Amedee Delacroix

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Ul'dah-transparent.png Amédée Delacroix
Gender Male
Race Elezen
Clan Duskwight
Citizenship Ul'dahn
Server Balmung
Place of Birth North Shroud
Guardian Nald'thal, The Traders
Nameday Date 10/12 (Age: 20)
Marital Status Engaged (lost a bet)
Occupation Thaumaturge, Archer, Gambler
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"Nothing’s worth wagering unless you can’t bear to lose it. Put yourself in Fate’s hands." —Amédée Delacroix

At A Glance

Amédée is a young Duskwight who, having dwelt in Ul'dah for a handful of years, thinks he knows his way around thaumaturgy better than the Lalafell who taught it to him. A firebrand at heart, he's quick to fight and won't quit until he wins or is forced to relent. Paradoxically, he seems most fond of those he squabbles with, so a violent exchange may be simply his preferred brand of communication.

It's not uncommon for him to ask probing, inappropriate questions about a stranger's personal life or worldview, and in the right mood he'll get downright philosophical about the most mundane activities. He makes no secret of his various addictions-- wine, moko, "Blue" or the newest addition, gambling-- and if he takes a liking to someone, he might even share.

It's easy to write him off as a candle burning at both ends, and that's mostly true. So deep is he in Ul'dahn hedonism that if it weren't for his employer and one poker-faced Wildwood, he probably would have burned out by now. But his tolerance for the (often destructive) company he keeps has everything to do with his sense of worship: Nald'thal, The Traders, maintains scales which must be balanced not only by the pleasures of life, but also through hardships by which one's soul is forged. Pain must be embraced with ecstasy; there cannot be one without the other. In light of this, the antagonism with which he surrounds himself is justified. Or so he argues.

His reverence for fate feeds into his fondness for gambling, be it with borrowed gil, drugs, or things far less easily replaced. It may be remnants of juvenile bravado which keeps him from backing down, but Amédée just can't bring himself to deny a challenge-- or to submit to existing powers that be. Said powers are tempted by the cards Amédée recently stole from Ishgard's Athenaeum Astrologicum-- while by no means a proper astrologian, his dabblings are not without their consequences.

Rarely is Amédée not injured. His limp is essentially permanent and the whites of bandages often show beneath his collar or sleeves. Whether these injuries are a result of the training he's undertaken to learn swordplay or an impediment to it remains to be seen. The scars on his face are pale with age, however, and the one through his right eye is particularly deep. It's clear that his fondness for adversity is not a recent development.

Amédée is not above Ul'dah's seedier offerings. He commonly peruses Pearl Lane for vagrant whores and doesn't bother to learn their names, preferring small females and a swift, ideally wordless transaction. However, with the opening of Ishgard's gates, most of his time is consumed by his traveling partner (a native Ishgardian) and by his abrupt inclusion in the Diabolos' Due Dice Ring.


Height: 6'2"

Build: Small, sleek. Possessed of wiry strength.

Complexion: Distinctly grey. Pale enough that veins show through the skin.

Hair: Ink black.

Eyes: Amber-yellow. Partially blind in the right eye.

Particular Traits: Eyes are regularly bloodshot. Tends to smell like whatever he's been smoking.

Voice: Light, resonant, young. Learned monotony; tends to deliver questions as statements.

Clothing Style: Dresses like he still needs to blend in with Black Shroud shadows. Prefers layered robes, thin gloves, tall boots, and suits straight out of Haukke Manor.

Laterality: Right-dominant.



  • Color: Indigo
  • Food: Rare steak
  • Drinks: Absurdly expensive wine.
  • Scent: Winter campfire
  • Place: Coerthas, Last Prayer, Church of Saint Adama Landama


  • To master black magic.
  • To beat the shit out of Julien Fortier.
  • To beat the shit out of Julien Fortier with a sword.
  • To reclaim his soul (lost a bet; don't ask).
  • To learn the language of the stars.


Servant of Nald'thal with heavy emphasis on fate's hand in the balance of affairs, the fairness of chance, and Halonic principles of ethics in which justice is defined by those with the power to enforce their ideals. Views the worship of other deities as effectively part of the "ultimate scale" and tends to tolerate, justify, and encourage atrocity in the interest of this balance. Exposure to Ishgardian zealotry has inspired reverence and fear; regards the Fury as a deity worth honoring due to the extremes to which her followers will go in her name.

"...And the path to light shall be lit by dark." —Ancient Prophecy


Chaotic Neutral



  • Addict
  • Short-tempered
  • Oblivious
  • Unrefined
  • Abusive
  • Racist
  • Fatalist
  • Limited literacy; only basic working knowledge of written language. Complex texts are beyond him.


  • Confinement
  • Death
  • Large bodies of water
  • Dependency
  • Halonic Inquisitors


  • Excellent singing voice. Picked up quite a few songs from his vagabond brother.
  • Charismatic when the necessity arises.
  • Ridiculous tolerance for mind-altering substances.


High-functioning; deals in concepts rather than contents. No formal education; academic ignorant. Being "home-schooled" by a family of cave-dwelling duskwight has resulted in a very narrow skillset. Recent training at the Arzzaneth Ossuary in Ul'dah has complimented base instincts with the dangerous specifics of black magic and expanded his knowledge of urban social conduct.

TV Tropes

  • The Fatalist- Everything that happens is justified. Destiny is no less inevitable due to its mystery.
  • The Principles Zealot- The means justify the ends. Adherence to principle outweighs all outcomes.
  • Functional Addict- "I don't function despite addiction; I function because of it."
  • Thicker Than Water- Blindly loyal to those who remain of the Delacroix family, scattered as they are.
  • Conditioned to Accept Horror- If justice is determined by the strong, then we all get what we deserve, don't we? To become more powerful is the only way to shift the scale (aka. Law of the Jungle).
  • Misery Builds Character- Pain is a forge for the soul (aka. Don't be such a fucking pussy).
  • Interplay of Sex And Violence- Intimacy is power exchange be it on the battlefield or in the bedroom. You never truly know a man until you've seen him on his knees.
  • DestructoNookie - Every time.
  • Mind Game Ship- As apt to employing this as he is to falling for it, his most interesting relationships (platonic or otherwise) maintain a streak of mindfuckery.

Abilities and Skills

"Unto thy black command darkness shall bend." —Ancient Prophecy

Blow it up, ask questions later.


  • Survivalist; give him a knife and a loincloth, drop him in the woods, and he will do just fine.
  • Archer; in spite of (or perhaps because of) the injury to his right eye, he maintains decent accuracy with a longbow with routine training.


  • Tall staff with a skeletal, draconian head at the top. Manipulation of personal aether is more potent with this.
  • Gridanian longbow and a quiver large enough to hold forty arrows. Rarely carried.
  • A slender Doman knife usually hidden on his person.
  • A good, plain sword used for training.
  • A Zweihander he can barely carry, much less swing.
  • A thousand-sided brass die of goblin-make which serves when it pleases, never otherwise.


  • Proficient in black magic, particularly fire-based spells and afflictions.
  • Knows a handful of white magic, mainly weak healing spells.


  • Amateur weaver. He can sew a button and put two pieces of cloth together. Maybe hem something. Poorly.

Family and Relationships


  • Lucas Delacroix (Brother), vagabond turned mercenary for Ul'dahn merchants. Skilled archer, drunkard, lady's man.
  • Inés Delacroix (Sister), silver-tongued and skilled with a lance, disappeared shortly before the Calamity.
  • Simone and André Delacroix (parents), cave-dwelling and clannish small-time bandits, perished in the Calamity.

Allies, Acquaintances, and Antagonists


  • Arzzaneth Ossuary in Ul'dah, Thaumaturge's Guild
  • Diabolos' Due Dice Ring (Gambler/Dealer)

Set the Tone


Note: This section is editable by anyone. If you'd like to add a rumor, please stay in character.


"...Light to envelop and absorb evil. Light to show you destruction and guide you to righteousness. The light is the key. Take it into you, where it will forever burn bright." —Lalai

Name and Lifestyle


Current Residence

Recently given a room in a small home in Mists.

Before Dalamud's Fall

Birth and childhood (0-10)

Raised in North Shroud caves to protect the family and cultivate self-sufficiency, his upbringing was colored by clannish bias and distinct disregard for those too weak to carry their weight.

Teen Years

Amédée learned archery at a young age and remained a lethal hunter until a knife fight ruined his perfect vision. After that, he covered his parents from the trees to ensure their small raids went smoothly, capitalizing on his diminutive size to stay well out of sight. Forays into Gridania were rare and typically made by his older siblings, so he saw little of civilization beyond adventurer's camps and the tribal life of the caves.

After Dalamud's Fall


Amédée found himself in Ul'dah at his brother Lucas' invitation shortly after the Calamity collapsed their family's caves. Seduced by the power of black magic after witnessing a display in the sands just outside the city, he decided to join the Thaumaturge's Guild and threw himself into his studies.

A Realm Reborn (Present, 23)

A series of lost bets finds Amédée in the employ of the Diabolos' Due Dice Ring and engaged to an Ishgardian Temple Knight with an interesting sense of propriety. If not working in Ul'dah, he can usually be found lurking the Brume in Ishgard and drinking his weight in wine.