them to his home to let them sit in a fruit bowl by their own. If he allows you to have or gives you an orange, it's a sign he likes you. You can read about his food preferences here.
  • Underneath his clothes are a lot of scars to no surprise, but there is a particularly nasty area of scar tissue on the center of his back. Though never quite prone to scar dysphoria before, the end of war brought with it a sudden onset. He also does not allow people to touch his neck, as years of it being targeted have left the sensation of anything touching it an uncomfortable reflex.
  • He has not changed the sword he uses in more than two decades. Anytime he loses or breaks it, he replaces it with an identical copy he has created ahead of time.
  • His Meyer-Briggs Personality Type is ISTJ. He'd also be a proud Gryffindor.
  • His current hairstyle was born out of letting his hair get too long in the back around a year after he became a heretic and experimenting with ways to hide its shaggy appearance until he could get his hands on scissors. He wasn't sure if what he settled on looked stupid or worked until people told him the latter. Now he refuses to change it unless he's in a situation of disguising himself, in which he will simply deflate the tips in the back to rest at his neck.
  • His name is the result of his parents wanting their firstborn to have a unique name that only he would ever hold. It's not unheard for Esredes to acknowledge the strangeness of his own name, but he does in fact like it for being truly his name much more than he could ever feel embarrassed over its weirdness. In an OOC sense, it doesn't mean anything. I literally just made it up but I think it's funny when people mistake it for a lore friendly french name.
  • Esredes is weird about names in general. He forgets the names of people he doesn't know well easily, and he tends to not start using peoples' names until he considers them relevant enough to himself. He also will almost never actually introduce himself by name until directly asked unless he wants to make an impression on someone. This sometimes leads to characters not knowing his actual name for multiple interactions.
  • He does own a bathing suit, but he cannot swim.
  • His character design is based off being a gijinka'd take on this dragon I got from a hatchery on Flight Rising. The eye color and general look of the dragon form ended up being dropped entirely in favor of something more in line with the antagonistic concept that emerged for his original universe.
  • Both shadow and fire were considered for his elemental powers and motifs, but earth and mind were instead chosen for being more unique and representing the character in better ways. Instead, the remaining three traditional elements take on literary motifs with him, air represented by wind in the form of signaling a warning that a mistake is being made or about to occur, fire representing his general drive, personality, and destructive capabilities, and water, specifically cold water, representing his negative emotions.
Family Involved Romantic Unofficially Adopted [Explanation] Unofficially Adopted By [Explanation] Platonic Physical Friend Acquaintance $ Business Deceased Positive Negative Neutral Unsure
Mother, Loving, but complicated. ()
Character's Thoughts: "I appreciate all she did for me and all she put up with. But I can never again be the son she was looking for."
Mother is a stern lady, but one who takes action. During his teenage years, he was mad at her a lot, for various reasons relating to his acting out, but came to regret it all once the behavior passed. He always tried to do what he could to make up for all the stress he put her through- and for some time, that worked out. Until he had to confess to being a dragon after rescuing her, and subsequently, why he couldn't leave the heretics.

Since then, everything is always strained when he visits, and he can feel her disappointment even if she started trying to make an effort to hide it. He can't blame her. He failed her, and took everything from her she had worked for all her life. And he knows he'll never, ever, be able to make up for it.

So all he can do is endure the perpetual turbulence of an airship, fated to crash, and yet never going to hit the ground.
Father, Loving, but also complicated. ()
Character's Thoughts: " ."
Description of their relationship.
Seraphiaux Rosemond, Little Brother. () - The Broken, Lightless Pendant.
Character's Thoughts: "There comes a point when someone has to give up on what is not possible. No matter how much it hurts."
Once upon a time, these two got along.

Even during the height of Esredes' teenage rebellion phase, when everyone else shunned him away, his adorable precious little brother was there to try to cheer him up. And it helped a little, having him to turn to when he felt loneliest. It was the kind of debt he would never forget.

Back then, he had no reason not to love his little brother. He was such a kind little kid with what Esredes was almost convinced had a child prodigy level of healing talent. Oh, sweet little Sera.

So time passed, and Sera grew. Esredes went down his path of becoming a knight, and succeeded, and all was well.

And then the time bomb stopped ticking. And the teenager was traumatized by an Inquisitor. And Esredes knows he probably blames him for it.

A year passed since the incident, a year of Esredes trying to get Seraphiaux to open up to him, to just let him comfort him, a year of patience as Seraphiaux was consistently distant. He wouldn't even allow him to touch him. He finally reached his limit when he caught Seraphiaux leaving home, and he tried to lie to him about doing so until Esredes begged him to talk to him- then told him he would go register at the conjurer's guild, and was fine if Esrey visited.

It didn't take long for Esredes to find out this was another lie.

So he confronted Seraphiaux, even as he tried to run away from him on his Chocobo. He released all of his pent up anger at Seraphiaux for his horrible treatment of him, and shattered in front of his eyes a pendant he had given to him a few years ago as a good luck charm, before telling him he genuinely hopes he could learn to love someone again, and telling him goodbye until that happens.

And so the debt had to be forgotten.

What made it worse later down the line, is that Sera did learn to someone. And it wasn't him.

Esredes can feel nothing but a numb sort of emotional pain now. He had displeased his parents before, but never Sera. Yet it meant nothing, in the end, all the times they spent together as kids. Well, that's just the icing on the cake of losing every single relationship he had before becoming a harrier. And if he wasn't certain enough he was a lost cause already, eventually Esrey finds out Sera also gave his allegiance to the Ascians. Wow. Because that is so much more holy than being a dragon, isn't it? There was much more darkness in him than Esredes ever thought, and if he can't turn himself around like Esredes told him to, then Esredes can't feel much of any regret officially disowning him sometime down the line.

At least Ysayle makes for a better little sibling than he is. To fill the void in his heart that Seraphiaux left for him.

Unlike him, she doesn't leave.
Ysayle Dangoulain, Sort-of Leader, Sort-of adoptive little sister. () - The beacon of hope/ice daughter.
Character's Thoughts: "Everything about Ysayle is wonderful. She's taken such a large burden on her shoulders, but I believe in her to bring in the new age."
Esredes remembers when Ysayle first came to the camp, a child who had lost everything. He remembers how everyone took an interest in the new heretic and the mystery surrounding her. And he remembers when she revealed to him, and eventually the rest of the camp, the nature of her power. Once she could prove it was real, all he could see in her was overflowing potential. The potential to unite the heretic factions under the charisma of her being. And he couldn’t be more proud of her for what she’s accomplished for their people.

He sees Ysayle as almost a little sister of sorts. She’s still young, she’s still vulnerable in the mind. He wants to continue to be there to help guide her along and make her learn to love herself. Despite her being the leader of the heretics, Esredes sees her less as his leader and more as the one who’s guiding everyone along, to which he then inputs on and assists. She can’t exactly boss him around, with him being there longer than she has by a few years. It only works one way.

But with her around, the heretics have hope to create their ideal version of the future. And she is the ship that will guide them to shore. And he, for one, will continue to be one of the navigators aboard.
Lycelle Monteaux, Ally In The Walls. ($) - Strange, but good to have around.
Character's Thoughts: "She's like a map with missing routes. You can't figure out where everything is by a simple glance. And yet, perhaps it's not important."
Having been an ally within the walls secretly sending them wagons full of supplies for them to raid, her contribution to the heretic movement is a very appreciated one. It’s always nice to find highborns who didn’t lose everything like him that are willing to assist and believe in the heretic movement. As for her as a person, she is rather intriguing. A glance into her eyes reveals cloudy mechanism he can't help but feel an urge to see clearly, but beyond that, she is by all means polite enough to ensure smooth interaction. He also really wishes he could kill her family. They are awful people, the kind that one can’t resist the urge to murder.
Celandione Averre, Pupil. () - The Red Storm and The Ripples/Anger daughter.
Character's Thoughts: "Dione has been through some rough times, but I want nothing more than to help her shine with her true potential."
Since he picked her and her brother up out of a chance encounter in the Coerthan wilderness, already heretics now wanting to join the Disciple's effort, this one has been a journey. A journey he doesn’t regret and is fine with going on, but a journey nonetheless. He likes Dione for her passion and dedication, and he thinks she’s a good kid- and boy does she act like a toddler half the time it seems- but she has to confront her inner demons and delusions and learn to control herself. Only then is she going to achieve a better sense of herself and be able to become the warrior he wants of her. He also knows something horrible has happened to her in the past, and he doesn’t have a way of understanding it, nor does he want to know the details. There’s nothing he can do but feel sympathetic for her in that regard. But she’s making progress despite that. He believes in her, he really does. And with his guidance, she’ll become something great.
Reveilleux Averre, Much Needed Reprieve Fellow Harrier. () - The brother/Intelligent son.
Character's Thoughts: "Rev is a sensible boy. He may be no fighter, but he's a lot of other things. One of which is definitely someone I want to keep around."
Her brother is a sensible type, and he appreciates being able to talk to him when he’s having difficulties deciphering Dione. It’s low effort to interact with him. He’s the ideal combination of mild-natured and someone who won’t push back. And that’s a headache Esrey doesn’t have to have. Overall, he hopes if he makes progress with his sister he’ll make him feel better in turn. Rev deserves to have that peace of mind. As more of a joking meta note, he's definitely the favorite son.
Luken Lorea, Endearingly Naive Fellow Harrier. () - Duskwight Son.
Character's Thoughts: "Ah, he's kind of cute in how much he stumbles. But at least he doesn't manage to fall over in the process."
Esredes picked Luken up after getting rid of a group of knights that were pestering him, likely for his heritage, and with the boy's rather naive and unconfident demeanor, it was easy to keep him around with his existing love of dragons. The boy certainly has some spine growing to do, but surprisingly his lack of confidence doesn't particularly bother or irritate Esrey. Perhaps its because he does as he's told, without question. He's a good kid, if nothing else, and Esredes hopes to get something interesting out of him in the future.
Rae Chival, Steady and Reliable Fellow Harrier. () - Summoner son.
Character's Thoughts: "I'm still learning about who he is, but I like what I see so far."
This new kid is shy, but intriguing, mostly for the things he can do with that book. Who ever heard of summoning representations of primals…? That could certainly aid their cause. In the meantime, he’s still evaluating him to figure out what he needs to know about the man. Nothing strikes him as particularly unfavorable or off yet. So far, so good.
Diamat Luneris, Ally Inside The Walls. ( ) - Duskwight Mom.
Character's Thoughts: "She seems like a good natured woman. Another source of aid in the basket."
A former heretic turned noble? How interesting. When she showed up to the harrier camp searching for her brother, he knew there was an opportunity to seize, and seize it he did, as she left empty handed but with promise of providing them aid. While he's still in the process of reading her, he's unaware of her own subconscious projections of her lost brother onto him. For now she seems to need nothing out of the harriers in return for her assistance, so the setup is ideal.
Caudecus Patenaude, Ally From Elsewhere. () - The Broken Pirate Scholar/Book Dad.
Character's Thoughts: "I pity him, that is for certain. There's a lot of tragedy to him. But that just means it falls to me to make something of the pieces. And I can at least try."
Initially mistaking him for an enemy, Esredes thankfully learned he was instead another victim of Ishgard's cruelty, in a particularly gruesome manner, and from ripping that information out of him, he thinks he immediately knows what's going on with his psyche. There's a worthless, insecure, vulnerable, and above all, asking for death person contained in all of that.

Though Esredes feels bad, he can't do much yet to help matters except gently nudge him in a positive direction when he can. And so that means dealing with his self-destructive tendencies as he assists him with his questionable research efforts, hoping it will yield a power that Esredes can turn upon the See in the future, all while also filling him in on all the truths of Ishgard he missed by not becoming a heretic when he left Ishgard. Needless to say, even if such a quest ultimately fails, at least he can make something useful out of a network ally in the Maelstrom.

In the meantime, the man is fun to tease, and call a pirate mockingly even though Esredes is well aware he isn't. Another person who falls under his powerful aura without much resistance and stands in awe of him is always a plus. He hopes to be able to use his power of influence to pull him away from his broken bubble. And regardless of what happens, at least this one will reveal himself to be a loyal ally in the long term.

Upon more interactions, Esredes has grown to respect him somewhat more and talk down to him less. He's still scatterbrained and sometimes oblivious for sure, but he can also pull his own weight in combat and be quite useful. What Esredes hasn't realized is his patience in putting up with him has caused the man to grow quite attached to him even in a short period of time. And he's likely to keep underestimating that factor for a long while until something pushes it to action.
Rusty Axe, In And Out Woletic Ally. () - The Confectionary Mystery/Brick Wall Son.
Character's Thoughts: "I wonder several things about him, but I'm not sure how to retrieve the answers given his personality. Either way, he seems like a good fit for us, so hopefully things work out?

...Yeah, he's a good kid. Different, but he tries his best, and is rather perceptive about some things. I think he will last."
After rescuing the Roegadyn from what would have been Inquisitor interrogation and allowing him to be around their camp, Esredes' main impression of the man is reserved. Not seeming to be of any ill-meaning, but reserved and with a bit of a barrier. Fair enough. He'll have to figure out a way around it, as he suspects him to be part of a mysterious movement of adventurers into Coerthas, and he wants answers as to why they're there.

Regardless, he has agreed to helping out some, in the rather unique way of making candy for the camp's children and teenagers, and he's already befriended a fellow new recruit. It seems like the man needs a bit of help himself, so Esredes has hope this can all work out to the measureable positive.

There were a few bumps in the road, but he got to that point. He understands now that Rusty is someone who unfolds in stages, and that is all right with him. The kid has become much more relaxed and comfortable, and it makes him much more enjoyable to be around.
Alise Roth-Houki, Traveling Ally Turned Fellow Camp Member/My Most Beloved Friend. () - The Rekindled Fire.
Character's Thoughts: "...I did not expect most things that happened with her to happen. But in the end, I am grateful to have her by and on my side as we continue our work for a better future."
Unknown to him at first, Alise was an echo from his past.

Once during his sixteenth year, Esredes ran an errand for his parents that took him to Foundation and discovered a group of highborn boys- some of who he recognized as the same ones to call him the troublemaker- beating a hyur child up. When they quickly ran off when he called them out on their hypocrisy, he was left concerned for the poor little random lowborn. Who picks on a kid that young?

He allowed the kid to accompany him on his errand and chat with them a bit afterwards, but unfortunately, he could do no more for them than that. His parents would not want him befriending a lowborn child, and he was not about to start lying to them again. So he forgot all about that day, and proceeded on with his life.

Only to find out, that the mysterious yet friendly Hyur woman who had tracked him down in the snow using a Wanted poster just to talk to him not long after the calamity, was in fact the same kid- who clearly remembered him better than he did her. Well, it wasn't always that such a clear opportunity to make an ally out of someone was presented- and especially not on the basis of him.

He quickly grew to like Alise as a friend and ally. She was amusing, funny, had a lot of strength and fire to her he could appreciate. He appreciated her positive opinion and concern for him greatly, even if he didn't always show it. And he also owed it to her for saving his life once shortly after reconnecting. But that friendliness of hers was stolen away by a traumatic experience and a woman Esredes would love nothing more than to rip apart, and it left him feeling helpless as a part of the person he was just getting to know died.

Even so, it didn't change the fact they were allies and in this together. That they could keep helping each other through every step of the way. Everything in him compels Esredes to do and try whatever can be done for her- while in turn, always underestimating what she would do for him.
Levi, Ally Sort-of Friend. () - The Emotional Support.
Character's Thoughts: "Levi's fun and amusing to have around, and I can see why Alise takes such a liking to him, even if sometimes he really does act like a child. It still doesn't undermine his usefulness or the desire to keep that innocent personality as is."
Levi is Alise's partner in everything she does. While she's the physical side of it all, he's the mental as he studies and takes notes fervently and has a million ideas for a new invention of some kind at any point. Well, Esredes can appreciate a classic inventor's personality, especially with its potential use to the effort.

Esredes doesn't interact as intimiately with him as Alise, though he sure does like to tease him. He's fun to tease. He's too cute and easily flustered to resist teasing. What he does know is Levi is an escaped Garlean with an abusive father who must have taken his toll on him in some form, even if he can't see how yet. And that more than anything, Esredes is just relieved he got out of there and didn't become the typical Garlean. He's too emotionally impulsive and sweet to conquer and enslave others.

Currently, Levi is grateful to Esredes for being able to save Alise from harm, and Esredes is just relieved it makes him feel better. What this gratitude might mean for Levi's view of him in the future Esredes probably won't perceive- he's still not all that knowledgeable about who Levi truly is as a person. Still, with how much he means to Alise, he's obligated to look out for his wellbeing.

Jove kir Farren, Garlean Ally. () - The Weary One.
Character's Thoughts: "I know she has no real care for our people or our cause, and I appreciate her honesty about it. But I still choose to view her in a positive light for doing everything she did. And she's more to my liking than one would think. I have hope for her."
The first of four ex-Garlean allies Esredes picked up as the result of a mission to rescue captives and destroy a secret Garlean base that had made its way into Coerthas. Farren was the one who actually helped Esredes and one of his allies get into the base to infiltrate it, and for her help he owes her it all, as he would have never gotten far without it.

While she admits to not caring about anything in Coerthas and still loving her country, Esredes has still been able to decipher from her reactions to certain things and the way she speaks of them that she isn't entirely apathetic to the wrongs of her country and still cares about people. It's Esredes' hope that maybe time away from her country will make her feel better overall as a person... but he really can't be certain of that at all.

Even if not, he still likes her somewhat. She has a rather tired personality, but is also very real about things, something that Esredes can interact with fairly well. At the least, he can see her being of some use in the future to the effort, belief in the cause or not.
Cynric dus Ivelle, Small Garlean Ally. () - The Mask of Trauma/Garlic Son.
Character's Thoughts: "Poor kid. Though he does get on my nerves slightly at times, I pity him a lot for what he's been through. Perhaps there's something I can do to fix it."
The second of four ex-Garlean allies Esredes picked up as the result of a mission to rescue captives and destroy a secret Garlean base that had made its way into Coerthas. As one of the ones who had no idea his allies were about to betray the Empire, Cynric was unwillingly dragged into the entire incident- but Esredes can certainly see why. The guy's still a kid. Young. Impressionable. Someone who didn't deserve to die in an explosion, for sure.

At first, Cynric unnerved Esredes a lot. He acted way too casual being around human experimentation, and it made Esredes feel he didn't take it for what it was at all. But upon witnessing the kid get slapped across by the face by his own uncle and called useless, and react with nothing but a clearly forced smile and the same casual attitude, it clicked for Esredes that the entire thing was an act and a coping mask. Now that, was sad. And it made him want to do something to fix it all, to be gentle with the poor little thing.

In the wake of the aftermath, that describes very well Esredes' way of interacting with him. Gentle. Well, as gentle as Esredes gets. Gentle and patient, willing to help the kid out as he adjusts. He said yes to joining the harriers before any of the other Garleans, after all- now he just has to go through the initiation and see what it takes to turn a Garlean into a heretic.

That's not even addressing yet that he's Levi's cousin and doesn't know it. That is a can of worms Esredes is not willing to open just yet.
Tomo kir Moriya, Garlean Ally? () - The Avatar of Anxiety.
Character's Thoughts: "...I don't dislike her or anything, I suppose, but she gets on my nerves a bit. I hope she calms down soon enough, because she's kind of difficult to talk to as is."
The third of four ex-Garlean allies Esredes picked up as the result of a mission to rescue captives and destroy a secret Garlean base that had made its way into Coerthas, and the second one that was not expecting it. She appears to be close to Farren in some way, so he can infer why she took her along; but he's also quite content to leave Farren as the mediator, because he doesn't know how to talk to her. The way she keeps jumping to a bunch of little conclusions about the camp doesn't rub him the right way. But it's negligable, he supposes. He just hopes she will listen and work with him once she does calm down more about the whole affair... if she calms down about the whole affair...
Quincius sas Thiessen, Very Wary Garlean Ally? () - The Object of Affection.
Character's Thoughts: "...Is it wrong that something in me pities the man, even if I probably shouldn't? It must have taken so much to turn on his sister, and yet... everything he's done..."
The final of four ex-Garlean allies Esredes picked up as the result of a mission to rescue captives and destroy a secret Garlean base that had made its way into Coerthas, and the head of the plan. Brother to the lady who was responsible for this atrocious operation of kidnapping Ishgardians and injecting them with Dragon's Blood in order to control them in their Dravanian forms, he only seems to have turned on her because he grew attached to Levi. Well, Esredes told Levi that falling in love with your 'Ishgardian' employer was a bad idea, and it sure turned out to be when the two were actually Garleans and kidnapped them both.

According to both of them, the story goes that his sister ordered Quincy to kill Levi and he instead let him go and took his own eye out to pretend there was a struggle. Esredes, by all means, does not know what to make of this man. He's clearly crazy in some sense of the word to take his own eye out, and yet he was an immense help in the escape and was the one who blew the whole place up in the end. When interacted with in the aftermath, he acts quiet, probably depressed, and remorseful over his previous actions.

And boy is that something for Esredes to think over. How can he argue in favor of not executing the man? Should he be as a reward for staging the operation and atoning? Atoning that might have only happened because of infatuation? Just how much of a danger is he to himself and those around him? There are difficult questions for Esredes to answer, and he's not sure of any of their answers yet. For now, he at least doesn't hate the man.
AnnaBelinda, Ally...? () - The Contractor.
Character's Thoughts: "...I can only pray that I didn't make a mistake."
A voidsent captured by Garleans for reasons he still doesn't understand, now not only let loose to freely wander the camp, but bound to Alise's very lifeforce to keep her alive.

While, sure, she hasn't done anything... typical of voidsent, no, she's been very person-like and helpful and nice, she terrifies Esredes for being something he is entirely uncertain of. She could hurt Alise, even though she doesn't seem like she ever would, turn her void corrupted, turn him void corrupted for making the deal... There are just so many things that can go wrong if she isn't as she appears at surface level.

He can only hope she will be a helpful and good ally like all the others... because if she isn't, it's going to be his fault.
Fortuna Altona, Truce. () - The Twisted Reflection.
Character's Thoughts: "...She makes me nervous, though I feel bad for her. I can only hope I can help her and don't end up having to kill her or anything. We're... supposed to be about saving people, after all."
A loyal Ishgardian knight kidnapped and experimented on by the Garleans, she did not fare well in the process and appears to have become stuck between forms. He couldn't, of course, have left her to die, loyalist or not; and she did prove useful in the fight to escape.

It's the aftermath that's more concerning. While he's put her under watch at the camp for now, as she has nowhere else to be, he doesn't know what to do with her if he can't convert her. He supposes he'd just drop her off in another city state and tell her to find a new life. But for now all he can offer her is trying to figure out how to get her back to normal, and hoping she'll listen to him in the process. After all, she reminds him too much of his previous self.

He's also pondering how long it'll take her to ask the inevitable question. As she made mention of recognizing him by name as 'the traitorous heretic', and he certainly was not going to bother to explain any of that while they were in the middle of a Garlean hideout.
Eyleth Lanna, Uneasy Fellow Harrier. () - Spear Daughter/The Scream For Help.
Character's Thoughts: "Somehow she is both trying and not trying my patience at the same time. Lovely and yet ever so slightly unpleasant. I appreciate her willingness to try, but she really needs to cut the act eventually."
A fresh recruit and aspiring dragoon captured on her first deployment by harriers and forced to drink the blood. That, is a rather unfortunate tale, and when he found the scared, imprisoned girl in the wake of a slaughter, he couldn’t do anything but take her in and try to ease her traumatized mind.

While she’s got a good head on her shoulders, she’s still naive and unsure of herself. And not quite in control of herself, either. Though he keeps trying to be patient and helping to her, and she does reciprocate, he can only reassure her of the same thing so many times and that no, this is not a cult where everyone has to drink the blood or have people sacrificed to Shiva. Eventually, his patience is going to thin and he’ll have to sprinkle in more passive-aggressive tactics.

Still, once she adjusts, he has hope he can turn her into a fine and powerful harrier, once she has experience and perspective. And protect her physical and emotional wellbeing at the same time. But that is something that lies at the end of a much longer adjustment period than usual.
Heliereaux Descombes, Mistakes were made ally. () - The lost little one waiting to soar/Jock son.
Character's Thoughts: "...I regret what happened with him, but I intend to make up for it bit by bit. Sometimes I can't always tell what is a sad child and what is a threat, all right? Regardless, the kid is fine. He just needs to, you know, gain the basic intelligence that comes with losing loyalism."
There are a lot of... creative ways that Esredes makes new allies.

Having a lone dragoon taken down in one hit after he pursued a camp member in dragon form, dragging him to the basement, and beginning to torture him only for him to break down and cry after just a minute, resulting in Esredes planting his usual seed as he told him about the truth of things and that he didn’t need to be locked into his path, would certainly be a case of a creative recruitment.

Yet it worked. He had gotten the man in enough pain and fear to make him to agree to join over dying, and all it took was switching his tune, while still holding a dagger he had stabbed him with, to something more gentle, and taking him to the infirmary after patching up said wounds. In retrospect, yes, Esredes absolutely feels bad about what he did, which is why he showed up to deliver a cake slice to the man’s infirmary room as a way of apology. After having another chat, he feels a lot better about himself and the kid for the future, and that he can continue to properly make it up to him.

In the meantime, he simply worries for the man’s mental health the way he does about any of the younger recruits who are so uncertain of themselves and their identity. But surely, he will be like all the others, and find his way to being more comfortable with himself and where he is now, as his spear is locked away somewhere he can’t access. Esredes is just content to be on the sidelines for respect of giving the man time and space- he already has a mentor to help him out in the meantime.
Yulionne Maribelle, Ex-Enemy, Fellow Harrier. () - The Rise From Darkness.
Character's Thoughts: “...It’s okay, I forgive you. You’ve done so much better with yourself, and I will continue to forgive you each time, even when you stumble...

I regret every time I see her what I did to her. I don’t know if I can ever fully make up for it, but I’m still going to heal and protect her like the rest. I freed her, and I want to continue to set her free.”

An unexpected reinforcement when Esredes was showing down the Inquisitor who ruined his relationship with his brother, coming to save her girlfriend from the terrible fate that awaited her at Esredes’ hands. Unfortunately she failed, landing herself in exactly the same position as Murielle when Esredes simply captured them both and threw them into the torture chamber together.

The second surprise besides her very existence came when she revealed herself to in fact have the Blood, a sign that something was incredibly wrong here. It turns out Murielle fell unknowingly for a forced Nidhogg heretic broken free and wanting vengeance, who thus came to be under her wing.

That’s fucked up. That is fucked up on so many levels, and Esredes didn’t hesitate to weaponize Yulionne’s existence to further make Murielle feel horrible, as well as torturing her in order to get to Murielle. While he initially declared there would be no forgiveness for either of them and thus tore into her without remorse in much the same way, watching Yulionne slowly break down and suffer guilt and self-hatred, even giving in to his methods and turning on Murielle eventually broke past his generalized anger, and he could no longer bring himself to hurt such a sad thing.

Perhaps that is why when Yulionne broke under the stress and began to beg to live, he complied with her request. Unlike Murielle, who clearly didn’t really regret her actions enough to be meaningful no matter what, he witnessed a certain awakening within the woman that made her out to be a more remorseful, less guilty soul that could be saved still. But his priority was still causing Murielle the most pain possible, and so he only granted Yulionne’s request on a condition- she must prove her willingness to join his cause, by being the one to deliver the killing blow to Murielle.

This request was obeyed, and now that he had traumatized her again, Esredes upheld his end of the deal and spared her life, allowing her to instead join his camp.

Reality only began to sink in soon after that he now had to share the same location with the woman he had just tortured and put through emotional turmoil for his own desire for revenge, and once he cooled down and came off of that high properly, guilt settled in. He had gotten too carried away like he did sometimes with the sweet allure of long-awaited revenge, and she had paid the price for it. So Esredes resolved to amend this the best he could- to slowly and respectfully expose his own presence to the woman to make his remorse known and extinguish the fear reaction he had created.

Things did manage to get better, but it is not lost on Esredes that he has to remain gentle and encouraging with Yulionne in order to not accidentally send her mind back to that moment in time, always telling her that she’s doing better and is forgiven and helping her to appreciate herself. He has come to genuinely like and appreciate her as like any one of his own, but that guilt is always going to remain to some extent. Even still, the best one can do is move forward and keep trying to better the outcome that is her and her well being, and thus he intends to continue to do so.

Clover Hawthorne, Ally. () - Small/Autumn Daughter.
Character's Thoughts: "When it comes to things that are sacred and precious in this world, Clover is one of them. I can only wish and work towards the best for her. Gods know she deserves it."
There’s something about this kid that Esredes is just drawn to. Perhaps it’s her imperfect sense of responsibility and maturity, and how much she tries to do good, perhaps it’s mixed with pity, especially for how the poor orphan thinks of herself as disposable. If she’s not going to help herself, he feels morally obligated to help her in the little ways he can, and try to push her self perception in a more positive direction. But her mellow shyness and soft voice also seems to just match well with his more assertive behavior. Perhaps he likes being able to tell her things to battle against all her self-doubting comments. Furthermore, her display of regard for life deemed unfavorable by society demonstrated by rescuing dragon eggs has lead him to trust her even with his name and identity as a heretic. He knows she’s walking a neutral path, but he thinks it the good kind of neutral, even if she is a Warrior of Light. She's one of the ones he doesn't despise, a true image of a hero. Overall, he just wants to see her believe in her own worth, and for her well being to not decline. She’s a good kid, and bad things should not happen to innocent, good little kids.
Agatha Alfheim, Ally. () - The Free Maiden.
Character's Thoughts: "She seems like a pleasant young lady. I can only hope she is enjoying her freedom, because she very well deserves it."
Esredes met Agatha in a cry for help to save her from her abusive knight husband by taking care of him, a call he gladly accepted, for a price. And in having to return to see the lady again to collect her debt, which ended up being a lot more than he was expecting, it only felt natural that the two would attempt to speak a bit more, to ease over the awkwardness of the nature of their interaction.

And awkwardness, certainly was in the air. She makes no attempt to hide that he frightens her a little, and yet she seems to flip between being afraid he'll hurt her or asking her to protect him based on her mood. It irritates him ever so slightly, but yet not enough to really bother him, enough to be tolerable. Otherwise, he finds her to be... kind of cute. She just carries herself with a certain level of cheery adoration, and it's kind of charming. But he can tell she's also not necessarily the frail maiden she wants to appear as, because her ability to take action into her own hands to save herself is the mark of a stronger spirit. All in all, he's not really sure what will happen with her. He likes being able to answer her questions about the lies Ishgard gave her and be in her presence a while, but they're not exactly built on a lasting foundation. That's fine with him, though- she's paid her debt tenfold, and she can enjoy her freedom however she wants.

...And this is one of many instances where people fail to fit into his boxes and he is wrong. He figured her lack of attempts to hide her fear of him would make her eager to stop seeing him after another little adventure. Instead the lady started crying when she thought she had upset him and went on about how she doesn't have any friends and just wants a friend. Needless to say, as confused as he is by her back and forth, he didn't like seeing her cry, and reassured her that everything was fine. If she really wanted to be around him more for some reason... well, okay then, he supposed. There wasn't really any harm to short breaks from activity to help her get more settled into her free life, could there be? He just continues to pity her enough for the effort.
Bellona Marcellus, Cusp Ally/Former Ally. () - The Wood Wailer's Worst Nightmare/Hypocrite Daughter.
Character's Thoughts: "I liked her while it lasted. I had a feeling it wasn't meant to last, but I wouldn't have minded if it did. In the end, she's just a naive and clueless adventurer, and I can't say I didn't try my best."
It's not very often you manage to manipulate someone into assisting the heretics by inviting them to come along to a robbery, and said tactic actually succeeds. Perhaps then, it was rather convenient the two of them met by chance right beforehand, and that she had such a dislike of the Wood Wailers.

And what does an adventurer do but help others? So of course he kept leading her on, finding her in Limsa every week or so to invite her along on a mission with the harriers. Perhaps he planned on eventually telling her the truth in a way she could accept it, but he didn't quite get that far before slipping up, and couldn't salvage what was left of their partnership.

Either way, while it lasted, he did grow to appreciate her company. Her snarky and teasing attitude was fun to compete with, but she also never questioned things too harshly so that he couldn't talk her out of it or dismiss her question. She never really got beyond being semi-closed off, but he took her to have some kind of vague ambitious nature, even if it had no plan and she had little confidence. Too bad. Maybe if she had learned to take from him she'd be better able to pursue whatever it is.

At first, he didn't really care whatever happened once that they had parted. She could go back to adventuring and her own business. But of course, she's the first Warrior of Light he encountered before they all started throwing themselves at him like desperate children, and that means one can only hope he won't want to burn her with the rest once certain events go down.
Alastor Izunia, Unreliable Contractee. () - Stupid Cheery Miqote/Cat son.
Character's Thoughts: "He really is a lost cause, and I'm out of patience for stubborn kids who won't learn their lesson."
There are a few words that come to mind when describing Alastor: Stupidity, incompetence, a voice that won't adjust to the concept of tolerable volume, even in danger, complete cluelessness, insensitivity, uncontrollable infatuation. And of course, that means he's a Warrior of Light. Because why would Hydaelyn pick someone who isn't useless?

Needless to say, when the last stupid Miqo'te leaves you, an even dumber one takes its place, practically begging you to take him along on your ship heist. And he'd definitely have Bellona back over this. Even if it's no effort to manipulate him, he's also too stupid to be all that useful at all. So much for the echo meaning anything.

What irritates Esredes most about the Miqo'te is not his stupidity or uselessness, though. It's the fact he wanted to try and help while explicitly informing him he's kissing a loyal Ishgardian in the background, all with the weak excuse of "he was really cute?" Are hormones still dominant at that age? Ugh. Needless to say, it comes off to Esredes not just as clueless, but completely insensitive. That man has killed who knows how many heretics, and you're still going to act like there is no problem there. Please, who took this child's brain?

With all that in mind, when this predictably ended in Alastor not joining the heretics after their first complete disaster of an adventure, Esredes barely even cared at that point and just wanted to never see him again. Except of course, he came running back to beg him to help him save his adoptive father when the same demonic presence that tormented them on their first adventure rose again and kidnapped him. A task Esredes only accepted for the chance to put a bullet through the perpetrator's head, but nevertheless made Alastor agree to being servitude-bound to his people for a while in exchange for.

As he tries to figure out what the cat could possibly be useful for, Esredes doesn't grow much fonder of his presence, mostly taking advantage of his pushover nature to let his own abusive tendencies be taken out on him. Perhaps if the cat had a brain, he wouldn't feel so unsympathetic towards him. As is, he's bringing his own disaster upon himself, and Esredes won't miss him when he's gone.

Unless wanting to kill someone counts as missing them. Because he immediately assumed Alastor to be as guilty as the other Warriors of Light when Snowcloak and Shiva happened, and had him painted as a target as he went to hunt as many down as he could. It was only by the graces of intervention that he was stopped and informed of his innocence before it was too late. But the trauma had already been dealt to the cat's nonexistent brain.

Needless to say, he does feel bad about the incident, even if only because his accusations were misplaced. In the end, the cat is not as bad as his father- at least he actually tries to do something sometimes. But Esredes is still content to let this be the note their relationship ends on. He has no further desire to see Alastor in any form.
Heilyn Hraesar, Standoffish Acquaintance. ( ) - The useless father.
Character's Thoughts: "Everything about him pisses me off and I never want to see him again."
Heilyn is Alastor's adoptive father, and oh boy, he does not like him. He thought he was going to be someone decent, someone who would, perhaps, display the basic level of gratitude for being saved from a psychopath. And it turns out this assumption was very wrong.

People like Heilyn are some of the kinds that piss him off the most. Trying to claim moral high ground while he, a fellow heretic, does absolutely nothing about the Dragonsong War. He can take the moral throne he thinks he’s sitting on and shove it directly up his ass. By the hells, at least his son, however incompetent he is, is actually willing to do something.

Either way, for when he is forced to interact with him during Alastor's servitude period, he at least tentatively tried to reason with him. Not that he thought it really worked at all. But something within him told him there’s a chance to get through to him. At least until his patience ran out when the heretic manifested a very weak attempt to kill him, and he was all but completely done with him. Fortunately, by that point the servitude was essentially done, and Esredes was content to say a goodbye and a fuck you and never see him again.
Ezekiel Amatti, Ex-Employer. ($ ) - The "Client".
Character's Thoughts: "I was so close with him. It didn't have to be like this."
Ezekiel was but another target. A man rumored to be working with magitek... and Esredes wanted to get his hands on it for the harriers. So he posed as a sellsword and got himself hired by the man... only for one of the other sellswords he hired to put a stop to his plan.

Does he feel bad about deceiving and trying to rob the man after he was nothing but polite to him? Well, yes, especially considering he turned out to be a heretic. But he can’t say he didn’t try to get him to become an ally. If he had accepted, Esrey would have called off his plan.

All things considered, he can’t in good earnest hold any ill will towards the man. It’s fair enough that he probably hates him now. He just wishes he’d learn to find peace with his draconic side.
B'ahm Pilate, Ex-coworker. () - The mysterious enemy you can't entirely hate.
Character's Thoughts: "He's not the worst thing you can encounter, but that doesn't mean he's not still a highly irritating nuisance."
B'ahm bothers him.

There’s something up with him and he never quite figured out what it was. He’s much more powerful than he should be, and on top of that, a strange one. Esredes does not understand how this man thinks, or what makes him operate. While he was fine to play polite and nice with him when they both operated as Ezekiel’s sellswords, he now wishes B'ahm had not been a part of the equation. If he hadn’t, the operation might not have been a failure.

Still. He can’t fault him for being pissed at him either. Nor does he understand why he let him go in the end, but he remembers that action very well. This is why he was less than delighted to see him turn up when Ishgard started letting in adventurers, trying to help with the war effort. He’s not Ishgardian. What business does he have helping them? One of the people Esredes least wanted to see show up on the opposing side, with how absolutely frustrating he is to battle. Even if he is an enemy, though, he’s not the worst thing Esredes has to deal with. At least he is strangely merciful to him and his people. And Esredes still owes him a favor back to him for sparing him. And he’d rather not have to violate that, if he can help it. Which is why he simply just wishes B’ahm would go away. Go away, and not be such a difficult part of the equation.

Murielle Mercer, Enemy. ( ) - The Banished Demon/'My Dearest'.
Character's Thoughts: "She truly is one of the most pathetic women I've ever seen in my entire life, even by Inquisitor standards. She fits the bill for a broken, malformed, empty being the Inquisition makes out of people. Behind her fake confidence and power complex, she is nothing but a weak and insecure, scared little girl, not to mention incredibly stupid and incompetent. How she ever survived long enough for me to undo her, I will never understand. But oh, if I could do over everything I did to her... I would relive those moments over, and over again. For days upon end. Little has ever given me the amount of sheer satisfaction to watch her wither away in the hands of the people she wronged. Justice has a sweet taste, and she can rot in all seven hells. I will never feel an ounce of remorse or regret for what I did to her. She got exactly what she deserved, and I will always be grateful to her for giving herself over to me to die for her sins in such a spectacular fashion."
There are a lot of people Esredes hates. He hates Warriors of Light for ruining his only chance at a happy ending. He hates Thordan and Nidhogg both for being completely remorseless about sacrificing their people for an endless war. But Murielle occupies a special place in the blackened parts of his heart for Esredes' pure, unfiltered ability to hate.

Murielle is the Inquisitor responsible for torturing his family, especially his little brother, after he was exposed for having Dragon's Blood. Accounts from his family after being rescued told him this was a merciless and completely emotionless woman who he would have loved to have the opportunity to kill for what she did. Seraphiaux never recovered from the horrible torture she must have inflicted upon him, and for taking away one of the only two people in his life Esredes was certain would never leave him, he would spare her no mercy if he ever were to have the stroke of luck to be the one to kill her and take his revenge. But he knew this would never come to be, and the ghost of this horrible woman who had ruined any chances of him having a true familial relationship ever again simply haunted him for years.

And yet the opportunity came to grant his wish, in the form of a useless, pathetic, spineless man by the name of Heilyn coming back after their unhappy departure from each others' lives to beg his help in order to get rid of her for good because he was stupid enough to come back to Ishgard and just hope she wouldn't find him again. While Esredes certainly still had no regard for the man, he could not pass up the opportunity to finally rid himself of one of the lurking demons in his mind. The mission was successful, and Esredes took her off to his camp's special room to begin all of the fun that was to come.

And oh, once it began, he made sure to make it slow. So very, very slow. And he delighted in every second of delivering her actions back unto her in his own creative ways, the way he slowly brought her psyche down before finally letting death take her. When made to face her own atrocious actions, the once scary Inquisitor melted down on Esredes much too easily, constantly sticking to a ‘woe is me’ attitude as she went on about how she couldn’t fix her mistakes even if she did regret them and that if only someone had shown her kindness after her parents died things might’ve been better.

What horrid excuses for the fact she couldn’t just face the consequences of being a truly abhorrent being. The woman who had taken so much from Esredes was nothing at her core all along, just another warped and broken mind that doesn’t scare him at all. Esredes enjoyed poking at her mind and tearing it down and calling her out over and over again on how truly awful she was. If she was going to be weak and pathetic and self hating, he would drag her down even further than she could drag herself while he tore her apart. He had particular fun in calling her ‘my dearest’- a mocking, intentionally creepy nickname he knew she would hate and find uncomfortable that worked perfectly in talking down to her and irritating her further.

Sometimes good things do come to those who wait, and she was a victory that he was all but absolutely delighted to have. He only hopes the nutrients in her corpse aren't too polluted that the soil beneath it can't enjoy them. There’s a certain glee Esredes takes in looking back at Murielle. In the end, she was perfect. Perfectly atrocious. She was exactly the kind of person needed for being someone to do Esredes such a wrong, someone who couldn’t fight back, someone who split open and allowed herself to be taken away by his punishment. He looks upon her with a twisted fondness now more than he does hatred, as the delivering of justice brought him too much happiness. His mind may never be at peace with what she did, but it is now at peace with her and can gladly move on now that he knows he did everything he should have done to set the balance right.
Nenela Nela, Bad outcome Acquaintance. () - The fool.
Character's Thoughts: "The poor child has yet to see what the world's cruelty is really like. I can only hope it won't take her with it, impulsive as she is."
Another stupid and incompetent warrior of light. He encountered the Lalafell lost out in the cold, but apparently on a mission to stop them from stealing Enchiridions. And her attempt was more than pitiful. While he made a mockery of her and tried to urge her to get away from Ishgard, he really just pities her. Ishgard and Hydaelyn is going to break that poor little girl, and he can do nothing to stop it.
Mumune Mune, Acquaintance. () - The axe lady.
Character's Thoughts: "I don't really know her, but she seems all right, if not overenthusiastic. I can always foster a level of appreciation for someone who hates Ishgard. Wonder if there's any chance she has a favorable opinion of harriers.

....It turns out I was wrong. Oh so very wrong. And it's to her regret that I am."
He met Mumune in the aftermath of his Coliseum match with B'ahm for the role of sellsword, with her for some reason wanting to fight him as the loser of the match. Though really, he barely got to do so with a third strange competitor deciding to interject into the match. Still, they talked a little in the aftermath, and she revealed how she didn't like Ishgard for how it called her dad a heretic and made him pack up and leave, which made Esredes like her at least a bit. Perhaps they need to have a more proper fight sometime.

...And he didn't know how much he would desire that after realizing she's a Warrior of Light. The same group of people who committed atrocities against his people at Snowcloak. Well, so much for being likable. Now she has to pay for her crimes, if he gets the chance to administer justice.
Haurchefant Greystone, Who is he and why do all the Warriors claim to be in love with him? () - The most sought after man in Ishgard???
Character's Thoughts: "Whoever he is, he gives me a bad feeling. I'm not sure I trust what everyone says about him."
Esredes is actually unaware that he's heard his name somewhere in the past and forgotten its association to a story of a knight saving a lord and getting knighted for it. How impressive that story was, but one someone ultimately forgets about. Instead, he just keeps hearing his name from all the Warriors he runs into, half of which seem to claim they love him, and worse, who all but cite him as a reason they can't help Esredes, which is rather frustrating, to say the least. As if one supposedly nice man makes up for all the atrocities Ishgard continues to commit. Do they not know he must sit back and do nothing about people being thrown off of cliffs to their deaths? Yes, truly a nice man he must be. Needless to say, Esredes isn't quite convinced. He feels like there's something hiding there, but he'll never find out what it is, so it's not really worth worrying about. Now if only the children would shut up about him- he must be a somewhat young knight for them to have fallen for him, right? Well, perhaps he's just as clueless as them, or perhaps Esrey's speculations are correct.
Vesevont Nevelaux, Acquaintance. () - The Lost Knight.
Character's Thoughts: "While I don't dislike him, I find the man a bit odd and rather concerning. He clearly isn't handling being exiled from Ishgard very well."
Rumor has it a knight flew on top of a silver dragon's back over in Dravania.

Not the oddest or most out of place rumor. But when he spotted the pair for himself, he had to investigate. What was the nature of their bond? What sort of hardship or unique circumstance brought together such a beautiful union of man and dragon?

The answer is absolutely not the cute or endearing story he expected.

And that is how he learned about an older ex-knight and how he's been stuck with an absolute brat of a young adult dragon for the past several months because the dragon is insecure and wanted something more pitiful to laugh at. This is Stockholm Syndrome, right? Something like that? Esredes sure would believe it. He sure couldn't have claimed before he's seen an older man get bossed and ordered around by a kid.

In managing to get him to agree to come back to the harrier camp and offering to find out what happened to his adopted son, Esredes hopes to show the man some actual positive air, see if he'll feel better among their people and perhaps decide he's better off there than with that asshole of a dragon. The problem is the man's tense and unsure personality makes it hard for him to know if that will end up being the case at all. At the least, the living doormat obeys him while he's there, and despite how he's clearly something of an airheaded mess, that can be put up with and fixed. While he's determined to try and be nice to the man in the Esredes definition of nice, despite his unusualness, he also won't feel much is lost if it fails.
Ysayle Dangoulain, Grieving. ( ) - The sacrifice that didn't need to be.
Character's Thoughts: "Why did it have to be her? Out of everyone I didn't want to go... I thought I would be able to be there for her forever. Was I ever even there in the first place? Please, gods, not her..."
Perhaps the most potent single reason for him falling into a depression after the war ended.

After everything he had done for her, after everything he had done to try and build her up to rise above her inner demons, none of it mattered in the end. When she died, Esredes could feel his own light dying inside him.

Even as months pass, his mind can't stop thinking of the girl who deserved to be in his place. To be sharing the select little moments of joy he feels through the fog. Why couldn't it have been him? Who'd miss a damaged, now useless weapon, especially when she could be doing so much better in his place? When she has the ability to touch so many more hearts?

...But maybe things don't have to be this way. Maybe there's a way to reverse the process, to make the sacrifice who it needed to be instead... To bring back the one who truly matters, who this new age truly needs...
Alastor Izunia, Friend. () - Cat son.
Character's Thoughts: "The kid is trying his best, and I for one find reason now to hope he succeeds."
What it took to get to the end of the Dragonsong War took a toll on everyone, and Alastor is no exception. When it really came down to it, seeing the optimistic light fade from his eyes and only seeing a sad husk of what had been presented to him before was not pleasing for Esredes.

So he repeated a tactic previously used with Dione, and put Alastor through his own improvised therapy technique to allow him to confront and learn to control his inner demons. And something of being told by someone Alastor thought hated him that he was not okay was the wake up call he needed to acknowledge it and talk about it.

From that point on, he accepted the cat's presence as one that wasn't so bad. In his own state of being, he was ill equipped to turn down the support of someone who still insisted on seeing the best in him, despite everything he'd done to him in the past. So Alastor remains something of occasional company to enjoy for what it's worth, when he isn't being whisked off to go be a Warrior of Light. But it's for that exact reason he still worries for him.
Heilyn Hraesar, Coworker/Friend. () - The Emotional Support Dad.
Character's Thoughts: "He's not as bad of a person as I thought he was. No, when he gets his head out of his own ass he is surprisingly kind. Well... kind in a subjective way. Still, he's come to be the closest ally I have."
Even before the war ended, these two encountered each other again in a cry for help on Heilyn's part. And it certainly wasn't a happy reunion, and Esrey didn't hesitate to let him know that much. Still, he ended up putting aside his hatred for the man and agreeing to helping him- not for him, but for a combination of his son, and the fact he needed an Inquisitor that Esredes would very much like to get rid of gotten rid of. And when the deed was done, Esredes was content to never see him again.

Until he did, in the same line of diplomacy he had started as a job back in Ishgard. Well, wasn't that just wonderful and lucky of him? Except to his surprise, the man practically broke down into tears with an apology. Consider that the first time anyone has ever cried giving an apology to him.

Needless to say, regardless of how he believed his sincerity, the man was a Fortemps who wanted to make up for his previous actions towards him. An exploitable connection Esredes certainly wasn't going to let go of. But he found Heilyn to be a lot more than exploitable- no, the man was capable of being a genuine friend and ally, both of them united under the same goal. And the more they can both come to understand each others' emotional needs and who they are as a person, the closer they come together as being something to get the other through each day. It's very likely Heilyn will be a lifelong friendship for Esredes, one that can help him work through a lot of darkness within himself he wasn't even fully aware of.
Seraphiaux Rosemond, Little Brother. () - The Ghost In The Flesh, Pulled From The Air.
Character's Thoughts: "You come to me at a time when I don't need you anymore. I can only hope you truly learned your lesson, because my heart does not drain easily of bitterness once it is full."
Of all things he did not expect to appear at his doorstep off the distant heels of a near abandonment of everything, he did not expect a ghost to show up.

Not a literal one, of course. But for all Esredes was concerned, Seraphiaux had died eight years ago, and that fact hadn't changed. So when Seraphiaux responded that no, it wasn't him trying to invite him to join the Ascians, and they were no longer a part of him, he was well beyond surprised.

It felt like in that a moment, a small hand tried to form inside his mind to reach out to him.

And then turned to dust as quickly as it formed. Because nothing could stop the years of anger from boiling quietly inside him every time he looked at him.

Needless to say, he didn't immediately dismiss his little brother, but he did not open up. He had so many angry words to say. So many other people who didn't show up so many years too late to confide in. To put it simply, he was conflicted. All at once angry, passive-aggressive, withdrawn, and yet, in being so, wanting to see Sera push to try and get past his own brick wall. To know he actually cared enough to try, just as Esredes had all that time ago.

A long, rocky road lies ahead for these two. For Esredes, it will take time and effort on Seraphiaux's part for him to want to put his emotions out to him again. To know that he truly cares. To know that he truly learned, somehow, after way too long.

Even so, his very presence, no matter how turbulent, is an important step for Esredes to keep himself back from tumbling into a mental abyss. Even now, he would hate to put Seraphiaux through losing him, to have him just shatter right all over again like that. And after all Ishgard took away from him... Well, it's about time he reclaimed something of it.

To think. One sibling needed to be here more than him. And the other needed him. They could never exist in the same space, one always out of reach.

How do you fill a void that isn't yours to fill?
B'ahm Pilate, Strange Friend. () - The uneven dad.
Character's Thoughts: "...I suppose I owe him a lot. He's fine to have around, in doses. Though I really don't always understand why he cares."
Instead of going away, B'ahm showed up at the heretic's doorstep beaten and bruised. How his comrades managed to do that, Esredes will never know. What he does know is that B'ahm will never stop being full of surprises and confusions. Like the fact he pushed for Esrey to join him with the Warriors in killing Nidhogg, aided in convincing Aymeric to pardon him, and seems for some reason to want to stick around him as if they hadn't been fighting each other before the war ended.

Leaving himself as Esrey's only source of person to talk to directly in the aftermath of the end of the war. Not the one he expected, not the one he considered ideal- but somewhat helpful, nonetheless. And he learned quickly the man was not going away so easily, not before he could... let's just say 'teach' Esredes a few things.

In several ways, Esredes couldn't rightfully deny his appreciation for all B'ahm has done for him. Nor deny that he can be something of a comforting presence. But he also tends to experience negative emotions over the way he tries to 'fix him', or calls him a child.

Still. So be it, he supposes. Most people like to talk to him that way. And for what he's worth, he's tolerable most of the time. And certainly potentially useful, have Esredes ever the need for his seemingly endless abilities. It's just likely that something may eventually boil over that needs to be addressed for their relationship to be completely functional.
Mumune Mune, Truce. () - The Little Awakening.
Character's Thoughts: "My previous words on her were said in a lot of anger that has not gone away, but I no longer have the means nor the desire to kill her. She's changed enough that I can no longer accuse her of being an unempathetic monster, and she is a friend to multiple of mine, and I can't get between that. Maybe I am being too harsh on her when a lot more people than just her were at fault, I don't know... but it's not that easy to just let go of anger."
Esredes has never forgiven Mumune for her part in Snowcloak, but thankfully, hasn't really seen her much since then either. At least, until he became more on the sidelines involved with Dione's airship company, and had to deal with being in the same room as her. Though he tried to hold back on his anger for the sake of his loved ones who were friends with her, everyone in the room noticed, and it couldn't help but eventually boil over with him explaining his issue, causing someone else to fly into a panic attack and attack her. Feeling obligated to agree that they had to at least truce in light of that, Esredes has simmered down in hostility towards Mune in the times they've been forced together since then. While she initially tried to reject and argue that she was looked down upon the world as well- her fellow crewmate attacking her was the wake up call she needed to tap deep into her own guilt she was capable of feeling over all her previous actions, and on top of that, she's been more respectful to Esredes since, both things that Esredes can't really get mad at. She doesn't really understand him, which is nothing new, but the fact she has shown herself to be capable of self reflection and acceptance of her own actions, as well as Esredes putting together that it was Dione's company that really taught her how to feel and be a true hero and give her somewhere to belong, has at least deflated Esredes' anger to the point her presence doesn't cause issue for him. Given time, Esredes may defrost further to her and learn to stop associating her with his grief- but first, they need to connect on something that really gives them a basis to want to be friends or at least friendly with their differing personality types.
N'theya Hawthorne, Pupil of Sorts. () - Void Granddaughter.
Character's Thoughts: "She's a good kid, I just wish she'd grow up.

...Now I feel terrible for all the things I thought before. I mean it this time, she genuinely is a good kid. And I want to help her be able to love herself."
He certainly couldn’t have anticipated Clover raising a voidsent like a child, but he’s come to respect her decision. N’theya is cute, and she has turned out to not be a monster... but she’s still a brat who causes her mother unneeded stress, and he wishes she would grow up and realize this. Because of all these factors, he’s a bit standoffish from her. It’s better to let Clover handle her than him. At least, that's what he thought up until recently, when she aged up to twelve and now seems... well, semi-aware. He can actually talk to her like a normal person now, and in the process his opinion of her has become much more involved and favorable. What stands out to him is that in her awareness, she has become much more angry and sad about what she is and that people hate her for it. A feeling that Esredes relates to all too well and empathizes with far too much to continue to be standoffish. No, now is his time to be the uncle she likes to call him and step in and teach her things, encourage her that she is not the only monster around, and is much more human than a good portion of Ishgard's population. In turn, she seems to respond well to and understand his explanations of the world, commenting often that he 'makes more sense than all the other adults.' Well, he's glad to be able to make sense. Because she needs guidance, and she needs support. Or else he'd hate to think what could happen to her. And he's happy to start emotionally protecting her for the good of herself and her mother.
O'raha Nuhn, Acquaintance. () - So you think you can date my daughter?
Character's Thoughts: "He's not a very bright boy by any means... but he's all right."
Perhaps his expectations for meeting Clover’s boyfriend were made too high by her talks of his noble nature. What he got was... certainly not what he was expecting. The boy might be dimwitted, but he does have a good heart, and the two of them can agree on trying to look out for Clover’s well being. He’s not entirely sure he’s the one for her, but he does at least respect him for what he does to help her.
Pipin Tarupin, Acquaintance. () - The Ul'dahn On A Mission.
Character's Thoughts: "While I don't know much about him, I do sort of like him. He seems rather chivalrous and noble in his persona, friendly, reasonable. And he's amusing when he gets all excited. I think we could get along."
While he's likely heard mention of Raubahn having a son before, he doesn't recognize him or his name at all. All he does gather about the Lalafell man is that he's Ul'dahn, probably of the Alliance? And also has a reason to dislike and hunt down the Crystal Braves, though Esredes is sure his motivation is nothing like his own, even if it also seems to be revenge driven.

Nevertheless, when he encountered the man out in Coerthas and helped him escape the cold, he seemed well meaning enough that Esredes agreed to help him hunt down the heretic-murdering fiends, as well as trust his Outsider mind with his special ability. Fortunately, true to being an outsider, his reaction was that of excitement and amazement at someone being able to transform into a dragon. He might be jealous. Esredes can't tell. That's fine. Be jealous, you should be.

He doesn't really know or is particularly concerned of what they might connect or learn on their little expedition. All that truly matters to him is delivering justice for all the bodies burned into his mind, one way or another.
Kalas Kazewoka, Celebrity Friendly Acquaintance. () - The Emerald Atoner.
Character's Thoughts: "What a truly intriguing individual. Eccentric in all the ways that just make me wonder why. Encouraging. And most of all, someone who sees me for how I should be seen. I just have such a desire to find out all the things I am missing."
When an Au Ra man in all shiny green showed up to a heretic-centric gathering, Esredes could only imagine why people were shouting something about an 'Emerald Eorzean' and who he even was and what sort of relation he even had to Shiva or heresy. While he still hasn't found that part out, he did unintentionally catch the man's attention and praise- and in the midst of such high spirits, was less hesitant than usual to indulge a Linkpearl exchange and a second meeting.

In talking to the man over a balcony in the city proper, Esredes was quite surprised to have him spill out his life story to him immediately, and to find it was a tale of sky piracy, bloodshed, and atonement. Certainly not what he was expecting, but he didn't really care about sky pirates and had no place to talk, so he has decided not to make judgement on it. Especially now that he has discovered, after a couple friendly rounds of fighting, that he can defeat him surprisingly easily without exerting more than the average effort in dragon form. Or maybe he just got lucky. He personally imagines the second.

Needless to say, despite his ungraceful jumps from acting like a normal, albeit dramatic and serious person to shouting like an actor and doing a bunch of poses, Esredes quite likes his company. It helps that he's pretty much the ideal person Esredes likes to meet at this point in his life- admiring him, not judging him on past actions, acknowledging him as a hero, feeling for his pain, and being fascinated by his dragon form rather than repelled. Yet Esredes still has so many questions- What exactly does he do that he vaguely describes as hero work? Why does he shout his attacks and pose, and why do they have primal names? What is with his soulstone remembering stories or something? Is there a reason his alternative form has a relation to the man who caused his atonement, or is it something else? Why does he always wear a mask? Well, Esredes intends on finding out the answer to at least some of these as soon as possible.
Sui Bian, Fellow Heretic Acquaintance. () - Little Missionary.
Character's Thoughts: "...I can't really tell if I should be bothering with this man or not. My desire to help the weak and broken tells me I should- just as long as a giant red flag doesn't reveal itself to me."
What an odd man.

He acts at least ten years younger than he appears, and clearly isn't the brightest person. He's nice and gentle, yes, but also quite pitiful, from what Esredes can tell. Considering a previous, and dead, version of himself, as well as many of his former allies, he knows he has no right to judge the devout- but when something seems like it's taking over someone's life like the average Ishgardian, well... he can't help but be concerned.

And the man is concerning. He has no doubt that there is some sort of tragic or horrible tale behind the man- but has gotten no hint to it except that Nophica apparently saved his life. And clearly, it has left him in a weak state of mind where he isn't even doing much else outside of clinging to religion for comfort. That's rather sad.

But Esredes has seen this so many times before. People have come to him seeming weird or pathetic, and practically throwing themselves at his feet (and this man certainly was no exception to the last part the moment he realized he knew something about Ishgardian politics), and he's managed to improve their lives. Does he not owe it especially to a fellow harrier, even if not the kind who stood with him, to see if he can improve him like all those before? Is reporting visions from Nophica that might indicate he needs help really much weirder than some of the other things he's dealt with? It depends on if he can get him to shut up about Nophica for a few minutes and listen to all Esredes has to tell him. An obedient little puppy made into a fully grown hound at his side- it's an opportunity he is never one to turn down, or at least to try and achieve. Here in this time after the war, the spirit of his former residence still resonates strongly within, and its principle still applies as much as ever- if it means making someone loyal and useful to him, he's willing to put up with far too much. He just only hopes this pattern is taking the exact level of predictability he thinks it is.
Fiona Delaine, Ally of Sorts. () - The Keeper of Hearts.
Character's Thoughts: "I like Fiona, for the most part. She’s a very kind and reasonable young lady with good ambitions to work towards, and she makes several of mine quite happy with her presence. What she dares to do despite what she really is is quite admirable. I think even if I’ve felt I can’t live up to her expectations at times, she shouldn’t pull away as long as I don’t show her all of what I am."
Fiona, or Asah Lye when she goes by her true name, is a Nidhogg broodling, and a rather young one at that, masquerading as an Elezen in Ishgard who Esredes met at a heretical ceremony. Through a later follow up, he came to learn of her story and told her in turn of his peoples’, and since then and through bonding with a few of his, Fiona has become an associate to his people, not someone who is directly one of his, but who is content to hang with them and help them out when needed. What he has come to understand is that Fiona admires him and likes his people, but she is still a dragon who has prior obligations to her company in the Knights- this means that there are aspects of both himself and his company that she dislikes or judges and he knows it, and thus, Esredes still has to put on a certain level of outward appearance around her to circumvent this, downplaying his more vicious or disempowered aspects. But really, what else is new about dealing with both another person and a dragon? He might not know Fiona that intimately, but he does not find her unwelcomed by any means, and more recent interaction has reassured him that despite anything, she looks up to and wants to learn from him and his, which Esredes is content with. She is a friend to his people, and that is what tends to matter most in Esredes’ mind.
Raine Endarin, Normal Noble Friend. () - The Polite Magician.
Character's Thoughts: "She’s very low effort to talk to, in a good way, and has everything collected. All of this is something I quite appreciate and find worth maintaining."
A noble lady with skill for the arcane who runs a store in The Goblet. The two met by chance at the Jeweled Crozier, and Esredes decided she was polite and not judgemental enough of his aether to be worth talking to again. Helping matters is the fact her shop has historical books Esredes hasn’t found anywhere else to keep him coming back.

Other than that, she is simply what Esredes considers normal. They can have normal conversations together. And he honestly appreciates simply having a normal relationship with someone amongst how nontraditional the rest of his life is. And how many loyalists his inherent existence pisses off.

He doesn’t know what to think about her husband, though. He’s odd and a bit concerning. What does she see in him, exactly?

Hilda Alarias, Friend. () - The Decent Loyalist/The Lady Caught Between Worlds.
Character's Thoughts: "I think I like her. There are, of course, lingering things to be wary of, but she actually knows respect. Something her kind is all too rarely found with.

We've had our ups and downs- really had our ups and downs- but I stand by what I originally said. I like her, and I consider her a valuable ally and friend. She's a good woman with good intentions and a good heart, and we've gone through things together that allow one another to learn the colors of each others' souls for what they're truly made out of. I knew my belief in her would not be not misplaced."
Having come to him out of the blue at night to ask him about her rather unique condition of having a dragon possessing her, Esredes was somewhat pleasantly surprised to have a loyalist- that is, his term for Ishgardians still loyal to the state- come to him on such a grave matter. Oh, how he wished that happened more often, and that all of them could be this polite and respectful and trying to quiet their loyalist instincts instead of resolving to be filth. He has decided he likes this one. She’s trying to be understanding and is even self-electing to pull herself further down the hole of learning about his people, something he is glad to guide her down. The more people, the better. For now, unless she reveals herself to in fact be a disappointing, like all the rest loyalist, he’s elected that she’s quite worth helping with her problem.

Trying to be understanding was a good way to put it, as it turns out, as Hilda would end up upsetting Esredes on several occasions. She would say something that made Esredes feel she was only there to get what she needed out of him and his people and keep them at an emotional distance otherwise, as if his attempts to help her meant nothing, but she would always say something afterwards to make Esredes forgive her and reset back to believing in her. It wasn't after a needed heart to heart and a journey together that resulted in Hilda's ailment being resolved that something truly changed, and Esredes realizes now that Hilda does truly consider him and his a friend. For managing to come around in the end like he always hoped she would, she's earned his permanent respect and even friendship, even though he expects minor things to still occur here and there. That is completely fine, it doesn't change that Esredes would trust Hilda to go with him through all but the undesirable parts of himself as a friend and an ally.

Alaice Devereaux, Friend. () - The Lady Encased In Ice.
Character's Thoughts: “I didn’t expect to be a part of her life, but I’m happy I got to be. Alaice is an endearing individual, someone whose presence never fails to brighten my day up a little with her lovely demeanor. She’s not someone I’m open with, but that’s all right with me. I just hope she remains on the road to recovery…”
Alaice is the widowed wife of a former supplier of Esredes’ movement, a man who claimed to be a believer in the cause that Esredes exchanged rare materials with in return for money to supply the cause. Yet when the war ended, despite having an unfinished deal with the man owing Esredes money, he ignored all of Esredes’ letters and had his guards turn away his attempts to visit in person, leading Esredes to accept he was a deceptive unbeliever all along.

This, however, changed when Esredes learned that he had in fact died some months ago after Esredes had long given up on pursuing him, leaving just his wife around. Thinking that perhaps there was an avenue to look back into the debt, Esredes set out to the apartment of his ex-ally’s former wife despite the rumors that she may have been the one to kill her husband.

A first look upon her rather harmless and sweet face had Esredes convinced she had done it. But the conversation that followed, while a little awkward as expected, had no signs of ill intent and deception on her end. She simply conducted herself how any one ordinary person might and even told him that while she knows little of her husband’s tangled affairs, she would keep a look out for any record of the debt. It was enough for Esredes to be content to leave her be- no guarantee, but a small chance, and he didn’t have to stick around long enough to find out what might be underneath her demeanor.

It didn’t occur to him until later, when she appeared at a Masquerade hosted by another friend of his and the two revealed they had known each other for years, that she would be more than a one note encounter. Subsequent conversations with Alaice have dropped her air of mystery and unease for Esredes- her demeanor and personality simply seemed too genuine to be a cover up, even if it leaves the still unanswered question in his mind of how she could have committed the act. But it’s not like he’s told her about the truth behind him, either.

Still, he’s not too concerned about that beyond just a quiet anxiety at the back of his mind that she could turn out to abandon him over it. For now, her kind and earnest demeanor makes her presence enjoyable to him- she just has a quality of both normalcy and innocent, pure enjoyment of what she takes to that’s a spot of relief from the other things going on in Esredes’ life. He especially enjoys talking about and encouraging her rekindling passion for baking- while he is no baker himself, there is just a joy to talking about and thinking about cooking with her that keeps him genuinely invested in her hobby and furthering it any ways he can.

Yet while he enjoys her pure spirit, he’s also quietly aware of the bigger picture surrounding it. For her retainer has told him just enough that he can fill in the blanks- her husband was more than just a deceptive manipulator to Esredes. He was a heartless fiend who treated his wife like an object and abused her, and sometimes he can see the effects of this come to light in subtle ways through Alaice’s demeanor. It sparks Esredes’ concerned, protective nature; while he doesn’t know Alaice well enough to truly be a healing force to her like he is for a lot of others, he wants to do whatever he can in his own way to gently nudge her in positive directions, support her, and emotionally protect her.

Beyond being just another soul to try and emotionally look after and heal, he sees in Alaice the potential to be a normal sort of friend. Someone who he can just have normal interactions and do normal activities with without making everything always about the identity he will never be able or willing to rid himself of. Even though he doesn’t have the assertion that she would just accept him and be willing to have a normal relationship like that, something in his heart just wants to believe in this ideal even without sufficient evidence, even without ever feeling he should truly open up to her.

For now, she’s declared to him- in front of her unofficial boyfriend no less- that he is in fact her favorite because he always encourages her and is nice to her. And while that sort of thing is but a mere cute gesture, it has resonated with Esredes as meaning something at least just a little special (even if she’s also admitted she would still laugh if he got pushed into a pool. People aren’t perfect, after all). Maybe he isn’t truly her favorite considering all she can never know about him, but it’s not like he’s usually the favorite of anything anyhow. What does matter is that he values her company and her friendship, and hopes he can make the best of it while also trying to indirectly help her on her long path to recovery.

Elphanse Silmontaix, Sort-of Friend. () - The Performer Who Lives In The Shadows.
Character's Thoughts: "A mildly intriguing soul, she is. I don't have anything particularly bad to say about her, despite all that floats around her. I like to think I'm good at avoiding being poisoned.

It also turns out that she loses all of her intimidation factor the more you're around her. She's interesting in the fact that she's both clever and yet misses things that feel obvious. But I like her. I definitely think she's to be a friend."
Having been vaguely aware of her existence already as a performer and as having been on trial, Esredes thought he recognized her face from somewhere in The Forgotten Knight and the two watched a bar fight together. He figured it would be but a neat celebrity encounter, but the woman seemed to take an interest in him, soon inviting him to her mansion to see if he would partake in saving a noble lady from an arranged marriage by disguising as a knight to escort her out.

Well that was certainly something different, and something he didn’t mind agreeing to. It seemed like for a good enough cause, and those are the only thing to give him the feeling of life in such an age that has proceeded.

Even so, he’s somewhat aware of her reputation as not a savory type, and yet, while he doesn’t feel comfortable around her, she doesn’t entirely scare him. She’s more vaguely intriguing than anything- she may not be trustable on a deeper level and have a sharp edge, but he knows how to avoid being cut by others. Part of him feels like she may just be unsavory in a way much like himself, the way that means someone is to some extent a good person, but he can’t be sure yet. As is, he supposes he’ll watch and wait and see if there is something more she’s wanting out of him, and what exactly is supposed to come after their little ‘event’.

Yet even before this took place, an incident occurred in which she broke down in front of him he hadn’t anticipated. It was then he started to feel like he was unraveling her a bit- at her core, she’s lonely. She’s lonely and wants to be seen as good and helpful to those she cares about. And while he is no position to be able to fully help or heal her, he’s decided for now he can at least give her a few pointers, for she has yet to be disagreeable and they seem to have some ideals in common.

Soon after the completion of their plan, Elphanse met him at a secret society and told him she knew of his true nature, but that she was wanting to understand his perspective beyond her lack of fondness for Dravanians because of the liking she took to him. He decided he would explain in earnest, and the conversation ended in taking her for a ride in dragon form and inviting her to attend the next meeting with his people. And soon after that meeting, she told him she was considering taking Dragon's Blood. He supplied her and performed the ritual at her home, which successfully turned her... into either the smallest or second smallest dragon form he's ever seen.

With all of this having been said and done, Esredes is not sure if he can quite call her 'one of his' now- she has done everything one would expect to become one, but she is a lady with many obligations and many connections, and it makes him wonder if his group is but another one of those. He doesn't mind that idea, but he's become comfortable with Elphanse to the point that he'd rather not have to lose her if conflicts arose with her other connections. He's concluded that she's rough around the edges, but she's doing good for Ishgard that Esredes can mostly get behind, and he's allowed her to drag him into enough illegal things that he can't help but trust her to an extent now. They've agreed that they are definitely friends now, and Esredes is content to say that. She seems to have a lot of trouble with other men, and he intends to remain one of her only male relationships that allows her to be more relaxed and true to herself.
Lobeaux Lounent, Sort-of Friend. () - The Confusion Inside An Awakening/Pink son.
Character's Thoughts: "What a poor soul. That's a terrible thing to have gone through. I find him all right, fairly harmless, fairly naive. But he's well meaning, and I can't help but be concerned."
Sometimes in life, there's a half feral Dragoon running around the wilderness partially transformed, and sometimes in life, you're dispatched as part of a team to neutralize him and bring him back home.

In reality, they could've just sent him, because Esredes handled calming him down singlehandedly with almost no effort, and damn if he isn't proud of it. But he couldn't help but check on the thing in the infirmary afterwards, even offering him a little box of chocolates as a sympathy gift. After all, you don't just leave someone forcefully injected to deal with their new form by themselves. And isn't he such a nice man with reason to exist further to offer him his services?

The kid's all right, though. He's clueless about a lot of things, clearly loyalist but trying to be better, and doesn't think before he acts, but what person his age is ever intelligent? There's nothing particularly new Esredes hasn't encountered, and the kid doesn't seem to mind his presence. So for now, he can't help but look out for him. He has a lot of rough adjusting to do, and needs a bit of a guiding hand.

Since their original few meetings, the kid has shed his loyalist skin and moved on from Ishgard to Gridania and is now exploring himself down there. While initially concerned about if the kid was doing all right, Esredes has come to accept that Lobeaux simply needs to go through the necessary messy growing phase of self exploration that comes with throwing oneself headfirst into the world to experience what is beyond it. Esredes now mostly sees him when he appears at gatherings with his sort-of new girlfriend with occasional visits to his apartment, but he is content whenever he observes the kid's progress in his self-development. He's become much more rightfully angry about the wrongs of Ishgard and Gridania and their mistreatment of certain races, and to Esredes this shows the kid is becoming aware of the true nature of the world. He feels the two will only have more and more they can comfortably talk about and use to vent their frustrations in the future going onward.
Breandan Ducaille, Acquaintance Student of Heresy/Extra Friend. () - The Spear of Concern Adaptation.
Character's Thoughts: "I don't have much to say about him. He exists. He's not particularly bothersome in doing so. He's polite. It's just, you can never know if loyalists really mean their politeness, you know?

...Well, I was wrong about him. In a good way. I completely misjudged him, and I have much more to say now. He's good. I may not have spent enough time with him to say this, yet I feel can I trust him."
The only reason Esredes knows of the man existing is that apparently he's a friend of Lobeaux. Okay, fair enough. The man was there first, of course he's concerned about his friend. And even though the man's very polite, Esredes doesn't quite feel inclined to really tell him anything or trust him. There's just not really a need to. He's content to let the man go about his business and not deal with all the drama that comes with being truthful about himself, especially with how you can never be sure what a loyalist will do or react with. They don't really have any basis of interaction besides concern for Lobeaux, and Esredes is more content to interact with Lobeaux privately. So for now, Breandan is just an existence he accepts when is around, and nothing really more.

...That is, until he surprised him about three hundred times in a row. He was already softening up to the man slightly when he- albeit by questionable means- thanked him for what he did with Lobeaux, and implied to him that he knew his secret but was fine with it. Esredes simply explained to him that he can often be no more than a color to others- a nod to the fact that he often lets people call him by the color red instead of his actual name. But the first real surprise came after at a rather unpleasant evenning in the Forgotten Knight, when Breandan came to help him after an unpleasant interaction. When he expressed his thanks, Breandan told him that no one is just one color.

Fortunately, Esredes had his opportunity to properly express his newfound appreciation of the man's deeds, as in the same night he asked for books on Dravanian history for his student's curiosity. Esredes delivered them to his home, then sat down for a tea conversation in which he asked about the man's mental health and discerned the basics of his life story from one detail... Only for the man to get even more cryptic in return, and decipher from almost nonexistent hints that he was Ysayle's successor who still mourned her.

Well, a man who can beat him at his own game deserved his due respect and praise. Breandan went on to reveal the books were actually for himself and his own personal desire to learn about the dragons and understand to reevaluate his own path and purpose. So Esredes agreed they can keep an open dialogue about the knowledge.

Breandan is impressive now to Esredes in a few ways. He's sharp, obviously. He's not exactly a broken soul for Esredes to fix in the traditional sense- for once, he simply said he's handling it on his own. And while not exactly someone he could call a fellow heretic, he's so relaxed and accepting of all of it that Esredes figures he may help out when needed. In any case, he split open all three of Esredes' major secrets, so Esredes has come to figure he can be fairly open to him and in a way, just relaxed. After all, he didn't hesitate to offer to kill people for him more than once in the course of two minutes.

Hopefully there is much they can learn from each other. It isn't often Esredes has such an even power dynamic with another peer, and his presence has gone from tolerated to welcomed.
Rainier Vigneaux, Small Friend. () - The Prisoner of The Raging Shadow/A Piece Of The Cornucopia.
Character's Thoughts: “That poor, poor kid. He’s really such a lovely, pure soul that doesn’t deserve to be burdened with the mental issues he’s been given. I really hope I can help him live a better life, because he really does deserve the best.”
Rainier is a young man who frequently appears at Forgotten Knight evenings every Firesday who Esredes came to be acquaintanced with through these social gatherings. He didn’t quite know what to do or say besides say hello the first time the kid introduced himself, but as he saw more of his presence he warmed up to the kid’s cheerful, pleasant, enthusiastic and endearing demeanor he possessed. He’s just a mood lifter to have around with his tinges of purity that come with his still relatively young age, and it inclined Esredes to be nice and encouraging to him in a simple manner. During an evening at a Masquerade when he stuck around Esredes’ group most of the evening, Alise even declared Rainier to be ‘part of their cornucopia’- a creative term she used to mean the mismatched family Esredes had come to make out of his allies, and he couldn’t help but agree.

However, Esredes always suspected from the scars on his face that something was off about Rainier- and his answer came in the form of watching Rainier go into an unexpected feral state during one of those tavern nights, and having to be put to sleep with a spell. This was a condition Esredes remembered well from being on the receiving end of it in one of his own, and as the pieces clicked together in his own mind of what must be going on, he was horrified. He immediately set out to do what he could to help, by repeating the treatment method he had used the last time he experienced this condition, to results that didn’t magically heal the problem, but at least gave the kid some new ways to try and help and understand himself.

In the meantime, Esredes maintains a sense of emotional protectiveness- with respect to his existing emotional guardians- over the young man, while being sure to be encouraging and kind to him whenever they speak in a casual setting, and taking joy in hearing about the various things Rainier is undertaking or studying to help with his personal ambitions. He has decided it is best to step in when he is needed to help Rainier work through his mind or emotional issues, but leave him to his life when he appears to be in good mental health. There is much to be talked about, but such things take time- and Esredes is prepared to do what is best to help the kid, whether in good or bad times.

Aramis Silmontaix, Trusted Friendly Acquaintance. () - The Reformed Ghost Who Sees Into The Soul.
Character's Thoughts: “Elphanse’s no longer dead husband is something of a fascinating character, for sure. For one thing, they have brilliant yet perplexingly stupid in common. Otherwise, I find as many reasons to want to believe in him as I do to be irritated and put-off by him. I want to end up being touched by his efforts to try, but if he turns out to be more of a nuisance, then she still comes first.

Actually, to be honest, after having had to stick with him through a crisis, I'm not really all that bothered and irritated by him anymore. He's sort of like an acquired taste, you have to suffer through a bit of unpleasantness before you learn how nice the flavor is. There will probably still be things here and there, but for an almost souless man, he is honestly more patient and understanding than should be expected from what he has to deal with. I think we've both calmed down with one another that I can feel comfortable treating him with the respect of a regular friendly acquaintance."
Aramis is a dark knight, and he was Elphanse’s husband. ...One of them.

That’s all Esredes knew about the man inspiring Elphanse’s actions to fight back against Ishgard, and he was but a very small thought lost somewhere in the void of his mind before he spontaneously appeared again with Elphanse in a tavern claiming to have never been dead, just captured by Garleans.

Huh. Okay. Aramis thanked him for looking after Elphanse- and punched someone who deserved it- so he seemed fine in Esredes’ book. This very basic stage of ‘seeming fine’ allowed Esredes to agree when Elphanse asked him to willingly expose himself to him so he could learn about all the areas of previously forbidden knowledge.

It was also about there that the man began to simultaneously become empathetic and yet irritate him. He’s not exactly the same life story as Esredes, but he has a lot of the same elements to make for relatability. And yet, the man doesn’t stop talking about ‘evaluating him’, ‘hoping he’ll show him his true self’, ‘if you have nothing to hide you shouldn’t be afraid of me’, and even accusing him of bombing a politician.

What a set of contradictions his every move and trait is. He’s a skilled investigator who can’t pick up on when he’s being rude, sharing too much, or talking to everyone in a way to let them know he thinks they’re hiding something as if that will do anything to make them reveal themselves. He tells Esredes he wants to become his friend while making him uncomfortable in a similar breath. His complete lack of social grace makes him come off as an arrogant man who forgot he is in fact retired and has no authority to hound people for answers- and yet, Esredes understands this is just due to his inability to socialize. When he finally called him out on his behavior, the man listened and just made it all the more apparent that he is just trying to become a better person, and once again Esredes couldn’t help but be pulled toward the direction of believing the man to be well-intentioned and just a bit of a fixer-upper.

But Aramis is still a bit of a wildcard in Esredes’ game. Perhaps if he’s patient with the man, appealing to his want to better himself and trying to help him by emotional comforting and socialization tips, he’ll come to the conclusion that he isn’t the sketchy and questionable person everyone thinks of him as and get off his fucking back. And that would be ideal for Esredes, because the alternative- to have a man composed of dark power trying to thwart his efforts and plans or generally being an obstacle- is not one Esredes would like to deal with. Sure, he has Dark Knights on his side to throw right back at him, or he could just expose him- but that sort of situation would become very messy to navigate very quickly. For the moment, Esredes simply aims to keep exploiting the visible light spots in his small, fractured soul of darkness- bring out and nourish the light in someone, and they are indebted to you to at least accept your existence without effective protest.

For Aramis may be in some ways too smart for him, but combined with said brilliance being selective, his mind still seems weak and uncertain enough that he could be bent to his words- Esredes has had to calm him down from threatening to blow his top over something at least once fairly well. Perhaps he’ll always be somewhat on Esredes’ nerves, but for now, Esredes is still hoping to at least maintain a relationship of tolerance and mutual respect that does not boil over into something more antagonistic.

Fortunately, that did not end up happening. After a few interactions, Esredes mellowed out in his apprehension and paranoia towards Aramis, even completely flipped to feeling secure and safe around him, and isn’t really too concerned about him being a problem anymore or feeling like he has to manipulate him as part of a game. He can’t deny that for how easy it is to make fun of the man, he does genuinely like him and has warmed up to him, even fostered something of a feeling of emotional protectiveness and respect. He likes that Aramis is well-intentioned and tries, that he does his best to ask and understand something before he makes a judgement. But most ultimately, it’s the fact that Aramis has been rather patient despite his missteps with Esredes, considering that Esredes did give his wife the blood and admit to participating in illegal activity with her… and really, their interactions have just changed in air to make Esredes feel like he is talking to an actual friendly acquaintance and not someone he has to calculate with. He would even consider him an ally in most circumstances. At the end of the day, there is no denying they are more similar than different. It gives him that security of confidence that he could talk his way through any future issues in a normal manner with the man, and while Aramis can’t be expected to agree with everything he does, neither can most of his loyalist friends in the first place. If that much is to be the case, the two still have plenty of common ground and relatable topics of conversation to get by. Now Esredes just wishes his family would stop embarrassing him in front of the man.
Edith Wicke, New Fellow Harrier. () - The Churning Riptide/Water Daughter.
Character's Thoughts: "I want to actually like her and not just be pretending to love her in hopes she improves herself enough for me to actually love her, but even though she tires me out and tests my patience constantly, I still maintain that she is worth saving and melding. There is a well-intentioned heart in there somewhere beyond all the damage and defects."
Edith is a mixed heritage lowborn young lady and healer who makes quite the infamous name for herself. After meeting her once at a tavern, Edith was essentially told to come to Esredes from concerned sources for his help and assistance, being someone with heavy aetherical problems thanks to consuming blood from a Nidhogg dragon a while back, not even to mention as he quickly found out, horribly impulsive and lacking in the mental judgement department. Something is greatly wrong with Edith, even if Esredes can’t quite pin down what it is, but to that end, it is no wonder that she was given to him for restoration. Other parties that are already tired of Edith all ask of him the same thing- she is yours now, fix her, control her.

The problem is, Edith is more maintenance than his usual fixer-upper, and he feels he can’t get anywhere with her before she runs off and makes a bunch more things happen he can’t keep up with. But an exhausting challenge is just that, Esredes supposes, and he can’t give up on Edith unless he absolutely has to because that simply isn’t his principle, and he understands that she isn’t entirely lacking self awareness and wants to try, wants to find her own grounding in life. But even if progress is not as he wants it to be, he still feels there is something blossoming between them, a security and trust she has placed in him that he plans to use for what it’s worth to help her get ahold of herself. At the least, it’s for the best she joins him and his people instead of roaming free. She needs a group that can understand her to help root her to the ground.

Cinnieux Audoin, Friendly Acquaintance. () - The Resemblance of Regret.
Character's Thoughts: "Ah, the only member of the Fourth I genuinely like. He is lovely and pleasant to talk to, and he actually treats me and judges me as a person and not a word that no one knows the story behind. I didn’t think it was possible, but I cherish him. I just wish I could talk to him without feeling like I shouldn’t, with the dread he might justifiably hate me like all the rest. Why can’t I just have this one thing?"
Esredes has come to accept to just expect the weird and unexplainable or worst from the Fourth company. Shining example being talking to one of them in a weird outfit, and two more of them come out of nowhere with outfits equally bad in their own way, all while in Thanalan, and claiming to be so far from Ishgard because of classified reasons. Huh. In any case, wearing an obnoxiously bright pink shirt among them was Cinnieux, a man Esredes expected to start talking rudely to him the second the word his fellow people had no limitations on spewing came out. And to his immense surprise- that did not happen. He continued to talk to him like a human being, and in a completely normal manner.

That was the moment Esredes decided this one was his.

He followed this up with polite conversation allowing him to enjoy the young man’s bright, cheerful, and optimistic demeanor, solidifying his decision to keep this one. While he won’t talk to him when other Fourth members or people who will gossip are in range for the sake of the man, he cherishes the conversations they can have safely for brightening his day with that infectious cheeriness.

Esredes also found himself becoming even more important to the man when he requested he talk to his distant, completely sadistic and cold little brother, and try to begin fixing him towards being a human being again. That and additional promises to keep trying to help the boy have earned Esredes the status of being someone the family owes a debt to.

If only that was the end of the story, Esredes would be happy. He’d have his Fourth member he liked and wanted to keep a polite friendship with, encourage the good kid to pursue as he needs. Unfortunately, reality rudely shocked Esredes in the face when dealing with the aforementioned brother, who let loose the name of one of the family’s younger siblings who had allegedly died in a heretic attack.

And Esredes recognized the name of a fallen member of his group. Of someone he hadn’t been able to save, strewn by all the other corpses in his mind.

It was his fault. His fault that Cinnieux and his god forsaken younger brother were suffering. An inevitability, that all Esredes’ attempts for atonement and playing nice would be slapped back by his failures.

One mental breakdown later, Esredes has opted not to dare let Cinnieux find out and see what sort of retribution is waiting for him. Instead, he has decided he will keep playing nice to him and help his horrible brother regain humanity as another way of atonement, at least for as long as it takes to be found out and have to withdraw back into his political and social shields and respectfully not ever talk to Cinnieux again.

It will be nice while it lasts, and then Esredes will return to his own personal oblivion and accept the reality of his doomed existence, doomed much like the girl he failed to save.

Vallerin de Travanchet, Client. () - The Violet Bolster In Your Abyss.
Character's Thoughts: “My favorite counseling client, as of right now, and the one that brings me the best feeling of job security. He’s got a good heart that’s had too much happen to it- I feel obligated not just professionally, but morally to heal and protect him. He is good, he is comfortable- and he trusts me to help him. I cannot let him down when he deserves so much more."
The first official and professional client for Esredes’ new counseling job, and therefore his first opportunity to prove to himself he can do his job properly, and for that purpose, Vallerin was the perfect client. A man who genuinely needs this service, horribly depressed and traumatized but not angry and unreasonable like much of his order, instead opting to be humble, kind, and most importantly, perfectly normal. Exactly the sort of Dragoon Esredes finds ideal.

It makes it hard to want anything but to do the best for the man, as he wants nothing more than to be able to function properly again and doesn’t hold grudges for what happened in the war, and he isn’t afraid to be emotionally vulnerable for Esredes or express his softer side. Vallerin is Esredes’ perfect opportunity to show he can counsel a typical case of a veteran and make him into a more functional person the proper way that does not exploit him, to only hold the pure and simple intention of doing his job.

Though Esredes is determined to help a man he deems to be good and worthy of it to be better, he also has to face in the process that Vallerin has many of the same issues Esredes himself possesses- emptiness, survivor’s guilt, only kept alive by the need to feel useful. But surely if it’s not himself, which he has accepted is wholly unfixable by this point, Esredes can still heal someone, right? He has to be a proper counselor, he can’t reveal to a client that he probably needs therapy himself for the same thing, he must merely find a way to fix it anyway.

But that’s fine. He feels an affinity and security with Vallerin that he can reassure himself of his insecurity with his job through, and so no matter how long it takes, he will heal the man piece by piece. And lord help if anyone ever tries to even so much as remark negatively on the man in the hearing range of Esredes if they ever happen to be nearby in public, they will find out just how vicious the wrath of an emotionally protective counselor can be. Some things simply don’t change.

Ufah'ra Vamsidu, Enemy. () - The Enigmatic Monster.
Character's Thoughts: "How do you stab an Ascian Voidsent mix to death?"
He does not like that thing one bit, and it needs to stay the hell away from Clover. He wants to figure out how to kill it as quickly as possible, because there is no way in hell he’s allowing it to take another friend from him.
Mazin Khin, Unfriendly Acquaintance. ( ) - The Empty Husk.
Character's Thoughts: "If this is what I have to deal with in light of the camp being gone, I’d rather be dealing with their idiocy. At least they had some respect and decency. This man has nothing but broken memories and an even more broken personality."
Having initially sought Esredes out since his speech at a heretic ceremony, Esredes was all willing to help this amnesiac man with his expertise on harrier camps to find his mother… for all of exactly one minute before the man proceeded to call him a monster and not take it back.

It didn’t help that after he walked out, the man took to stalking him and demanding he still help him for payment or else he would keep this up. At that point, he wasn’t even going to accept his apology, just do the task to get him out of his skin. Upon witnessing his birth home shun him away due to the nature of his mother’s leaving, Esredes couldn’t feel that sorry for him- but he still felt the need to lecture the man on his own problems before leaving things off.

For there is nothing to like about this man other than to pity his suffering. And he doesn’t. His suffering and inability to feel things doesn’t excuse him being a disrespectful, annoying, persistent, creepy, and ultimately completely fake and unempathetic person with the density of a rock on the ocean floor. No, he could try to perform with the man as he usually does, his tried and true act of empathy and patience, but he’s already decided the man doesn’t deserve it until he acts like a better person and so he simply told him to do everything he could to improve beyond an empty husk. While not the worst person he’s ever had the displeasure of dealing with, Esredes has no desire to ever see him again until something changes. And maybe not even then, either.
Silvaineaux Rosaire, Dislike. () - The Shades Of A Mirror.
Character's Thoughts: "What an unpleasant individual. I hope to every god for the sake of the people around him he learns how to manage those anger problems. I'll bet you he's hit people out of anger before. Either way, he's disgusting and I want to stay far away from him."
The only reason he knows of this man is seeing him visit Sui- something indicated only by Sui asking Esredes to hide away, an immediate sign that something was not right.

And oh, was something not right. For Esredes used his illusion to eavesdrop on their conversation, only to hear this other man as the exact kind of loyalist he really didn’t have time for- the kind who was self-righteous and set in their hatred, unpleasant, and overall just really not worth it. And he hated the way he talked to Sui, made worse by witnessing the two kiss.

This pissed Esredes off so much that he opted to pretend to enter the room again just to deliberately try and drive a wedge between them, and succeeded in pissing Silvaineaux off enough to make him shatter his wine glass and cut his hand. Because Esredes decided in that moment that Sui deserved much better than such an aggressive man with shades of controlling behavior, and if he wouldn’t realize how terrible the relationship was on his own, Esredes had to bring to light all the ways it was a terrible idea. As much as he respects Sui’s general neutrality, he draws the line at this. Esredes seems to care for Sui just enough to not want to lose him to some asshole loyalist.

He really doesn’t feel bad for what he did, in fact, he brags about it sometimes. What kind of man has anger problems bad enough to shatter a fucking glass? Even he would never do that. The whole thing is hilarious to him, but when you boil it down, he simply doesn’t care for Silvaineaux. He’d love to see him fuck off and leave it at that, because he’s not worth the time of day, and he’s not worthy of Sui’s gentle soul.
Liamont Arbeau, Begrudging Acquaintance. () - The Submission To Misery.
Character's Thoughts: "It's really not easy being the only person in Ishgard sometimes willing to practice decent humanity. Case in point: this broken, pathetic sadsack of a loyalist. I have a few words to say to whoever allowed him to get this bad. He's a sentient headache and a pain in the ass. But by god, does he need someone to put up with him."
Esredes will never think of Sui as a pitiful or sad puppy ever again.

Because this man? This man. Is so much worse. In every conceivable way. Not only is he sort of a loyalist, even if not a bad one, but he is one dealt the worst hand. A poor little lowborn man who ran from the military after his parents were witchdropped, turned himself in, and was sentenced to pay off the debt of all the families of the soldiers who had been affected by his desertion. Something that Esredes, of course, could immediately point out, while encountering the man in dragon form out in Western Coerthas, was a complete load of shit. And which the man argued was simply his just punishment.

Ohhhh boy. The more the man speaks, the more he reveals himself as completely brainwashed and practically brain damaged by Ishgard’s ways. He can’t think for himself at all, and is resolved to torturing himself with self-hatred because of the guilt over what he did and his status as ‘lowborn filth’. Esredes can see entirely through this man, and it concerns him deeply. If the poor man wasn’t an incredible source of headache for how delusional he is, he’d be a decent person, and Esredes can’t just let this injustice go on when he seems to be the only person to tell Liamont that he isn’t a complete waste of space.

So in all of his gracious knowledge, Esredes took it upon himself to try and help the man. Which meant he essentially subjected himself to a patience test of the highest measure, as the man often resists every attempt he makes to be nice to him, says the absolute stupidest things, and accidentally says incredibly insensitive things to piss Esredes off. Esredes makes one thing clear to everyone: this man is not his friend. He is a charity case, something Esredes can look upon and think, ‘oh, a challenge, if I can solve this one, I am practically capable of fixing anyone.’ And a challenge it is, something to make Esredes feel better about his own life.

Still, while his motives aren’t entirely pure, Esredes is determined to help the man improve, and be absolutely nowhere near him the rest of the time in order to protect against brain ruptures. And if he succeeds, the man will be less unbearable, and Esredes can pat himself on the back. Clearly a win-win, right?
Gerivien Greystone, Even More Begrudging Acquaintance. () - The Boiling Pot With A Sealed Lid.
Character's Thoughts: "Do I like that one? No. Do I get to express that? Also no. Make no mistake, I can't hate the man either, it would feel wrong knowing that he is just in severe need of help. But I expect it will be many headaches and too much effort on my part to see through all the way to his clouded heart."
Just when Esredes thought Liamont was the most pathetic thing possible, he learned that the only thing worse than Liamont is a Liamont who is angry instead of meek. Enter Gerivien, another member of that awful Temple Knight division who is insultive and hostile to everyone around him and refuses in much of the same way as Liamont to have any conception of not digging himself into holes. Esredes does want to feel bad for him, as he’s clearly gone through a lot, but much like Liamont, he can’t actually like him as much as he can tolerate him in doses for the sake of feeling obligated to get someone out of a vicious cycle. Sure, there’s a visible softer core somewhere down under all that anger, but Esredes doesn’t expect to catch more than glimpses of it for a long while.

Fortunately, after bothering Gerivien and lecturing him once, he’s found himself on Gerivien’s ‘hold in my anger because I want to prove I can control myself’ side, which Esredes will take for now. It means Esredes is not as directly bothered by his presence as before, but he’s still going to find ways to make Gerivien a secondary healing project...

Lanvalloix Prejugaire, Enemy? () - The Snake Through The Window.
Character's Thoughts: "That one scares me. He’s subtle, he’s hard to read, he’s not easily cut out like some. All my instincts tell me he is an enemy to avoid, but he keeps pulling moves in this game I feel are designed to confuse me. I need to find out at all costs: What kind of monster am I dealing with, exactly? And what are his plans for me?"
Formerly a Sergeant of Esredes’ least favorite Temple Knight company- and one of its only members Esredes found genuinely threatening and competent- Lanvalloix has confused Esredes from the beginning with his back and forth. His very first impression of Lanvalloix was him insulting Liamont, which immediately set up his dislike- followed by the man pretending to be nice to him to get information on Shiva’s summoning to help someone- followed by asking if Esredes was ‘bothering’ his squires when they happened to be standing near each other in public- followed by Lanvalloix deciding he can waltz right into his office to ask him questions on dragons and himself- followed by humiliating him in public- and finally, followed by waltzing in to a counseling appointment under a fake name and unloading all sorts of things Esredes didn’t really ask to hear about the man.

One moment he acts sweet to get what he needs out of Esredes, the next he is back to reminding him what he really thinks of him. And Esredes can’t entirely detect when he is lying or not, if there really is any sort of begrudging respect or anything Lanval is building towards him or if he really is merely an object Lanval thinks he can extract whatever he needs out of when it suits his purpose. Regardless, a predator must circle a predator, calculate what it might be thinking and what move it might take next. And for some reason, the man found it ample to walk into his court and try to vent his psychology to him- Esredes cannot make what this move means, if it means he can shield himself from further potential antagonism from the man or is merely another way of exploiting him. What he does know is the man paints a picture of himself attempting to be far more sympathetic and less evil than what Esredes assumed- and Esredes has no way to know if he has unfairly judged the man, or if his original assumptions still hold true and he should not listen to honeyed words from the tongue of a serpent.

But that is the nature of the game these two have taken to playing, and he is determined to stay on top of it. He cannot afford to let a potential threat get the upper hand and learn the hard way what he is dealing with.

ಌ OOC Notes ಌ

OOC Information

Player Note
I'm Plat, she/her, a female college student. I get excited about characters the way anyone else does, and aim to someday create media out of mine. I am also a naive baby so excuse my innocence and please don’t try to destroy what remains of it. I use this AU of my character to explore whatever new facets I can discover of him, and to see how he can benefit the development of other characters. I am down to roleplay and figure something out whenever college isn't swarming me, so know your interest will excite me.
Personal RP Limits
Don't ask me to ERP without expecting to get digitally stabbed. My character is not a sex doll and I am personally not comfortable nor familiar with roleplaying that kind of content. I will fade to black and that is it. My discord is available upon request, and I can be found on tumblr. In game rp is iffy due to periods of game hiatuses and I prefer discord roleplay, with tumblr as a secondary.
I will play Anything from friendships to adding to my ever expanding kid empire to dramatic and dark content with enemies and murder and the like. Particularly interested in making more enemies, but I am never opposed to more allies and friendships.
I won't play Sexual content, for reasons stated above. Also, I don't think I can make him have any kind of positive relationship with a Warrior of Light if they participated in Snowcloak, as he will never forgive them for that part of the story and genuinely hopes most of them die from that point on, so keep that in mind if you have one. I also won't play anything that has too devastating of consequences on his psyche, because I would like to see him be less depressed at some point. He also has a limited capacity for criminal roleplay, as he cannot be caught by any costs, though the conflict of threatening it is always available.
I am over eighteen.
Final Fantasy is not his original universe, and you will hear me make mentions to his canon universe. To hear an explanation on that, refer here.
He is, of course, a villainous character. He may not always be nice and can sometimes even slip into abusive territory, and almost always makes judgements about characters immediately and beyond. This is why I often like to have some chatting beforehand to figure out the chances of playing nice or not so nice with your character. If you're not the talk it out type, whatever happens happens.
I roleplay him achronologically due to the limited timeframe of heresy. One or both of us can decide if your character should meet him as a heretic or post-heresy depending on what fits better.

Character Tidbits

Potential Plot Hooks
Esredes loves to manipulate or drag people into helping the heretics, or perhaps your character can somehow be involved in a heretic-related affair. From things involving Ishgard to stealing from other places to help supply themselves, the heretics have to do a lot to get by, and Esredes is usually there to help or lead.
Any loyal Ishgardian or even just people who don’t like what the heretics are doing can easily become an enemy to Esrey and I think that’d be fun to play with. Or just encountering him and his personality can probably spark something, who knows.
Esredes wanders out into the world a lot and can meet people if he’s simply exploring for his own downtime, or is between or in the middle of taking care of heretic business and something else happens. Though this also tends to lead into manipulation.
Sometimes when heretics have time to not be up to awful things, he will take up short term Adventurer-esque work just for the money.
Allies to the heretics are scattered across the globe. Visiting another area to consult one for information or supplies is yet another activity he partakes in.
Post-Heavensward Additions
He prefers to seek out people in Ishgard who are heretic friendly and especialy those with power to suit his own agenda towards his people.
Whispers still get through of who he is, and back alleyways and shadowy corners are not safe places to be. Perhaps someone is after him for revenge, or perhaps someone else sees what's about to happen and wants to stop it...
He still offers himself up for short term combat work sometimes.
Esredes considers himself a resource for all who are curious about the usual heretical topics- the lost history, dragon’s blood and shifting, dragons themselves, or his own faction, and is happy to help those who ask him about it.
Any character involved in Ishgardian politics may have heard of the negotiator for the dragons, though he prefers to keep out of the eye otherwise and is essentially a background character in the field. Just one with a distinct appearance.
He keeps a list of people he encounters who he considers dangerous to the advancement of the new age of Ishgard. Inquisitors who won't let go, people who actively seek vengence against the heretics... But he can't clean up the filth himself with how he's being watched. But dark knights lurking in the shadows, however, don't have such trouble...
One of his outfits has a Fortemps crest on the breast, and he can often be seen around their manor. Perhaps this supposed connection to the family may intrigue someone to ask about it.
As of 5.3 onward, Esredes has taken up a part time position as a counselor at a Veteran's Center. Anyone may seek him out for private counseling. You are also likely to find him around said workplace to talk to more casually.
Character Lore Adherence
Dragon's blood is a very iffy part of lore, and I've chosen to take the least consequential approach to it for my character. However others are affected by it is still fine as is, but he will remain fully in control at all times. In addition, heresy in general is a very vague area of lore that I've filled with headcanons in order to flesh out. Snowcloak is retconned as only one of the base of operations, and the main camp is elsewhere. I also take to the approach of their being a large group of Warriors of Light, as he interacts with several characters of the sort. Also, his name obviously doesn't follow naming conventions. I don't care.

Esrey main.png
ಌ Information ಌ
Name: Esredes Rosemond
Aliases and Nicknames: Licano (Fake Alias); Esrey (A nickname only used for people he trusts); Red and/or Sir/Ser (Often used by others when they know not what else to call him); Esh Loon (Dragon Alias)
Pronunciations: S-ray-days Rose-muhnd; Leh-sah-no; S-ray
Race: Ishgardian Elezen/Dragon
Age: 33
Gender: Cisgender Male [He/Him/His]
Location: The Wilderness of Coerthas (Pre End of Heavensward)/Ishgard, Foundation (Post End of Heavensward)
Birthplace: The Pillars, Ishgard
Occupation: Disciples of Shiva Commander/Highly Wanted Criminal (Pre End of HW); Negotiator and Political Assistant (Post HW onward); Part time Counselor (5.3 Onward)
Discipline: Gladiator
Deity: Originally Halone, but no longer. Informally it is now Shiva, but in all reality, he doesn't believe much in deities anymore.
Alignment: Lawful Evil/Neutral

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