S'elene Cehter

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Ul'dah-transparent.png S'elene Cehter
S'elene Cehter
Gender Female
Race Au ra (Miqo'te?)
Clan Raen. (Seeker of the Sun?)
Citizenship Ul'dah
Place of Birth Black Shroud
Guardian Oschon
Nameday Date 17th Sun of third astral moon (Age:29 )
Marital Status Widow
Occupation None
Pronunciation Selene
This character article or section of a character article is a stub -- a small, but growing, work in progress. If you're the creator of this character, why not consider expanding it?

Basic Info

"Dork." —Nataru Rahz


Height: 1,63cm

Weight: 53kg

Complexion: White skin. could really use a tan.

Hair: Naturally white. Actually Short, black with red streaks

Eyes: Blueish green. Or Greenish Blue.

Particular Traits: Red Lymbal rings.

Voice: Sel can impersonate voices very easily and she does use that very often, be it to make a point repeating something that someone said or just to amuse/scare people. Normally her voice is sweet and has an angelical touch. She also is a fairly good singer.

Clothing Style: Sel is hot and she is not affraid to show it to the world around her. She dresses provocative, but never slutty. She also can show some class, be if for a formal event or for battle.

Laterality: Ambidextrous



  • Cooking
  • Smithing
  • Sing


  • Food
  • Make people feel good about themselves


  • People that are close to her but do not trust her.
  • Lies


  • Color: Dalamud red
  • Food: Candies
  • Drinks: Orange Juice (Not ruined)
  • Scent: Cherry
  • Place: Little island at Churning mists
  • Festival: She is not too attached to festivals


  • Make Cap proud.
  • Own a place of her own.
  • Find someone to share experiences, fears, love and everything else with her.


  • She has no religious position.


Chaotic good.


As Nataru says, she is a dork. She is always playing with someone. Specially Calel. She is kinda wise and tries to be fair with people when it comes to more serious matters. Otherwise she is mouthful and lacks a bit of humility. Anyway, she doesn't mean harm. She just like being the center of attentions sometimes while between friends. Besides everything and above all jokes, her friends live in her heart and she will fight with tooth and nails to protect them.


  • She finds amusing seeing people with thick coats, since she has and inner fire that keeps her warm almost all the time.


  • Her personality sometimes make people don't want to approach her or to get upset at her because sometime sshe speaks the harsh truth.
  • Annoying
  • Unsecure
  • Thinks people don't like her.


  • To be alone at the end.
  • To hurt someone she likes.
  • To disappoint people.


  • She can impersonate people's voices fairly easy.
  • Sings/Voice
  • Persuasive
  • Cooking skills


Equates to a high school level of education with knowledge into some specific areas as history and magitek.


Anime Characters: She has a bit of (SAO)Kirito's confidence and (Kill La Kill)Ryuko personality

Abilities and Skills


  • Martial arts trained
  • Ninjustu High graded
  • Acrobatics
  • Stealth
  • Magitek basics


  • Sword fight
  • Daggers


  • Rather good conjury
  • Very good at Astromancy


  • Good Blacksmith (weapons)
  • Cooking (Specially sandwichs :3)

Family and Relationships


All what is written here bears absolutely no OOC feelings, and may be subject to change as the story develops. If your name doesn't appear in this list, I have probably forgotten, or my character just doesn't remember you. Please do not use these information to affect you ICly or mess with my character's feelings. Use of OOC information will be flagged as god-moding and I will not react to it ICly if I feel this is what you're doing.


  • S'amara Aio - mother, Dead
  • Arthur Cehter - Father, Dead?)
  • S'aio Cehter/Aios Yamashi - twin brother, Dead?
  • Aios Cether - Son, dead
  • Nevaeh Cether - Daughter, dead
  •  ???? - Second Wife, dead


  • Yasashii Borlaaq - Girlfriend, confident, best friend, lover, protector and the reason Sel found her inner peace.
  • Nataru Rahz - Best friend, rival, Ex-lover, Ex-wife, Ex-enemy. She is Sel's evil counterpart. Or was it the other way around?
  • Orenji Kharn - Sky Captain and brother figure
  • Jenivieve Ravendale - Good friend
  • Calel Rouse - Friend
  • Chell El'lara - good friend


  • Vyse Gilder - Sworn Dragon of the Rising Claws. The wonder boy is really cool, but they lack of contact make Sel not sure about him. YET.
  • Memith Ganajai - Former Lover. She disappointed Sel deeply by not trusting her, but Sel can't manage to really hate her.



Rising Claws - Scout.

Music Themes

Note: Vocal Songs are attributed themes in which the lyrics seem to relate or partially relate to the character. They don't mean to resemble the character's voice. The instrumental themes are meant to give an idea of the atmosphere around the character. Songs with character names (example: "Tidus's Theme") are NOT meant to indicate that the character is like the theme owner. I just find the instruments and melody fitting, not the character the song was originally addressed to.


Note: This section is editable by anyone. Just keep in mind that the rumors here may be both true or false.

"I hear she rearranges my things... heh, that's a joke. I don't really own anything that isn't enchanted to hurt the person it touches... I think. She's a sweet sister, if you look past all of her interesting quirks." — Orenji Kharn

"She's a dork....a big ole silly one...but..she's a skilled fighter and probably my best friend." - Nataru

"Only reason she lives is cause I didn't throw the grenade and blow up that inn as I left." - S'Kiear Grimsong


Name and Lifestyle

Name Etimology


  • Sel

Current Residence

Before Dalamud's Fall

Birth and childhood (0-10)

Teen Years

After Dalamud's Fall


A Realm Reborn (Present, 23)

Other Notes

Wanted for Interesting Roleplay