Striding Oak

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Limsa Lominsa-transparent.png 
Striding Oak
'There is no such thing as a life without any regrets at all.'
Gender Female
Race Roegadyn
Clan Hellsguard
Citizenship Limsa Lominsa
Place of birth Abalathia's Spine
Age 34
Sexuality Bisexual
Marital Status Single
Height 7 fulms 0 ilms
Build Athletic

Striding Oak is the current chief of the Ieha-Fryn tribe of Hellsguard, native to the high reaches of Abalathia's Spine. She is a proud traditionalist who lets her heritage define her. Having lived a largely martial and penniless life, she has grown into a fearsome combatant and a well-respected adventurer. Recently, however, she has decided to give up the life of a wanderer and has returned to her tribe to help care for her people. She disappeared into the mountains not long after Ishgard opened its gates to outsiders.

She can be spotted in the city states every once in a while, but these days it is a fairly rare occurrence.

(( This character is currently retired barring special occasions. ))


Eyes Hair Skin Body Type Voice Bearing Notable Features
Slate gray Dark brown, coarse, wavy Medium brown, tanned Toned, fit, athletic Deep, velvety, faint rasp Imposing, dignified Red rune on the back of her right hand
Alignment Element
Type 1 Neutral Good[1] Earth

At 7'0", lean of build and tightly muscled, Oak can cut a decently imposing figure. Her hands are a touch on the large side, with long, calloused fingers. Though thick of leg and sporting a reasonably ample bust, however, she is rather lacking in feminine figure. Though not slight, that does not mean she wants for grace -- Oak is surprisingly light on her feet, and moves with both fluidity and purpose.

Oak is not pretty, or at least not conventionally so. Her oval shaped face bears three scars, one across the bridge of her nose, one on the left cheek, and a recent claw-shaped snag across her left jaw. Her lips are broad and full, her eyes a simple slate gray, and her nose the typical flat, flared nose of a Roegadyn. As with all Hellsguard, the tip and the nostrils end in a darker, more textured brown. Her cheekbones are low, her brows unshaped, her lashes long but pale. Her skin is a rich coffee-and-cream brown, with only a light bronzing from the sun. She wears no makeup, though she does typically keep two stripes painted across her right cheek -- her own personal war paint.

Oak's hair is a veritable mane. When left to hang down it billows around her head, over her shoulders, and down her back in waves and waves of coarse chocolate brown. She usually braids it with a pair of eagle feathers woven in. Her bangs, forever unruly, are left to hang around her face or go where they will. Even on her best days, she looks messy.

The woman bears many scars, mostly on her arms, some on her thighs, a few on her back. The worst is what looks to have been a deep puncture wound in her stomach, where the flesh twisted slightly as it healed. Nevertheless, Oak is proud of her body because she is fit, and never attempts to hide the scars when she is out of her armor. Ask for a story, and she can tell you about nearly every one.

Oak tends to wear various combinations of leather, chain, and plate, depending on her combat needs. If traveling, she typically sticks to chain. If she knows ahead of time she's in for a long battle, she'll opt for the more traditional gear of a Hellsguard warrior. Her priority is always to move lightly, even when in the thick of combat.

Her armor and even clothing is all well used, but meticulously, almost obsessively cared for.


"Striding Oak" is cool and collected to the point where it can be frustrating. She experiences extremes so rarely that she can ironically come across as aloof or uncaring, although nothing could be further than the truth. She is in fact very observant, and there's plenty of warmth right beneath the surface that is not difficult to access. Her general manner is patient, even, and matter-of-fact, but she can quickly be coaxed into joking and mirth, especially as of late.

With Oak, what you see is what you get -- literally. She will always tell it like it is and has no time for shyness, lies, embarrassment, and so on. She has no shame, and is honest to a fault – making her a horrible liar, as well as gullible. It’s not uncommon for some jokes to go straight over her head.

Oak enjoys simple pleasures: a hearty meal, heated alcohol, a summer festival. She is most at peace in the mountains or on the road. Her whole life seems to be devoted to martial mastery, though every once in a while she lets slip that she envies the peaceful life of farmers.

Oak is the embodiment of calm -- though some might say stoic instead. She keeps her emotions under such tight control that when they finally do show, it is often an indication of something serious. Despite this, however, Oak is a lover of levity, and takes great pleasure in word-sparring, jokes, drinking, or song. A good laugh is often what keeps her going, and it's not overly difficult to wrestle one out of her. She finds innocence endearing, and is patient with and protective of children or those significantly younger than she is. The idea of ever settling down herself, however, is often met with a scoff.

Oak is curious and open-minded, and always open to trying new things at least once, simply for the sake of the experience. In these cases it doesn't matter to her whether she immediately succeeds or not.

She is stubborn, however, in a way that only a Roegadyn can be. While typically more dignified than she is proud, if her stubborn streak takes over all that will change. She will insist on doing everything herself and then will become frustrated if/when that fails. Ironically, it is the fear of failure that tends to make her stubborn in the first place. If she does perceive having failed, she will completely shut down.

She has perhaps unreasonable expectations of honesty in people, and will get offended by lies, viewing them as highly disrespectful rather than something normal. While very slow to anger, she is just as impossible to calm down once there. Her only methods of venting involve either drinking heavily, or taking out her emotions in a fight.

Oak is not typically one to insult somebody, but she has a bad habit of being blunt or sometimes tactless in conversation, occasionally leading to ruffled feathers.


Oak is freakishly strong even for a Roegadyn woman. She has a tremendous amount of physical and mental fortitude, and is capable of pushing herself to and then beyond the point of exhaustion toward any cause or person she believes in. She does not cow or give up easily, and fears very little.

This Roegadyn is extremely hard working, and takes to every job, chore, lesson, or even hobby with gusto.
There is nothing she ever does halfway, sometimes to her own detriment. Give her a task, and she will be dedicated to it. That dedication extends to people as well: earn Oak's friendship, and she will be fiercely loyal for life (though she expects the same in return).

She is intelligent, though not well educated. She possesses natural logic, a fair amount of wit, and a good degree of pure instinct, but she has only learned reading, writing, and arithmetic up to what in the real world would be considered an eighth grade level. To this end it'd be fair to say she's street smart rather than book smart, and to say the least anything magical or technical is usually beyond her. That said, Oak is good at applying herself, and if given a bit of time can learn new things relatively quickly.


Oak has a nasty habit of keeping her cards too close to her chest. She is difficult to read and can easily rub people the wrong way if they expect the usual social niceties from her. Though she is polite and offers compliments, they're often awkward or vague. Sometimes she'll outright say what she's thinking, whether the other person wants to hear it or not. If she truly dislikes a person, she'll assign them a nickname in the Old Tongue and not tell them what it means.

A childhood among seafarers instilled in her the belief that "honor is for knights and dead men", and in competitions she rarely if ever plays fair. In fighting especially, Oak will play dirty and aim for sensitive spots. She does not take losing well and tries to bend each situation in her favor.

Oak is perpetually restless and it is difficult to get her to sit still for long. As soon as she perceives she is being idle, she will leave to go do something she feels is productive. It's a challenge to get her to socialize and even more to get her to relax. Though not high-strung, sitting around does tend to make her a little grumpy or frustrated.


Oak is a quiet but fervent devotee of Oschon the Wanderer. As god of the mountains, he was the literal embodiment of her childhood home; and as the element of wind, he was her life on the sea as well. After years of her own wandering and travel, Oak has become convinced that Oschon understands her and is watching her. Thus, Oak always makes certain to honor Oschon in some small way every day, whether it be to light a stick of incense for him, or to kneel at one of his shrines.

Oak also holds to many tribal traditions, and is fairly superstitious. Though she often doesn't go far into discussing her tribe's beliefs with outsiders, she will make known that she believes in the power of totems, omens, and various natural remedies.


Oak's views on intimacy are a lot like her views on religion: that it is private, personal, and should be enjoyed however one enjoys it. She believes that love is love regardless of race or gender, and that it's ok to be adventurous. She is dubious of the notion of a "soul mate", but she does believe in something akin to true love: that it is possible to find someone who is so absolutely compatible with you that they challenge and compliment who you are; that they are so much a part of your life that you could not imagine it without them. She knows her parents were this way, but she also knows it's very rare to find. A potential suitor would have to be incredibly patient, because it would take Oak a long time to decide she loved them and was ready to commit. She would need someone who treated her as an equal, for she is no housewife; someone willing to share all successes and failures, the good, the bad, the ugly, the mundane. They would have to share in some of her beliefs and interests, so that they could relate, but be different enough to challenge her to try new things and escape her comfort zone. Most importantly, it would need to be someone whom she could trust implicitly -- someone who she could tell literally anything to.



Oak has labored since childhood learning both the axe -- the traditional Roegadyn weapon -- and the lance. She believes that the one compliments the other, the lance-style keeping her light on her feet, and the axe-fighting keeping her strong. Both weapons have instilled in her an aggressive fighting style, quick and powerful but also tightly controlled. For her size, Oak is actually quite agile; she keeps her enemies at bay by virtue of a longer reach and quick foot movements. To achieve this, however, Oak tends to armor herself more lightly, and would never be able to take the direct blows a gladiator or paladin could.

Oak's stamina tends to flag quickly. Her strategy is to close in for quick kills, and she's not afraid to fight dirty to achieve this end if the situation turns especially sour. She will almost always press the attack, either diving in with her lance, or heaving mercilessly with her axe. If she must kill, it is done as quickly and cleanly as possible.

By virtue of being ambidextrous, Oak is able to throw off opponents by switching her main hand to be the opposite of theirs. She'll fight right-handers with her left hand, and vice-versa. Her preference for melee weapons, however, leaves her woefully vulnerable to any and all ranged attacks. Anything outside her jumping range has a distinct advantage. Naturally, her size makes her a very easy target, and both her weapons of choice are particularly slow.

Her general style is a strange mishmash that is difficult to place. It is Hellsguard, it is Sea Wolf, and it is even a good deal Ishgardian.

Occupations, Skills, and Pastimes

Nowadays Oak works almost exclusively as a bodyguard for hire, though like many Hellsguard she will never shy away from mercenary work. She has a tendency to pick up high risk, high reward jobs, and is often found delving into Eorzea's absolute worst locales. Her travels appear to regularly take her from Limsa up to Coerthas over to Gridania and back again, and she's gained some small reputation between the three regions for being fearless (some say mad) and dependable. Before being elected to her current position she was in semi-permanent employ with the Sons of Saint Coinach, helping to protect their archaeologists on their expeditions.

  • Hot Springs
  • Social Drinking
  • Large Meals
  • Gardening
  • Strategy Board Games
  • Hand Crafts
  • Sparring
  • Hard Work
  • Travel
  • Singing, Song, and Music
  • Sylphs
  • Dishonesty/Vagueness
  • Idleness/Laziness
  • Braggarts/Show-offs
  • Disrespect
  • Sweets
  • Sweet-talkers
  • Nix (and their smaller cousins)
  • Disrupted Routines
  • Magic (with several exceptions)
  • Climbing
  • Mastery of axe and lance
  • Skilled strategist
  • Powerful singer, decent dancer
  • Traditional Hellsguard woven art
  • Rigging
  • Firearms
  • Failure, especially where her own perceived physical or mental weakness is concerned
  • Tight spaces (mildly claustrophobic)
  • Ever becoming a mother
  • Lack of control/loss of freedom
  • Madness

Though the majority of Oak's talents lie in physical and martial pursuits, she does have a small, mildly artistic side. She is good at hand crafts, is light enough on her feet to dance well, and can carry quite a tune. Composing, whether it be written word or visual art, however, is quite beyond her.



Striding Oak was born the only child in an otherwise traditional Hellsguard family. Her given name in the Old Tongue is Pfareyha Syhrberkwyn.

Father: Syhrberk Wyznwintsyn/Stalwart Mountain (deceased)

Mother: Tauchnspaer Rhotmharwyn/Diving Sparrow (deceased)

Step Father: Fraebhar Bloewilfsyn

Aunt: Laughing Crow

Cousin: Red Deer

Son (rumored): Wytakoen (deceased)

Various other aunts, uncles, and cousins, generally too numerous to count.


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Previous Relations

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Common Rumors

  • "Eh? That's a woman?"
  • "Don't bother. Pretty sure that one's asexual anyroad."
  • "Keep your distance from her. See that frown? She's angry all the bloody time."
  • "She ain't a Sea Wolf, but she's still just as drunk."

Moderate Rumors

  • "That Roegadyn's always in debt. I always see her scrounging to pay off one smith or another."
  • "Eh, Old Tongue ain't dead. See that one there? She still speaks it."
  • "She's here often. Loves her baths, see, but never has the decency to wear a bathing suit. Not that any of the Roe lads seem to mind. If I had a rack like that, I'd show it off too."
  • "Oh, I know she's Hellsgard, but she fell in with some Wolves. Turns out they found something big, some great treasure, and for some reason she's just been sitting on it!"
  • "I hear she owes her life to some Sylphs. She'll do any job for them, no price."

Rare Rumors

  • "Heard she's started harboring Garlean refugees. Wonder what's in it for her."
  • "I haven't seen her traveling with her son lately. Some Wolf put it in her, looked like. Wonder if he's with the father."
  • "Swear on me mum, that be ol' Fraebhar's daughter. Weren't he wanted by the Maelstrom?"
  • "No thank you. That one has a dragon's temper. She once shoved a grown man's face into a furnace after he angered her."

PC Rumors

Feel free to add your own!


Common Knowledge

Like most Hellsguard, Oak was born to the Roegadyn tribes in the far north of Abalathia's Spine. She has been working as a mercenary off and on at least since she was twenty-one years old, moving back and forth between Limsa Lominsa,
A young Oak, escorting a caravan
Coerthas, and Gridania. Some rumors state she had a brief stint as a pirate alongside the notorious Captain Fraebhar Bloewilfsyn, while others suggest she had been in an affair with a higher-ranking captain of the Knights of the Barracuda, Fhocgrein Aisblaetsyn, and bore him a son; either way she's known to have spent a good portion of her life in Vylbrand. She served House Cordilleur for a brief time in the Coerthas Western Highlands before moving on to a quieter life in a small farming village in the East Shroud. She remained there until the Calamity; afterwards she was seen everywhere helping to bring order to the chaos, either as a bodyguard, or as impromptu law enforcement. Oak is well-known for having more or less made fighting her life, and has mastered the art of the axe and spear. She has most recently been seen in the company of the reclusive Aeon mercenaries.

Currently Oak is working towards saving eight lives without taking another in the process. Why is unknown, but it is known that thusfar she's only reached two.

(( Everything else below is spoilers! ))

Abalathia's Daughter

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The Pirate's Charge

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Return to the Mountain

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“Cordilleur’s Behemoth”

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The Little Wolf

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The Wandering Bodyguard

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Character Connections

The following characters may have a RP link with Striding Oak:

  • The Hellsguard clans are small and likely tight-knit. Any Hellsguard born in the Spine could have grown up or lived with Oak in her early years, or have known of her.
  • Anyone who speaks the Old Tongue, even in part, will quickly impress her.
  • Anyone who was or is a pirate might know of Fraebhar Bloewilfsyn and his treasure, and by extension her.
  • Anyone involved in law enforcement might also know of Fraebhar Bloewilfsyn, the sunken Barracuda ships, and by extension her.
  • Anyone who is a devotee of Oschon might find common cause with her.
  • Any Ishgardians might have known of the Cordilleurs and their dragon study project, as well as their short-tempered “house Roe” who somehow knew dragoon fighting techniques.
  • Anyone who has lived in the East Shroud might have briefly known her and her 'son', Wytakoen.
  • Anyone attempting Sylphic relations might find an ally in her.
  • Anyone who simply asks around might know of her; Oak has been a traveling mercenary for years, and has built up a solid reputation.

If you have any ideas other than what is listed here, please feel free to contact me about them! I'm always open to brainstorming and discussion.


These songs help to evoke the feel of the character, and do not necessarily represent anything specific about her.

Oak as Hellsguard

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Growing up Sea Wolf

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Battle Themes

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Water Lord

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Present Day Oak

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This Template was blatantly stolen from Brynhilde Wulf with her permission.