Chise Tobukizu

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 Chise Tobukizu
A very tiny kingpin
Gender Female
Race Au Ra
Clan Raen
Citizenship Questionable
Age Around 19
Height 4'7 fulms
Deity Primarily places her faith in the Dawn Father.
Alignment Type 2 Lawful Evil

♦ In-Game Brief

If she didn’t carry the prescience of something far bigger than herself Chise would be easy to overlook by most passersby. Upon inspection one will find a small young woman—bell like in shape—who casts a long shadow. On her face is the look of someone never fully out of their dreams with eyes half lidded and lips a touch apart as if caught on a thought.

Cryptic but pleasant, Chise has the look of someone who has the answer or item to what might ail you. Parting with this item or information is another story entirely. Born the daughter of an influential criminal and charlatan Chise has learned that some of the world’s best currency is favors and that a little magic does well to keep men honest.

  • In general, please send a tell first. I'm not always IC and don't always realize when emotes are directed my way.
  • You want RP Hooks ? I've got twenty! But who cares? No big deal! I can write moooooore.

♦ General

Chise Tobukizu is a gangster’s daughter formerly being groomed to take over the family business. Nowadays she’s recovering from the fact that there’s no Doma, no business, and barely any family left. Biding her time and hoping to gain funds she’s put her witchy tendencies to use and opened up a little magic shop in Lavender Beds. She and her husband run a very legitimate business with legally obtained wares and incredibly safe magic. Nothing amiss there, absolutely nothing.

♦ Appearance

At first glance one might find a dragon unlikely but a demon perhaps. Petite and soft of feature Chise could—almost—be mistaken for a Padjal were it not for the abrupt sharpness of scale and horn that cut into the smooth of her russet brown skin. The alternation of soft and sharp is pervasive in her features from the way the thick of her lips give way to a needle lined smile or the way half closed lids hide a daggered gaze.

All ten of her spindly fingers begin at the point of a lacquered claw and at the base of her long pale scaled tail sit a number of spines. While often adorned with clothing a touch too nice for a refugee (with dirt at her hem and pockets full of posies and not a wrinkle to be found) it’s not too hard to suss out that Chise is bell (or pear) in shape.

♦ Demeanor


♦ In Doma

Show text

♦ For Anyone Else

♦ The Shroud

Alongside her husband (and her brother. . . sort of) Chise has opened up a quaint little shop in Lavender Beds. Where have two (three?) refugees gotten the money to buy and furnish an entire house? Good question. When she isn't milling about the shop and offering her divining services to those who pique her interest Chise is listening in on civilian chatter and wandering alone in the woods.

♦ Ul'dah

Chise is frequently lost in Ul'dah. It seems she's always trying to get between the Thaumaturgy guild and the Alchemists god but damn if Ul'dah isn't a giant circular labyrinth. Curiously she spends a fair amount of time on Pearl Lane.

♦ More Recently


★ RP Hooks and Potential Connections ★


Chise takes an invested interesting in the lands of Eorzea. It isn't hard to happen upon her while she's trouncing around Twelveswood (or the Limsan wilderness).
Florists and those associated with the botanist's guild in Gridania are likely to run into her at some point or another.
Chise likes MAGIC and learning about MAGIC. It doesn't matter much what kind.
Unused to Eorzea Chise is likely to get lost and keep getting lost for a good long while. Help a girl out.

The Homeland

Are you from Doma? You might've heard of the Uraneki's. . . Or even lived in the same town as them. Chise's family had a tendency to keep their finger in each and every pie both before and after Garlean invasion. If your character's family was involved in Doman crime (even on the fringes) or involved in upholding the law then they likely know of her family and to some end Chise herself.
Chise spent time in Garlean occupation where her moral character—at least outwardly—improved as she attempted to keep up morale. During this time she schmoozed with Garlean soldiers and helped organize their particular camp's uprising.

Currently Looking For

What do you wish? Are you certain what you wish is what you want? Chise once held a reputation of being wish granter. One she'd like to uphold. Characters who might seek magical favor can come to Chise and get not what they want but at least what they're asking for. (This will require OOC communication)
Clients and Customers Chise runs a small family business that sells nothing if not the most credible magical baubles, potions, unctions, and books. From this store Chise also reads futures for those with sufficient coin.
Friends and Rivals and Friendly Rivals Exactly what it says on the tin. Chise has been lonely since coming to Eorzea. Of course one will have to melt down hardened caramel layer after caramel layer if they want to reach her rotted vingar core. . .It'll be rewarding. Trust me.


A clear night sky. Is there anything more beautiful and filled with endless possibilities? Chise thinks not. You'll find her eyes glued to the sky on clear nights.
Sun rises. Chise likes to speak to the sun in the way other people speak to the Twelve. She finds it easiest to do when the sun is, as she says, "closest to the land".
Garish displays of affluence. While Chise isn't one to show excess too often (even when she has the ability) she absolutely adores people who do. It's a mix of enjoying wealth without having to spend anything and also no longer being the biggest target in the room. Shine on, you crazy diamonds.
The woods and all the secrets inside. Woods are made for secrets. Moreover have you ever been to the Twelveswood? It's practically teeming with aether and voidsent. There's so much possibility in nature be it magical or not.
Making deals. Maybe it's the devil in her. Probably not. Either way Chise loves writing up contracts for people to work with. . . Or work around. She's a respect for anyone who can find the spaces between her letters.
Family be it her own or not. Growing up in "the family" Chise has a respect for close knit groups of individuals. She's double respect for close knit groups of individuals willing to risk life and limb for one another. It's a bitterly nostalgic thing for her to witness but sweet nonetheless. Any one with decent family value has earned her respect.
Magic and magic and more magic. Chise likes casting magic. She likes watching magic. Hells, she likes it when magic is cast upon her, too. Eorzea is crawling with and she wants little more than to learn how the people of the land have adapted.


Garleans. Chise will gladly set aside any quarrel she has with a person or group of people if it means sticking it to those damned repulsive Garleans.
Mixing prints. You can try to explain to Chise why you're wearing stripes and plaid but she'll not be convinced it's anything other than awful.
Triple contractions. Why? Just why? Is the Eorzean language not difficult enough?
Iffin' ye speaks 'ike yer droppin' e'very other letter in a 'ord Chise probably detests you. Vocally.
Oath Breakers. Unless there's a loophole or teeny tiny fine print Chise doesn't appreciate dishonesty in those who make promises. Odd for a criminal? Maybe. But you've got to have some standards.
Slavers. A fine example of people who don't have any standards.
Highly tribal sorts will find themselves at end with Chise. Or the formerly tribal. How can she trust them not to go back to their savage ways?


Intuitive. For some who seems to have her head in the clouds Chise is actually very aware of her surroundings. Keen of both eye and mind Chise is—for the most part—decent at figuring out people’s temperaments and motivations early on in her interactions.
Clever. When you look at a situation from all sides it lends room to come to different solutions for the same problem. Though able to think on her feet Chise is capable of creating various (if not complex) plans for most hurdles she has to jump.
Determined. Once there’s a goal set out before Chise there’s little anyone can do to get in her way. What’s worse, the young woman seems (decently) adept at getting others to champion her cause along with her. . . Or at least similar ones alongside her.


Volatile. The trauma of Garlean occupation juxtaposed with late adolescence have left Chise with a tendency to swing violently from one extreme to the other. Having not sufficient time to heal it's hard to tell if this is simply a withering byproduct of trauma or something more permanent.
Bleeding Heart. An obvious and exploitable weakness, Chise is one to sniff out fires and rescue anyone she might find inside the flames with little disregard to whether or not she gets burnt in the process. Well, so long as she considers them “her people”. With the mass exodus of the Domans this is quite a few people.
Vague. There is no one way to interpret Chise’s words. In fact the girl’s intentions and viewpoints through a conversation may change on a whim just see if the participants are paying attention. While created as a defense mechanism it’s now a barrier Chise doesn’t fully understand how to take down.

( This page is a WIP )

♦ Outwardly

Wow what a thing.

♦ Established Practices


Platonic Love Crush Romantic Love In a relationship Good Standing Neutral Standing Poor Standing
¿We Just Don't Know
Kaiten Tobukizu – Husband

Yorumei Uranakei – Big Yodeling Brother.

◢ Common Rumors (Easily overheard)
◢ Moderate Rumors (Moderately difficult to overhear)
◢ Rare Rumors (Very difficult or rarely overheard)

Player Character Rumors

(( Feel free to add some!))