Deitrych Brownlowe

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Ul'dah-transparent.png Deitrych Brownlowe
The Silent Knight
Gender Male
Race Hyur
Clan Midlander
Citizenship Ul'dah
Age 20
Namesday ?
Patron Deity Oschon
Orientation Unclear
Marital Status Single
Occupation Traveling Protector



Full Name: Deitrych Brownlowe

Nicknames: N/A

Pronunciation: Dee-i-trick Brown-low

Origins: Deitrych is the name that was given to him by a woman that died in front of him moments after he opened his eyes for the first time in his memory, though he frequently worries that she may have mistaken him for someone else. Brownlowe, the surname he uses, is merely a nod toward the burned ruin of a village he found himself in.


Height: ~5'8"

Weight: ~180 ponz

Body: Well-toned, lithe build of a man engaged in regular highly exertive physical activity.

Hair: Wild and unkempt, brown

Eyes: Green

Skin: Lightly tanned

Clothing: Tends to gravitate toward blacks and grays, or earthen tones, in simple and unadorned clothing.

Marks: Some light scarring here and there, but nothing serious.



To his mind, Deitrych first opened his eyes in the year 1572, to a very peculiar world – one covered in fire, smoke, and ash, filled with the sounds of the dying, and split by a distant roar. He found himself lying in the ruin of a small village, Brownlowe, named after the man who settled the area and dubbed himself its mayor. By the time he could stand and move, he found those that had been dying to have passed on except for one, a woman, who seemed moved to tears that he had survived. She called him by name, expressed her joy, and passed on. He never learned her name.

He would later learn that Bahamut had scorched the land with its flame and claimed the lives of countless innocents in doing so. How he had managed to survive where so many others lost their lives, he could not begin to guess. With only a blank emptiness filling his mind, he did not even know where to go, now that he had lost the last person in the world who could possibly give him some semblance of direction. And so, he did the only thing he could and set off toward the horizon he just happened to be facing, trusting somewhere in the back of his mind that Oschon would show him the way.

He would spend the next five years moving from place to place, rescuing survivors and fighting any who chose to take advantage of the chaos. A silent protector, giving neither his name nor reassurances that everything would be okay, only pointing them in the direction they should go, in the direction that others before them had gone.

Hidden Memories

((The details of these memories are not permitted to be known to anyone without my express approval.))

The boy who would become Dietrych Brownlowe began his life in that town, nephew to a former adventurer who returned to his hometown in the hopes of settling down. As a nuisance with no chance of desisting, the boy eventually managed to convince his battle-weary uncle to teach him a thing or two about the skills he picked up on his journeys. These lessons would become somewhat therapeutic for the man, while kindling a fire within the heart of the child to one day follow in his uncle's footsteps.

As troubles with the Garlean Empire came to the fore, his uncle's allies came to request his aid and the man reluctantly agreed. Realizing this to be his best chest at the adventure he craved, the boy will have requested, begged, and then finally went back on old habits by being a nuisance until his uncle finally relented. So began his apprenticeship, not only to his uncle, but to the small gathering of aged adventurers.

For several years he will have traveled at their side, at times as a faithful squire but mostly a small bundle of trouble that required them to risk their necks to rescue him from various troubles his curiosity would get him into. More than anything, they imparted to him a great deal of knowledge, skills, and most of all, the courageous and selfless core that would be all that remained when the memories were stripped from him.

As just a boy, he stood with the aged adventurers at the Battle of Carteneau, fighting along one of the flanks. As Dalamund opened up and fire rained down on the battlefield, however, he was sent away. A specialized teleport spell was used by one of his teachers, set up in advance, to return him to the relative safety of the village of Brownlowe in the instance that they felt they could no longer protect him.

It was there, however, that he was able to see the vastness of the explosion of power and the rapidly approaching form of Bahamut as it laid great swathes of flame across the land. It was there that he closed his eyes, expecting to never open them again, as the village was destroyed. In a way, he never did.


Areas of Expertise

  • Martial: One-handed Weapons (Moderate), Shield Use (Moderate), Two-Handed Weapons (High), Pole Weapons (Very High), Archery (Moderate), Hand-to-Hand (Moderate)
  • Magical: Conjury (Weak)
  • Crafts: Cooking (Moderate), Leatherworking (Moderate), Fishing (Moderate)


  • Combat Specialist: He is extremely proficient with a wide variety of weapons, though lacks any memory of how he came to gain these skills, though he has refined them over the last five years.
  • Talented Cook: Though he did not begin with any particular skills in this area, he grew rather talented in it over the last five years of having to fend for himself. He can only thank Oschon that he did not eat anything too poisonous within that time.
  • Driven: When he decides on a course of action, there is nothing in the world that can dissuade him.
  • Observant: Staying quiet and watching others has awarded him a surprising skill at discovering things that would normally go unnoticed.


  • Fear of Fire: Any large, uncontrolled blaze is enough to send him skittering off into a dark corner, likely as a result of some dark, repressed memory of Bahamut's flames. A cooking fire, or even an Aether-woven fireball, are not usually enough to set him off however.
  • Socially Inept: If ever put on the spot and forced to speak in front of a crowd, he will likely clam up or possibly even run away.


  • Animals
  • High Places
  • Watching Others (from a distance)
  • Fighting for the good of others


  • Social Situations
  • Speaking
  • Responsibility
  • Fire


Much of his personality is a mystery, as he rarely speaks. Instead, he has a varied array of facial expressions and gestures he uses in place of words.

It is clear through his actions that he has a strong sense of justice, having chosen to seek out survivors rather than pursue any knowledge of himself or his history, and being particularly brutal against those that employ betrayal or cruelty.

He seems shy, but this could have more to do with inexperience with social situations. His choice not to speak makes such situations awkward at times, especially when the other party becomes annoyed at his inability to get his point across. He often walks away from large crowds of people who look like they might try to engage them. If at all possible, he prefers the wallflower approach, hiding on the outskirts and trying to be invisible.


His silence is due only in part to his choice not to speak. His throat was injured in the Calamity, which never properly recovered, and too much time has passed for even magic to heal it. When he tries to speak, it comes out both quiet and hoarse, and is rather painful -- similar to having a very sore throat or respiratory infection. He can speak when he absolutely must, but prefers to try to get his point across without it.




Other Notes

The Rumor Mill

  • Common Rumors (Easily overheard):
    • "You know that knight that never says a word? They say he's a hero. A lot of people that survived the Calamity owe him their lives."
    • "He's always saving people and never asks for a reward. I saw him run away from a drop dead gorgeous woman that just wanted to hug him. If it was me..."
    • "I hear he was a monk. Took a vow of silence, y'know? That's why you never hear him speak."
  • Moderate Rumors (Moderately difficult to overhear):
    • "Remember that festival a few months back? He turned white as a sheet when we lit the bonfire and couldn't get out of there fast enough. Strange, yeah?"
    • "My alchemist friend says he's visited her twice for a tonic for his throat. She says he's even visited a white mage. Figure that's why he doesn't speak?"
  • Rare Rumors (Very difficult to overhear):
    • "I passed through Brownlowe several times 'fore the Calamity. Dusty little hamlet, not a gil 'tween most of 'em. I met Mayor Brownlowe an' he ain't had no boys. Just girls. Who's he tryin' to fool?"
  • PC Rumors (Player created rumors--feel free to add your own!):

Miscellaneous Info

  • Links:
  • OOC Notes:
    • I thieved bits and pieces of other peoples' layouts to make mine, so if you see something of yours, feel free to be honored. I have acknowledged your genius and it now graces my pages. I, in turn, feel honored to host your greatness upon my pages.