SwygynWyzn Thosinsyn

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Limsa Lominsa-transparent.png SwygynWyzn Slafwint Thosinsyn
Fire of the Forge
"Let the winds of change flow through you."
OOC Character Information
Main Job(s): • White Mage
• Scholar
Main Tradeskill: • Alchemist
Preferred Role: Healer
Server: Balmung
Alignment: Good
Reputation: Wont back down and will help anyone who asks
Occupation: •Chief Medical NCO •First Lieutenant for Limsa
Education: Extensive Medical training and Alchemy
Marital Status: engaged to Lorraine Dunois
Sexuality: 3 on the Kinsey Scale
Guardian: Menphina
Free Company
Items Carried
Medicine Bag
Race: Sea Wolves
Clan: Seawolf
Age: 39?
Height: 7 fulm
Weight: 300 Ponze
Eyes: Green
Hair: Green with white highlights
Complexion: Black skin
Physical Build: Muscular and Tall
Notable Features: Monk dots on forehead
   Martial Prowess
   Magic Affinity


Swygyn is a officer for the Maelstrom. He and his comrade Tal have been fighting in battles for some time. The dark Roe is also a bit of a lightweight when it comes to drinking. Opposed to most sea wolves Swygyn abandoned his namesake and chose a moniker that was given to him in the military merely going by Swyg or Silent. His name means Silent White Grey son


Swyg, Fire of the Forge, Silent, Swygy, Swooty, Pops, Ol' Man, and Sir.


Ring- used to be worn around his neck now on Lorraine's hand. Tome- Has the many adventures of his parents this is usually in his chest at his house Journal- He keeps this hidden but occasionally Tal finds it and reads from it aloud Medicine Bag- Has loads of potions and herbs he gathers any time he is out and about. Comb- Because he hates messy hair


Swygyn is lighthearted enjoys jokes and people. He will go out of his way to save innocent people. He is kind to a fault. Swygyn treats his friends and sometimes even new acquaintances like family and will fiercely defend them. Some might even refer to him as being "jolly". Swyg doesn't get angry. Swyg also does not act his age, nor does he recall how old he is he tells people he is in his forties which may be true but hes been lying about it for ages and tends to not give a straight answer.


Does not openly worship the twelve


Has a thing about "hats". He also doesn't like his hair being mussed with. Swyg also from years of being in the military lost his sense of taste. Because of this his potions tend to taste horrible.


The Roe's hobbies include gambling, drinking, and mixing potions for restorative or lewd effects.

Positive & Negative traits

Positive traits

  • Kind
  • Strong Willed
  • Gentle

Negative traits

  • Kindness (Gets him hurt or in trouble)
  • Lightweight
  • Not Physically Strong


Swygyn prefers to stay at the back of a fight keeping his distance and blasting the enemy with spells.

Likes, Dislikes, and Fears


  • Authentic People
  • Potions
  • Reading
  • Gambling


  • Hangovers
  • Not being strong enough
  • Running out of wine


  • Guns
  • Failure
  • Strong Liquor

Swygyn the Legacy

Early Years

Swygyn does not know to much of his past. He lived happily with his parents who had migrated to the desert town before he was born. As a child he didn't do a lot and knew little of his parent jobs just knowing they left for work a lot and would be gone for weeks at a time. This time alone made him self sufficient need little guidance as far as food was concerned or clothing patching up anything he wore. One day his folks returned home suffering from some illness he had never heard of but being eight there was still a lot to learn. After they passed he grew up on the streets still able to fend for himself making do with what little he could. The only thing of his parents he kept was a tome of all their journeys and saw they used to live in Limsa, the sound of living by the sea excited the young man. So he stowed on a ship and made his way there.

Once in Limsa he found his way one day to the Arcanist guild and began reading furiously through everything they had spending many days without sleep. It was at this point he decided he wanted to become a doctor and help as many people he could so what happened to his family never happened again. But life in Limsa was foreign to him so he took up working for the Maelstrom lying about his age to get in since size wasn't the issue. He learned a few martial skills but they didn't suit him barely making the grade but once he got into the medical corps he shined bright. He had a real knack for healing magic as well as medicine.

He spent the next few years mastering these skills. He took every job he could to go and help others this was a bad habit he acquired as he got hurt most times going out like this.


Swyg went on many missions and on a mission he met a young Roe named Tal. This was an odd name but they became fast friends after awhile they lost contact as they were shipped off to different areas. During these years Swyg began practicing Alchemy as a form of medicine crafting potions and elixirs to help people. He even crafted some for deviant purposes as young men tend to get that way.

Swyg always had a problem sticking his nose in business and getting himself hurt after helping a family from some bandits he was injured his jaw dislocated and tongue cut. So he crafted a potion to regrow the missing bit but the potion didn't restore his sense of taste. Which ended up being just fine as he tended to eat the flavorless ration bars anyways as they were cheap and require no fuss to get.

Swyg tended to stay at inns and could be found reading in the arcanist guild in his spare time, seldom returning home as he tended to be quite busy. He made little of the way of friends and tended to stay to himself. He wasn't social in the slightest and tended to be awkward towards women. So when he did get social it ended with him drunk somewhere with people he didn't know and would stumble home gil-less.

Swyg never kept money on himself after that on his shore leave he went and learned how to be a botanist not much caring for picking flowers he would swing his axe collecting wood and then not knowing what to do with it decided to learn to build furniture with it.


After rising in ranks of the Maelstrom Swygyn started being called to all sorts of battles. Always on the back lines as a medic he had another chance encounter with Tal who was bringing men from the frontlines ignoring his own injuries to save others this was a trait that Swyg loved to see in people. After the battle he tended to Tal's wounds and they reignited their friendship.

Many battles later Swyg was helping evacuate refugees when he saw a small girl and ran to help her get out of the line of fire. Swyg took many magitek shots to the back and passed out. he awoke two weeks later Tal standing nearby informing him many refugees made it. Swyg inquired of the girl but Tal was uncertain of her fate. Once on his feet again Swyg found he could no longer channel healing magic this made him quite distraught. No longer able to do what he set out to do he spent a lot of his time patrolling and helping how he could but knew he wasn't working at his full potential.

He found his way to a group needing a medic the Path Finder society. He didn't know anyone here and mostly kept to himself not even bothering to get his own room opting to sleep on the couches. He mostly moped about and helped where he could and went out on calls to help others mostly being an on site doctor.

On a day when he was patrolling the Couerthas highlands he happened upon a flustered red chocobo he stopped and went to investigate happening up a duskwight female calling her self Salvuis. He helped the young woman despite wanting to just freeze to death in the snow. So Swyg helped her patching the wound and helping her to his lodging at the Path Finders. He had her stay with him in his room and helped her leg get to full strength and once she was strong enough to walk he had realized he had feelings for her seeing a lot of himself in her. So he took a chance and they went out on a date. This led to many more and a relationship that lasted years. One day he took her to the spot they walked to the most and he asked her to marry him. She fled, and Swyg sat outside in that spot waiting her return for a number of hours Tal finally spotting him in the rain and dragging him home and giving him a bottle.

Over the next few years Lorraine stayed in his mind no matter how much he drank or tooled away in his office. Eventually he opened a clinic full time and hired a few nurses to help him. Swyg had met a few woman who he tried to replace Lorraine with but none of it stuck. One day fed up with not having magic he seeked out a healer to help him he came across a sort of mad scientist who extracted his blood to test it finding out the reason why he couldn't channel. After hearing this he contacted his friend and fellow healer An'nai who helped rid his blood of the impurities. Now Swyg was back to his old self.


Few months later Swyg got a call from Tal saying a young duskwight woman was hurt by Wineport and needed medical attention. he happened to be in the area and headed over once arriving he saw it was Lorraine. Swygs world froze he helped patch her leg again and got her back up on her feet. After talking for several hours and spending some time together they went back to the way they were before.


Hands- Swygs hands are callused and marked with scars from various fist fights and being stabbed in the hand.

Back- has fifteen large black and scorched marks these used to glow from the magitek weaposn that caused them but after being healed they are just a reminder of what it costs to help.

Tongue- Theres a odd coloration to his tongue where it was severed at one point

Face- Got in a knife fight and his face got cut up badly defending this prostitute in Limsa from her pimp.

Favorite Locations and Known Haunts

The Bobbing Cork

Buscarron's Druthers

The Bismark

The port of Limsa down the furthest Dock

Family & Relationships (NPCs)

Swygyn has no family as they had died when he was young.

Relationships (other RPCs)

Current Partner/Romantic Interest     Crush/Platonic Love/Deep Affection      Former Lover     Good Standing     Neutral     Poor Standing    

Tal Raith This is Swygyn's war buddy. Swygyn knows nothing of his past or where he came from but the two can usually be found next to one another. Tal usually ends up being around Swyg when he least expects it. But has recently shown to have a big heart for Swyg. Tal is the closest thing he has to a best friend.

Okhi Lyehga A young Roe Swygyn had sold medicine to and has been helping take care of her dying parents.

Lorraine Dunois A young attractive Elezen he had met while on patrol in Couerthas. He tended to the young woman's leg and got her out of the cold. At first he didn't know what to make of her other than she was genuinely distressed about being framed. The large Roe believed her and offered to be of any service to her. Having spent some time with the Elezen and hearing her real name Lorraine. Swyg started to have a crush on her. After being in each others company for awhile Swyg got the courage to asker her on a date. It went well enough that by the end of it decided to be together. After being together for a few years Swyg had asked Lorraine to marry him in a panic she fled leaving him alone for several years til the fates reunited them. Swyg asked her to marry him again in quite the unorthodox fashion. But the two are happily engaged and planning their wedding.

Mother Hazelbud A odd Elezen who spends most her time cleaning and taking care of the folks in the free company Swyg was a part of. The two talked a for a bit and it turned out she wanted to learn more about Alchemy so Swyg agreed to teach her.

Ardent Dawn Bumped into Swyg at the docks of Limsa. Swyg learned a bit of her past, her almost sad nature dulled Swyg's normally happy self. She offered for him to come stay at Eventide if he ever desired to.

Ariawyn Ferrand This Au Ra is one of the nurses who works for Swyg in his clinic

Miune Steadhal A headstrong young Miqo that Swyg met through Lorraine. He nudges him to practice when he sees him and hopefully make him easier to handle for Lorraine

K'yomi Astrina A "hyper" ball of fur always dragging Lorraine around and subsequently him as well. He has told her to study the various tomes in his office so she can be a better healer.

Silent Ivy Another woman who expressed interest in learning healing and Alchemy from Swyg. She also seems interested in him.

Donohebo Honohebo This tiny person expressed interest in working for Swyg helping heal people. Swyg is not familiar with Lalafells and is unsure if it is a man or a woman as he cannot see that far down.


Sol- Is a draught chocobo that Swyg got when he became a lieutenant with the Maelstrom. Sol tends to get spoiled as he does a lot of Swygs heavy lifting.

Solthoth- Swygs Chocobo he had since he first joined the Maelstrom. Solthoth is very obedient and quite calm he tends to just nap when not working.


Wheiskaet- Is a black Couerl kitten that Swyg got for Lorraine Dunois. Her name means Soft Shadow as she tends to follow the pair everyone in the home.

Rumors (True and Untrue)

Common Rumors

  • "I have seen that rock-biter get stabbed and beat defending a person in a brawl." Limsan Barkeep
  • "I do not think I have ever seen someone this good at Triple Triad he robbed the poor man." Golden Saucer employee
  • "I think I saw another dark skinned roe carrying him out of the bar, looked like he had half a ale." Wench Patron

Moderate Rumors

  • "Isn't he the Roe who was tending to all the wounded." Maelstrom soldier

Rare Rumors

  • "I once saw Swygyn changing his armor man has these huge scars on his back wonder how that happened." Clothing shop owner

RPC Rumors

Add your own.

  • "This is the sweetest old man I have ever met so helpful." Okhi Lyehga
  • "Damned hardheaded fool. Hard to stay mad at him though." Salvius Dunois
  • "Ol Swyg? Well, I ain't religious, but the man's a damn saint as far as I'm concerned." Tal Raith

Swyg images


