Auralia Rhotana

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 Auralia Rhotana
Gender Female
Race Miqo'te
Clan Keepers of the Moon
Citizenship None
Age Unknown - Assumed early 20's
Occupation Crewmember of The Midnight Pearl
Orientation Heterosexual

Unbeknownst to her, Auralia was formally the spearhead of an up and coming criminal cartel in the Ul'dan area. A combination of poor business decisions and rash emotional actions led to her untimely downfall and assumed death. Nine months after having disappeared, the person who would be known as Aura washed up on the shores of Limsa from an assumed shipwreck with no memory of her former life. Currently working as a hand for a merchant vessel, Aura spends her time reacquainting herself with the world and with herself. Her investigations into her circumstances and her past have revealed that her memory loss can be attributed to aetheric manipulation and not from injury or harm. Any recollection of who she was is gone but as she continues on she rediscovers things she loved, things she practiced, excelled and failed at.

Basic Info

Aura washed up on the Limsian shoreline as a bloodied heap with little clue as to where she came from. She was discovered armed with a gunblade, wearing a gold necklace, a silver bracelet with a red bauble and the tattered clothes on her back. Her injuries would have been fatal had it not been for a medic of the Midnight Pearl who was there to tend to her upon discovery. Her injuries were magically inflected. Burn marks and areas where her skin had been flayed open with lightning covered her form and filled with sand and seawater. Her clothing was covered in soot and blood....far too much blood to have only been hers. The crew of the Pearl deduced she must have been in some sort of combat and somehow came out alive. They took her back to the ship where she recovered and accepted their generous hospitality. She works now as a hand on the Merchant vessel, brokering business deals where she can and defending it in sea combat if necessary.

"Yet it was not death. Not the type of death she was so assured it was. Her heart beat still. Her small, shallow breaths continued. However, her mind was now lost, and with it her memories of pleasure, pain, wills, and vendetta. The people and things she knew, valued and sub sequentially devalued. They slipped though the cracks in her consciousness to fall into nothingness. This, the final effect of the spells used against her, took hold. If her injuries didn't physically kill her then her enemy made sure her consciousness would never recover. She'd not possess the memories to know to defend herself nor the fact that she would need to prepare for when he finally came to finish her."


Visiting places that are new to her
Meeting new people
Rediscovering things she was proficient at
Style and Clothing


The mystery surrounding her past
Her nigh constant fear of attack


Favorite Food: "Can't I have one of each?"
Favorite Drink: "..But there are so many.."
Favorite Color: Reds/Pinks/Black

Appearance & Personality

Aura is of typical to slightly shorter height for a Miqo'te. Her hair is a distinctive light pink color and her tail is downy and fluffy. She enjoys wearing nice clothing and accessories and makes an effort to present herself as best as possible at all times while taking appropriateness for the situation into account. Aura can almost always been seen wearing three items: A sword slung across her back, a golden necklace of expensive make, and a silver bracelet with a red bauble hanging from it. She is fiercely protective of the items. Physically, she could be considered generally attractive and youthful.
Her attitude is friendly and she tends to react with bewilderment when her attempts at being jovial are rejected. She prefers to not focus on things are that difficult to swallow. She has a habit towards avoidance that shouldn't come as surprising to someone in her situation. Despite her tendency to ignore the harsher aspects of things, she has the capacity to care deeply for those who have extended her kindness where she otherwise would have died. Her actions tend to speak louder in these scenarios as her words can sometimes become jumbled, rendering her unable to articulate what she really wishes to.
Aura's memory loss has not rendered her inept. She retains knowledge of current, events, history and aether manupliation in the form of conjury. It's her knowledge of her own past that is affected. Each proficiency she's uncovered has been through trial and error and accident on her journey to figure out who she is and who she was. The quest is close to her heart and yet as time goes by she finds herself wondering if she truly wants it at all. The more she digs the more the people around her get hurt and the unhappier she becomes. Will the people she's meet in her new life keep her from rediscovering her past or will she continue on and discover the answers she may not truly desire?
Aura has developed a distaste and avoidance of combat. Anytime she draws a blade with an intent to kill she feels herself change into someone she doesn't recognize. Her actions in this state are without quarter and it's only when her head clears that she's left with the guilt of what she's done. Even the thought of having to enter combat can bring her anxiety. She is not a pacifist and can understand the necessity for combat but she is no where near being able to accept the brutality that she's capable of committing and what she likely did in her past. Aura's moral core is strong. She has a sense of justice and right and wrong that carries her through life. Despite the realizations of the darkness of her past she clings to this in the hopes that maybe she no longer has to be that violent person she once was.


Currently, Aura is unable to recall any specific memories of her childhood. On occasion, she might feel feelings of familiarity towards certain childlike objects or stories but this is all she has. She is often told that she is unlike a tribal Miqo'te and she concurs, extrapolating that her youth must have been spent in another way.
Memories are triggerable via RP.
Currently, Aura is unable to recall any specific memories of her adolescence.
Memories are triggerable via RP.


Being developed....



Some of these rumors are untrue or are greatly exaggerated. Please feel free to add your own rumors under PC!

◢ Common Rumors (Easily overheard)
"Too naive to be in here and smilin all the time." -- Waitress at The Drowning Wench'
"I watched her fight the night we defended the ship from attack. Just...she's a lot stronger than she looks and I'll leave it at that." -- Ship's Gunner'
"Aye, she has a cabin on board but that doesn't mean she should go and blow all her earned gil on clothing fer twelve's sake..." -- A Crewmate'
◢ Moderate Rumors (Moderately difficult to overhear)
"That's no sword on her back. That's a damn Garlean weapon. The hells she doin with it..?” -- Armsmaster in Ul'dah
"I heard she did business with some folk and then their shop was raided by creatures soon after. She ain't worth the gil." -- A merchant
"When they brought that girl in from the shore she reeked of death...and not just her own." -- A deckhand near the Pearl
◢ Rare Rumors (Very difficult or rarely overheard)
"Those who knew her in the past know that she's back and wandering around. Don't know what game she thinks she's playin but she's not foolin any of em with her lies. " -- Merchant from the Golden Bazaar
"She marked. Don't get attached. She won't be around for long. " -- Passerby near the Thaumaturge's Guild
"If she askes for your help....decline. Run. " -- A former acquaintance
◢ PC Rumors (Rumors from the character's of other players)


Romantic Interest     Platonic Love      Good Standing     Poor Standing