Suna Rokuyari

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Ul'dah-transparent.png Suna Rokuyari
"Um...excuse me...."
Gender Female
Race Au ra
Clan Xaela
Citizenship Ul'dah
Nameday 5th Sun, 3rd Astral Moon
Age 20
Marital Status Taken
Orientation Heterosexual
Occupation Student
Alignment Neutral Good

Basic Information

Height: 5'

Weight: Average

Body: Slender

Complexion: Pale peach

Hair: Sea Green

Eyes: Sea Green


Suna is a petite Au ra save for her overly large hips and buttocks. She has a very pale skin tone and generally keeps her self tidy. Her hair is neatly tied in little pig tails that drape down her back. She keeps her scales well moisturized and shinny, often smelling of Patchouli Oil or Lavender Oil. She speaks softly and almost in a whispered like manner.


Suna is quiet and shy when she first meets people. She does, however, love people and enjoys being in the company of others even if she isn't speaking. When the little Xaela feels comfortable with a person, she can become quite the chatter box, even to the point where she can become very animated in her actions and enthusiastic. She is a bit more nervous when speaking to men rather than women because she is not used to them.(Also her Thaumaturge Master scared her with many horror stories about them.) She has a habit of "people watching". Ever curious, if she over hears something she doesn't know about she will research it the best way she knows how, going to her guild's library and researching. Suna is innocent to most of the world's truths due to her sheltered up bringing this can often lead to trouble as she is too trusting of others and naive. She also can be too nosy for her own good. Overall, She is helpful and is all ways looking for some way to do so even if it is from a distance.

Character Quirks

  • She is very shy.
  • She stares alot.
  • She stutters when she is nervous.
  • She will squeak unintentionally when she is VERY nervous.


Suna was born in Doma. Here she lived with her Father, Josuke Rokuyari, her mother, Taru Rokuyari and her twin sister Yumi. When she was four her mother died of illness and her father moved the family to Ul'dah. He got a job at a Casino as personal body guard of a prominent high roller. The family was happy living in the background for along time, reason being, her father was a bit over protective of his daughters.

When she got older, Suna often performed at the Casino as a magician. (Her scales and horns where seen as part an elaborate costume.) Pulling rabbits out of her hat and card tricks were some of her favorite tricks. Her teen years came to a quick end during the Calamity, when she was only 15 years old. Her Father died in front of her, crushed underneath burning rubble trying to protect her and her sister. Her sister disappeared during the attack, leaving Suna all alone. Suna wandered aimlessly until a passing Thaumaturge sensed her and brought her to their guild. She was mute from the shock, her experience in the Calamity bringing constant nightmares.

Oddly around the second year of her living with the Thaumaturges she suddenly began to talk and function a bit normally. The Thaumaturge's suspect that someone might have used magic to help her. Her nightmares still come every night, for that reason Suna rarely gets sleep. Her skill as a Thaumaturge grew and she eventually was picked out to study as a Black Mage by her Master. After her Master was killed by some Voidsent, Suna has tried to honor her former master's dying request to continue her studies as a black mage and to find a family.

It has not been until recently that Suna has seen more of her kind running about Eorzea. This indeed is a pleasant surprise to the Xaela, although she wishes it was on much happier terms.


One night, while people watching in the Quicksand, Suna was approached by fellow Xaelas, Khortani Himaa and Valirelia Hageshi who took the time to listen to the young woman about her nightmares. Khortani offered her a possible cure to her nightmares with the help of medication and Suna was all too happy to try out anything to help get rid of the nightmares for good. After the Au ra women left, the drunken ramblings of a man in the corner of Quicksand caught her attention. He told her to be careful of strangers that were all to eager to fix problems with strange medicines and the possible harm it could do to her. The man, named Anton Borneheld, offered her friendship and told the youth to just visit if she needed an ear.

Suna was happy for the kindness of all the people she met, so she made her way to the home of Khortani and Valirelia, the Free Company "Pathfinders". She has left the company under good terms in order to be with the man that has become the most important person in her life.

The Path to Scholar

While once again in the Quicksand, Suna met a beautiful Roegadyn Scholar by the name of Heavenly Marigold. After finding out how much the tall woman knew about the world and the fact she could heal with her magic, Suna begged the woman to take her as an Apprentice. Marigold agreed but told the Au ra to first study at the hands of the Arcanist guild in Limsa Lominsa.

Might and Magitek

Suna found herself visiting the company very often due to her tracking down Anton. It is here that Suna has found a very loving group of people that she feels safe with. She still is rather new but tries her best to help out when she can.

Hobbies & Magic


  • As Suna was often away from most people growing up, she has a fondness for animals. Fluffy animals even more so. She will cuddle their soft fur to her cheek and instantly fall asleep. Miqo'te might have to watch their tails.
  • Even though she is shy to start conversations with strangers she enjoys "people watching". Seeing how people interact with one another fills her with excitement and often is the spark to a new interest she studies in her temple's library.
  • Books, Books, books. She loves to read and study things she knows nothing about.
  • Collecting flowers and drying them in various ways. Either making Pressed Flower book marks or Tea.
  • When she has the chance, she loves playing in the snow.


  • Her Trusty Wand!


  • Can heal minor wounds
  • Can use major forms of Black magic



  • Soft Fur
  • Books
  • Animals
  • Flowers
  • Food
  • Good Company
  • Snow


  • Fighting among Friends
  • Dragons
  • Salamanders
  • Celery
  • Rude People


  • Favorite Color: Black and Pink
  • Favorite Food: ALL FOOD (expect Celery)
  • Favorite Scents: Honey Suckle, a unnamed flowering tree her Mother grew and Pine and Aspen
  • Favorite Place: The Quicksand and The Snowy Highlands


Romance Attraction 🏠 Family Good Standing     Neutral Standing     Poor Standing Enemies

Anton Borneheld - After looking out for her in the Quicksand, Suna clung to this man she views as her role model. He has given her a home and something to strive for. She has feelings for him that she has never felt before with anyone. Suna has decided to stay by his side no matter what as the two begin a relationship.

Kiipa Nulstat - A sister to Anton, Suna finds her hard work amazing. She wonders how the woman can do it half the time.

Inelaa Locte - Kiipa's daughter. Suna loves the young girl and views her like a little sister.

Khortani Himaa - The mysterious Xaela that invited her into the Pathfinders. Suna finds her knowledge of medicine (and almost anything) amazing. Suna admires Khortani a great deal for her patience and kindness with her.

Valirelia Hageshi - Suna thinks that Valirelia is strong. Her love for her wife, Nataru Rahz, also impresses Suna.

Nataru Rahz - Suna adores this Mi'qote wife of Valirelia Hageshi. Suna is reminded of her missing sister when she is around.

Heavenly Marigold - Suna's teacher in the ways of Scholars. Suna idolizes her for her calm nature and patience with all her questions.

OOC Notes

I am just looking for friendship. Please don't expect anything out of character for relations other than that.