Yehn'za Bajhiri

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Ul'dah-transparent.png Yehn'za Bajhiri
Gender Male
Race Miqo'te
Clan Keeper of the Moon
Citizenship Ul'dah
Age Late Twenties
Marital Status Taken
Occupation Author/Tinker
Height/Weight 6'0" / Lean
Orientation Heterosexual

Basic Info

Yehn'za Bajhiri claims to have had an uneventful childhood among his tribe deep in the Black Shroud, and rarely speaks of his past before leaving the forests to become a member of what he calls 'mostly civilized society'. Thanks to his less than impressive physical strength but significant intellect, he spent a time serving briefly as the accountant and occasional gofer of a small but well regarded free company, and eventually settled into a career as an author and essayist with a leaning towards scientific treatises. He has since paid his way in Eorzea by publishing his works or taking on occasional side jobs as a tutor or book keeper, always with the goal of furthering his own studies in mind.


Rainy Weather
Quiet and Solitude


Noisome Individuals


Alignment: Chaotic Good
Favorite Food: Fried Fish
Favorite Drink: Black Tea
Favorite Color: Blue

Appearance & Personality

Looking to be nearing middle age at first glance, aside from the constantly humming goggles he wears just about all the time, Yehn'za is otherwise rather average and does little to stand out in a crowd. He has no real fashion sense and doesn't care enough about the perceptions of others to bother trying to fix that, and so more often than not he can be found wearing the most common and practical outfits of whatever region he calls home at the time. An exception is made if he ever ventures somewhere cold, at which point he'll bundle up to the point of wearing four or more layers of clothing.
Average in height and somewhat lean in build, Yehn'za isn't nearly as physically fit as he could be and that suits him fine, finding a good book a better use of his time than any sort of training. His gray hair is kept trimmed relatively short but is otherwise left unstyled. Perhaps his only truly distinguishing feature are the large goggles he always wears, the machinery in them constantly humming or whirring as he goes about his business. On the off chance he's seen without the device strapped to his head, his eyes look normal enough save for the occasional glint of light if viewed from certain angles.
Put bluntly, Yehn'za is rude. He looks down on most everyone he meets, considering them either intellectually beneath him or outright barbaric, and doesn't hesitate to make his opinions known even if he knows full well they'll anger everyone else in the room. Those that can tolerate his haughtiness enough to get to know him on a more personal level are sometimes rewarded with meeting a far less cold side of him, where even if he remains far from warm and welcoming he can at least be personable and friendly. The man is as aware of his social shortcomings as anyone else, thankfully, and does what he can to avoid unnecessary social gatherings as a result.


RP with him to find out.



◢ Common Rumors (Easily overheard)
◢ PC Rumors (Rumors from the character's of other players)


Romantic Interest     Platonic Love      Good Standing     Poor Standing
A'maya Khei : Someone Yehn'za bumped into in the past while traveling who ended up tagging along with him despite his prickly demeanor. Though they share few common interests, they nonetheless ended up entering into a romantic relationship and have been (mostly) inseparable since.

