Keiichi Jejeichi

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Ul'dah-transparent.png Keiichi Jejeichi
Placeholder person.gif
Awkward, Well-Meaning, Emotional
Gender Male
Race Au Ra
Clan Raen (racially)
Citizenship Ul'dah
Place of birth Unknown (Raised in a Thanalan caravan)
Age 20
Weight 234 ponze
Keiichi isn't the hero you want. He's not even the hero you deserve. He's definitely not the hero you need right now. Actually "hero" might be really generous. But he's here, and he's going to help. If he doesn't trip over himself in the process...
An inexperienced Adventurer and a trainee at the Gladiator's Guild, Keiichi Jejeichi is not like the other Au Ra refugees in Eorzea, except for the whole... seven-falm-tall brooding dragonman thing. He certainly LOOKS imposing, but once he starts moving or speaking it's clear he's lacking in confidence and ability. He tries to make up for it with determination. It doesn't always work.
((This page is currently under construction! Sorry for the dust.))
Glass-lips.png Appearance & Personality

Nature & Demeanor

Nature & Demeanor
  • Demeanor: Keiichi behaves like someone who is constantly surprised at being noticed. He will stand in places and stare at people for long moments--only to jump back in fright when he either realizes what he's doing, or someone else points out how odd he looks doing it. He speaks without thinking, and then grows nervous when it occurs to him someone else heard him speak. However, when he's drawn into a conversation, he's usually polite, complementary, and cheerful--unless he feels nervous or threatened, at which point he might behave like a sullen teenager or a disgruntled novice.
  • Nature: Keiichi is young. He's only recently turned twenty, and from his perspective he's still only 19. Despite what your favorite teenage character might do in your favorite young-adult fiction, Keiichi ACTUALLY behaves like a teenager. He feels alienated, entitled, bullied and misunderstood, if he is in ANY kind of bad mood. When he's in a good mood, he's pleasant, ignorant and relaxed... you can imagine how often that happens. Keiichi seems to approach every situation with the idea that it will turn sour on him at any moment, so he better have an exit strategy ready. This is usually why he seems distracted.
  • Tropes: Keiichi is... ok, let's be honest. Male? Check. Honest, helpful, hopeful? Check. Worried about things to the point of neurosis? Check. Surrounded by a host of characters who seem to rally around him despite his lack of leadership experience--ANY real experience, for that matter? Check.
He's the main character in an anime. Or even--GASP--a Final Fantasy game.
  • Habits: Keiichi enjoys working all day, then coming to a pub or bar for the evening to relax. He bumps into things a lot--in generally, he seems to think he's a bit smaller than he is (even if he is short for an Au Ra). He forgets to take off his reading glasses sometimes, even when he's not reading. His choice of attire in the Thanalan explains how his skin looks permanently ruddy or sun-burnt--he wears what could only barely be called a shirt most his free time. He's quite proud of his scale mail, and has gotten used to wearing it in all kinds of weather.

Notable Features

Notable Features
  • Common Appearance: Keiichi is a relatively short Au Ra gentlemen with the lighter, tan-colored scales of the Raen clan. His (sensitive) horn-ears point downward, nearly vertically, like a pair of spades. He lacks the scars or wrinkles of a hardened fighter and usually looks an awful lot like a teenager. His hair, the most striking feature about him, is colored blue-green like the ocean on a clear, sunny day. It's quite long and the parts not tied in the large ponytail he usually wears hang in front of his face. A pair of secondary horns grow with his hair and require trimming each month.
  • Scars & Markings: Keiichi has no notable scars on his body, nor does he have tattoos or facepaint. He DOES, oddly, wear a bluish shade of lipstick, apparently to keep his lips from being burned (and to better match his hair). He doesn't hide this fact, think it's strange, but he doesn't usually mention it either.
  • Voice: Keiichi sounds (unsurprisingly) like a young adult. He actually has a lighter tone of voice than his size might suggest, which can be surprising to people use to the bassier, brooding tones of most Au Ra men. His accent SEEMS neutral, but anyone from Ul'dah can tell he has the carefully pronounced tones of a Lalafell more often than not. His vocabulary is often surprisingly robust... though he's still unfamiliar with a lot of definitions and concepts...
  • Clothing: If Keiichi can help it, he'll be wearing blue (or possibly blue-and-green, or blue-green). He prefers armor that "looks cool" like scale mail, or loose clothing that suits the desert climate. He tends to forget his helmet more often than he wears it.




  • Exploring
  • Making friends
  • Relaxing
  • Learning new things
  • Beer


  • Bullies
  • Rudeness
  • Attention (especially from a crowd)
  • Expectations


  • Cool Clothes and Armor
  • New Sights and Places
  • Healing People (despite his inexperience with it)
  • Grindstone fighters (he has a sort of hero-worship for Chachanji Gegenji)


  • Social Prejudices: It sometimes isn't clear, but Keiichi has a general distrust of almost everyone... Except Lalafell. He is almost instantly comfortable with every Lalafell he meets, and is much more forgiving of their faults and foibles. He's much more critical of Highlander Hyur, Elezen and Roegadyn, and sometimes admonishes them (if he's feeling brave) when they ignore or outright dominate smaller people.
  • Personal Prejudices: For whatever reason, Keiichi seems convinced than women have no interest in him, generally. When asked about he, he mentions his mother telling him most of the women in Ul'dah were lesbians and only liked other girls. As such he seems to have generally given up on romance... or at least, he's unconcerned with it. He DOES get quite flustered on the rare occasions where it seems like a girl is interested in him... except most of those times they were just flirting with him to get something instead. Because of this, he now associates flirting with people asking for favors. It makes him suspicious.


Glass-sword.png Abilities


  • Strength: Keiichi's most obvious strength may be his... strength. He doesn't even understand how strong he is, but he can lift and move most other people with incredible ease. His strikes would be more powerful, but his general lack of skill hampers his ability to make use of his strength.
  • Intelligence: Keiichi is naive, unlearned and often oblivious to some subtleties... but he's not nearly as dumb as you might think. He tends to simply think about issues differently, and can sometimes take a long time to come to reasonable conclusions. He has a fairly excellent sense for spatial relations between things, though his basic math is only as good as that of a merchant's son, possibly not even that good.
  • Perception: Keiichi's perception is his last and perhaps greatest strength. While he doesn't always understand what he sees, he notices a LOT. His horn-ears can pick up specific sounds even in a crowd (sometimes), and even small clues sometimes seem very obvious to him--so much so that he may assume everyone else notices them too. Other times he may just announce something he saw, not realizing the information may be sensitive.


  • Unskilled: Keiichi is in training, and as such, he's lacking in a lot of real-world experience. He's not a career soldier or a professional killer, and though he confesses he's part of the Gladiator's Guild, the best he's done for them so far is acted as a sparring partner for more seasoned Gladiators. In time, he'll overcome this weakness, but for now it holds him back a great deal.
  • Awkward: Keiichi isn't just physically awkward--bumping into things, tripping, and generally getting in people's way--he's socially awkward as well. Talking to people isn't hard for him, but saying the right thing is. The caravan he grew up with was quite insular but friendly to one another, accepting every member of the caravan without question. Keiichi seems to expect this (or at least did until he came to Ul'dah), and doesn't censor himself much in his interactions with others. He definitely doesn't know how to talk to women unless hes' being very professional about it.
  • Wild Luck: Keiichi is very lucky. If only it were always good luck. Even when he's doing his best, trying to overcome his lack of experience and natural blundering... he can end up doing exactly the opposite of what would be a good idea in any sort of situation. Sometimes its as though the universe itself is aware of his thoughts and has seen fit to punish... whatever he was thinking. On the other hand, even against opponents with a massive advantage in skill or agility, he often manages amazing feats. Such is the fickle hand of fate.


  • Swordsmanship: Keiichi took up being a Gladiator out of concern for his safety--originally he had planned to become a Lancer, but found he was being hit far too often. The sword-and-shield style of Gladiators gives him a piece of metal to hide behind and he is much more comfortable that way. He sometimes mentions feeling much more at ease being attacked by four people at once in a dungeon than talking to four girls at once in the Quicksand.
  • Conjury: Keiichi has taken a liking to the healing arts, finding it very rewarding and much less stressful than other forms of combat. Healing usually brings smiles and thanks to people instead of jeers and rudeness, so it's had a positive effect on his attitude. It's not his strongest discipline but he enjoys it a lot.
  • Lancing: Keiichi left the Thanalan to study with the Lancer's guild, but that discipline has taken a backseat to his interest in swords and shields. Still, if there's already a front-line fighter in a party, he will take up the lance again, thankful that someone else is distracting foes while he thrashes at them from the flank.

People & Places

Glass-people.png People & Places
Romantic Attraction Attraction Platonic Love Family Business Deceased Positive Negative Neutral Unsure

Relations (NPC)

Relations (NPC)
Character Name ( ) - Descriptor
Something : Details about the character

Relations (PC)

Relations (PC)
Another Name ( ) - Another
title :Basic



Common Rumors

  • TBD
  • TBD

Rare Rumors

PC Rumors

  • This
  • this twoo


Glass-hourglass.png History


Glass-pictureframe.png Art

OOC Information

Glass-heartlock.png OOC Information

Hard Limits

Hard Limits
Information about limits

Hooks & RP Favorites

Hooks & RP Favorites
Information about limits

External Links

External Links
  • <a href="">Tumblr</a>
  • <a href=">Another Page</a>
  • <a href=">Another Page</a>