Zolario Prial

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Ul'dah-transparent.png Zol Prial
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Traveling Healer
Gender Male
Race Elezen
Clan ??
Citizenship Ul'dah
Age ??
Guardian Nald'Thal
Orientation ??
Occupation Selling trinkets, medicine
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Basic Info

Full Name: Zolario Leonoix Prial

Nicknames: Zol, Father

Height: 6 fulms 6 ilms

Hair: Black with dark red highlights, tied back

Eyes: Golden

Skin: Deeply tanned

Clothing: Dusty and travel-worn robes with light leather armor underneath, occasionally a bandana.


Guarded of his past, his familiarity with warfare and Ul'daian politics offer the only hints of where he came from. Since the Calamity, he has traveled alone throughout the lands as a wandering priest and healer, offering his services in the many small fringe towns.


A pleasant philosopher, often smiling and lighthearted in open approach to others. His speech is formal, with hints of an archaic lilt that he sometimes uses to disguise a dry sense of humor. By nature, he is calculating, cautious and perceptive.

Alignment: Lawful Neutral

Likes: Passion, curiosity, honor, consensus

Dislikes: Laziness, wasting food, apathy, indecisiveness

Skills: His occupation has given him fine control over wind magic, including healing and protection/reinforcing. He has some skill with a sword over years of traveling alone through wild lands.

Weaknesses: Tremendously unlucky, especially with money. His patience and cautiousness runs to a fault at times.

The Seven

Konner Kinkaid - A swordsman from the Eastern lands. In a situation involving a fleeing burglar and mistaken identity, the two drew their blades and briefly fought. After the misunderstanding was cleared up, the two parted on friendly terms.

Iseia Windsong - The young noblewoman from Ul'dah and the charge Konner had been given to protect. Zol found promise in her young mind and agreed to help in showing her the world outside the walls of her nation.

Grehn Spyrvilf - A lost hunter from a sunny coast that the party came across on one of Limsa Lominsa's parapets. Endearing and kindhearted, but Zol was at times surprised at the ruthless side of the youth.

Edgar Callant - The mysterious dockhand was at Aleport when the party arrived in the storm. With his knowledge of the region, interest in traveling and clear competence, he was a natural addition to the group.

Other Notes