Dacein Vallerimont

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Dacein Vallerimont
Dreams of Ishgard

Ishgard.jpg Dacein Vallerimont
Gender Male
Race Elezen
Clan Wildwood
Citizenship Ishgard
Age 22
Occupation Aspiring Knight
Marital Status Single
Sexuality Straight
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Basic Info

Dacein Vallerimont was born in Ul'dah to a well respected Elezen merchant family. They ran a legel import/export trade with the surrounding City-States.
Being born into wealth did nothing for Dacein's childhood. He was weaker and even though an Elezen, fairly smaller than others his age. He had difficulty learning new things, and reading and writing came hard for him. He soon became the local subject of the older children and a constant verbal and physically bullied target. His parents was largely disinterested in him, constantly reminding him that his birth was a mistake after a drunken party that was thrown in celebration of a new marketing venture that had opened up for them. They provided for his basic needs, but seldom more then that. One night shortly before his 10th birthday, Dacein came home with a bloody scar across his right cheek and a swollen left eye, it finally occurred to his parents that he was being bullied. After a few weeks of deliberation, and of Dacein not being allowed out of the house, the decision was made to ship him off to his Aunt & Uncles in Gridania. They set him on one of their trade caravans s it headed to Gridania. They packed him his clothes and the few belongs he had, as well as a pouch of gil and a note of promise to send more in exchange for his Aunt & Uncles care.
The trip was uneventful and Dacein enjoyed watching the scenery turn from desert sand to lush green fields and trees for as far as his eyes could see. Upon arriving in Gridania and being met with a loving hug from his Aunt & Uncle whom he had yet to meet until now, life suddenly got easier for Dacein. His Uncle was employed in the Leatherworks Guild and he was often found at the Lancers Guild mending supplies for them. He certainly did not make as much as Dacein's parents did, however he would often arrive home with a bag of sweets for Dacein, or perhaps the odd toy he'd fashion for him at work. His Aunt would stay at home during the day and soon was teaching him how to read and write. It was hard for him but his Aunt lovingly took the time and patience to teach him, slowly but surely. He could soon read and write on his own, and would spend hours on hours reading the different books his Aunt had around the house. Many of them spoke of Ishgard, the Royal Families, their army of Knights and the fearless Dragoons. This instilled Dacein to want that lifestyle and renown, to make himself a somebody.
These dreams of Ishgard inspired him to join the Lancers Guild at the age of 15. Where reading & writing came hard to him, he excelled with a Lance in his hands, soon becoming a valued member of the Guild. At the age of 18 he would already teach newer recruits as well as help curb the local poacher population that at times, overran Gridania. He got into a few fights and was skilled with his Lance but he knew there was more to be learned. He wanted to become proficient with all types of weapons, and to get the combat experience that he thought would be required to become a Knight for any of the Royal Ishgard families. He soon kissed his aunt goodbye, and with a sturdy handshake to his uncle, he headed out to travel on his own looking to further his experince.
It wasn't long before the heavy expense of traveling caught up with him and his gil purse began to grow lighter and lighter. He happened across a mercenary group outside if Limsa Lominsa one day and soon was traveling with them. This was not a normal mercenary group, as this group took work anywhere they could find it. If a farmer needed a field to be tilled or fences to be tended, they did that. If an Outpost was having trouble with wildlife in the area, they would cull back the population. Coin came good for the work and Dacein was able to buy his own Chocobo of whom he named Raven, a swell as upgrade his equipment and armor. Though Dacein enjoyed the work and his gil purse was kept rather full, this was not what he was looking for in life. He soon bid his farewell and wandered off again.
Through chance one day he bumped into someone who recognized him as the little boy from Ul'dah. Dacein did not remember this man, but he claimed to have known Dacein's parents. During conversation with the stranger, Dacein was informed that his Father had suddenly taken ill and passed away 4yrs ago. The cause of death was undetermined, with the Brass Blades thinking foul play was involved. Being that his mother had not been seen since, there was talk of her being the killer, or she perhaps was kidnapped at the least. This temporarily put Dacein's plans for Ishgard on hold as he headed into Ul'dah to see what he could find out about his parents. If what he man said was true, did his Aunt and Uncle not know of this? Surely they would have told him if so. Perhaps he could find out what he could about his parents before moving on to Ishgard. He would at least owe them enough to investigate their case, but he wouldn't waste to much time on it.
Saddling up on Raven, he headed out for Ul'dah......
Current Roleplay Starts Here

Looks & Mannerisms

Dacein is shorter for an Elezen but a fierce jawline and dark eyes peering out from jet black hair hanging loose into his face deters any question if he is an adult or a teenager.
He is strong and his body is well toned and muscular, evident of the last few years spent in training. He has a large gash on his right cheek from a fight he got in when he was with the a child.
His mannerisms are very elegant and professional as most Elezens. He is not loud or boisterous, he talks with a softer voice, knowing that actions behind words speak louder then the words themselves spoken :verbally. He is confident and unwavering when he sets his mind on something. He is diligent and loves to accomplish his goals.


Proficient with the lance, he can be a worthy opponent, but outside a few fights he does not have much combat experience.
He desires to learn how to wield weapons of all kinds and will look for opportunities to learn them along his travels
Fine Wine & foods
Elezen Gals
Helping those in need
Lack of Manners
Lack of Discipline
Whiny People


Alignment: Good, wants to be a Knight
Favorite Food: Anything well made
Favorite Drink: Fine Red Wine
Favorite Color: Black & White
Hobbies: Training, Working Out, visiting with strangers


Romantic Interest      Sexual Desire      Platonic Love      Good Standing     Neutral Standing     Poor Standing


◢ Common Rumors (Easily overheard)
I here he has returned here to Gridania to seek vengeance for his family -Gridania Resident
They say he got that cut from an abusive teacher for not following the rules, bets I not act up then! -School Boy
He is back and looking as fine a man I've ever seen, perhaps I should speak with him -Love-struck Lass
◢ Moderate Rumors (Moderately difficult to overhear)
He learned his skills travelling with mercenaries, I hear they killed people for sport, best I keep my eye on him -Nervous Guard
◢ Rare Rumors (Very difficult or rarely overheard)
I hear he enjoys the company of a few despicable unsavory types, though I've not seen it myself -Nosey Bystander
◢ PC Rumors (Rumors from the characters of other players)