Anthya Sargonnai

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Theory is subjective until put into practice.

Anthya Sargonnai.


CURRENT ALIAS... Anthya Sargonnai.

RACE & CLAN... Elezen, Duskwight.

GENDER... Female.

AGE... 62.

NAMEDAY... 32nd Sun of the 5th Umbral Moon, 1517 S.A.E.




NATIONALITY... Radz-at-Han.

FAMILY... Sargonnai (Adopted).

RESIDENCE... Ul'dah, Phoenix Estate.

OCCUPATION... Librarian & Researcher.

PATRON DEITY... Althyk, the Keeper.

HEIGHT & WEIGHT... 6 fulms. 142 ponze.

ALIGNMENT... Neutral.

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There aren't enough books in all of Eorzea to keep my interest.


Anthya is a strange individual to most. She has no time or care for social norms, though she adheres to some at the urging of her family, but most simply accept her eccentricities with a confused look and a shrug. She speaks a great deal about the things she reads, what she has learned, like a student seeking the teacher's approval, but at the same time ignores any opinions offered unless they think in an angle she has not considered. She is the type to look at the whole situation and analyze it until she finds the solution, pattern, or path she is looking for.
Having traveled often far and wide, she likes to think of herself as very knowledgeable bar a few more people-oriented areas. To most, what comes out of her mouth is either incomprehensible, or a little over the average Eorzean's head. At the same time, it's clear that socially she has a lot to learn. She blunders through polite society with her blunt attitude, and her clinical outlook on everything, to the point of being uncomfortable to listen to. Her family gives her advise in such matters, even if it isn't advise most would take sometimes, and she will listen to them implicitly to guide her when she is lost. She hates to see others take advantage of her family members, and is very protective of them, often going so far as to plan and enact subtle revenge to maximize emotional and mental damage as she is often aware of their weaknesses.


Anthya is somewhat blessed in physical appearance. Her body is a seamless blend of muscle and aesthetic curve, though it is subtle. The only thing particularly pronounced about her rather anatomically-correct appearance is her slightly larger than average breasts. Her pale face holds little in the way of features that are unique. Her eyes are the only particularly exceptional item of note, and are a faintly glowing pale lilac. The rest of her face is almost uncomfortably flawless, with no marks, scars, or blemishes to speak of.
She wears subtle eye makeup, as her eyes are quite small without it, and redder tints to her lips. Her hair is any color she particularly feels, though most often black or red, and is cropped short to keep out of her face and eyes. She isn't fond of long hair, despite her family's penchant for having her grow it out, and will often demand that they take the time to take care of it as she has no desire or real need. She wears a variety of robes, dresses, gowns, skirts, and tighter-fitting clothing when the mood strikes that are surprisingly well-coordinated, and unsurprisingly pre-planned by her mother so as not to clash too terribly, as Anthya cannot often be bothered to pay attention on her own.


Anthya is easily fascinated by knowledge, anything ancient, lost, puzzling, tricky, or giving the promise of deep exploration is something she seeks actively and often. Her insatiable curiosity is something both admirable and amusing to her family. Her habit of devouring knowledge and hoarding it is also well-known. With this in mind, she is often found in the presence of journals, sheaves of parchment, scrolls and tomes as she takes note of this, that, and the other. Her intellect is something she prizes and takes great pride in. An insult to it will get one on the quick end of a tongue lashing, and she will only concede point if they specifically reference her rather appalling lack of social skills. She has little care for trivial matters, things like dressing nicely, taking care of long hair, being nice to others, and so on, and will skip doing such things under the notion that since they are unimportant to her work, they are also unnecessary.
She is most notably lacking when it comes to people, and is awkward, uncomfortable, and too blunt for most to handle. She says anything that comes to her mind without filter, unless she is told by her family to say otherwise. She does try for them to be understanding of their feelings, even if it doesn't always succeed, and works hard to better herself for their sake when they notice something she needs to work on. She will, however, not care if anyone else tells her what such things are, and will outright ignore or rebuff such tries. Her sense of humor rarely comes to play, and is often witty and/or bitingly sarcastic. She cannot resist making a comment in a conversation, whether she is part of it or not, if she is knowledgeable in the subject, and has little self-restraint when it comes to learning anything new.


Anthya, quite obviously, likes books, exploring new places, gaining artifacts, and tinkering with magitech to understand and learn. She loves her family, and cares for them in her own way. She strives to gather as much knowledge as possible, at almost any cost, and delights in learning new ways to go about things to bypass anything standing in her way.


Anthya despises being called anything less than intelligent, and hates those who cross her family, or play with their emotions. She doesn't tolerate fools, and can't be bothered to look after basic things most others consider important. She also hates crowds, but endures them for the sake of finding new places and things to poke at and explore.


In her spare time, Anthya, is fond of sewing and needlepoint. She also has a fondness for instruments, and plays two quite well. Her biggest hobby, however, is debate. Whether the other party wants to or not.


Anthya's key strength is actually her determination. If she deems it important, she will stop at nothing to achieve it. Even impossible goals, like learning everything about everything (important). She will move mountains for her family, and works hard to live up to their expectations as much as she is able. She is also extremely stubborn, loyal, and caring, even if that isn't always obvious.


Anthya's main weakness is she can be easily distracted, outright dismissive, and painfully awkward to be around at times. She is constantly seeking new things, and when something new stumbles across her path, she will immediately latch on to it, often forgetting what she was supposed to be doing beforehand.


Anthya is driven by her passion for knowing, and is undeterred by anyone in her never ending quest. She also is motivated by her family, who she sees as her rescuers and her closest confidants.



Non-Combat Abilities
Reinforced Form: Anthya's body is in a constant state of repair. What hurts most barely phases the young Elezen, and what could cripple a man would stitch itself back together for her. Because of this, she not only is hard to hurt physically in battle, but she also gains an unnatural 'flawless' look to most eyes.
Echo: The Echo is an ability that some rare individuals possess. Those that have been 'gifted' have the ability to resonate with other people's souls. This permits them to see their past, albeit not able to interfere or change it, as well as being able to speak every language in the world. As a side effect, the Echo also seems to prevent it's user from being tempered by the Primals. Anthya has always been 'blessed' with this ability, but it rarely seems to activate, if at all, unless she really focuses. Unlike her mother, whose Echo often inconveniences her aetheric flow, Anthya's gift seems blocked somehow, though as of late this is beginning to change. Disclaimer: This power is never used without explicit player permission in role-play. ***
Savant: This is a condition in which a person demonstrates profound and prodigious capacities or abilities far in excess of what would be considered normal (and usually with some form of mental disorder such as autism). In Anthya, this manifests in a near-genius level of thinking, high consumption of information, and Anthya's recall is nothing short of perfect. The only case in which this is not true is in the face of her earliest childhood memories, which she has no ability to remember whatsoever. It also might explain her utter lack of social skills.
Scientific Tech Knowledge: Deeply fascinated by Allagen inventions and cities, Anthya takes much time to tinker, toy, take apart, learn, reassemble, and re-purpose any tech and magitech she comes across, a point of contention at times with her mother, whose belongings she has quickly learned not to touch. Her knowledge of interfaces, systems, terminals, and their workings, as well as their base components are something she is quick to study.
Combat Abilities
Reinforced Form: Anthya's body is in a constant state of repair. What hurts most barely phases the young Elezen, and what could cripple a man would stitch itself back together for her. Because of this, she not only is hard to hurt physically in battle, but she also gains an unnatural 'flawless' look to most eyes.
Magical Prowess: Manipulating aether is something Anthya does to a terrifying degree. While she does not flaunt this, it is clear that her healing capabilities are very keen. As such, conjury is her strongest magic, but is followed quickly by arcanima. She has minor training in astral magics and post-calamity thaumatury, but these, despite being 'her' elements, are something she hasn't chosen to indulge in, since her current focus is sword-play. Like her mother, Anthya works toward a blending of magics, but hasn't yet found a way to cross anything more than a few very simple spells to augment one weapon casting type with another. Because her mother has trained in pre-calamity conjury, Anthya is what she calls herself, an elementalist, using more traditional forms of conjury at times, which are more potent.
Weapon Proficiencies: Anthya is proficient in primarily magic-based weapons such as arcanima tomes, staves, pole-arms to some degree, sword and shield, two-handed swords, and wands. She will use these in combination in a fight, but most often prefers magic and its ranged capabilities.
OOC Note
When it comes to unavoidable combat RP, I'm willing to go with either Dice, or Freeform, depending on what's decided on by those of us fighting. Personally speaking, I prefer freeform and to only supplement with dice when things are truly up to chance, not to determine by how slim a margin I missed someone. For example, I run at you, you cast an ice spell to make me slip, I would roll to see whether or not I did, and continue my post as normal depending on my roll. By that same logic, I wouldn't roll to see if an attack landed. Anthy is not dodge king. It will land. Whether or not it does any damage depends on the ingenuity of the person attacking and how well they know her.




A Dark Time
Anthya remembers little of her earliest years, which is perhaps a blessing. She was found by a small village at the age of six wandering in the snow, naked and bruised all over. When taken in, she was found to speak little to none of the local language, and was taught Eorzean common tongues. The confused child took in whatever was given for her to learn, and that was when it was discovered that she was highly intelligent. Her ability to grasp new concepts amazed them, and she was thought to be a prodigy child. However, she had a short attention span, as all children do, and eventually she wandered away from the village when winter finally thawed. She sought out travelers, caravans and merchants who wandered from realm to realm.

Two years of living this way saw her traveling from what she assumed as her home town in Ishgard, to Sharlayan. There she found wonders and secrets. Fascinated by how the city looked and felt, aetherically, she was inclined to stay, but was again set to wandering when she was deemed far too young and unable to understand, when she could not even wield a tome or weapon. Her next years were spent in isolation as she traveled from Sharlayan to Gridania. The trek was fraught with perils for a lone child and teen with no one looking after her, little concept of self-preservation, or way to defend herself, and it was only by the grace of the Twelve that she survived. As she was an aimless thing, taking a fancy from one shiny to the next, and often reminded others of a butterfly too deep in spirits, she spent more time examining the world around her than actually traveling. Because of this, when she arrived in Gridania, she was around 30 summers old.
Starting Today
With no name and scattered knowledge of geography, flora and fauna, finding herself in Gridania allowed the young lady to observe people. As they went about their business, she realized she now had a rather pressing need for a name. As she could not remember her original, she went with something that sounded nice, Anthya. She had no family name to speak of, nor was she sure she wanted one, and instead just introduced herself by Anthya. She would later find out that this meant flowery blossom and wonder at the irony. Her early years in Gridania were spent quite without note to most, mostly she was a quiet Elezen face in the crowd who would watch and listen. She never really interacted with others save to buy her food each week and to learn of this different ways there were to pick up a weapon. Many of the people there knew something of fighting, so Anthya decided she must as well. When she turned 55 took up the lance, and that was when everything changed.


Finding A Way
When she took up the lance and joined the Adventurer's guild, she'd had the fortune to meet what would later become her family, a Meallaire and Vandor, both of whom at the time had seemed quite occupied with the Twin Adders, and their endless support of the Eorzean people. She saw and spoke to them only briefly to thank them for their help when she had been caught by Ixal and pinned, but that had been the extent of their interaction. She had not known at the time they would be important. She grew slowly to like her new lot as an Adventurer, and inspired by the two who had saved her so readily at no benefit to themselves, she helped others around Gridania as much as she was able. She had not been to the battle of Carteneau Flats, was not there when Dalamud fell from the sky, but all saw its path of fiery destruction, felt the glowing aether screeching through the air. Everyone felt Eorzea change. Anthya found herself spread thin as she worked to help the Twelveswood recover from the blow to the aether and the elements that the Shroud protected. She found Glioca and A'rklonn again, and took up traveling with them as they moved nomadically until they found themselves in the Oak Inn.

Having been adopted into the Sargonnai family under some rather unusual circumstances, Anthya took her time in getting to know them. Unfortunately, she was not given time with one Emeraven Stormrose, whom Anthya was handed off rather quickly as a student, and somewhat more degradingly, regarded by the woman as little more than a walking talking sex toy despite Anthya having no previously good experience with anything related to physicality. Being introduced to the Miqo'te woman under the assumption that the woman would be actually teaching her had been a disappointment to the young Elezen, who had learned very little that she could not have worked out for herself under Stormrose's 'tutelage'. When Emeraven made her life more and more uncomfortable, it was often with the imminent threat of death by A'rklonn's hand, as he trusted Emeraven over Anthya, understandably, so Anthya was often forced between the two when they argued, and despite not wanting to be in such a position, felt it was her responsibility to make sure Emeraven did not leave A'rklonn and Glioca for her. Succeeding that, Emeraven rather quickly left to find someone who would not try to make her current relationship work, callously disregarding anything the Sargonnais had given her, had done for her, and leaving them for a quick fuck. Ultimately, this is what makes Anthya somewhat scornful of most Miqo'te women and men who are more than clearly oversexed. Seeing 'in heat' females often makes her want to punt them off cliffsides.

Time would bring more news both good and bad to the overly curious Elezen. Her elder adopted brother, Siduris, was pronounced dead, and all that remained of him was a broken shield. She holds out hope that he will return, safe, and none worse for wear, but mourns him deeply as well. She gained a younger sister, Ellemeare, whom she views fondly, though both find the other strange and amusing at times. Progressing through many parts of Eorzea with her typical zeal lent Anthya the proficiency she has in conjury, and her grasp of arcanima also increased. She now turns her attention toward more physical arts as Ishgard's war rages on despite everyone's best intentions.

Anthya is currently in the habit of wandering, and is now rarely seen at home as she works to hone her body as she has her mind, and, rather embarrassingly, has developed something of a second side to herself. Ashamed, she hides the evidence of this with an eyepatch, as it manifests itself in her physical appearance, and keeps to herself to try and deal with it. This, however, doesn't seem to be the result of any outside force, but something unique to Anthya herself, and she finds that perhaps her answers might lay with Sharlayan.


And So The Wheel Turns
■ Anthya settles with a group of several others in the Oak Inn, establishing connections to others and with the people she would call family. She travels alone more frequently to explore the world around her, and eventually travels with them somewhat reluctantly to Ul'Dah, where it is hotter than she's ever known. She eventually grows to like this place, and offers to keep books for their shop if necessary. She also becomes a pseudo lover and student to Emeraven Stormrose.
■ Anthya takes up conjury, her body naturally inclined toward works of magic and elementalism. She works on this rather obsessively for many months, and learns to manipulate the body to a frightening degree through becoming a White Mage, and turns to Thaumaturgy for a time to explore the more damaging aspects of elementalism.
■ Emeraven splits from the group, and Anthya unwittingly is the one to reveal her reason to A'rklonn and Glioca, causing a rift between them and the Miqo'te woman that would fester painfully. She strives to help them through this time in any way possible, feeling responsible and guilty for bringing something so painful to their attention.
■ Anthya works tirelessly to attain knowledge, and takes a six month sabbatical from all contact as she sets her sights upon Glioca's and A'rklonn's collection of tomes, scrolls, and maps.
■ Ellemeare enters the picture, and, seeing a bit of herself in this new girl they happened upon in their stables, takes her under her wing for a time to help the poor girl adapt to suddenly having an overprotective family who believes in promoting one another's self worth.
■ The family receives a notice of Siduris Sargonnai's death, and Anthya tries to mitigate the devestation of her family as much as possible.
■ Anthya joins her family in Ishgard, and works tirelessly to help fight the horde and healing the sick and injured living in the bowls of the city. She receives news of Glioca's pregnancy with happiness for the couple, who definitely need more reasons to smile. Her current focus is on the effort to maintain Ishgard's boarders.



Family Romantic Platonic Physical Friend Acquaintance $ Business Deceased Positive Negative Neutral Unsure Enemy
A'rklonn Sargonnai, Father. () - The Black Phoenix.
Character's Thoughts: "I don't think the solution to everything is throwing fire at it, but at least it isn't cold with him..."
The one to first notice Anthya, he is someone who works closely with her on her emotions and how to interact with others without being too awkward. He accepts her, and their relationship is a close one as a result.
Glioca Sargonnai, Mother. () - Silver Steel Clad In Silk.
Character's Thoughts: "Can I borrow your notes now? Or at least your magitech prototype data node?"
While scholarly banter between the two of them is common, they get along well with or without their shared pursuit of knowledge. Often Glioca will throw Anthya a bone and lend her the notes she takes, or show her scrolls she found in some such place. But they have a healthy competition between them that keeps Anthya motivated and excited to discover something Glioca doesn't already know.
Vaelen Sargonnai, Brother. () - The Day Without A Night.
Character's Thoughts: "Well, even if you're not going tonight, I want to at least tell you that it would be fun. Libraries are always great."
Anthya's first meeting with Vaelen was not one that went well, and some of what he said frightened her at the time. While she remains wary of him, she does try to include him in her life, and actively works to give their relationship a little less strain. Though they rarely see one another, it seems to be working so far.
Aelden Sargonnai, Brother. () - The Night Without A Day.
Character's Thoughts: "You're sure this is supposed to go that way? I was certain it was cut the long way around..."
Unique is the best way to describe these two. Both are intelligent, with little to no real love of social niceties, but if given half a change, Aelden could be a terrible influence on Anthya. Both are rarely in contact, but seem to be amiable with one another nonetheless.
Ellemeare Sargonnai, Sister. () - Hopeful Heart.
Character's Thoughts: "No, no, Sestricka, it isn't about breathing, it's about not being able to do anything else."
While Anthya means well, she tends to seem the older of the two when it comes to who gives advice to whom, even if Ellemeare herself doesn't take it. Anthya and Ellemeare's relationship is warm and friendly, open in ways that are probably uncomfortable to anyone else, and a little too frank for most tastes, but it works for them.
Emeraven Stormrose. () - The Sex Addict
Character's Thoughts: "So... When was teaching me going to involve more than putting your tongue on my crotch?"
The relationship these two had started off with was awkward and forced on Anthya's end, with no real direction. Emeraven was meant to be her teacher, and only really 'taught' her about girl on girl sex, and how to make a friendship bracelet. Obviously not useful. Emeraven confided in her frequently, and while Anthya tried to get her to confide in her husband and wife, like she was actually meant to, it did not work very often, and she was dragged in as a third party to private conversations she wanted no part in. When Emeraven confessed to being 'seduced' by a Miqo'te woman who had no more guile than a worm, Anthya hadn't thought much of it until the next week saw Emeraven leaving her husband and wife of many years permanently. Uncertain of what had happened, Anthya brought up the confession when A'rklonn and Glioca expressed their confusion as to why the woman had suddenly broken off their marriage. The resulting anguish and anger made Anthya very cold toward Emeraven and she will participate in whatever revenge her parents see fit to exact.



Some of these rumors are untrue, speculation, or are greatly exaggerated.

◢ Common Rumors - Easily overheard. Use these freely!
"Rumor." — Rumormonger.
"Rumor." — Rumormonger.
"Rumor." — Rumormonger.
◢ Uncommon Rumors - A little more difficult to hear. Use sparingly or ask first!
"Rumor." — Rumormonger..
"Rumor." — Rumormonger..
"Rumor." — Rumormonger..
◢ Rare Rumors - Very rarely overheard. Please ask before using!
"Rumor." — Rumormonger.
"Rumor." — Rumormonger.
"Rumor." — Rumormonger.


Feel free to add your own rumors to this section.

◢ Player Character Rumors - Some of these are more rare than others!
"She's an intelligent woman, if a little strange. One of the eldest of my children, and definitely one of the strongest of them. She tears through knowledge the same way I do, and we have quite a bit in common. Still, she's quite bad at 'people'." — Glioca Sargonnai.
"Rumor." — Rumormonger.
"Rumor." — Rumormonger.