Yangh Linh

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Ul'dah-transparent.png Yangh Linh
Gender Female
Race Miqo'te
Clan Keeper of the Moon
Citizenship Ul'dahn
Age Unknown
Marital Status Single
Occupation Adventurer, Priestess
  • Yunh Linh (Mother)
  • Yunh'a Linh (Brother)
  • Oonah Linh (Sister)
  • Yinh Linh (Cousin)

Yangh Linh (17th Sun of the 4th Astral Moon) Yangh was born into the Linh clan that hail from a secret location out in the Sagolii desert. The Linh clan are extremely secretive and territorial of their dwelling and land. The Linh clan are famous among the underworld for breeding and training assassins from a young age. Yangh began her training from the age of three.

The training itself was punishing, brutal and heartless at all times. Weakness was punished and surgical precision, along ruthlessness was rewarded.

After a series of cascading events, Yangh left her order after finally gaining the conscience her training had denied her from a young age. After her departure she was forced to fight her own sister and lost. Her sister and clan believe her to be dead.

After a few months Yangh endured another ordeal, one which pushed her firmly back into the arms of Menphina and her Priestess ways that she had long since abandoned. She found comfort in what she believed what her final hours but has luck would chance it, she managed to pull through.

She once again took up her mantle as a Priestess of Aphelion dedicating herself to spreading the love of Menphina which she believes belongs to all.

"Menphina guides the heart, Azeyma is the window to the soul and Oschon is the feet that bring the two together." - Yangh Linh

Basic Info


Sexual expression and exploration
Fishing, Cooking, Gardening
The Sagolii
The Black Shroud
Her clan's customs


Being caged
Her Clan
Disrespect in any form.


Vice(s): Sex
Favorite Food: Boiled Sundrake eggs with strips of Sundrake tail meat and Sabotender herbs.
Favorite Drink: Spiced Wine
Favorite Colors: Violet, Yellow, Blue

Appearance & Personality

Yangh is on the taller side of most Keeper females, sporting long length, black hair with purple Linh Clan braids tied into it with shimmering purple eyes. Her skin is darkly bronzed from the desert sun she was raised in, which is an uncommon trait among Keepers. However, the Linh clan is no ordinary clan.

Yangh can be somewhat of a mimic and actor. She could once assume many roles before her accident which caused her to lose her perfect grasp of the common tongue. Now, her common is heavily accented with a middle eastern twang and she often finds herself slipping into her native tongue of Akshar when she can't find the word she needs in common!

In addition to this, Yangh carries a special and ancient blade from her clan's past. The Scimitar, know as Saif-ul raml wahsh (Sword of the sand beasts) is beautifully adorned with eight aetherical gems set into the hilt. The flat of the blade is engraved with elegant and sweeping Aksharian text spanning from hilt to point.

Yangh is most commonly seen in her traditional Aksharian garb, a white flowing skirt and black halter. Her hands are beautifully adorned with Aphelion ritualistic gloves, complete with gems and Aksharian scripture engraved to the metal rings of the hand wear. She wears two rings to signify the passage of a single sun and her earrings are of Linh Clan, traditional make.

Yangh once had little to no concept on the notions of Good and Bad, nor did she carry any sort of morals. This is due to her training from a young age, morals were stomped out and never allowed to form. The same goes for individuality and conscience. She attributes every action to Lightness and Darkness, believing herself to be very Dark due to her past deeds. She once did not feel any shame or regret for her past actions, she was indifferent about the whole affair... but that is no longer the case.

Yangh has no qualms about using her body to gain an advantageous edge, nor is she shy about sexual conquest. Yangh is gifted with perfect body control and always carries a paperclip on her person. Its not clear where she keeps it but its never away from her at anytime.

Yangh is massively into Adventure and Treasure / Relic hunting. She is very much a novice in this field but is learning quickly like she does most things.


(Work in progress!)



  • "She's a good listener and I'd say we have good conversation as well. She'd probably get mad, but I think the attempts at my name add to her charm" - Franz Renatus


Romantic Interest     Platonic Love      Good Standing     Poor Standing
Guinevere Hawk : Her once joined. She began to distance herself from Gwen some time ago as she began to feel that neither she nor anyone else for that matter understood or respected her ways. She believes Menphina sent Gwen to save her after her ordeal. That belief is still intact but she no longer feels for her the way she used to.
Erik Mynhier : A Male Highlander who Yangh spent an evening with. They spent the night talking and eventually enjoyed one another under the grace of Menphina. Yangh consider's Erik a lost soul in need of guidance and while she rarely see's him recently, she still considers him a friend.
Pyralis Targaryen: A wandering Bard who tried to kill her. She watched him be taken away by a host of men and left him to his fate then saved him a week later. Their attraction, while volatile has resulted in many near to death fights, which Yangh mostly wins. Shortly after their confrontations, they bed one another only to go their separate ways again, their shared annoyance with each other growing with each encounter.
H'allabi Bamu: A sassy Seeker who Yangh first approached as an information broker. They later became much closer and have spent a wonderful afternoon amongst the orange orchards in La Noscea.
Dogberry Himalspyr: A ship Captain and a giant of a Roegadyn. The two met at a Blue Skies meet and greet promotional event at the Blue Skies headquarters. The two immediately hit it off, drinking the night away, regaling each other with past events then getting into swimsuits and cannon balling the hot tub while Yangh rode on his shoulders. They spent the night together that same evening and ruined the couch.
Franz Renatus: A man she has met a few times at the Quicksand. He is always respectful of her customs even though she butchers his name terribly every time she tries to pronounce it!
(More to be added!)



Template taken from [1]
Theme Song: (Work in Progress!)
TV Tropes: (Work in progress!)