Sylbfohc Ostulmsyn

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Limsa Lominsa-transparent.png Sylbfohc Ostulmsyn
Sylb screenie-avatar-2.jpg
Birth Name Sylbfohc Ostulmsyn
Pronounced [Seelb-foe-hck] [Oost-ulm-seen]
Meaning Silver Fox, son of East Elm
Nickname(s) Sylb
Race Roegadyn
Clan Sea Wolf
Citizenship Limsa Lominsa
Guardian Llymlaen, The Navigator
Birthplace Aleport
Born 1532
Age 48, looks like he's in his early 50s
Nameday 10th day of the 3rd Umbral moon
Hair Pale seafoam blue green, almost white, with two graying black streaks
Eyes Silver gray
Skin Dark blue-green
Facial Features Dimpled chin
  • Traditional Sea Wolf tattoos around the eyes
  • Black, thick banding around his biceps & calves
  • Black, thick double banding curving over the top of his hips and down toward his legs
Scars One grisly looking scar on his abdomen, left of his bellybutton, that's mirrored on his back (exit wound). One gash of a scar where neck & shoulder meet on his right side
Height 7'7"
Weight 350 lbs (lots of muscle weight)
Physique Heavily muscled with a cozy layer of softening squish
Clothing Fashionable and well put together, even flashy at times
Keywords Words, words, words, words.
Hobbies Some things that he/she likes to do.
Likes Likes, likes, likes, likes.
Dislikes Disikes, dislikes, dislikes, dislikes.
Hopes Hopes!
Fears Fears!
Greatest Accomplishment Something that he/she is proud of him/herself for.
Greatest Regret Something that he/she regrets deeply.
Primary Weapon Greataxe
Secondary Weapon Standard-issue Flintlock Musket
Armor Maelstrom issued plate
Occupation Sea Captain, Maelstrom
Rank Storm Captain
Skills Hireable skills.
Username MoenMoen
Time Zone United States, PDT
Server Balmung
Tumblr []
Additional Characters Moengeim Fraefyrwyn
Linkshells [Broken Chairs]
RP Preferences Light, medium, heavy — I enjoy it all! I LOVE to tie in my character(s) background with other characters backgrounds. Give me a shout if you're interested.

**Side bar template adapted from: Infobox-roe

Coming soon!

(last updated: 9/14/2015)

The Basics


Standing at roughly 7'7" tall and at nearly 350 pounds, Sylb is not an easy guy to miss in a crowd. He towers over most, even fellow roegadyn, his muscular breadth adding to the imposing cut of his colossal figure. With a broad, sturdy frame, thick arms and legs, a solid core, and a chorded neck, it's clear that this man was built for strength. However, no one can maintain a perfectly sculpted body forever, and Sylb is no spring fox kit. Now pushing 50, the slow effects of aging over the years has left him with an extra layer of squish, particularly around the middle. Though he couldn't be described as fat, the extra layer sure does soften the appearance of his muscles, and no amount of dieting or added exercise can get rid of it.

Then again, he's old enough by now not to care all that much. When given the choice between extra workout and dietary discipline to bring back some of his youthful physique or taking some time to lounge and enjoy the moment he's in, he'll choose the latter.

"Oooh, these rushin' years. Always batin' me with how quickly they pass. As if I need to catch 'em in order to truly live! Paaah. With my lady at my side and a warm hearth at my achin' feet, I'd rather sit back 'n' watch 'em fly, fly, fly; all color 'n' shapes 'n' sound. The view's better from here anyhow, and, hells — might be that I draw meanin' from the things I see, with so much time to ponder."

Bright, intelligent, silver gray eyes twinkle knowingly amidst a fanning of fine, but gradually deepening, wrinkles: some lines of worry or sadness, but most the product of decades worth of roguish smiles and booming laughter.

Despite his monstrous size and bulk, Sylb's face is almost elegant, and very handsome — even at his age. Beneath a pronounced brow, his eyes are wide-set above high cheekbones and fringed with thick, dark lashes. His broad nose is set close to his face with a royal arch at its thickest point before tapering to rest just above a wide, full-lipped mouth. When he smiles his pearly teeth stand in pleasant contrast with his dark skin making it seem even brighter. And, like a crowning jewel, a swirl-like dimple rests in the middle of his chin.

The neat, artful trim of his beard and eyebrows, and the network of fine, tied back braids in his hair, only enhance Sylb's apparent elegant charm. Add to that his relaxed yet refined posture and you've got yourself a very stately roegadyn, indeed.




A Bum Back: with nearly 30 years of wielding his axe in service to his city-state, Sylb’s no longer a young buck. The wear and tear that comes with such activity combined with his age has left his back in rough shape. All it takes is one hasty twist in the wrong direction and boom! He’s on the floor, cursing gods and men in full color.


Strength: like most roegadyn, Sylb is solidly built and has a natural strength that he’s enhanced and maintained through regular training all his life.




Religious/Spiritual Beliefs

Political Alignment


