Delial Grimsong

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AlaMhigo.png Delial Grimsong
Delial profile.png
"Everyone dies, little dove. No one is ever truly free."
The Witch
Gender Female
Race Hyur
Clan Highlander
Citizenship Ala Mhigo
Nameday 6th Sun, Fourth Umbral Moon, 1542
Age 36
Guardian Rhalgr
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General Info

This woman carries herself with the air of one who knows her place in the world and has been convinced, reluctantly perhaps, that she floats somewhere above most of those around her. Proud to the point of arrogance, Delial Grimsong bows to no man and serves no one without cause.

NOTE: Delial Grimsong is not a Warrior of Light and does not possess the Echo, nor has she participated in any of the major events portrayed in-game or have any open affiliation with any relevant factions save for the Garlean Empire.


Delial is slight for a Highlander: her stature is short in comparison and her frame meager and less robust than many of her sisters, a fact which does irk her somewhat. Yet she makes it up with sheer confidence, known to be not at all modest about showing off what the Gods did see fit to give her. Her skin is a dark caramel and her hair is dark with violet undertones, especially in the sunlight. One of her eyes is a sharp yellow while the other is scarred to a milky white, clearly blinded by some injury which had left its mark across her brow and cheekbone. In a nod to Ala Mhigan tradition, she's had her upper and lower canines filed into points.

Though it has become a rarer thing in recent suns, she was once of the habit of marking her face with ritualistic lines, almost like warpaint. Oddly, a tattoo-like mark has also recently appeared at the side of her throat: something that almost looks like foreign script contorted and warped as if by flame. She seems to make an effort at obscuring it with necklaces or her clothing.

Her taste in clothing seems to vary between opulent robes and simple, if not somewhat revealing, blouses and camisoles. Her most prized possession may very well be her well-worn thigh boots, proud as she is of her shapely legs. She changes hairstyles fairly often but seems to favor tying it up and back or keeping it down about shoulder length with small beads and charms (bone perhaps?) woven into her locks.

When she speaks, her voice is fairly deep and has a touch of that breathy quality to it, a feature she tends to exaggerate when speaking with people she does not know very well. Despite being a Highlander, she does not speak with the expected Highlander dialect but with the sharper, clipped tones that speak to heavy exposure to Imperial influence. It can come off as forced, however, as she almost never slips into anything less than a formal, proper vocabulary, and rarely speaks with contractions or slang.

Personality & Philosophy

Proud, vain, cut-throat and unapologetically hedonistic. These are the qualities Delial embodies, living her life mostly at her own pace with mostly her own desires at heart. She prides herself on being a strong, independent woman with loyalties and a sense of honor very clear to herself even if not to the people with whom she interacts. Selfish and self-serving, she tends to have little reservation about using or harming others if doing so will get her closer to what she wants. Her moods are as fickle as the faces she wears: lies and falsehoods spoken through perfectly practiced smiles, plying flirtations and flattery or even bold-faced threats to bend people her way. Cruelty is not beyond her, nor is kindness should it suit her needs.

It could be said, however, that much of her behavior is as much a lie as the words she twists, for though she puts herself forward as a wicked creature (and sometimes even seems to delight in the image), those who are closer to her might come to find that she has a tendency to become very attached to those she finds interesting and may find herself conflicted between her desire to attain her goals and a need for acceptance and comraderie. She maintains a bitter stance towards romantic inclinations ('sentiment' she says as if it were a vulgar thing) and finds blatant heroism and self-sacrifice to be utterly repulsive and useless. For all her brazen ways, she is terribly afraid of dying though she is unafraid of pain. Proud as she is of her ability to manipulate others, she is nowhere near as clever as she thinks and is just as prone to manipulations to herself, having an impulsive need to protect her pride at nearly any cost.

Delial admires strength and conviction (even if it is misguided in her eyes) above all else, and spares little time or courtesy to those she feels are particularly weak-willed. Even if her morals are a little more on the grey side of things, she cannot abide actions such as rape or infanticide and is generally averse to the use of spells or drugs that can heavily impair or alter another's state of mind. Inhibiting a body is one thing, but she finds little sport in destroying minds.

She is not shy about her sexuality and sees little shame in indulgence. She does, however, act adversely towards concepts such as 'love' and has a difficult time reciprocating affectionate behavior with all but a very select few. If she has ever suffered a desire to have children, she has done well enough to resist it so far. Her thoughts of romance have grown bitter as of late, and it is rare to see her in the company of anyone outside of business.

Religious Views

Outwardly she may not seem a pious woman but Delial considers herself to be fairly devout. Like many Ala Mhigans, she worships Rhalgr the Destoyer chief among the Twelve. In her youth, however, she and her mother both fell under the sway of a different sort of god: the lesser moon Dalamud, the crimson meteor, which they took to believe was an avatar of Rhalgr's fury made manifest. Even after the Calamity and its subsequent destruction, Delial still pays regular homage to the fallen moon. Much of what she knows with regards to magick came from a hedge-witch under whom her mother and, by extension, Delial herself learned and worshipped.

If she maintains an affiliation with the Lambs in the present day, she does well enough to hide it.


Direct combat is certainly not Delial's strength as she prefers to wage her wars with words and manipulation, but she is not entirely helpless should the need ever arise. In her younger days she was at least competent with small swords and blades and still keeps at least one knife on her person at all times. Since her eye was ruined, however, she has fallen out of the habit of physical combat, either out of a sudden distaste for it or simply because of the obvious disadvantage being half-blind would present.

Instead, she relies chiefly on arcanima. Most of what she knows of spell casting came not at the hands of the Arcanist's Guild but of the Witch and the ancient (if not vulgar) techniques that had been passed down her equally ancient line. Delial keeps with her a worn leather grimoire in which her sigils are marked not with ink but of various bodily humors, the most effective of which she channels through blood. Her strengths lie on sapping life energies: miasmas and agony of one turning against one's own body, twisting a victim's aether against themselves. Unlike a proper Arcanist, she cannot summon anything but pain, and her abilty to heal is limited if only by a lack of training. As of late, Delial has been trying to broaden her study to at least better understand healing arts, but her progress has been slow and hindered by a lack of proper training.

NOTE: Delial's in-game class(es) do not reflect what she can do IC. Despite having Summoner/Scholar at 50, I tend to view her more as a potent Arcanist and that's really about it. If she has a faerie out please consider it and likely her to be OOC. She was once what one might call a Rogue (and a barely passable one at that) but those days are long gone.



Trashy romance novellas
Terrible wine
Pet names (for others)


Small, enclosed spaces
'Easy' people


Haruspicy (supposedly!)
Withstanding pain
Angering others


Favourite Food: Aldgoat steak
Favourite Color: Green
If she could be an animal, she would be a: Dragon
Biggest Fear: Enslavement
Hero: Gaius van Baelsar

Other Notes

  • She is completely blind on her left side and as such she has a tendency to scan her surroundings quite often. As a rule she dislikes having others standing to her left and so she is careful about positioning herself near or around other people. At times she will do the opposite, however, and intentionally place people to her left if only to give them the impression that they might have an edge on her or that she might in some way trust them.
  • Those especially observant (or those who simply know her well enough) might notice that when she does wear her face paint, it is mostly comprised of blood. The sources tend to vary.
  • Some might recognize the tattoo on her neck as one of many markings unique to those who frequent D'renmaia's teahouse in the Goblet. She does not seem to share their company all that frequently, but there is still some manner of link with those others who are marked.



Delial rarely, if ever, speaks of her family and has taken great care to try and sever her ties to them. Attempts to track down her relatives may be made all the more difficult by the fact that she does not go by her maiden name of Blackstone. Feeling that the name was tainted by her family's chosen alleigances, she discarded it not long after the events of the Calamity.

  • Garren Blackstone: Father, formerly a priest of Rhalgr. He was killed fairly early on in the upheaval of Ala Mhigo but was survived by his wife and children.
  • Lyra Blackstone: Mother, midwife and self-appointed witch. Skilled with all manner of hedge-magics, it was through her that Delial learned much of what she knows and still practices. She commited suicide days after the Calamity.
  • Westor Blackstone: Elder brother by two years, formerly a disciple of Rhalgr and secretly a member of the Fists of Rhalgr. Killed during a skirmish between Garlean forces and Resistance fighters.
  • Harvard Blackstone: Younger brother, formerly a stablehand. The only other surviving member of Delial's immediate family, unknown how he was able to flee the violence in Ala Mhigo. Currently lives in works in Ul'dah as an errand boy and a retainer. He and his sister are not on speaking terms, but she remains fiercely protective of him. Their relationship has only become even more strained since he was kidnapped by a gang of angry women in league with the Resistance.
  • The Witch: Now and again she makes mention of an ominous figure in her youth spoken of almost reverently as "The Witch." Whoever this woman is, she has left a lasting legacy in Delial - one which has been coming to mind more often as of late.

Player Standing

Romantic Interest     Sexual Desire     ???      Good Standing     Neutral Standing     Poor Standing
Itarliht Syhrkoensyn - A powerful Roegadyn bruiser who was known to many as "The Crimson Mountain." Delial knew him by the name 'Itarliht', a name which was strangely fitting considering that in their earliest of meetings she often joked of him being her White Knight. The two quickly became extremely close, with the Roegadyn pledging his blade and his life to her. It was he who ultimately convinced her to stand against Raelisanne Banurein and with his aid she reached out to Roen Deneith and Gharen Wolfsong to ally herself to them for that purpose. Unbeknownst to her, he would end up being hired to kidnap Deneith in a ploy to get at Wolfsong. Delial remained in denial over the whole affair until finally seeing him for herself: the White Knight she had fallen in love with cast aside in favor of the monstrous Crimson Mountain others saw him to be, with two broken captives at his back. Negotiations for Roen and Askier were successful when it was agreed that he and Delial could sail away together, but that did not come to be. Delial left that place alone and covered in his blood. A lingering hope with regards to the man seems to have come and gone, and she is left to cope with its finality.
Saxon Thorne - A fellow Ala Mhigan, and a skilled thief. Two had actually encountered once before in the bowels of the Conjurer's Guild and have recently come into contact again by chance of one of what she assumes to be many marks upon her head. Cocksure as he may be, there is an odd sincerity to the man's intentions that Delial finds refreshing... Never mind that the man, despite his trade and years, is still so easily flustered, a fact which she delights in immensely. He has accompanied her to Limsa Lominsa for the time being, watching out for her while she goes about her own work.
Roen Deneith - A Sultansworn turned Brass Blade, turned... prisoner? Roen's relationship with Ul'dah seems about as tumultuous as her relationship with Delial. Their history stretches back to Roen's infancy and has gone from friendly to hostile and not-quite back again. Delial struck a deep wound in the girl after using her for information which led to the death of Aylard Greyarm, then-leader of a group of Ala Mhigan Resistance that had smuggled themselves into Ul'dah, as well as the capture and grievous torture of her brother, Gharen Wolfsong. Things were not helped when her own allies Askier and Itarliht kidnapped the girl without Delial's knowing, and Itarliht proceeded to degrade Roen in an attempt to break her spirit. Since she was returned, Delial has taken an oddly protective stance towards Roen as well as her brother. While she suspects Roen will never trust her again as she once did, she is still secretly grateful for the second chance she and Gharen alike have given her. The Twelve seem intent on keeping the three of them together in one way or another, and so Delial has taken it as a sign that she is to protect them both to the best of her ability - even if it means doing what they themselves cannot.
Gharen Wolfsong - The last son of a traitorous clan, and former affiliate of the Ala Mhigan Resistance. In her earlier years, she had one sought to destroy his house for their ties to known Resistance members but the son and the daughter were both spared from the blade. Years later she would learn that young Wolfsong, true to his blood, had at last joined the Resistance and thus truly became her enemy. He was the first to realize that Delial was not as she seemed though it did not save him from being captured and delivered to Raelisanne Banurein for her deranged experiments. She often said that he was the key to everything and it may have rung true within herself: that it would be Wolfsong and all that she helped inflict upon him that helped push her away from Banurein. Forceful words and an iron grip on her throat only cemented the deal: Delial would assist him, or else. Though he may forever remain a traitor in her eyes, she has since taken a certain fondness for the man and his talk of bungalows on the beach.
Osric Melkire - A hyur who, in her mind, acts far more clever than he actually may be. The two could easily have become enemies and at one point seemed well on their way to just that, having held fondness for whispering threats and poisoned words to one another at trials and other encounters. Imagine her surprise when he offered his support in hunting down Banurein, and was even charitable enough to attempt to deal with Itarliht when his treachery was made known. Delial holds a firmly neutral view of the midlander, seeing him as little more than another busybody lawman too soft to do what must be done. Recent talk with Volkov, however, suggested that perhaps that was no longer the case. The Sergeant has been one of several lawmen who Delial has tapped for information regarding the growing conflict between Taeros and the Monetarists and one Nero Lazarov.
Kahn'a Od'hilkas - A miqo'te archer, and a close friend to Askier. It cannot be said that the boy lacks loyalty and for that Delial cannot dislike him too much. She still holds something of a grudge for being shot quite painfully when last they bore arms against one another. Since then, they have managed to share a few brisk conversations, and though she threatened Askier's life, he made no violent move against her. It would seem he sees the truth to Delial's words with regards to the one-eyed miqo'te, yet is hesitant to act upon them. Naive, but non-threatening. He has offered her what could prove to be an invaluable favor in exchange for word of his friend Askier, yet it would seem that something else has gone wrong between the two miqo'te.
Edgar Von Gandervalt - A boy who loves a woman he shouldn't. Their relationship, if one can call it that, is complicated indeed, even more so after Delial confessed to having a played a critical part in the murders of his parents. He has persisted, however, and has even gone so far as to attempt to protect and later disarm Askier's magitek bomb himself, to some harm upon his body. This flew straight in the face of her warning him to stay away, to keep their associations unknown lest she kill him for exposure. Having not seen him for some time, she was surprised to find him battered and cut, taking his return into her life as a ill omen considering the manner by which she was parted from Itarliht. Grudgingly, she healed the worst of his wounds only enter into a vocal argument with the boy. Their "relationship" seemed to finally come to an end when he happened upon her in Ul'dah and proposed for one final time that he would listen should she be willing to share whatever it was that had been straining her so terribly. Perhaps unsurprisingly she refused quite coldly, unaware (or uncaring) of whatever repercussions she may have set off in his head. Finally, he found her while she was alone and very nearly decided to take her life - but when Delial exposed him a mirror of the monstrous father of whom he had just recently learned the bitter truth of, he finally realized the true nature of his obsession. The two parted ways somewhat amicably, both finally free of the other.
Alexei Volkov - A refugee of sorts, foreign to Eorzea. Her first encounter with the man consisted of a sword and a syringe and a very uncomfortable patch of ground in the middle of Camp Drybone, yet despite the embarassment of being sedated like some sort of rabid creature, Delial could not quite find it in hersel to be very angry at all with the man who was (and possibly still is?) Askier Mergrey's bodyguard. Strangely enough, Mergrey would see fit to try and set the man up on a date and Delial happened to be the one who took him up on it. They shared surprisingly pleasant conversation over dinner where Delial learned that the man was much like herself, albeit in a more calm and collected sort of way. Though they have not spoken since, she remains appreciative of his perspective and his advice... even if she has yet to take either to heart. Delial has recently heard that the man was killed, and regrets his passing.
Askier Mergrey - A former Garlean, and one who is much too good at causing trouble for others. The miqo'te has gone from being seen in somewhat of a sympathetic light to being the subject of her rage and hatred for his seemingly reckless and mindless actions despite her advice and warnings. Once she thought to speak up in his defense at his Trial and was honestly somewhat disappointed when the boy was apparently murdered there by his good friend. Her relief at his deception would quickly sour, however, when she learned that he had kidnapped Roen at Natalie Mcbeef's request due to "boredom" and, for a time, sought nothing but to murder him herself for what she perceived to be his betrayal against her love, Itarliht. The two have managed to talk: on what transpired, on why she loathed him, and on a surprising link that ties the two together. He was the only one she told of her nameday and much to her surprise, he even gave her his hideous "wolf-fur" coat to commemorate it. She maintains airs of distrust and loathing about him but her true feelings are mixed, a fact not at all helped by an odd tension the two have shared during a few of their encounters. At their most recent meeting, he made her a most intriguing offer... and a most unsettling gesture.
Coatleque Crofte - A Sultansworn, and an ally of Roen Deneith. While her personal opinion of the Sultansworn and, by extension, Ul'dah itself remains largely negative, there is one woman who has managed to surprise her. It was made quite apparent that the woman has her own fair share of history yet despite it she carries herself proud and almost regal. She assisted Delial in locating a contact in her efforts to hunt down Shael of the Resistance and managed to broker a deal that would ultimately lead to Gharen being cleared of his involvement in the events leadng up to the Nanawa Mine incident. She has seen little of the woman since - a good thing, perhaps, seeing as she seems to be one Sultansworn who minds her duties. With Natalie's death, Delial has assumed the burden of investigation would fall upon her, and has taken an interest in her movements.


Raelisanne Banurein - Delial's former employer and quite possibly the only person in Eorzea who she actually fears. The midlander is deceptively delicate looking with a deadly cold streak to her, manipulative and cunning to a near inhuman degree. It was she who set Delial on the hunt for the Resistance effort in Ul'dah and through her that she came to hunt Gharen Wolfsong, son of a clan she failed to end in the dying days of old Ala Mhigo. Delial is intensely uncomfortable with the woman's methods but, knowing well the power and information Banurein and her superiors hold, is at a loss to do anything but her bidding, especially knowing full well that Raelisanne knows far, far more about her and her family than anyone. The final task Delial was given was to hunt down Gharen Wolfsong once more so that Banurein may complete her 'experiment,' but Delial has yet to so much as report in on a mission she has obviously rejected. The woman has been silent, and it is with a growing sense of dread that Delial awaits her move.
Jameson Taeros - A nobleman and pawn of Raelisanne Banurein. Delial does not know him well enough to think much about this man. She was instructed to tell what she knew of the Nanawa Mine incident and together the two went to report to Osric Melkire in what was a ploy to attempt to discredit the Sultansworn involved (namely, Natalie Mcbeef, Kage Kiryuu, and Roen Deneith). Since then she has seen him but once, in attendance of Askier's trial. Yet it would appear that his influence - or rather, his involvement - with political matters in Ul'dah span far greater than she would have thought. Roen Deneith has set her eyes upon him and has recruited Delial to help shed light on who and what he is really up to. She has been working under his direction in recent weeks and is presently en route to Limsa Lominsa to seek out one of his 'problems'.
Natalie Mcbeef - There was little but bad blood between Delial and the Sultansworn. What vague a relationship they had was quickly shredded when Natalie took her in for interrogation and subsequent torture under the impression that Delial was actively working against the better interests of Ul'dah. Her involvement with Roen's kidnapping and Itarliht's death only made Delial all the more determined to see the miqo'te woman dead. Little did she know that she would end up working with her under Jameson Taeros' direction. Natalie would be injured and would later die due to excess exertion on her part - a fact neither helped nor harmed by Delial herself. The last insult was a tin of nail ointment and had Delial not held so much loathing for the woman to begin with, she might have been able to appreciate how Natalie McBeef was able to have the last laugh in her death.


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Common Rumors

  • "Unsettlin' is what I'd call 'er. She seems ta like that, though, gettin' a rise outta' people."
  • "Woman hardly goes anywhere without those boots. Practically lives in them, but... Honestly, can you blame her?"
  • "Talks a big game. All talk, that one. I'm a nice guy. Why wouldn't she want to have dinner with me?"
  • "I don't know how she gets away with carrying that knife all over the place. She doesn't even hide it! What does she think she's going to do with it? Definitely not for opening letters, I'll tell you that much!"
  • "A liar worthy of any politician's pay, and she'll smile at you while she's turnin' the blade. No, no, anyone who puts stock in her words is asking for trouble. You can see it in her eye."
  • "She's got all sorts under her thumb, she does. Brass Blades, Immortal Flames, even Sultansworn if you'd believe it. If what they say is true then it's probably for her own good. Friends in high places, was it?"

Moderate Rumors

  • "Dark times for me, for a lot of people who weren't quite in their right minds. But I swear, I've seen her before... We'd meet, you see, and pray together. I think I've seen her."
  • "It's a damned shame. Sometimes I see her squinting real hard at the market boards... Maybe her eyesight is worse than it looks?"
  • "No, I ain't dealin'. But I know someone who does. She gives him business now and again - maybe once a moon or so, sometimes twice, never buys too much. But repeats are repeats, you know what I'm sayin'?"
  • "That darlin' would hardly so much as touch anything but the house wine before, and even then she could hardly finish a glass. Lately, though...? Gotten a taste for finer spirits, I suppose, and plenty of them."
  • "There's that tea house down in the Goblet, yeah, kept by some miqo'te girl and her friends. Seen her snooping around a few times - rarely ever goes in, though. Do you think she's there for the tea?"

Rare Rumors

  • "There was to be a trial, and a hanging. She only attended one. It was another woman who hung that day, I swear on my mother's grave. That woman should be dead."
  • "Sinner! A sinner and nothing more! Grimsong is hardly a fitting name. Kinslayer ought do it."
  • "She'll come and stare at that boy - over there, him, do you see? She'll stare and never say a word. Whenever he leaves, she'll leave, too. Never together. She don't look the type to be intimidated by men."
  • "Delial? That girl that lived up yonder? Oh, she and her mother were near inseparable! The same eyes, the same smile... even her laugh was just as dear Lyra's. Why do you ask? I've not seen her in years..."
  • "That little girlie 'o theirs, ohhh, that one's trouble. Ye can see it in 'er eyes, yeah? Tha' witch got 'er, same as her mama. Twelve can't save 'em now."
  • "It has been my experience that most of our clients take to a certain... relief, shall we say, when we determine they are not with child. Now and again we see the heartbreak. Now and again."

PC Rumors

  • "Though to her it would seem we have parted ways, in actuality, I have merely slipped into the shadows. She expresses contentment for her lot in life and the pleasures she has been denied, and as exhausted as she so obviously is with her lifestyle, I still see very little desire within her to make a move to escape it. Most unsettling is the fact that I know not what to expect from her in the coming days, for the first time in a long while, even, and as always I am bound by my prerogatives to care. That is why I shall lurk on the sidelines; I will interfere when I must, but I will be subtle, as she has made it ever so clear she has no room for another guardian in her life, a sad fact, but one I cannot ignore. Still, it leaves me wanting, wishing that we had met each other on different terms. Perhaps, then, we could have found happiness. There will always be a place in my heart for her; I wish she could say the same of I." - Edgar Gandervalt
  • "I considered her friend once. Then an enemy. Now... she is an enigma. I consider her and I even. Maybe." - Roen Deneith
  • "She's looovely. I could go crazy for this woman! Probably best I don't if I want to remain unstabbed, but still! Be careful." - Chokho Viqqoh
  • "Grace incarnate and viper personified, that's Delial for you... that's what I thought. As for what I think...." - Osric Melkire
  • "You've seen her dance, perchance. Her steps are but a waltz on treacherous ground, yet in the midst of it she smiles. This seems to be the life she leads." - Kahn'a Od'hilkas
  • "She's dangerous, cunning, ferocious, and will see her promise to see me dead to the bitter end. But I'll give her this, she is the kind of person I love to hate. " - Askier Mergrey
  • "I don't know what to make of her. I'd be wary, to say the least, as doing otherwise would mean one's end." - Kage Kiryuu
  • "She helped me find my sister an dealt with th' bastard tha' harmed her, an' while I cannae say we'll ever be friends, she dinnae need te worry about retribution from me any longer." - Gharen Wolfsong
  • "It came as no surprise that the kin-slayer should still live. But then, one doesn't earn a reputation such as hers without possessing no small amount of cunning. Her continued existence is evidence of the lack of justice in this world... T'is the one thing we have in common." - Brynhilde Wulf
  • "Believe is passionate person. Capable of great anger, but is not bad person. Has just been villing to become villain to many, to create greater good." - Alexei Volkov
  • "Everyone I know seems to want this woman's blood. If you have dealings with her, I would keep your back to the wall." - Coatleque Crofte


(( In progress! ))

Potential Relationships

I am very open to forging new RP contacts, particularly with those who might have been involved in some way with Ala Mhigo. Please feel free to give me a poke either on the RPC or in-game if any of these hooks might be of interest to you or your character(s).

  • Ala Mhigans: Known then as Delial Blackstone, her father and brother were noted devotees of Rhalgr. Their family seemed typical enough, though there were rumors of darker happenings... particularly revolving around her mother, Lyra Blackstone.
  • Ala Mhigan Resistance: When the civil war hit, Delial took to the Garlean side of the conflict and actively hunted groups or single members of the Resistance movement. Ultimately a botched mission would end in her capture and subsequent removal from Ala Mhigo to an undetermined camp in the wilds of Coerthas, where she was to be interrogated and executed. Someone from that particular group might have learned that Delial Grimsong (or Delial Kinslayer as she was also known) still lives. Supporters of the Resistance or around Ul'dah could also become aware of her presence, and of her hand in crippling another cell in Thanalan.
  • Garleans: As with above, she would have been known for being a staunch supporter of Gaius van Baelsar and would have worked with one or several companies in raiding, capturing, or simply killing suspected Resistance cells.
  • Lambs of Dalamud: Characters with connection to the Lambs might have heard of her or her mother in particular, or recognize her as having been a part of a sect well into her young adulthood. Though she might not have any solid connection with them at present, there have been things of interest that might draw her back into seeking the Lambs out at least: namely a relic belonging to the leader of her sect, and a treasure she intends to claim for herself.
  • The Ul'dahn Underground: A few figures in the Ul'dahn criminal scene might have heard her name in connection to a few individuals who tread those circles. It is said she has connection with shady figures in the Monetarist camp in particular, and has little qualms with treachery and murder.
  • The Conjurer's Guild: A member of the Conjurer's Guild has been missing for many, many moons and there was a woman matching Delial's description who remains suspect in his disappearance. A woman supposedly representing the scholarly pursuits of an old Ul'dahn house of relics and antiquities had been in his company and requested to procure a certain item out of the Conjurer's archives for research - an item of somewhat dubious nature which has also since gone missing. The nature of the item remains undisclosed.



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