Zirnansa Swarzoeng

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Limsa Lominsa-transparent.png Zirnansa Swarzoeng
Partially Reformed Pirate
Gender Male
Race Roegadyn
Clan Sea Wolves
Citizenship Limsa Lominsa
Age 30
Namesday ?
Patron Deity Llymlaen
Orientation Open
Marital Status Single
Occupation Sailor/Bodyguard



Full Name: Zirnansa Swarzoeng

Nicknames: Zirn, Black Tongue

Pronunciation: ...

Origins: His name is formed from the ancient Roegadyn language like much of his race, though the last name is one he chose for himself after being practically disowned by his fishermen family -- though also as his means of protecting them from repercussions of his actions. Swarzoeng (Black Tongue) is actually the name adopted by most of the pirates aboard the vessel he called home.


Height: ~7'5"

Weight: ~250 ponz

Body: Heavily muscled build of a man that spends long hours doing ardurous activity.

Hair: None

Eyes: Light blue

Skin: Dark gray

Clothing: He tends to go shirtless, even in public, but only in private (usually) does he lounge around in his small-clothes.

Marks: Heavily scarred across most of his body. Scars across his nose, down one eye, and across a cheek.


Zirnansa Swarzoeng was born and raised on a ship. He grew up around fish, ate fish, slept surrounded by their stench. Unsurprisingly, he left that life as soon as he could find a ship that would take him, which just so happened to belong to a band of men and women who would soon become pirates. It was a life he enjoyed, a life that fulfilled him. He would have stayed with them forever, raping and pillaging their way across the seas.

But all good things come to an end inevitably. He was never quite sure why the Knights of the Barracuda decided to attack them. Perhaps they had targeted the wrong merchant ship, or made off with a prominent person's daughter. Regardless, they fell on the skiff while its occupants were drunk and merry off a recent take, and the battle -- such as it was -- was over in an instant.

If anyone were to ask, Zirnansa would claim he fought to the last. In truth, however, he had been stumbling around at the edge of the deck, out for a breath of fresh air after his fun below, when the Knights came over the railing. Naked as the day he was born, drunk and high as a chocobo on gysahl greens, he had no means to defend himself as a Knight cut him down and pushed him overboard to prevent him from giving a cry to warn the others.

He has no idea how long he drifted, carried away by an icy current. Delirious with blood loss and the onset of hypothermia, he dreamed that he spoke to Llymlaen, who chastised him for his actions throughout his life. But despite her disappointment in him, she encouraged him to stay strong and even pointed out a fishing ship as it came into view, assuring him that he would be saved. As he was pulled into the vessel, he promised to himself that he would become a better man, not out of any personal desire to do so, but to live up to the hope he believes his patron has for him.

Of course, wanting to do so and actually managing it are completely two different things. He has since begun work as a part-time bodyguard and/or sailor -- whichever happens to be hiring at the time -- in Limsa Lominsa. Despite his personal promise, he has continued on much like before, beheading those that trouble him and acting out various other devious and not strictly legal activities. He simply goes into them now with good intentions and leaves again shaking his head, promising himself he will do better next time.


Areas of Expertise

  • Martial: One-Handed Weapons (High), Two-Handed Weapons (High), Hand-to-Hand Combat (High)
  • Crafts: Armoring (Moderate), Blacksmithing (Moderate), Goldsmithing (Low), Mining (Moderate)


  • Physically Adept: Like many Roegadyn, he is highly adept at physical labor and combat.
  • Unbound by Laws: His lack of respect for laws and rules is actually a strength, as he is able to take actions that others would refrain from taking due to their moral obligations.
  • Criminal Mind: Even though he is doing his best to get out of the life, he keeps himself apprised of all the fences, assassins, and other sorts in the city, and knows the signs for their presence in other cities. He knows how to talk to those types to keep them from suspecting he might be working for the guards, as well.


  • Impulsive: He does not think before he charges in. This often puts him in hot water when he cannot fight his way back out again, or when he is left with evidence to be disposed of.
  • Overconfident: Having always been able to match just about any opponent in a contest of strength, he will ignore his better judgement or the warnings of others when he charges in, fully expecting that he will win in the end.
  • Morally Corrupt: His morals are either so badly corrupted that he cannot discern good from evil, or he simply does not care that what he is doing is wrong, as the end result is all that he can see. If ever placed in a situation where he would need to do the "right" thing, he will ultimately fail.


  • Prostitutes or slaves of either gender and any race
  • Strong drink
  • Mind-altering drugs
  • Battle and lesser conflicts
  • Sailing


  • Heights
  • Laws, rules, and restrictions
  • Fish, though minor, as he will eat it if put before him


Zirnansa is atypical of many Sea Wolves, who are often considered compassionate and loyal. He is instead extremely selfish and self-serving, regulated only by his more recent desire to do better. While loyal to those he calls comrades, he has no loyalty to his race, to any city state, or even really to any creed.

He has grown up alongside the worst on the seas, which has served to shape him in their image. Might makes right, keep what you kill, kill or be killed, and other concepts are prevalent in his actions and thoughts. He believes that laws exist merely to be broken, not for the simple rebellious act of doing so, but because they get in the way of what is fun and natural.

He is the type to take action before properly thinking things through, well accustomed to his size and strength serving to get him through just about any situation. Of course, this is also the primary reason why he has such a hard time keeping to his personal promise, only realizing that he should have given it more thought when he stands amidst the broken bodies of those he merely meant to threaten.

It also has something to do with his lack of willpower, of course. He is easily tempted by money, the flesh trade, liquor, and mind-altering drugs. All of which do little to help him toward leading a better life.




Other Notes

The Rumor Mill

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  • Moderate Rumors (Moderately difficult to overhear):
  • Rare Rumors (Very difficult to overhear):
  • PC Rumors (Player created rumors--feel free to add your own!):

Miscellaneous Info

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  • OOC Notes:
    • I thieved bits and pieces of other peoples' layouts to make mine, so if you see something of yours, feel free to be honored. I have acknowledged your genius and it now graces my pages. I, in turn, feel honored to host your greatness upon my pages.