Suyiketu Avagnar

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 Suyiketu Avagnar
Ffxiv dx11 2016-04-01 20-14-48.png
Birth Name Suyiketu Avagnar
Age 23
Born 1554, Sixth Astral Era
Nameday 31st Sun of the Second Astral Moon
Birthplace Othard
Race Au'ra
Clan Xaela
Alignment Chaotic Good
Citizenship None, nomadic
Guardian The Dusk Mother
Height 5'6"
Weight 54kg
Physique Athletic, muscular - from what is visible.
Hair Short, Silver.
Eyes Gold
Skin Dark-blue
Facial Features A series of tattoos are visible on her face, indicating her lineage and deeds to those familiar with the customs of Clan Avagnar.
Clothing An apparent ceremonial or tribal piece, the garb seems light and fit for long stretches of travel but durable and hardy enough to offer a surprising level of protection by way of thick furs and partial alloy plating.
Hobbies Fishing,
IC Profession Guide, Sellsword, Mercenary, Nomad.
Physical limitations None that are immediately apparent.
Non-combat Hunting and Gathering, Tracking, Trapping,
Primary Weapon A large curved sword of apparent Othardian origin, though, usually draped in cloth as if to conceal it's image. Rarely seen unattended to by it's owner, nearly always on her person.
Armor Bearing indications of an Eastern origin, the limited armor plating seems familiar with battle, but shows no signs of extreme wear or damage.
Username DyMare
Time Zone GMT - 3
Server Balmung
Free Companies The Eorzean Napping Society <DOZE>, OOC.
Linkshells None
RP Preferences Combat, Exploration, Adventure, Story-Driven.

**Side bar template adapted from: Infobox-roe by [MoenMoen]

**"The TMI Character Template for the Hopelessly Detail Oriented" created by [MoenMoen]

The Basics


Suyiketu Avagnar stands taller than many of her peers, probably the most immediate factor that differentiates her between them. Her overall appearance lives and breathes the traditional ways of the Xaela' clans, her garb indicative of a nomadic lifestyle. An untamed mane of silver hair rests on her head, falling no further than her neckline and apparently cut for functionality rather than aesthetics sake. A set of luminous golden eyes contrast the dark-blue hue of her skin. Accompanying this are the features her race are most well known for, two obsidian sharp horn-like protrusions that stem from the sides of her head and curve inwards to point to her front and down, and scales of similar color that lie upon her from head to toe.

The details of her attire indicate a number of trinkets and tokens that seem to hold significance beyond mere jewelry, various symbols and inscriptions upon them at closer inspection. In addition, it seems intended as if she's meant to carry all of her essential belongings on her person at any given time, satchels and pouches tied to her waist and most-often obscured by the thick furs that she wore. Most notable is the large, wrapped object that stands nearly a foot higher than her and has the vague appearance of a blade to it. If uncovered, it's revealed to be an apparent Othardian design, a very large curved sword with a number of detailed engravings and decorations that make it stand out from your average weapon. Further more, it's flashy-red color is dulled from an untold amount of wear, tiny chips in the blade and many pock-marks stand as a testament to the many battle it's seen.


Despite her outward appearance, Suyiketu is not quite the simpleton one may expect from a tribal wanderer. Her tone may be rough, brash in some cases but she takes care in choosing her words carefully, with eloquence and at least a modicum of grace. Her natural state is that of a stoic, not seeming concerned with those around her unless prompted to by her own motivations or otherwise. Despite this, she can be quick to anger in the face of certain circumstances and may be prone to rash decision-making. Hotheaded tendencies aside, she is most often calm, collected, but unlikely to seek out confrontation and camaraderie of her own volition - preferring the solitude and peace of mind that comes with her nomadic lifestyle.



Think you might want to connect your character's background with mine? Here are some basic affiliations from Suyiketu Avagnar's past and present that could easily be a place where they met/meet. Send me a message if you'd like to connect them ICly!


Major Events

