Makara Kali

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Ul'dah-transparent.png Makara Kali
"You're my number one punching bag!"
Treasure Hunter
Gender Female
Race Miqo'te
Clan Keeper of the Moon
Citizenship Ul'dah
Age 19
Guardian Azyema the Warden
Marital Status Single
Server Balmung
Voice Actor Terri Hawkes


Birthed in the Black Shroud and abandoned during the cusp of instability in Eorzea, Kali is a bright, cheery child blessed with profound luck. While she lacked the proper coordination to dance for meager coin in Ul'dah, she was gifted into the very arms of the merchant underworld through her Syndicate adopted parents. Spoiled sweet but precocious, Kali has failed in every attempt to be good at something except her own two hands and acute senses at her disposal.

When Kali reached her seventeenth nameday, another part of her to emerged, one that made her unwittingly feral and dominant on the field. Lost in the wanderlust of her Keeper blood and discontent with the comfort and spoils she had ever known in upper class Ul'dah, Kali spirited herself away to ruins and endless deserts throughout Thanalan to find treasure - and perhaps, discover her rightful place in Eorzea.

♦ General

Kali's earliest memory was following a caravan to Ul'dah that carried her future adopted parents, who were two wealthy Lalafell merchants. Prideful, but childless, they refused to take her in as their own until she proved herself profitable enough.

With unnaturally acute senses, Kali took the 'job' interview to heart and earned her keep by leading her adopted father to ores of precious metals deep within the earth of Western Thanalan. After a fortnight of profitable ventures, she quickly gained tract by many merchant houses, offering her wealth and opportunity for her tracking prowess.

By the end of the campaign, she remained with the lalafell couple who issued the challenge. They quickly accepted her into their household and lavished her with gifts and succor from the rough dust storms and scorching heat. When she was old enough, they often took her to grand banquets befitting a high class Ul'dahn citizen to show off their 'compassion' for displaced refugees.

Showcasing her brought more refugee sympathizers to Jajuri Corporation and powerful contacts into their pocket.

When she was old enough to be courted for marriage, her first season ended with mixed expectations. While she got on well with a potential suitor, her boisterous personality and the fear of moving to Horizon with him caused the relationship to fall apart.

Unable to cope with the disappointment from her parents and jeering rumors from other Syndicate members, Kali started sneaking out to find other ways of profit. When she joined a band of looters to Qarn and nearly lost her life to the traps and priceless treasures found within, she discovered her first thrill, as she had never experienced the risk of gambling with her life before.

Since then, she's taken on expeditions and challenges through inhabitable ruins a smarter adventurer wouldn't dare attempt, trusting on her good luck to get her through it.

♦ Appearance

Because most Keepers are primarily known for their moon-kissed hair and pale complexions, Kali is quite the anomaly. She would normally be mistaken for a Seeker if not for her enlarged pupils and fangs - often enough many prominent Seeker clans look unfavorably upon her because of it. Her existence can be construed as either a bad omen or an insult.

Social exclusion aside, her dark skin does make it easier for her to withstand Thanalan's thriving heat waves. She's also able to survive longer without succor in the desert. However, she isn't exactly fond of the diurnal cycles her parents live by, therefore she does her traveling during the night. Her peculiar Keeper eyes are better used during the nocturnal cycle.

Like her skin, her hair is darker - almost completely black. Certain tips and strands of her hair have been permanently tinted with gold. In her youth, this was a fashion status in upper class circles in Ul'dah. The fashion trend slowly phased out, but she hasn't been arsed as much to dye it away.

Her eyes, on the other hand, are especially prized within Syndicate circles for its gold coloring. Her parents often enjoy spinning tales about how Nald'thal her to them as a sign of great prosperity to come, and Kali enjoys that particular story very much. This of course made gold her favorite color!

When she lived with her parents in the upper class levels of Ul'dah, she was often covered in violet shawls and dresses... which oftentimes she'd accidentally ruin by either crawling through mud or tearing them in her little mini-adventures frolicking through the city. Her wardrobe changed from silky kurtas and fluttering dresses for actual armor and 'commoner's attire' to blend in.

In the end, she favors loose, if not revealing clothes for the sake of easier movement. She especially prefers Thavnair clothing as their looser silks provides comfort specifically for desert dwellers.

♦ Behavior

Within social circles, Kali is well-behaved... to an extent. Eventually something wrong will befall the banquet and it's usually her fault. There are moments where she is extremely playful and will often rough-house to show it off. Not many find this endearing and she has been hit on the head many times at the end of the night by her mother - mostly for idly chewing on a businessman's ears as a sign of affection.

This playful aggression comes from either her Keeper instincts or pent up frustration for battle. Kali would oftentimes gleefully charge into battle with enemies big or small and attempt to either tackle them into submission or mindlessly kill them thanks to her inexperience. No amount of proper etiquette has weaned her of this feral mindset no matter how hard her adopted guardians have tried.

She can be often seen as a bit of an eccentric, especially when she speaks of Ul'dah as a living entity. This is due to her acute senses. The sounds of the people and the liveliness of the city sometimes converge into music for her. She would claim the city itself is singing to her. The only time where she becomes almost eerily quiet is when she is in tracking mode, as she wants to completely focus on her target before pouncing on it. When agitated or threatened, Kali would emit a deep hissing sound, warning predators away. Visually this can be seen when her ears are flattened and her ever flicking tail is up and frazzled.

Other than that, she's quite affectionate. Around the people close to her she can get clingy and start climbing over anyone she could get her hands on... and try to smother them to death. This has become so frequent that she's become used to getting her ears boxed for it.

While politics in Ul'dah can be shady at best, Kali's first and foremost loyalty is to her parents. While an immigrant herself, she can at times look down on refugees looking for 'quick wealth' in the prosperous city. Push come to shove, she will often side with the Syndicate and the Brass Blades at her parents' interest. There is no love lost with the Royalist faction however, as Kali is dutifully respectful of the Sultana as she finds her adorable and sweet like her. She did apply to the Immortal Flames as a lowly foot soldier, but she's been MIA for so many times, she isn't even sure if she still belongs to it.

♦ Trivia

(Always a Work In Progress)

φ She's a horrible dancer and her singing is often described as, "A yowl that would awake the dead itself which could only be stopped with a boot to the head."
φ She is often distracted by shiny objects, especially jewelry.
φ Chewing on someone's ears is a sign of affection.
φ Her chocobo, a gift from an admirer with dark gold plummage, is named Agador Spartacus. Agador after the last tournament champion, Agador the Golden Gladiator and Spartacus the Unfettered, a legendary merchant bodyguard that fended off a large raid of Amalj'aa during a trade mid-route to Eastern Thanalan. As Spartacus became too old for adventuring, Kali has been raising one of his chicks - a sky blue chocobo affectionately named Oasis.
φ While her parents consider her of 'mariageable age', Kali has no formal experience with courting aside from receiving gifts from admirers. This makes her very naive and oftentimes confused with flirting or advances, usually confusing affection as a sign of 'clan' instead of romance.
φ Kali regularly gets seasick traveling on boat.
φ When she sleeps, she purrs. When she's awake, she purrs. When she's in pain, she purrs. She purrs constantly. All the time.
φ Kali is very awkward at child-rearing. When given an infant, she had trouble holding and keeping it from crying. The only method of soothing was to instinctually groom at its head with her tongue, which caused many of a confusion and cultural outrage from the Hyur parents.
φ She has a very obnoxious habit of licking wounds, be it a parchment cut or a giant gash. Nothing is too big for her tongue! She does properly wrap wounds around her torso since she can't bend that far to lick it.
φ Raised by Lalafell parents, Kali becomes very confused and alarmed when other races treat them like children. She will often physically drop down to their level to speak to them. It's instinctual at this point - she was raised to keep her ears within accessible distance so her mother could box them whenever she misbehaves.
φ A more intuitive person will realize very quickly that Kali takes advantage of people underestimating her more often than not. Feigning idiocy has become a valuable trump card when she gets into a lick of trouble. Secretly, she is quite perceptive about the world around her, but while others wrap themselves up in stoicism, Kali prefers to exude optimism.
φ She has a love for anything Thavnair in origin, including clothes and food. Her ultimate dream is to travel to the Near East and revel in the culture there. Ironically enough, her biological father is from Thavnair, but she is unaware of this.


φ [1561-1562] Kali is born to a Keeper named Makara. This name is the only relic that she remembers of her mother. Out of the litter of four, she was the only one with dark coloring. Refusing to deal with the visual proof of her infidelity, Makara's hand was stayed from snapping the runt's neck by her close confidante. Instead, Kali was relieved to the confidante and was spirited far away from the Black Shroud.
φ [1562-1563] Traveling south in the midst of Thanalan, Kali's new guardian met a migrating tribe of Seekers hoping to give the child succor by handing her over to them. They spent a year with the tribe testing the waters until the Nunh declared the child a hybrid and therefore unwelcome to their clan. Leaving the Sagolii Desert, Kali's guardian continued the fruitless trek across dangerous Amalj'aa territory to find someone suitable to adopt Kali.
φ [1563-1564] The mass exodus of beast tribes out of Ul'dah began. Kali's guardian decided it was best to keep the child as his own, but met opposition trying to reach Ul'dah by caravan. Eorzea's first primal was summoned not much later and mass panic ensued. Kali was lost during the Ala Mhigan migration to Ul'dah.
φ [1564-1566] Kali was partially raised by a group of migrating Ala Mhigan refugees alongside a large group of orphaned children. It is there that she met Juri and Chara - lalafell merchants that frequented the Silver Baazar during its prime. Entranced by their lavish clothing and shiny trinkets, she mindlessly followed their caravan for many yalms before collapsing from exhaustion. Yearning for a child, Chara urged Juri to give Kali a test of prosperity. If she succeeded in contributing to their wealth, they would adopt her. Kali managed to lead an excavation to a rich ore cache of silver and, true to their word, they formally returned to Ul'dah with Kali as their own.
φ [1566-1573] Discovering Kali after a long search, her guardian found her living happily with her new adopted parents. He refrained from intruding on her new life. Still attached to her, the guardian remained ever constantly in the shadows watching her and giving her gifts from time to time. By her 14th summer, the Garleans marched their way into Eorzea with Dalamud hanging over their heads. Fearing retaliation, many important families in Ul'dah ventured below ground with Kali's family rich enough to join them as the Battle of Carteneau waged in the west. This catastrophic event had dealt a massive blow to trade, leaving the Jajuri Family to begrudgingly deal with relief efforts at the command of the Immortal Flames.
φ [1573-1578] Upon reaching marriageable age of sixteen summers, Kali was sent to a banquet to be used as window dressing to delegates and potential merchant allies. She garnered many gifts during this summer, but she had become restless in spirit. Because of her sudden mercurial and excitable personality, many negotiations and possible marriage proposals fell through and rumors began to abound the longer she went without a proper proposal. Fearing the worst, her father threatened to have her marry a very unflattering man if she couldn't become profitable on her own, terms of which she wholly agreed by. In 1577, she left home and tried her hand at goldsmithing only to be ejected from the guild due to a confrontation with a fellow apprentice.
φ [1578-Now] In 1578, she joined the pugilist guild and remained there until she caught wind of an expedition to Qarn by a shady group in need of looters. Hoping to find treasure, she joined and was nearly killed by the ruined temple's booby traps which wiped out most of her party. She was among the small number of survivors when Eorzea's Warrior of Light cleansed the temple and its coffers. Inspired by the hero, Kali was inspired to grow stronger so she can tackle dangerous expeditions too and seek out priceless treasures within the ruins of Belah'dia and Sil'dih.


Because of her tendency to rush headfirst into battle, her retainers suggested she adopt a blade or an axe if she wished to be an adventurer. While she experimented with the sword and shield techniques from the Gladiator's Guild first, she found the weapons more of a hindrance and so traveled to Limsa Lominsa to try her hand at being a rogue. This has proved fortuitous as she was a natural of wielding the tiny blades and throwing them madly in battle, but she was rubbish at blade sharpening and the craft fell flat. She did spend a year in the seafaring city-state until Ul'dah 'called' for her to come home.

She did eventually return to the Pugilist's Guild to push past her combat threshold and found a kinship for fighting with nothing but her bare hands. She was successful enough to create a peculiar pugilist style self-proclaimed the The Drunken Moomba. This defensive style is literally falling around with style in order to confuse or disorient her opponent before clobbering them with the Moomba Two-Snap.

On the opposite side of her explosive tendencies lay a prowler born of her Keeper ancestors (whoever they may be). Kali prefers to wait in the underbrush in the fields or crawl around the cliffs of Thanalan to better scope her target. This has made her a vital participant in bounty hunting as scouters are needed to find a particular target and wait carefully until reinforcements arrive.

Special Attributes

Special Attribute: Acute senses

Description: With sensitive hearing, sight, touch, smell, and taste, Kali can easily track or find objects or beings using the area around her as the last place one was seen. This makes it extremely difficult for predators to catch her from behind as she is very attuned to a small radius around her person.

Special Attribute: Metallurgic Memory

Description: Growing up around her father's ore refinery and his off-shoot goldsmithing company, Kali can deduce the purity of metals from a single sample. This includes a near perfect recall of every single metal recorded by man and even the geological location of where the sample originated be it historical or simple mining. That being said, she was highly sought out for an opinion on the validity of items from clients. Through touch, smell, and even taste, Kali can read the metallic properties of anything near flawlessly.

★ Recent RP events ★

φ Piquant Pumpkin Event: Upon her first return back to Ul'dah, there was word that an event was in progress in the Coffer and Coffin and, believing that her parents may be there, followed a large crowd and mingled for a bit. A bit overwhelmed by so many people, she did meet notable staff and customers.
φ Quicksand Chatter: As typical of the Adventurer's Guild in Ul'dah, many people converse there. Returning properly to Ul'dah during nightfall, she caught up with and teased Momodi until she was met with regular patrons to the area.
φ Drybone Meet-Up: After days spent prowling Halatali with inexperienced rogues, Kali had become wounded enough for her to consider finding a proper healer after leaving the area. At the request of Dresden Voltaire, one of the rogues who paid her to lead the venturing, she was recommended to Menelwen Veara, an Elezen reported to be exceptional in the healing arts. She met a strange sight watching her heal what she believed was a Sultansworn and formally met her and another healer named Blake Strife, who tended to her wounds instead.
φ Might and Magitek: Overhearing a special Valentione's event at a neighboring house in the Goblet, Kali had a ball meeting new people and reciting bawdy limericks. She ended up in second place and earned a substantial amount of gil for it.



φ Tracking
φ Jewels and Precious Metals


φ Pyrite
φ Vegetarian Food


φ Goldsmithing (though she's horrible at it)
φ Mining
φ Treasure Hunting/Looting


φ Favourite Food/Drink: Grilled Fish/Rolanberry Lassi
φ Favourite Place: Sagolii Desert

♦ Related Images


Crush Sexual Desire In love with In a relationship Good Standing Neutral Standing Poor Standing


Masked Man – Kali does not know much about this person, but she has gauged successfully under his robes that he is at least Hyur in origin. Many of her memories has speckles of him in them, who often gave her small gifts and such before disappearing throughout her life so far.
Juri Jajuri - Kali's adopted father of Lalafell origins. A merciless merchant, he raised himself onto an empire of mining and his empire continued to thrive thanks to Kali's tracking abilities. He has lined the pockets of both Monetarist and Royalist which helps him in the pick of his guards and services. While he treats Kali like an employee, she is nevertheless a precious asset to him. His affection comes in the form of giving her material wealth. He often times presents Kali to business meetings as the Desert Lotus to exacerbate and show off the fact that he has an exotic daughter along with his great wealth.
Chara Jajuri (nee Char) - Kali's adopted mother of Lalafell origins. She was of noble birth and Juri won her hand in marriage with his monetary empire. Often strict and elegant, her hand at child rearing a savage like Kali was almost in vain. Nevertheless, she was the one who first suggested that Kali prove herself in order for them to adopt her and was the first one to have her settle in their grand household. Chara is much more direct with her affections as she was unable to have a child, Kali served more enough to make up for it. Despite Kali's long absence, Chara has been sending 'gifts' in the form of gil as emergency money should she be stranded in Limsa.


Archon Thancred - Kali only met him once when she was young, five years before the Calamity during a banquet provided by the Sultanate. Like the other young maidens in attendance, Kali couldn't help but admire his charm and good looks and was one of the lucky few to dance with him. It is but a minor crush and she will often admire him from afar on the rare times he does walk around Ul'dah.
Vanilla Wayfarer – Kali met her once in the Piquant Pumpkin event and they hit it off real well! While she was aspiring to be a goldsmith in one of her crazy schemes to make money, Vanilla in turn was working on being tailor.
Deverell Jinx – Also met in the Piquant Pumpkin event. He let her climb all over him which is always a plus in her book.
Cy'xanne Nunh – Having realized through scent that Cy'xanne was a nunh long before he introduced himself, Kali found her intense guard was unwarranted when he acted as a gentleman towards her. Though at the introduction of more sisters under his proverbial wing, perhaps her guard isn't so unfounded.
Eravul Adamant – A Hyur she met in the Quicksand during her late night meeting with Momodi. He was accommodating and humored her peculiar ideas about Ul'dah being alive.
Ziuz'a Nelhah – Eravul christened Ziuz'a as Zee to better pronounce and Kali playfully went along with it as Zee was very displeased by the nickname. He was very cynical about Ul'dah being alive, nor wished to dance when prompted.
J'maaira Tuhl – A fellow Miqo'te who seems to be in the same guild as Zee. Kali found her extremely polite and quiet from the brief time they met.
Menelwen Veara – A pretty Elezen woman Kali met while searching for proper healing magic. She didn't receive the healing from her, but she seemed exceptionally kind if not a bit jumpy around an ax.
Blake Strife – A Hyur man who tended to her wounds instead. She finds it strange that he and Menel don't think licking wounds was healthy!
Xeiz Feine (Raziel) – A mysterious, but grumpy Seeker Kali 'danced' with when a gypsy caravan visited the Silver Bazaar to entertain the masses there. He doesn't like her very much, but she hears he's quite fond of getting his ears rubbed!
U'qorin Tia (Corn) – Another Seeker! Kali seems to run into them quite a lot! He's much nicer than Raziel and she helped him get his feet wet (literally!) during the last Grindstone tournament. She bested him in combat, but lost in the next round.
Aiswynd Arulaq – Once upon a time, Kali filled out a compatibility sheet on Valentione... and apparently she was a possible match to this Au Ra! Aiswynd was the first ever Au Ra Kali had ever seen and she wasted no time to feel up his horns and see if they were real!
Nadi'a Lamore – A charming Miqo'te she was erroneously assigned to during the Might and Magitek event. He showed her some sneaky things and he lamented about her plums. Standard Valentione flair.
Mina Tsurugi – The second Au Ra she has ever seen - this time a female one! Kali found her polite and shy, which made things hilarious when she recited a bawdy limerick at the request of her Valentione partner.

Enemies & Rivals

Mimi the Goldsmith Apprentice - Always judgmental and critical of Kali's work due to her allegiance with the Syndicate, many of a tussle has erupted in the guild due to their bickering and often physical confrontations. She ended up clipping Kali across her right eye with wire pliers and Kali in turn may have bitten part of her ear off in the last confrontation. Both were ejected from the guild shortly after that.


"Ack! There are no rumors about me! And if there are it's a bloody dirty lie it is!" - Kali

Player Character Rumors

NPC Rumors

"I've seen her in a few circles. They say her beneficiaries picked her up from the slave trade and I reckon that's true."
"She got into a deadly fight wit' one o' the apprentices down in the Goldsmith's Guild an' completely tore 'er 'ead off!"
"Looks like she's gained a bit of weight! Either she's with child or she needs to lay off the grilled dodo! The scandal!"
"'Oo name's their bird Agador Spartacus? Sounds like ah flamboyant foreign servant that can't wear shoes."

PC Rumors (Can be edited by anyone)

■ [Quote Here]

♦ Footnotes

Alignment: Neutral Good

Theme song: Hypnotic - Vanic x Zella Day